-- overwriting
function _G.EDITTOOL:key(code, modifiers, text)
+ -- The parameters of the key() function have changed in version
+ -- 7.1.7. Thus, we potentially have to remap the parameters.
+ if text == nil then
+ text = code
+ end
self:graph_backup_key(code, modifiers, text)
if deactivateGraphMode then return end
-- react if and only if we are currently editing a mark and key ESC
-- or SPACE is pressed
- if text ~= "\027" and code ~= 0x20 then return end
- if not editing then return end
+ -- if text ~= "\027" and code ~= 0x20 then return end
+ if text ~= "\027" and text ~= " " then return end
+ if not editing then return end
editing = false
-- finding new and old position