return res
+-- Check whether a given deco object is usable.
+function check_decorator_object(model, deco_obj_group)
+ if (deco_obj_group:type() ~= "group") then
+ report_problem(model, "The decoration must be a group.")
+ return false
+ end
+ local objects = deco_obj_group:elements()
+ local last_obj = table.remove(objects, #objects)
+ if (#objects == 0) then
+ report_problem(model, "The decoration must be a group of at least two elements (the topmost element is a placeholder for the objects that are decorated, all other elements are the decoration).")
+ return false
+ end
+ for i,deco_obj in ipairs(objects) do
+ if (deco_obj:type() ~= "path") then
+ report_problem(model, "Each decoration object needs to be a path.")
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
-- Ask the user for a decorator and run the decoration.
function run_decorator (model)
local p = model:page()
report_problem(model, "You must select somethings.")
- -- local bbox_target = p:bbox(prim)
local bbox_target = bbox_of_selected_objects(p)
local deco_obj_group = ask_for_decorator(model)
- if (not deco_obj_group) then return end
- if (deco_obj_group:type() ~= "group") then
- report_problem(model, "The decoration must be a group.")
- return
- end
+ if (not deco_obj_group) then return end
+ if (not check_decorator_object(model, deco_obj_group)) then return end
local objects = deco_obj_group:elements()
local last_obj = table.remove(objects, #objects)
local center = ipe.Vector(bbox_source:left() + 0.5 * bbox_source:width(),
bbox_source:bottom() + 0.5 * bbox_source:height())
- if (#objects == 0) then
- report_problem(model, "The decoration must be a group of at least two elements.")
- return
- end
for i,deco_obj in ipairs(objects) do
- if (deco_obj:type() ~= "path") then
- report_problem(model, "Each decoration object needs to be a path.")
- return
- end
local deco_shape = deco_obj:shape()
return symbol:clone()
+-- Basically create symbol taken from "symbols.lua" with two minor
+-- changes. First, the symbol is created only if the call to
+-- check_decorator_object is successful. Second, the prefix "deco/"
+-- is added to the symbols name.
+function create_deco_obj(model, num)
+ local p = model:page()
+ local prim = p:primarySelection()
+ if not prim then model.ui:explain("no selection") return end
+ if not check_decorator_object(model, p[prim]) then
+ model.ui:explain("no selection")
+ return
+ end
+ local str = model:getString("Enter name of new symbol")
+ if not str or str:match("^%s*$") then return end
+ local name = "deco/" .. str:match("^%s*%S+%s*$")
+ local old = model.doc:sheets():find("symbol", name)
+ if old then
+ local r = ipeui.messageBox(mainWindow(model), "question",
+ "Symbol '" .. name .. "' already exists",
+ "Do you want to proceed?",
+ "okcancel")
+ if r <= 0 then return end
+ end
+ if num == 2 then -- new stylesheet
+ local sheet = ipe.Sheet()
+ sheet:add("symbol", name, p[prim])
+ local t = { label = methods[num].label,
+ sheet = sheet,
+ }
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ doc:sheets():insert(1, t.sheet:clone())
+ end
+ t.undo = function (t, doc)
+ doc:sheets():remove(1)
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+ else -- top stylesheet
+ local sheet = model.doc:sheets():sheet(1)
+ local t = { label = methods[num].label,
+ original = sheet:clone(),
+ final = sheet:clone(),
+ }
+"symbol", name, p[prim])
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ doc:sheets():remove(1)
+ doc:sheets():insert(1,
+ end
+ t.undo = function (t, doc)
+ doc:sheets():remove(1)
+ doc:sheets():insert(1, t.original:clone())
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+ end
label = "Decorator"
methods = {
- { label = "decorate", run=run_decorator},
+ { label = "decorate", run=run_decorator },
+ { label = "create deco-object (in new style sheet)", run=create_deco_obj },
+ { label = "create deco-object (in top style sheet)", run=create_deco_obj },