--- /dev/null
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Bibliography of i11
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Sections:
+%% - general
+%% - authors
+%% - publishers
+%% - journals
+%% - conference proceedings
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% general
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{and = " and " }
+@string{jan = "January" }
+@string{feb = "February" }
+@string{mar = "March" }
+@string{apr = "April" }
+@string{may = "May" }
+@string{jun = "June" }
+@string{jul = "July" }
+@string{aug = "August" }
+@string{sep = "September" }
+@string{oct = "October" }
+@string{nov = "November" }
+@string{dec = "December" }
+@string{first = "1st" }
+@string{second = "2nd" }
+@string{third = "3rd" }
+@string{fourth = "4th" }
+@string{fifth = "5th" }
+@string{sixth = "6th" }
+@string{seventh = "7th" }
+@string{eighth = "8th" }
+@string{ninth = "9th" }
+@string{tenth = "10th" }
+@string{iti_wagner = "ITI Wagner, Faculty of Informatics, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)" }
+@string{inf_ka = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH), Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik" }
+@string{uni_ka = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)" }
+@string{kit_wagner = "ITI Wagner, Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)" }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% authors
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{AbelloJ = "James Abello" }
+@string{AbiteboulS = "Serge Abiteboul" }
+@string{AbrahamI = "Ittai Abraham" }
+@string{Abu-KhzamFN = "Faisal N. Abu-Khzam" }
+@string{ActonFS = "Forman S. Acton" }
+@string{AdamicLA = "Lada A. Adamic" }
+@string{AdamopoulouE = "E. Adamopoulou" }
+@string{AdamsonP = "P. Adamson" }
+@string{aft = "testbja af" }
+@string{AgarwalG = "Gaurav Agarwal" }
+@string{AgarwalS = "Sharad Agarwal" }
+@string{AGDT = "Deutsche Telekom AG" }
+@string{AggarwalCC = "Charu C. Aggarwal" }
+@string{AggarwalV = "Vinay Aggarwal" }
+@string{AgrawalD = "Divyakant Agrawal" }
+@string{AgrestiA = "Alan Agresti" }
+@string{AhlswedeR = "Rudolf Ahlswede" }
+@string{AhoAV = "Alfred V. Aho" }
+@string{AhujaRK = "Ravindra K. Ahuja" }
+@string{AielloW = "William Aiello" }
+@string{AifadopoulouG = "Georgia Aifadopoulou" }
+@string{AignerM = "Martin Aigner" }
+@string{AingworthD = "Donald Aingworth" }
+@string{AkhanMB = "Mehmet B.\ Akhan" }
+@string{AkiyamaJ = "Jin Akiyama" }
+@string{AkonMM = "Mohammad Mursalin Akon" }
+@string{AlamJ = "Md. Jawaherul Alam" }
+@string{AlamSMN = "S.~M.~Nazrul Alam" }
+@string{AlaviY = "Yousef Alavi" }
+@string{AlbaRD = "Richard D. Alba" }
+@string{AlberJ = "Jochen Alber" }
+@string{AlbersS = "Susanne Albers" }
+@string{AlbertLH = "Louis H. Albert" }
+@string{AlbertR = "R{\'e}ka Albert" }
+@string{AlborziH = "Houman Alborzi" }
+@string{AldecoaR = "Rodrigo Aldecoa" }
+@string{AldenderferMS = "Mark S. Aldenderfer" }
+@string{AleardiLC = "Luca Castelli Aleardi" }
+@string{AlhajjR = "Reda Alhajj" }
+@string{AlmaasE = "Eivind Almaas" }
+@string{AlonN = "Noga Alon" }
+@string{AlonU = "Uri Alon" }
+@string{AlpertCJ = "Charles J.\ Alpert" }
+@string{AltH = "Helmut Alt" }
+@string{AltmannM = "Michael Altmann" }
+@string{AlvarezHamelinJI = "Jos{\'e} Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin" }
+@string{AmaralLAN = "Lu{\'i}s A. Nunes Amaral" }
+@string{AmatoP = "Paolo Amato" }
+@string{AmdahlG = "Gene Amdahl" }
+@string{AminAT = "Ashok T. Amin" }
+@string{AminN = "Nada Amin" }
+@string{AmmarM = "Mostafa Ammar" }
+@string{AnalyticTech = "{Analytic Technologies}" }
+@string{AnderbergMR = "Michael R.~Anderberg" }
+@string{AndersenR = "Reid Andersen" }
+@string{AndersonBDO = "Brian D. O. Anderson" }
+@string{AndersonCJ = "Carolyn J. Anderson" }
+@string{AndersonJG = "James G. Anderson" }
+@string{AndersonMR = "Michael R.\ Anderson" }
+@string{AndreevEM = "E. M. Andreev" }
+@string{AndreevK = "Konstantin Andreev" }
+@string{AndreevSD = "Simeon Danailov Andreev" }
+@string{AndroutsopoulosKN = "Konstantinos N. Androutsopoulos" }
+@string{AngeliniP = "Patrizio Angelini" }
+@string{AnnexsteinFD = "Fred D. Annexstein" }
+@string{AnthonisseJ = "Jacob M. Anthonisse" }
+@string{AntsfeldL = "Leonid Antsfeld" }
+@string{AnY = "Yuan An" }
+@string{ArabieP = "Phipps Arabie" }
+@string{ArasuA = "Arvind Arasu" }
+@string{ArchakovAI = "Alexander I. Archakov" }
+@string{ArchambaultD = "Daniel Archambault" }
+@string{ArenasA = "Alex Arenas" }
+@string{ArgyriouE = "Evmorfia N. Argyriou" }
+@string{ArikushiK = "Karin Arikushi" }
+@string{AriyoshiH = "Hiromu Ariyoshi" }
+@string{ArkayaAD = "A. Diaz de Arkaya" }
+@string{ArnauV = "Vicente Arnau" }
+@string{ArnborgS = "Stefan Arnborg" }
+@string{ArnoldL = "Ludwig Arnold" }
+@string{AroraS = "Sanjeev Arora" }
+@string{ArtmeierA = "Andreas Artmeier" }
+@string{ArzJ = "Julian Arz" }
+@string{AsaduzzamanS = "Shah Asaduzzaman" }
+@string{AsahiroY = "Yuichi Asahiro" }
+@string{AtallahM = "Mikhail Atallah" }
+@string{AthenstadtJC = "Jan Christoph Athenst{\"a}dt" }
+@string{AtienzaN = "Nieves Atienza" }
+@string{AuberD = "David Auber" }
+@string{AurenhammerF = "Franz Aurenhammer" }
+@string{AusielloG = "Giorgio Ausiello" }
+@string{AusternMH = "Matthew H. Austern" }
+@string{AvinC = "Chen Avin" }
+@string{AvrachenkovK = "Avrachenkov Konstantin" }
+@string{AxenovichM = "Maria Axenovich" }
+@string{AzarY = "Yossi Azar" }
+@string{AzumaM = "Machiko Azuma" }
+@string{AzumaS = "Shigetoshi Azuma" }
+@string{BaakeP = "Pio Baake" }
+@string{BabaiL = "L{\'a}szl{\'o} Babai" }
+@string{BabenkoM = "Maxim Babenko" }
+@string{BachFR = "Francis R. Bach" }
+@string{BachlS = "Sabine Bachl" }
+@string{BachmaierC = "Christian Bachmaier" }
+@string{BadentM = "Melanie Badent" }
+@string{BaderDA = "David A. Bader" }
+@string{BaderR = "Roland Bader" }
+@string{BadoiuM = "Mihai B\u{a}doiu" }
+@string{BadraHO = "H. O. Badra" }
+@string{Baeza-YatesR = "Ricardo Baeza-Yates" }
+@string{BaggaJ = "Jay Bagga" }
+@string{BagrowJ = "James Bagrow" }
+@string{BairdD = "Daniel Baird" }
+@string{BalakrishnanH = "Hari Balakrishnan" }
+@string{BalasubramanianNV = "N. V. Balasubramanian" }
+@string{BalbuenaC = "Camino Balbuena" }
+@string{BaligaNS = "Nitin S. Baliga" }
+@string{BallMO = "Michael~O.~Ball" }
+@string{BaltzA = "Andreas Baltz" }
+@string{BalzerM = "Michael Balzer" }
+@string{Banaei-KashaniF = "Farnoush Banaei-Kashani" }
+@string{BanerjiRB = "Ranan B. Banerji" }
+@string{BansalN = "Nikhil Bansal" }
+@string{Bar-GeraH = "Hillel Bar-Gera" }
+@string{Bar-NoyA = "Amotz Bar-Noy" }
+@string{BarabasiAL = "Albert-L{\'a}szl{\'o} Barab{\'a}si" }
+@string{BarakeM = "Musbah Barake" }
+@string{BaraldiA = "A. Baraldi" }
+@string{BaranyI = "Imre B{\'a}r{\'a}ny" }
+@string{BarbayJ = "J{\'e}r{\'e}my Barbay" }
+@string{BarequetG = "Gill Barequet" }
+@string{BarnardST = "Stephen T. Barnard" }
+@string{BarnesJ = "Josh Barnes" }
+@string{BarnesTM = "Tiffany M.\ Barnes" }
+@string{BarnetteDW = "David W. Barnette" }
+@string{BarratA = "Alain Barrat" }
+@string{BarrettC = "Chris Barrett" }
+@string{BartalY = "Y. Bartal" }
+@string{BarthD = "D.\ Barth" }
+@string{BarthelemyM = "Marc Barth{\'e}lemy" }
+@string{BarYosseffZ = "Ziv Bar-Yosseff" }
+@string{BastertO = "Oliver Bastert" }
+@string{BastH = "Holger Bast" }
+@string{BastH2 = "Hannah Bast" }
+@string{BatageljV = "Vladimir Batagelj" }
+@string{BatistakisY = "Yannis Batistakis" }
+@string{BatzV = "Gernot Veit Batz" }
+@string{BauerA = "Andreas Bauer" }
+@string{BauerD = "Douglas Bauer" }
+@string{BauerM = "Michel Bauer" }
+@string{BauerR = "Reinhard Bauer" }
+@string{BaumannH = "Herv{\'e} Baumann" }
+@string{BaumannN = "Nadine Baumann" }
+@string{BaumM = "Moritz Baum" }
+@string{BaurM = "Michael Baur" }
+@string{BavelasA = "Alex Bavelas" }
+@string{BavierA = "Andy Bavier" }
+@string{BayenA = "Alex Bayen" }
+@string{BayikT = "Tolga Bayik" }
+@string{BeauchampM = "Murray A. Beauchamp" }
+@string{BeckerM = "M. Becker" }
+@string{BeenK = "Ken Been" }
+@string{BeeriC = "Catriel Beeri" }
+@string{BeerliovaZ = "Zuzana Beerliova" }
+@string{BehrendsE = "Ehrhard Behrends" }
+@string{BeierR = "Rene Beier" }
+@string{BeigelR = "Richard Beigel" }
+@string{BeilnerH = "Heinz Beilner" }
+@string{BeinekeLW = "Lowell W. Beineke" }
+@string{BekosM = "Michael Bekos" }
+@string{BelhumeuPN = "Peter N. Belhumeu" }
+@string{BellmanR = "Richard Bellman" }
+@string{BellMG = "Michael G. H. Bell" }
+@string{ben-AvrahamD = "Daniel ben-Avraham" }
+@string{BenadeG = "Gerhard Benade" }
+@string{BenAvrahamD = "ben-Avraham, Daniel" }
+@string{BenderS = "Stefan Bender" }
+@string{BenigniA = "A. Benigni" }
+@string{BenkertM = "Marc Benkert" }
+@string{BenzerS = "Seymour Benzer" }
+@string{BenzurA = "Andr{\'a}s A. Benz{\'u}r" }
+@string{BerberichK = "Klaus Berberich" }
+@string{BeregS = "Sergey Bereg" }
+@string{BergeC = "Claude Berge" }
+@string{Berger-WolfT = "Tanya Berger-Wolf" }
+@string{BergerA = "Annabell Berger" }
+@string{BergerAndre = "Andre Berger" }
+@string{BergerB = "Bonnie Berger" }
+@string{BergerN = "Noam Berger" }
+@string{BerkhinP = "Pavel Berkhin" }
+@string{BerkowitzSD = "Stephen D. Berkowitz" }
+@string{BermanKA = "Kenneth A. Berman" }
+@string{BermanP = "Piotr Berman" }
+@string{BermondJC = "J.-C. Bermond" }
+@string{BernsteinA = "Abraham Bernstein" }
+@string{BernsteinD = "David Bernstein" }
+@string{BerretiniE = "Emanuele Berretini" }
+@string{BerryJW = "Jonathan W. Berry" }
+@string{BerthomeP = "Pascal Berthom{\'e}" }
+@string{BertolazziP = "Paola Bertolazzi" }
+@string{BesagJE = "Julian E. Besag" }
+@string{BetzG = "Gregor Betz" }
+@string{BetzlerN = "Nadja Betzler" }
+@string{BeyererJ = "J{\"u}rgen Beyerer" }
+@string{BezrukovS = "Sergej Bezrukov" }
+@string{BhalgatA = "Anand Bhalgat" }
+@string{BhargavaVK = "Vijay K. Bhargava" }
+@string{BharghavanV = "Vaduvur Bharghavan" }
+@string{BhattSN = "Sandeep N. Bhatt" }
+@string{BianchiniM = "Bianchini, Monica" }
+@string{BiederbickC = "Claus Biederbick" }
+@string{BiedlT = "Therese Biedl" }
+@string{BiedlTC = "Therese C. Biedl" }
+@string{BielliM = "Maurizio Bielli" }
+@string{BikAJ = "Aart J. Bik" }
+@string{BingmannT = "Timo Bingmann" }
+@string{BinucciC = "Carla Binucci" }
+@string{BissetK = "Keith Bisset" }
+@string{BixbyRE = "Robert E. Bixby" }
+@string{BlaesiusT = "Thomas Bl{\"a}sius" }
+@string{BlairJ = "Jean Blair" }
+@string{BlakeIF = "Ian F. Blake" }
+@string{BlandfordDK = "Daniel K. Blandford" }
+@string{BlandinS = "Sebastien Blandin" }
+@string{BlashfieldRK = "Roger K. Blashfield" }
+@string{BlellochGE = "Guy E. Blelloch" }
+@string{BlomeA = "Abian Blome" }
+@string{BlondaP = "P. Blonda" }
+@string{BlondelV = "Vincent Blondel" }
+@string{BloomBH = "Burton H. Bloom" }
+@string{BlumA = "Avrim Blum" }
+@string{BlytheJ = "Jim Blythe" }
+@string{BMBFBf = "Bundesministerium (BMBF)" }
+@string{BobickA = "Aaron Bobick" }
+@string{BockN = "Nicolas Bock" }
+@string{BodirskyM = "Manuel Bodirsky" }
+@string{BodlaenderHL = "Hans L. Bodlaender" }
+@string{BoeckerS = "Sebastian B{\"o}cker" }
+@string{BoerP = "P. Boer" }
+@string{BoeschFT = "Francis T. Boesch" }
+@string{BogenbergerK = "Klaus Bogenberger" }
+@string{BogunaM = "Mari{\'a}n Bogu{\~n}{\'a}" }
+@string{BohlF = "Florian B{\"o}hl" }
+@string{BohmC = "Christian B{\"o}hm" }
+@string{BoilyMC = "M.-C.\ Boily" }
+@string{BoisseauO = "Oliver Boisseau" }
+@string{BoitmanisK = "Krists Boitmanis" }
+@string{BoldiP = "Paolo Boldi" }
+@string{BollobasB = "B{\'e}la Bollob{\'a}s" }
+@string{BomanE = "Erik Boman" }
+@string{BomzeIM = "Immanuel M. Bomze" }
+@string{BonacichP = "Phillip Bonacich" }
+@string{BondJ = "J.~Bond" }
+@string{BondyJA = "John Adrian Bondy" }
+@string{BonichonN = "Nicolas Bonichon" }
+@string{BonifaciV = "Vincenzo Bonifaci" }
+@string{BonizzoniP = "Paola Bonizzoni" }
+@string{BoormanSA = "Scott A.\ Boorman" }
+@string{BoorstynRR = "Robert~R.~Boorstyn" }
+@string{BoothKS = "Kellogg S. Booth" }
+@string{BoppanaRB = "Ravi B. Boppana" }
+@string{BorgattiSP = "Stephen P. Borgatti" }
+@string{BorgsC = "Christian Borgs" }
+@string{BornholdtS = "Stefan Bornholdt" }
+@string{BorodinA = "Borodin, Allan" }
+@string{BorosE = "Endre Boros" }
+@string{BorzyszkowskiAM = "Andrzej M. Borzyszkowski" }
+@string{BoseP = "Prosenjit Bose" }
+@string{BotafogoRA = "Rodrigo A. Botagfogo" }
+@string{BoteaA = "Adi Botea" }
+@string{BoulmakoulA = "Azedine Boulmakoul" }
+@string{BowenR = "Rufus Bowen" }
+@string{BoydJP = "John P.\ Boyd" }
+@string{BoydS = "Stephen Boyd" }
+@string{BoykovY = "Yuri Boykov" }
+@string{BozdagD = "Doruk Bozdag" }
+@string{BraeysyO = "Olli Br{\"a}ysy" }
+@string{BrandenburgFJ = "Franz J. Brandenburg" }
+@string{BrandesU = "Ulrik Brandes" }
+@string{BrandstaedtA = "Andreas Brandst{\"a}dt" }
+@string{BrandtF = "Felix Brandt" }
+@string{BrankeJ = "J{\"u}rgen Branke" }
+@string{BrannlundJ = "Johan Br{\"a}nnlund" }
+@string{BrehmE = "Enno Brehm" }
+@string{BreigerRL = "Ronald L.\ Breiger" }
+@string{BrennerT = "Thomas Brenner" }
+@string{BreuH = "Heinz Breu" }
+@string{BrewerCA = "Cynthia A. Brewer" }
+@string{BrewerEA = "Eric A. Brewer" }
+@string{BriesemeisterS = "Sebastian Briesemeister" }
+@string{BrightwellGR = "Graham R. Brightwell" }
+@string{BrilloutR = "Romuald Brillout" }
+@string{BrinkmannG = "Gunnar Brinkmann" }
+@string{BrinkmeierM = "Michael Brinkmeier" }
+@string{BrinkRvd = "van den Brink, Ren{\'e}" }
+@string{BrinS = "Sergey Brin" }
+@string{BroadA = "Alan Broad" }
+@string{BrockenauerR = "Ralf Brockenauer" }
+@string{BrodalG = "Gerth Brodal" }
+@string{BroderA = "Andrei Broder" }
+@string{BronC = "Coen Bron" }
+@string{BronnimannH = "Herv{\'e} Br{\"o}nnimann" }
+@string{BrooksRL = "R. L. Brooks" }
+@string{BrualdiRA = "Richard A. Brualdi" }
+@string{BruckdorferT = "Till Bruckdorfer" }
+@string{BruckJ = "Jehoshua Bruck" }
+@string{BrueraF = "Francesco Bruera" }
+@string{BruggesserH = "Heinz Bruggesser" }
+@string{BrunelE = "Edith Brunel" }
+@string{BrunoJ = "John Bruno" }
+@string{BuchananM = "Mark Buchanan" }
+@string{BuchheimC = "Christoph Buchheim" }
+@string{BuchinK = "Kevin Buchin" }
+@string{BuchinM = "Maike Buchin" }
+@string{BuchmannM = "Michael Buchmann" }
+@string{BuchsbaumAL = "Adam L. Buchsbaum" }
+@string{BudinichM = "Marco Budinich" }
+@string{BudiuM = "Mihai Budiu" }
+@string{BuesingC = "Christina B{\"u}sing" }
+@string{BuhlerT = "Thomas B{\"u}hler" }
+@string{BuiTN = "Thang Nguyen Bui" }
+@string{BulirschR = "Roland Bulirsch" }
+@string{BungartzH = "Hans-Joachim Bungartz" }
+@string{BunkeH = "Horst Bunke" }
+@string{BurgardW = "Wolfram Burgard" }
+@string{BuriolL = "Luciana Buriol" }
+@string{BurkardRE = "Rainer E. Burkard" }
+@string{BurriN = "Nicolas Burri" }
+@string{BurtRS = "Ronald S.\ Burt" }
+@string{BuT = "Tian Bu" }
+@string{ByersJ = "John Byers" }
+@string{ByrkaJ = "Jaroslaw Byrka" }
+@string{CaceresR = "Ramon Caceres" }
+@string{CafieriS = "Sonia Cafieri" }
+@string{CaflischA = "Amedeo Caflisch" }
+@string{Caida = "{CAIDA: The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis}" }
+@string{CaiN = "Ning Cai" }
+@string{CaldarelliG = "Guido Caldarelli" }
+@string{CaldwellT = "Tom Caldwell" }
+@string{CalinescuG = "Gruia Calinescu" }
+@string{CallawayDS = "Duncan S. Callaway" }
+@string{CalvertKL = "Kenneth L. Calvert" }
+@string{CalvoRW = "Roberto Wolfler Calvo" }
+@string{CantnerU = "Uwe Cantner" }
+@string{CapobiancoMF = "Michael F. Capobianco" }
+@string{CapocciA = "Andrea Capocci" }
+@string{CarchioloV = "V. Carchiolo" }
+@string{CardeiM = "Mihaela Cardei" }
+@string{CardeneoA = "Andreas Cardeneo" }
+@string{CardonA = "A. Cardon" }
+@string{CarleyKM = "Kathleen M. Carley" }
+@string{CarlinJB = "John B.\ Carlin" }
+@string{CarlsonJ = "Josiah Carlson" }
+@string{CarlssonE = "Erik Carlsson" }
+@string{CarmelL = "Liran Carmel" }
+@string{CarmiP = "Paz Carmi" }
+@string{CarmiS = "Shai Carmi" }
+@string{CarmonaA = "{\'A}ngeles Carmona" }
+@string{CarpenterT = "Tami Carpenter" }
+@string{CarringtonPJ = "Peter J. Carrington" }
+@string{CarterL = "Larry Carter" }
+@string{CasagrandeN = "Norman Casagrande" }
+@string{CasellaG = "George Casella" }
+@string{CastellanoC = "Claudio Castellano" }
+@string{CastelliV = "Vittorio Castelli" }
+@string{CatalyurekU = "Umit Catalyurek" }
+@string{CederbaumI = "Israel Cederbaum" }
+@string{ChakrabartiD = "Deepayan Chakrabarti" }
+@string{ChalmersM = "M. Chalmers" }
+@string{ChalopinJ = "J{\'e}r{\'e}mie Chalopin" }
+@string{ChandaA = "Amrita Chanda" }
+@string{ChandrakasanA = "Anantha Chandrakasan" }
+@string{ChandranBG = "Bala G. Chandran" }
+@string{ChangH = "Hyunseok Chang" }
+@string{ChangJ = "Jae-Hwan Chang" }
+@string{ChanTM = "Timothy M. Chan" }
+@string{ChardaireP = "Pierre Chardaire" }
+@string{CharikarM = "Moses Charikar" }
+@string{ChartrandG = "Gary Chartrand" }
+@string{ChataignerF = "Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Chataigner" }
+@string{ChaudhuriS = "Soma Chaudhuri" }
+@string{ChawlaS = "Shuchi Chawla" }
+@string{ChayesJ = "Jennifer Chayes" }
+@string{ChekuriC = "Chandra Chekuri" }
+@string{ChenCY = "Chieh-Yu Chen" }
+@string{ChenDZ = "Danny Z. Chen" }
+@string{ChengC = "C.K. Cheng" }
+@string{ChengCC = "C. C. Cheng" }
+@string{ChengD = "David Cheng" }
+@string{ChengJ = "Jiefeng Cheng" }
+@string{ChenHo = "Ho-Lin Chen" }
+@string{ChenJ = "Jian-Jia Chen" }
+@string{ChenJiamo = "Jiamo Chen" }
+@string{ChenJianer = "Jianer Chen" }
+@string{ChenQ = "Qian Chen" }
+@string{ChenR = "Runsheng Chen" }
+@string{ChenW = "Wei Chen" }
+@string{ChenY = "Yubin Chen" }
+@string{ChenYa = "Yanyan Chen" }
+@string{ChenYj = "Yijia Chen" }
+@string{ChenZ = "Zaiben Chen" }
+@string{CheongO = "Otfried Cheong" }
+@string{CheriyanJ = "Joseph Cheriyan" }
+@string{CherkasskyBV = "Boris V. Cherkassky" }
+@string{ChervonenkisAY = "Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis" }
+@string{ChevalierC = "C{\'e}dric Chevalier" }
+@string{ChiangY = "Yi-Ting Chiang" }
+@string{ChibaN = "Norishige Chiba" }
+@string{ChickeringM = "Max Chickering" }
+@string{ChienS = "Steve Chien" }
+@string{ChimaniM = "Markus Chimani" }
+@string{ChinFYL = "F. Y. L. Chin" }
+@string{ChintalapudiKK = "Krishna Kant Chintalapudi" }
+@string{ChiriacC = "Camelia Chiriac" }
+@string{ChklovskiiD = "Dmitri Chklovskii" }
+@string{ChlebikovaJ = "Janka Chleb{\'{\i}}kov{\'a}" }
+@string{ChoH = "Hyung-Ju Cho" }
+@string{ChoiD = "Dae-Hyun Choi" }
+@string{ChoJD = "J. D. Cho" }
+@string{ChorB = "Benny Chor" }
+@string{ChoY = "Young-rae Cho" }
+@string{ChrisohoouE = "Evangelia Chrisohoou" }
+@string{ChristianoP = "Paul Christiano" }
+@string{ChristofidesN = "Nicos Christofides" }
+@string{ChrobakM = "Marek Chrobak" }
+@string{ChuangRC = "Richie Chih-Nan Chuang" }
+@string{ChungC = "Chin-Wan Chung" }
+@string{ChungFRK = "Fan R. K. Chung" }
+@string{ChunJ = "Jinhee Chun" }
+@string{ChvatalV = "Va{\v s}ek Chv{\'a}tal" }
+@string{ChwaK = "Kyung-Yong Chwa" }
+@string{CiceroneS = "Serafino Cicerone" }
+@string{ClaffyK = "K. Claffy" }
+@string{ClarksonKL = "Kenneth L. Clarkson" }
+@string{ClausetA = "Aaron Clauset" }
+@string{ClevelandWS = "William S. Cleveland" }
+@string{CobenaG = "Gregory Cobena" }
+@string{CodenottiB = "Bruno Codenotti" }
+@string{CoetzeeFM = "Frans M. Coetzee" }
+@string{CohenE = "Edith Cohen" }
+@string{CohenJD = "Johnathan D. Cohen" }
+@string{CohenR = "Reuven Cohen" }
+@string{ColbournCJ = "Charles J. Colbourn" }
+@string{CollinsRL = "Rebecca L. Collins" }
+@string{ColumbusT = "Tobias Columbus" }
+@string{CondonA = "Anne Condon" }
+@string{ConnellJ = "J. Connell" }
+@string{ConnellyR = "Robert Connelly" }
+@string{ConradCA = "Charles A. Conrad" }
+@string{CooganK = "Kevin Coogan" }
+@string{CookDJ = "Diane J.\ Cook" }
+@string{CookeK = "K. Cooke" }
+@string{CookSA = "Stephen A. Cook" }
+@string{CookSW = "Stuart W. Cook" }
+@string{CookW = "William Cook" }
+@string{CooperC = "Colin Cooper" }
+@string{CoppersmithD = "Don Coppersmith" }
+@string{CormanSR = "Steven R. Corman" }
+@string{CormenTH = "Thomas H. Cormen" }
+@string{CorneDW = "David W. Corne" }
+@string{CorneilDG = "Derek G. Corneil" }
+@string{CornelsenS = "Sabine Cornelsen" }
+@string{CortesC = "Cort{\'e}s, Carmen" }
+@string{CoverTM = "Thomas M. Cover" }
+@string{CowenL = "Lenore Cowen" }
+@string{CoxMAA = "Michael A. A. Cox" }
+@string{CoxR = "Russ Cox" }
+@string{CoxTF = "Trevor F.\ Cox" }
+@string{CrescenziP = "Pierluigi Crescenzi" }
+@string{CrobakJR = "Joseph R. Crobak" }
+@string{CrochemoreM = "Maxime Crochemore" }
+@string{CrossM = "Mark Cross" }
+@string{CrouchB = "Bradley Crouch" }
+@string{CsardiG = "G{\'a}bor Cs{\'a}rdi" }
+@string{CulbersonJC = "Joseph C. Culberson" }
+@string{CvetkovicDM = "Drago{\v s} M. Cvetkovi{\'c}" }
+@string{CvijicS = "S. Cvijic" }
+@string{CychowskiM = "M. Cychowski" }
+@string{CzajkaT = "Tomek Czajka" }
+@string{CzajkowskiG = "Grzegorz Czajkowski" }
+@string{CzygrinowA = "Andrzej Czygrinow" }
+@string{DabekF = "Frank Dabek" }
+@string{DahlhausE = "Elias Dahlhaus" }
+@string{DAlexandriFL = "Fabio Luiz D'Alexandri" }
+@string{DallAstaL = "Luca Dall'Asta" }
+@string{DalyF = "F.\ Daly" }
+@string{DamERv = "Edwin R. van Dam" }
+@string{DangC = "Chuangyin Dang" }
+@string{DangeloG = "Gianlorenzo D'Angelo" }
+@string{DankelmannP = "Peter Dankelmann" }
+@string{DanonL = "Leon Danon" }
+@string{DantzigGB = "George B. Dantzig" }
+@string{DasB = "Bevan Das" }
+@string{DasGuptaB = "Bhaskar DasGupta" }
+@string{DasguptaK = "Koustuv Dasgupta" }
+@string{DaskinMS = "Mark S.\ Daskin" }
+@string{DasS = "Sandip Das" }
+@string{DasSK = "Sajal K. Das" }
+@string{DavidsonR = "Ron Davidson" }
+@string{DawsonS = "Steve Dawson" }
+@string{DayalU = "Umeshwar Dayal" }
+@string{DeanBC = "Brian C. Dean" }
+@string{deBergM = "Mark de Berg" }
+@string{DebK = "Kalyanmoy Deb" }
+@string{deCastroN = "de Castro, Natalia" }
+@string{DechterR = "Rina Dechter" }
+@string{DeesJ = "Jonathan Dees" }
+@string{deFraysseixH = "de Fraysseix, Hubert" }
+@string{DegenhardtW = "W. Degenhardt" }
+@string{DehmerM = "Matthias Dehmer" }
+@string{DehneF = "Frank Dehne" }
+@string{DehnertJC = "James C. Dehnert" }
+@string{DelaneyK = "K. Delaney" }
+@string{DellamicoM = "Mauro Dell'Amico" }
+@string{DellingD = "Daniel Delling" }
+@string{DellingG = "G{\"u}nter Delling" }
+@string{DellingM = "Markus Delling" }
+@string{DellnitzM = "Michael Dellnitz" }
+@string{DeLosRiosP = "De Los Rios, Paolo" }
+@string{DelprattO = "O'Neil Delpratt" }
+@string{DemaineED = "Erik D. Demaine" }
+@string{DemestichasK = "K. Demestichas" }
+@string{DemetrescuC = "Camil Demetrescu" }
+@string{DEmidioM = "Mattia D'Emidio" }
+@string{DemiryurekU = "Ugur Demiryurek" }
+@string{DenardoEV = "Eric V. Denardo" }
+@string{DeniseA = "Alain Denise" }
+@string{DeoN = "Narsingh Deo" }
+@string{DerbelB = "Bilel Derbel" }
+@string{DerenyiI = "Imre Der{\'e}nyi" }
+@string{DesaiD = "Devendra Desai" }
+@string{DeshpandeA = "Amit Deshpande" }
+@string{DesrochersM = "Martin Desrochers" }
+@string{DesrosiersJ = "Jacques Desrosiers" }
+@string{DeussenO = "Oliver Deussen" }
+@string{DeutschM = "Morton Deutsch" }
+@string{DevillersO = "Olivier Devillers" }
+@string{DevineK = "Karen Devine" }
+@string{DhandapaniR = "Raghavan Dhandapani" }
+@string{DhawanA = "Akshaye Dhawan" }
+@string{DialloM = "Madiagne Diallo" }
+@string{DialRB = "Robert B. Dial" }
+@string{DiazGuileraA = "Albert D{\'i}az-Guilera" }
+@string{DiBattistaG = "Di Battista, Giuseppe" }
+@string{DibbeltJ = "Julian Dibbelt" }
+@string{DidimoW = "Walter Didimo" }
+@string{DiehlS = "Stephan Diehl" }
+@string{DiekmannR = "Ralf Diekmann" }
+@string{DiestelR = "Reinhard Diestel" }
+@string{DietzfelbingerM = "Martin Dietzfelbinger" }
+@string{DiGiacomoE = "Di Giacomo, Emilio" }
+@string{DijkstraEW = "Edsger W. Dijkstra" }
+@string{DijkTv = "Thomas van Dijk" }
+@string{DillenburgJ = "John F. Dillenburg" }
+@string{DillencourtMB = "Michael B. Dillencourt" }
+@string{DillmannR = "R{\"u}diger Dillmann" }
+@string{DillS = "Stephen Dill" }
+@string{DingCHQ = "Ding, Chris H. Q." }
+@string{DingG = "Guoli Ding" }
+@string{DinhTN = "Thang N. Dinh" }
+@string{DinitzY = "Yefim Dinitz" }
+@string{DiracGA = "Gabriel A. Dirac" }
+@string{DisserY = "Yann Disser" }
+@string{DiStefanoG = "Gabriele Di Stefano" }
+@string{DiZ = "Zengru Di" }
+@string{DjidjevHN = "Hristo N. Djidjev" }
+@string{DoarMB = "Matthew B. Doar" }
+@string{DoddiS = "Srinivas Doddi" }
+@string{DoenhardtJ = "J{\"u}rgen Doenhardt" }
+@string{DogrusozU = "Ugur Dogrus{\"o}z" }
+@string{DohertyL = "Lance Doherty" }
+@string{DolinskiK = "Kara Dolinski" }
+@string{DollC = "Christof Doll" }
+@string{DollevoetT = "Twan Dollevoet" }
+@string{DomschkeW = "Wolfgang Domschke" }
+@string{DonahooMJ = "Michael J. Donahoo" }
+@string{DonathWE = "William E. Donath" }
+@string{DonatiAV = "Alberto V. Donati" }
+@string{DondiR = "Riccardo Dondi" }
+@string{DongarraJ = "Jack Dongarra" }
+@string{DongenS = "van Dongen, Stijn M." }
+@string{DongQ = "Qunfeng Dong" }
+@string{DongY = "Yingfei Dong" }
+@string{DongZY = "Zhao Yang Dong" }
+@string{DoobM = "Michael Doob" }
+@string{DoreianP = "Patrick Doreian" }
+@string{DornF = "Frederic Dorn" }
+@string{DorogovtsevSN = "Sergey N. Dorogovtsev" }
+@string{DoslicT = "Tomislav Do{\v s}li{\' c}" }
+@string{DoulkeridisC = "Christos Doulkeridis" }
+@string{DowneyRG = "Rodney G. Downey" }
+@string{DreherS = "S. Dreher" }
+@string{DreierT = "Thomas Dreier" }
+@string{DrewsF = "Florian Drews" }
+@string{DrexlA = "Andreas Drexl" }
+@string{DreyfusSE = "Stuart E. Dreyfus" }
+@string{DreznerZ = "Zvi Drezner" }
+@string{DrineasP = "Petros Drineas" }
+@string{DubanovAV = "Alexander V. Dubanov" }
+@string{DubesRC = "Richard C. Dubes" }
+@string{DucheneautN = "Nicolas Ducheneaut" }
+@string{DuchJ = "Jordi Duch" }
+@string{DuchonP = "Philippe Duchon" }
+@string{DuDZ = "Ding-Zhu Du" }
+@string{DuffusD = "D. Duffus" }
+@string{DuH = "Haifeng Du" }
+@string{DuijnMAJ = "van Duijn, Marijtje A.J." }
+@string{DujmovicV = "Vida Dujmovi{\'c}" }
+@string{DuncanCA = "Christian A. Duncan" }
+@string{DunlaingCO = "Colm {\'O} D{\'u}nlaing" }
+@string{DurstenfeldR = "Richard Durstenfeld" }
+@string{DuschlM = "Matthias Duschl" }
+@string{DworkC = "Cynthia Dwork" }
+@string{DwyerRA = "Rex A. Dwyer" }
+@string{DwyerT = "Tim Dwyer" }
+@string{EadesP = "Peter Eades" }
+@string{EberhardF = "Felix Eberhard" }
+@string{EbertA = "Achim Ebert" }
+@string{EbertJ = "J{\"u}rgen Ebert" }
+@string{EdmondsJ = "Jack Edmonds" }
+@string{EFClementiA = "Andrea E.~F.~Clementi" }
+@string{EfentakisA = "Alexandros Efentakis" }
+@string{EffingerP = "Philip Effinger" }
+@string{EfratA = "Alon Efrat" }
+@string{EgervaryE = "Eugene Egerv\'ary" }
+@string{EguiluzVM = "V{'i}ctor M. Egu{'i}luz" }
+@string{EhrgottM = "Matthias Ehrgott" }
+@string{EichelbergerH = "Holger Eichelberger" }
+@string{EidenbenzS = "Stephan Eidenbenz" }
+@string{EigenwilligA = "Arno Eigenwillig" }
+@string{EiglspergerM = "Markus Eiglsperger" }
+@string{EisenbrandF = "Friedrich Eisenbrand" }
+@string{EisenstatD = "David Eisenstat" }
+@string{EisnerJ = "Jochen Eisner" }
+@string{El-HamdouchiA = "Abdelmoula El-Hamdouchi" }
+@string{ElAbbadiA = "Amr {El~Abbadi}" }
+@string{EliasP = "Peter Elias" }
+@string{ElmaghrabySE = "Salah E. Elmaghraby" }
+@string{ElmasryA = "Amr Elmasry" }
+@string{ElsaesserR = "Robert Els{\"a}sser" }
+@string{EmanuelD = "Dotan Emanuel" }
+@string{EmdenWeinertT = "Thomas Emden-Weinert" }
+@string{Emmert-StreibF = "Frank Emmert-Streib" }
+@string{EmmettMR = "Mark R. Emmett" }
+@string{EngebretsenL = "Lars Engebretsen" }
+@string{EngelsmanEC = "E. C. Engelsman" }
+@string{EnnisJG = "James G. Ennis" }
+@string{EnsorA = "Andrew Ensor" }
+@string{EppsteinD = "David Eppstein" }
+@string{EpsteinL = "Leah Epstein" }
+@string{EraH = "Hiroshi Era" }
+@string{ErdoesP = "Paul Erd{\H o}s" }
+@string{ErenT = "Tolga Eren" }
+@string{ErezK = "Keren Erez" }
+@string{ErlebachT = "Thomas Erlebach" }
+@string{ErtenC = "Cesim Erten" }
+@string{ErtlG = "Gerhard Ertl" }
+@string{ErwigM = "Martin Erwig" }
+@string{EsfahanianAH = "Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian" }
+@string{EssaI = "Irfan Essa" }
+@string{EstrinD = "Deborah Estrin" }
+@string{EswaranKP = "{Kapali P.} Eswaran" }
+@string{EubankS = "Stephen Eubank" }
+@string{EulerL = "Leonhard Euler" }
+@string{EvansJR = "Jim R. Evans" }
+@string{eVB = "BITKOM e.V." }
+@string{EvenG = "Guy Even" }
+@string{EvenS = "Shimon Even" }
+@string{EverettMG = "Martin G.\ Everett" }
+@string{eVMK = "M{\"u}nchner Kreis e.V." }
+@string{FaberV = "Vance Faber" }
+@string{FabregaJ = "Josep F{\`a}brega" }
+@string{FabrikantA = "Alex Fabrikant" }
+@string{FaginR = "Ronald Fagin" }
+@string{FahrmeirL = "Ludwig Fahrmeir" }
+@string{FakcharoenpholJ = "Jittat Fakcharoenphol" }
+@string{FaloutsosC = "Christos Faloutsos" }
+@string{FaloutsosM = "Michalis Faloutsos" }
+@string{FaloutsosP = "Petros Faloutsos" }
+@string{FandelG = "G{\"u}nter Fandel" }
+@string{FanH = "Hongbing Fan" }
+@string{FanY = "Ying Fan" }
+@string{FarinaM = "Marco Farina" }
+@string{FarkasI = "Ill{\'e}s Farkas" }
+@string{FarshiM = "Mohammad Farshi" }
+@string{FaryI = "Istv{\'a}n F{\'a}ry" }
+@string{FasuloD = "Daniel Fasulo" }
+@string{FaustK = "Katherine Faust" }
+@string{FederT = "Tom{\'a}s Feder" }
+@string{FeigenbaumJ = "Joan Feigenbaum" }
+@string{FeigeU = "Uriel Feige" }
+@string{FeinsteinA = "Amiel Feinstein" }
+@string{FeketeSP = "S{\'a}ndor P. Fekete" }
+@string{FeldmanMW = "Marcus W.\ Feldman" }
+@string{FeldmannA = "Anja Feldmann" }
+@string{FeldmannP = "P. Feldmann" }
+@string{FellowsMR = "Michael R. Fellows" }
+@string{FelsnerS = "Stefan Felsner" }
+@string{FengQ = "Qing-Wen Feng" }
+@string{FengX = "Xiangyang Feng" }
+@string{FennerT = "Trevor Fenner" }
+@string{FerligojA = "Anu{\v s}ka Ferligoj" }
+@string{FerligojAs = "Anu{\v s}ka Ferligoj" }
+@string{FernandezA = "Alberto Fernandez" }
+@string{FernandezJC = "Jean-Claude Fernandez" }
+@string{FernauH = "Henning Fernau" }
+@string{FerraginaP = "Paolo Ferragina" }
+@string{FerrarWL = "William L. Ferrar" }
+@string{FerreiraA = "Afonso Ferreira" }
+@string{FestaP = "Paola Festa" }
+@string{FeuersteinE = "E. Feuerstein" }
+@string{FialaJ = "Ji{\v r}{\'i} Fiala" }
+@string{FialkoS = "Sergej Fialko" }
+@string{FiatA = "Amos Fiat" }
+@string{FiducciaCM = "C. M. Fiduccia" }
+@string{FiedlerH = "Herbert Fiedler" }
+@string{FiedlerM = "Miroslav Fiedler" }
+@string{FieldsS = "Stanley Fields" }
+@string{FienbergSE = "Stephen E. Fienberg" }
+@string{FiessC = "Christian Fiess" }
+@string{FineP = "Peter Fine" }
+@string{FinkM = "Martin Fink" }
+@string{FinocchiI = "Irene Finocchi" }
+@string{FiolMA = "Miguel A. Fiol" }
+@string{FischettiM = "Matteo Fischetti" }
+@string{FisherRA = "Ronald Aylmer Fisher" }
+@string{FiskCJ = "C. J. Fisk" }
+@string{FiskLA = "Lee Ann Fisk" }
+@string{FiskS = "Stephen Fisk" }
+@string{FjallstromP = "Per-Olof Fj{\"a}llstr{\"o}m" }
+@string{FlajoletP = "Philippe Flajolet" }
+@string{FlakeGW = "Gary William Flake" }
+@string{FlanneryBP = "Brian P. Flannery" }
+@string{FleischerD = "Daniel Fleischer" }
+@string{FleischerL = "Lisa Fleischer" }
+@string{FleischerR = "Rudolf Fleischer" }
+@string{FlemingPJ = "Peter J. Fleming" }
+@string{FlinsenbergIC = "Ingrid C.M. Flinsenberg" }
+@string{FloaterMS = "Michael S. Floater" }
+@string{FlotterodG = "Gunnar Fl{\"o}tter{\"o}d" }
+@string{FloydRW = "Robert W. Floyd" }
+@string{FlynnPJ = "Patrick J. Flynn" }
+@string{FoggiaP = "Pasquale Foggia" }
+@string{FominFV = "Fedor V. Fomin" }
+@string{FordLR = "Ford, Jr., Lester R." }
+@string{ForemanRK = "Robert K. Foreman" }
+@string{FormannM = "Michael Formann" }
+@string{ForsterM = "Michael Forster" }
+@string{FortinS = "Scott Fortin" }
+@string{FortunatoS = "Santo Fortunato" }
+@string{FoschiniL = "Luca Foschini" }
+@string{FossmeierU = "Ulrich F{\"o}{\ss}meier" }
+@string{FosterBL = "Brian L. Foster" }
+@string{FosterI = "Ian Foster" }
+@string{FotiF = "Fletcher Foti" }
+@string{FoussF = "Fran{\c{c}}ois Fouss" }
+@string{Fox-EpsteinE = "Eli Fox-Epstein" }
+@string{FoxBL = "Bennett L. Fox" }
+@string{FoxG = "Geoffrey Fox" }
+@string{FraigniaudP = "Pierre Fraigniaud" }
+@string{FrancisMC = "Mathew C. Francis" }
+@string{FrancisRL = "Richard L.\ Francis" }
+@string{FrankA = "Andr{\'a}s Frank" }
+@string{FrankeR = "Robert Franke" }
+@string{FrankH = "Howard Frank" }
+@string{FrankKA = "Kenneth A. Frank" }
+@string{FrankO = "Ove Frank" }
+@string{FrankS = "Stephen Frank" }
+@string{FratiF = "Fabrizio Frati" }
+@string{FredAL = "Ana L. Fred" }
+@string{FredeL = "Lennart Frede" }
+@string{FredericksonGN = "Greg N. Frederickson" }
+@string{FredmanML = "Michael L. Fredman" }
+@string{FreemanLC = "Linton Clarke Freeman" }
+@string{FreidingerM = "Myriam Freidinger" }
+@string{FrickAK = "Arne K.\ Frick" }
+@string{FridmanAA = "A. A. Fridman" }
+@string{FriedkinNE = "Noah E. Friedkin" }
+@string{FriedlandS = "Shmuel Friedland" }
+@string{FrietschR = "Rainer Frietsch" }
+@string{FriezeAM = "Alan M. Frieze" }
+@string{FrigioniD = "Daniele Frigioni" }
+@string{FrischIT = "Ivan T. Frisch" }
+@string{FruchtermanTMJ = "Thomas M. J. Fruchterman" }
+@string{FuB = "Bin Fu" }
+@string{FuchsF = "Fabian Fuchs" }
+@string{FuerediZ = "Zolt{\'a}n F{\"u}redi" }
+@string{FujisawaT = "Toshio Fujisawa" }
+@string{FukunagaT = "Takuro Fukunaga" }
+@string{FuL = "L. Fu" }
+@string{FulekR = "Radoslav Fulek" }
+@string{FulkersonDR = "Delbert R. Fulkerson" }
+@string{FunCT = "C. T. Fan" }
+@string{FunkeS = "Stefan Funke" }
+@string{FurerM = "Martin F{\"u}rer" }
+@string{FusyE = "{\'E}ric Fusy" }
+@string{GabowHN = "Harold N. Gabow" }
+@string{GaedekeT = "Tobias G{\"a}deke" }
+@string{GaertlerM = "Marco Gaertler" }
+@string{GajerP = "Pawel Gajer" }
+@string{GalilZ = "Zvi Galil" }
+@string{GallaiT = "Tibor Gallai" }
+@string{GalloG = "Giorgio Gallo" }
+@string{GalT = "T. Gal" }
+@string{GaltierJ = "J. Galtier" }
+@string{GambardellaLM = "Luca M. Gambardella" }
+@string{GambosiG = "Giorgio Gambosi" }
+@string{GandhiR = "Rajiv Gandhi" }
+@string{GandibleuxX = "Xavier Gandibleux" }
+@string{GanesanD = "Deepak Ganesan" }
+@string{GansnerER = "Emden R. Gansner" }
+@string{GaoJ = "Jie Gao" }
+@string{GaoJun = "Jun Gao" }
+@string{GaoL = "Lixin Gao" }
+@string{Garcia-Luna-AcevesJJ = "J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves" }
+@string{GardinerEJ = "Eleanor J. Gardiner" }
+@string{GareyMR = "Michael R. Garey" }
+@string{GargA = "Ashim Garg" }
+@string{GargN = "Naveen Garg" }
+@string{GarlandM = "Michael Garland" }
+@string{GarridoMA = "Garrido, M. {\'A}ngeles" }
+@string{GattoM = "Michael Gatto" }
+@string{GaudiotJL = "Jean-Luc Gaudiot" }
+@string{GaulW = "Wolfgang Gaul" }
+@string{GavlasH = "Heather Gavlas" }
+@string{GavoilleC = "Cyril Gavoille" }
+@string{GavrilovaM = "Marina Gavrilova" }
+@string{GawronC = "Christian Gawron" }
+@string{GebhardtA = "Andreas Gebhardt" }
+@string{GehlsenB = "Bj{\"o}rn Gehlsen" }
+@string{GehrkeJ = "Johannes Gehrke" }
+@string{GeisbergerR = "Robert Geisberger" }
+@string{GelattCD = "C. D. Gelatt" }
+@string{GellerD = "Dennis Geller" }
+@string{GelmanA = "Andrew Gelman" }
+@string{GemsaA = "Andreas Gemsa" }
+@string{GendreauM = "Michel Gendreau" }
+@string{GeraetsF = "Frank Geraets" }
+@string{GerritsD = "Dirk Gerrits" }
+@string{Geyer-SchulzA = "Andreas Geyer-Schulz" }
+@string{GeyerM = "Markus Geyer" }
+@string{GhoshJ = "Joydeep Ghosh" }
+@string{GiannakopoulouK = "Kalliopi Giannakopoulou" }
+@string{GibbonsP = "Phillip Gibbons" }
+@string{GibsonD = "David Gibson" }
+@string{GilbargD = "David Gilbarg" }
+@string{GilbertEN = "Horst Gilbert" }
+@string{GilesCL = "C.\ Lee Giles" }
+@string{GilksWR = "Walter R.\ Gilks" }
+@string{GillesRP = "Gilles, Robert P." }
+@string{GilmorePC = "Paul C. Gilmore" }
+@string{GimenezO = "Omar Gim{\'e}nez" }
+@string{GiniC = "Corrado Gini" }
+@string{GinkelA = "Andreas Ginkel" }
+@string{GionisA = "Aristides Gionis" }
+@string{GiordanoF = "Francesco Giordano" }
+@string{GiotisI = "Ioannis Giotis" }
+@string{GiovanniLD = "Luigi De Giovanni" }
+@string{GiraltF = "Francesc Giralt" }
+@string{GirardA = "Andre Girard" }
+@string{GiridharA = "Arvind Giridhar" }
+@string{GirvanM = "Michelle Girvan" }
+@string{GkantsidisC = "Christos Gkantsidis" }
+@string{GlanceN = "Natalie Glance" }
+@string{GlaserD = "Dieter Glaser" }
+@string{GlausB = "Bj{\"o}rn Glaus" }
+@string{GlazJ = "Joseph Glaz" }
+@string{GleiserP = "Pablo Gleiser" }
+@string{GmbHEC = "EICT GmbH" }
+@string{GmbHTI = "TNS Infratest GmbH" }
+@string{GoddardW = "Wayne Goddard" }
+@string{GodsilC = "Chris Godsil" }
+@string{GoelA = "Ashish Goel" }
+@string{GoerigkM = "Marc Goerigk" }
+@string{GoerkeR = "Robert G{\"o}rke" }
+@string{GogateV = "Vibhav Gogate" }
+@string{GohK = "Kwang-Il Goh" }
+@string{GoldbergAV = "Andrew V. Goldberg" }
+@string{GoldenbergDK = "David K. Goldenberg" }
+@string{GoldnerA = "Anita Goldner" }
+@string{GoldsmithDL = "Donald L. Goldsmith" }
+@string{GoldwasserMH = "Michael H. Goldwasser" }
+@string{GolinelliO = "Olivier Golinelli" }
+@string{GolubGH = "Gene H.\ Golub" }
+@string{GomezS = "Sergio Gomez" }
+@string{GomoryRE = "Ralph E. Gomory" }
+@string{GoncalvesD = "Daniel Gon{\c{c}}alves" }
+@string{GongiW = "Weibo Gongi" }
+@string{GonzalezTF = "Teofilo F.\ Gonzalez" }
+@string{GoodmanA = "Arnold Goodman" }
+@string{GoodmanJE = "Jacob E.\ Goodman" }
+@string{GoodrichMT = "Michael T. Goodrich" }
+@string{GoriM = "Gori, Marco" }
+@string{GortlerSJ = "Steven J. Gortler" }
+@string{GotoS = "Susumu Goto" }
+@string{GotsmanC = "Craig Gotsman" }
+@string{GottliebL = "Lee-Ad Gottlieb" }
+@string{GoussevskaiaO = "Olga Goussevskaia" }
+@string{GoverdeR = "Rob Goverde" }
+@string{GovindanR = "Ramesh Govindan" }
+@string{GovindarajuN = "Naga Govindaraju" }
+@string{GovorunVM = "Vadim M. Govorun" }
+@string{GraetzerG = "George Gr{\"a}tzer" }
+@string{GrafH = "Holger Graf" }
+@string{GrahamRL = "Ronald L. Graham" }
+@string{GrandoniF = "Fabrizio Grandoni" }
+@string{GranovetterMS = "Mark S.\ Granovetter" }
+@string{GrassW = "Werner Grass" }
+@string{GribbleSD = "Steven D.\ Gribble" }
+@string{GriggsJR = "Jerrold R. Griggs" }
+@string{GrigoriadisMD = "Michail D. Grigoriadis" }
+@string{GrilliL = "Luca Grilli" }
+@string{GrimaCI = "Grima, Clara I." }
+@string{GrimmerM = "Martin Grimmer" }
+@string{GrimmettG = "Geoffrey Grimmett" }
+@string{GrinsteadCM = "Charles Miller Grinstead" }
+@string{GroeplC = "Clemens Gr{\"o}pl" }
+@string{GroneR = "Robert Grone" }
+@string{GroppW = "William Gropp" }
+@string{GrossiR = "Roberto Grossi" }
+@string{GrossJL = "Jonathan L. Gross" }
+@string{GrossM = "Markus Gross" }
+@string{GrossOA = "O. A. Gross" }
+@string{GrotschelM = "M. Gr{\"o}tschel" }
+@string{GruenbaumB = "Branko Gr{\"u}nbaum" }
+@string{GruppH = "Hariolf Grupp" }
+@string{gtf = "{General Transit Feed}" }
+@string{GuanLJ = "Lin Jie Guan" }
+@string{GudenbergJW = "J{\"u}rgen Wolff Gudenberg" }
+@string{GudmundssonJ = "Joachim Gudmundsson" }
+@string{GuentherO = "Oliver G{\"u}nther" }
+@string{GuidobaldiC = "Corrado Guidobaldi" }
+@string{GuillaumeJ = "Jean-Loup Guillaume" }
+@string{GuimeraR = "Roger Guimer{\`a}" }
+@string{GuM = "Ming Gu" }
+@string{GummadiPK = "P. Krishna Gummadi" }
+@string{GunkelT = "Thorsten Gunkel" }
+@string{GuptaA = "Anupam Gupta" }
+@string{GupteN = "Neelima Gupte" }
+@string{GuruswamiV = "Venkatesan Guruswami" }
+@string{GusfieldD = "Dan Gusfield" }
+@string{GutirrezE = "Eli{\'e}cer Guti{\'e}rrez" }
+@string{GutmanRJ = "Ronald J. Gutman" }
+@string{GuttmanA = "Antonin Guttman" }
+@string{GutwengerC = "Carsten Gutwenger" }
+@string{GuY = "Yu Gu" }
+@string{GyugyiL = "Laszlo Gyugyi" }
+@string{HaaseP = "Patti Haase" }
+@string{HabibM = "Michel Habib" }
+@string{HackbuschW = "Wolfgang Hackbusch" }
+@string{hacon = "{HaCon - Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH}" }
+@string{HaemersW = "Willem H.\ Haemers" }
+@string{HageP = "Per Hage" }
+@string{HagerupT = "Torben Hagerup" }
+@string{HaghaniA = "Ali Haghani" }
+@string{HahnG = "Ge{\v n}a Hahn" }
+@string{HaibtLM = "Lois M. Haibt" }
+@string{HajiaghayiM = "MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi" }
+@string{HakimiSL = "Hakimi, S. Louis" }
+@string{HalinR = "Rudolf Halin" }
+@string{HalkidiM = "Maria Halkidi" }
+@string{HallA = "Alexander Hall" }
+@string{HalldorssonMM = "Magn{\'u}s M. Halld{\'o}rsson" }
+@string{HallKM = "Kenneth M. Hall" }
+@string{HallW = "Wendy Hall" }
+@string{HalperinE = "Eran Halperin" }
+@string{HalpernJ = "Joseph Halpern" }
+@string{HalseyE = "E. Halsey" }
+@string{HamacherHW = "Horst W.\ Hamacher" }
+@string{HamannM = "Michael Hamann" }
+@string{HamerJ = "John Hamer" }
+@string{HamF = "Frank van Ham" }
+@string{HammerPL = "Peter L. Hammer" }
+@string{HanCC = "Chih-Chieh Han" }
+@string{HandDJ = "D.\ J.\ Hand" }
+@string{HandleyM = "Mark Handley" }
+@string{HanebeckUD = "Uwe D. Hanebeck" }
+@string{HannemanR = "Robert Hanneman" }
+@string{HansenP = "Pierre Hansen" }
+@string{HanSK = "Seung Kee Han" }
+@string{HanusseN = "Nicolas Hanusse" }
+@string{HaoJ = "Jianxiu Hao" }
+@string{HaoMC = "Ming C.\ Hao" }
+@string{Har-PeledS = "Sariel Har-Peled" }
+@string{HaraborD = "Daniel Harabor" }
+@string{HaralambidesJ = "James Haralambides" }
+@string{HararyF = "Frank Harary" }
+@string{HardingGC = "G. C. Harding" }
+@string{HarelD = "David Harel" }
+@string{HargensLL = "L. L. Hargens" }
+@string{HariharanR = "Ramesh Hariharan" }
+@string{HarperR = "Richard Harper" }
+@string{HarrelsonC = "Chris Harrelson" }
+@string{HarrisM = "Mark Harris" }
+@string{HarrisonMA = "Michael A. Harrison" }
+@string{HartensteinH = "Hannes Hartenstein" }
+@string{HartiganJA = "John A.\ Hartigan" }
+@string{HartmannT = "Tanja Hartmann" }
+@string{HartPE = "Peter E. Hart" }
+@string{HartuvE = "Erez Hartuv" }
+@string{HartvigsenD = "David Hartvigsen" }
+@string{HartwigS = "Stephan Hartwig" }
+@string{HartyM = "Martha Harty" }
+@string{HasegawaT = "Toshiharu Hasegawa" }
+@string{HaselmayrJ = "Julian Haselmayr" }
+@string{HashimotoH = "Hideki Hashimoto" }
+@string{HashimotoT = "T. Hashimoto" }
+@string{HassinR = "Refael Hassin" }
+@string{HastadJ = "Johan H{\r a}stad" }
+@string{HatzisKP = "Kostas P. Hatzis" }
+@string{HaunertJ = "Jan-Henrik Haunert" }
+@string{HausbergerS = "Stefan Hausberger" }
+@string{HaveliwalaTH = "Haveliwala, Taher H." }
+@string{HavelV = "Vaclav Havel" }
+@string{HaverkortH = "Herman Haverkort" }
+@string{HavlinS = "Shlomo Havlin" }
+@string{HealeyCG = "Christopher G. Healey" }
+@string{HeaphyR = "Robert Heaphy" }
+@string{HechtPK = "P. K. Hecht" }
+@string{HeckbertPS = "Paul S. Heckbert" }
+@string{HeckermanD = "David Heckerman" }
+@string{HeH = "Hongmei He" }
+@string{HeHuan = "Huan He" }
+@string{HeidemannJ = "John Heidemann" }
+@string{HeilGH = "Greg H.\ Heil" }
+@string{HeilpornG = "Geraldine Heilporn" }
+@string{HeinM = "Matthias Hein" }
+@string{HeinzelmanWR = "Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman" }
+@string{HeiseDR = "D. R. Heise" }
+@string{HelbingD = "Dirk Helbing" }
+@string{HeldenG = "Guido Helden" }
+@string{HellP = "Pavol Hell" }
+@string{HeM = "Meng He" }
+@string{HendricksonB = "Bruce Hendrickson" }
+@string{HendryG = "George R. T. Hendry" }
+@string{HenningMA = "Michael A. Henning" }
+@string{HenzingerM = "Monika R.\ Henzinger" }
+@string{HerbstA = "Andre Herbst" }
+@string{HermanI = "Ivan Herman" }
+@string{HernandezG = "Hern{\'a}ndez, Gregorio" }
+@string{HershbergerJ = "John Hershberger" }
+@string{HertelA = "Alex Hertel" }
+@string{HertelS = "Stefan Hertel" }
+@string{HerzogO = "Otthein Herzog" }
+@string{HesselM = "Mirko {Hessel-von Molo}" }
+@string{HeuvelJ = "Jan van den Heuvel" }
+@string{HeviaH = "Hector Hevia" }
+@string{HeW = "Weiqing He" }
+@string{HeX = "He, Xiaofeng" }
+@string{HeXi = "Xin He" }
+@string{HGB = "Benjamin H. Good" }
+@string{HibbsM = "Matthew Hibbs" }
+@string{HieM = "M. Hie" }
+@string{HilgerM = "Moritz Hilger" }
+@string{HillerB = "Benjamin Hiller" }
+@string{HillFSJr = "F. S. {Hill Jr.}" }
+@string{HimsoltM = "Michael Himsolt" }
+@string{HingoraniNG = "Narain G. Hingorani" }
+@string{HinzeS = "Sybille Hinze" }
+@string{HircheS = "S. Hirche" }
+@string{HirschC = "Colin Hirsch" }
+@string{HjaltasonG = "G\'{\i}sli Hjaltason" }
+@string{HochbaumDS = "Dorit S. Hochbaum" }
+@string{HoeferM = "Martin H{\"o}fer" }
+@string{HoeffdingW = "Wassily Hoeffding" }
+@string{HoelldoberS = "Steffen H{\"o}lldober" }
+@string{HoffmanAJ = "Alan J. Hoffman" }
+@string{HoffmannM = "Michael Hoffmann" }
+@string{HoffmannR = "Roberto Hoffmann" }
+@string{HoffmannRalf = "Ralf Hoffmann" }
+@string{HohltB = "Barbara Hohlt" }
+@string{HolbertK = "Karen S. Holbert" }
+@string{HolderLB = "Lawrence B.\ Holder" }
+@string{HollandPW = "Paul W.\ Holland" }
+@string{HolldoblerS = "Steffen H{\"o}lldobler" }
+@string{HolmeP = "Petter Holme" }
+@string{HolmerinJ = "Jonas Holmerin" }
+@string{HolmJ = "Jacob Holm" }
+@string{HolmstromE = "Erik Holmstr{\"o}m" }
+@string{HoltenD = "Danny Holten" }
+@string{HoltgreweM = "Manuel Holtgrewe" }
+@string{HolzapfelK = "Klaus Holzapfel" }
+@string{HolzerM = "Martin Holzer" }
+@string{HolzerS = "Stephan Holzer" }
+@string{HongS = "Seok-Hee Hong" }
+@string{HoogeveenH = "Han Hoogeveen" }
+@string{HooryS = "Shlomo Hoory" }
+@string{HopcroftJE = "John E. Hopcroft" }
+@string{HopnerM = "Martin H{\"o}pner" }
+@string{HoraudR = "Radu Horaud" }
+@string{HornI = "Ilan Horn" }
+@string{HorsterP = "Patrick Horster" }
+@string{HorvitzE = "Eric Horvitz" }
+@string{HoTB = "Tu Bao Ho" }
+@string{HotellingH = "Harold Hotelling" }
+@string{HotzG = "G{\"u}nter Hotz" }
+@string{HougardyS = "Stefan Hougardy" }
+@string{HoyosJRC = "Jose R.C. Hoyos" }
+@string{HromkovicJ = "Juraj Hromkovic" }
+@string{HsuM = "Min-Yao Hsu" }
+@string{HsuT = "{Tsan-sheng} Hsu" }
+@string{HsuW = "Wen-Lian Hsu" }
+@string{HuaC = "Cunqing Hua" }
+@string{HuangC = "Chi-Fu Huang" }
+@string{HuangL = "Lin Huang" }
+@string{HuangP = "Polly Huang" }
+@string{HuangQL = "Q. L. Huang" }
+@string{HuangX = "Xiaohan Huang" }
+@string{HuangXi = "Xiaodi Huang" }
+@string{HuangYW = "Yun-Wu Huang" }
+@string{HuaQ = "Qiang-Sheng Hua" }
+@string{HubbellCH = "Charles H.\ Hubbell" }
+@string{HubermanBA = "Bernardo A. Huberman" }
+@string{HubnerF = "Florian H{\"u}bner" }
+@string{HuffakerB = "Bradley Huffaker" }
+@string{HuismanD = "Dennis Huisman" }
+@string{HuismanM = "Mark Huisman" }
+@string{HummonNP = "Norman P. Hummon" }
+@string{HungY = "Ya-Fei Hung" }
+@string{HurtadoF = "Ferran Hurtado" }
+@string{HuS = "Songnian Hu" }
+@string{HusbandsP = "Husbands, Parry" }
+@string{HustonG = "Geoff Huston" }
+@string{HuTC = "T.C. Hu" }
+@string{HutchinsonAR = "Allan R. Hutchinson" }
+@string{HutP = "Piet Hut" }
+@string{HutschenreutherH = "H.\ Hutschenreuther" }
+@string{HuX = "Xiaohua Hu" }
+@string{HuY = "Yifan Hu" }
+@string{HwangW = "Woo-chang Hwang" }
+@string{IaconoJ = "John Iacono" }
+@string{IbarakiT = "Toshihide Ibaraki" }
+@string{IbarraOH = "Oscar H. Ibarra" }
+@string{IchouaS = "Soumia Ichoua" }
+@string{IdekerT = "Trey Ideker" }
+@string{IdeM = "Mikio Ide" }
+@string{IguchiT = "Takashi Iguchi" }
+@string{IhlerE = "Edmund Ihler" }
+@string{IkedaM = "Michael Ikeda" }
+@string{IkedaT = "T. Ikeda" }
+@string{ILY = "Leon-Suematsu, Yutaka I." }
+@string{ImaiH = "H. Imai" }
+@string{InagakiY = "Y. Inagaki" }
+@string{IndykP = "Piotr Indyk" }
+@string{infras = "INFRAS AG" }
+@string{IntanagonwiwatC = "Chalermek Intanagonwiwat" }
+@string{IoffredaM = "Mario Ioffreda" }
+@string{IriM = "Masao Iri" }
+@string{IsettDD = "D. D. Isett" }
+@string{IshiiT = "Toshimasa Ishii" }
+@string{IshikawaK = "Kunihiro Ishikawa" }
+@string{ItaiA = "Alon Itai" }
+@string{ItalianoGF = "Giuseppe F.\ Italiano" }
+@string{ItoT = "Tooru Ito" }
+@string{ItzkovitzS = "Shalev Itzkovitz" }
+@string{IvanovYD = "Yuri D. Ivanov" }
+@string{IversonK = "Kenneth E. Iverson" }
+@string{IwamaK = "Kazuo Iwama" }
+@string{JacksonMO = "Matthew O. Jackson" }
+@string{JacobR = "Riko Jacob" }
+@string{JahodaM = "Marie Jahoda" }
+@string{JainA = "A. Jain" }
+@string{JainAK = "Anil K. Jain" }
+@string{JaJaJ = "Joseph JaJa" }
+@string{JakelJ = "Jens J{\"a}kel" }
+@string{JaminS = "Sugih Jamin" }
+@string{JansenD = "Dorothea Jansen" }
+@string{JansenK = "Klaus Jansen" }
+@string{JanssenJ = "Jeannette Janssen" }
+@string{JanssenP = "Paul Janssen" }
+@string{JaromczykJW = "Jerzy W.\ Jaromczyk" }
+@string{JaySJ = "Stephen J. Jay" }
+@string{JehG = "Jeh, Glen" }
+@string{JelinekV = "V{\'\i}t Jel{\'\i}nek" }
+@string{JeongH = "Hawoong Jeong" }
+@string{JerrumM = "Mark Jerrum" }
+@string{JessJA = "Jochen A. Jess" }
+@string{JiangAA = "Anxiao (Andrew) Jiang" }
+@string{JiangB = "Bin Jiang" }
+@string{JiangT = "Tao Jiang" }
+@string{JiangX = "Xiao Jiang" }
+@string{JianT = "Tang Jian" }
+@string{JinC = "Cheng Jin" }
+@string{JingN = "Ning Jing" }
+@string{JinR = "Ruoming Jin" }
+@string{JinX = "Xiaoyi Jin" }
+@string{JohnesMC = "M.\ C.\ Jones" }
+@string{JohnsGL = "Gary L. Johns" }
+@string{JohnsonDB = "Donald B. Johnson" }
+@string{JohnsonDS = "David S. Johnson" }
+@string{JohnsonMA = "Marc A. Johnson" }
+@string{JokschHC = "H.C. Joksch" }
+@string{JolliffeIT = "Ian T. Jolliffe" }
+@string{JonesA = "Alan Jones" }
+@string{JonesMC = "M.~C.~Jonas" }
+@string{JordanC = "Camille Jordan" }
+@string{JordanMI = "Jordan, Micheal I." }
+@string{JuedesD = "David Juedes" }
+@string{JuengerM = "Michael J{\"u}nger" }
+@string{JuhaszF = "Ferenc Juh{\'a}sz" }
+@string{JungC = "Christian Jung" }
+@string{JungJ = "Jaeyeon Jung" }
+@string{JungnickelD = "Dieter Jungnickel" }
+@string{JungS = "Soojung Jung" }
+@string{JungSU = "Sungwon Jung" }
+@string{JurdzinskiT = "Tomasz Jurdzinski" }
+@string{KaashoekF = "Frans Kaashoek" }
+@string{KaasR = "R. Kaas" }
+@string{KabellJA = "Jerald A.~Kabell" }
+@string{KacprzykJ = "Janusz Kacprzyk" }
+@string{KaeaebV = "Vanessa K{\"a}{\"a}b" }
+@string{KahlM = "Matthias Kahl" }
+@string{KahngAB = "Andrew B. Kahng" }
+@string{KahngB = "Byungnam Kahng" }
+@string{KaibelV = "Volker Kaibel" }
+@string{KaindlH = "Hermann Kaindl" }
+@string{KainzG = "Gerhard Kainz" }
+@string{KalishY = "Yuval Kalish" }
+@string{KalpakisK = "Konstantinos Kalpakis" }
+@string{KamadaT = "Tomihisa Kamada" }
+@string{KamathC = "Chandrika Kamath" }
+@string{KamedaT = "Tiko Kameda" }
+@string{KammerF = "Frank Kammer" }
+@string{KampenG = "G. R. Kampen" }
+@string{KamperJH = "Jan-Hinrich K{\"a}mper" }
+@string{KamvarSD = "Kamvar, Sepandar D." }
+@string{KandybaM = "Maria Kandyba" }
+@string{KanevskyA = "Arkady Kanevsky" }
+@string{KangM = "Mihyun Kang" }
+@string{KaninkeG = "G. Kaninke" }
+@string{KanjIA = "Iyad A. Kanj" }
+@string{KannanR = "Ravi Kannan" }
+@string{KannanS = "Sampath Kannan" }
+@string{KannoJ = "Jinko Kanno" }
+@string{KannV = "Viggo Kann" }
+@string{KantG = "Goos Kant" }
+@string{KantR = "Ravi Kant" }
+@string{KaoM = "Ming-Yang Kao" }
+@string{KaoMJ = "Mong-Jen Kao" }
+@string{KaothanthongN = "Natsuda Kaothanthong" }
+@string{KaplanH = "Haim Kaplan" }
+@string{KapoorSF = "S. F. Kapoor" }
+@string{KappesA = "Andrea Kappes" }
+@string{KarakostasG = "George Karakostas" }
+@string{KarchD = "Daniel Karch" }
+@string{KargerDR = "David R. Karger" }
+@string{KarguptaH = "Hillol Kargupta" }
+@string{KarimiM = "Masoumeh Karimi" }
+@string{KarivO = "Oded Kariv" }
+@string{KarlinA = "Anna R. Karlin" }
+@string{KarloffH = "Howard Karloff" }
+@string{KarmarkarN = "Narendra Karmarkar" }
+@string{KarpinskiM = "Marek Karpinski" }
+@string{KarpRM = "Richard M. Karp" }
+@string{KarrerA = "Annette Karrer" }
+@string{KarS = "S. Kar" }
+@string{KarypisG = "George Karypis" }
+@string{KarzanovAV = "Alexander V. Karzanov" }
+@string{KasaiR = "Ryosei Kasai" }
+@string{KashIA = "Ian A. Kash" }
+@string{KashiwabaraT = "Toshinobu Kashiwabara" }
+@string{KashtanN = "Nadav Kashtan" }
+@string{KaskiP = "Petteri Kaski" }
+@string{KatonaG = "Gyula Katona" }
+@string{KatzB = "Bastian Katz" }
+@string{KatzL = "Leo Katz" }
+@string{KatzRH = "Randy H. Katz" }
+@string{KaufmanDE = "David E. Kaufman" }
+@string{KaufmannM = "Michael Kaufmann" }
+@string{KavanaghJ = "John Kavanagh" }
+@string{KavithaT = "Telikepalli Kavitha" }
+@string{KawaiS = "Satoru Kawai" }
+@string{KawarabayashiK = "Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi" }
+@string{KawasakiS = "Saori Kawasaki" }
+@string{KeberW = "W. Keber" }
+@string{KeimDA = "Daniel A.\ Keim" }
+@string{KellererH = "Hans Kellerer" }
+@string{KelleyC = "Colin Kelley" }
+@string{KellyD = "David Kelly" }
+@string{KelmansAK = "A. K. Kelmans" }
+@string{KelnerJA = "Jonathan A. Kelner" }
+@string{KempeD = "David Kempe" }
+@string{KenisP = "Patrick Kenis" }
+@string{KenleyEC = "Edward Casey Kenley\r
+" }
+@string{KennedyK = "Ken Kennedy" }
+@string{KeoghE = "Eamonn Keogh" }
+@string{KerboschJAGM = "Joep A. G. M. Kerbosch" }
+@string{KernerBS = "Boris S. Kerner" }
+@string{KernighanBW = "Brian W. Kernighan" }
+@string{KerrenA = "Andreas Kerren" }
+@string{KerstingH = "Hanno Kersting" }
+@string{KertezJ = "J{\'a}nos Kert{\'e}z" }
+@string{KeszeghB = "Bal{\'a}zs Keszegh" }
+@string{KeyanL = "Liu Keyan" }
+@string{KhabbazianM = "Majid Khabbazian" }
+@string{KhachiyanLG = "Leonid G. Khachiyan" }
+@string{KhanO = "Omar Khan" }
+@string{KhareV = "Varun Khare" }
+@string{KhosraviA = "Amirali Khosravi" }
+@string{KhotS = "Subhash Khot" }
+@string{KhullerS = "Samir Khuller" }
+@string{KickEL = "Edward L. Kick" }
+@string{KieritzT = "Tim Kieritz" }
+@string{KikuoY = "Yuta, Kikuo" }
+@string{KimBJ = "Kim, Beom Jun" }
+@string{KimCE = "Chul E.\ Kim" }
+@string{KimD = "Doochul Kim" }
+@string{KimKH = "K. H.\ Kim" }
+@string{KindermannP = "Philipp Kindermann" }
+@string{KingV = "Valerie King" }
+@string{KintaliS = "Shiva Kintali" }
+@string{KirchhoffG = "Gustav Kirchhoff" }
+@string{KirchlerD = "Dominik Kirchler" }
+@string{KirkpatrickS = "Scott Kirkpatrick" }
+@string{KishiG = "G.~Kishi" }
+@string{KitsuregawaM = "Masaru Kitsuregawa" }
+@string{KlafszkyE = "Emil Klafszky" }
+@string{KlasingR = "R. Klasing" }
+@string{KlauGW = "Gunnar W. Klau" }
+@string{KlavikP = "Pavel Klav{\'i}k" }
+@string{KleeneSC = "Stephen Cole Kleene" }
+@string{KleeV = "Victor Klee" }
+@string{KleinbergJM = "Jon M. Kleinberg" }
+@string{KleinD = "Klein, Dan" }
+@string{KleinK = "Karsten Klein" }
+@string{KleinPN = "Philip N. Klein" }
+@string{KleinR = "Rolf Klein" }
+@string{KleinS = "Sulamita Klein" }
+@string{KleitmanDJ = "Daniel J. Kleitman" }
+@string{KlemmK = "Konstantin Klemm" }
+@string{KliemannL = "Lasse Kliemann" }
+@string{KliewerN = "Natalia Kliewer" }
+@string{KloksT = "Ton Kloks" }
+@string{KlugeR = "Roland Kluge" }
+@string{KlukasC = "Christian Klukas" }
+@string{KlunderGA = "G. A. Klunder" }
+@string{KnokeD = "David Knoke" }
+@string{KnoppS = "Sebastian Knopp" }
+@string{KnothM = "Martin Knoth" }
+@string{KnowlesJD = "Joshua D. Knowles" }
+@string{KnuthD = "Donald E. Knuth" }
+@string{KobitzschM = "Moritz Kobitzsch" }
+@string{KobourovSG = "Stephen G. Kobourov" }
+@string{KodamaY = "Yukihiro Kodama" }
+@string{KoebeP = "Paul Koebe" }
+@string{KoeblerJ = "Johannes K{\"{o}}bler" }
+@string{KoehlerE = "Ekkehard K{\"o}hler" }
+@string{KoenemannJ = "Jochen K{\"o}nemann" }
+@string{KoenigD = "D\'enes K{\H o}nig" }
+@string{KoepfB = "Boris K{\"o}pf" }
+@string{KoevariT = "Tam{\'a}s K{\H{o}}v{\'a}ri" }
+@string{KoganJ = "Jacob Kogan" }
+@string{KohKM = "Khee Meng Koh" }
+@string{KohliP = "Pushmeet Kohli" }
+@string{KollerD = "Daphne Koller" }
+@string{KolmanP = "Petr Kolman" }
+@string{KomlosJ = "J{\'a}nos Koml{\'o}s" }
+@string{KommelH = "Helene J. Kommel" }
+@string{KonjevodG = "Goran Konjevod" }
+@string{KoopmansTC = "Tjalling C. Koopmans" }
+@string{KorenI = "Israel Koren" }
+@string{KorenY = "Yehuda Koren" }
+@string{KorenZ = "Zahava Koren" }
+@string{KormanM = "Matias Korman" }
+@string{KorteB = "Bernhard Korte" }
+@string{KortewegP = "Peter Korteweg" }
+@string{KortsarzG = "Guy Kortsarz" }
+@string{KoschutzkiD = "Dirk Kosch{\"u}tzki" }
+@string{KosterAM = "Arie M.C.A. Koster" }
+@string{KosubS = "Sven Kosub" }
+@string{KoutsoupiasE = "Elias Koutsoupias" }
+@string{KowalskiDR = "Dariusz R. Kowalski" }
+@string{KrackhardtD = "David Krackhardt" }
+@string{KrapivskyPL = "Paul L.\ Krapivsky" }
+@string{KratochvilJ = "Jan Kratochv{\'\i}l" }
+@string{KratschD = "Dieter Kratsch" }
+@string{KrauseAE = "Ann E. Krause" }
+@string{KrauthgamerR = "Robert Krauthgamer" }
+@string{KravetzA = "Alan Kravetz" }
+@string{KrebsVE = "Valdis E. Krebs" }
+@string{KrempelL = "Lothar Krempel" }
+@string{KreuterB = "Bernd Kreuter" }
+@string{KreveldMv = "Marc van Kreveld" }
+@string{KringsM = "Manuel Krings" }
+@string{KrishnaCM = "Krishna, C. Mani" }
+@string{KrishnamachariB = "Bhaskar Krishnamachari" }
+@string{KrishnamoorthyV = "V. Krishnamoorthy" }
+@string{KrishnanN = "Neeraj Krishnan" }
+@string{KrivelevichM = "Michael Krivelevich" }
+@string{KrollM = "Moritz Kroll" }
+@string{KroonLG = "Leo G. Kroon" }
+@string{KruegerJ = "Jens Kr{\"u}ger" }
+@string{KrugM = "Marcus Krug" }
+@string{KrummJ = "John Krumm" }
+@string{KruskalJB = "Joseph B.\ Kruskal" }
+@string{KubickiG = "Grzegorz Kubicki" }
+@string{KuceraL = "Lud{\v e}k Ku{\v c}era" }
+@string{KuchemR = "Ruth Kuchem" }
+@string{KuenstlerR = "Rita K{\"u}nstler" }
+@string{KuhnF = "Fabian Kuhn" }
+@string{KuhnHW = "Harold W. Kuhn" }
+@string{KuhnW = "Werner Kuhn" }
+@string{KulisB = "Brian Kulis" }
+@string{KulliVR = "V.~R.~Kulli" }
+@string{KumadaY = "Yoichiro Kumada" }
+@string{KumarG = "Gautam Kumar" }
+@string{KumarMP = "Kumar, M. Pramodh" }
+@string{KumarPR = "P. R. Kumar" }
+@string{KumarR = "Ravi Kumar" }
+@string{KumarV = "Vipin Kumar" }
+@string{KumarVSA = "Kumar, V. S. Anil" }
+@string{KundurP = "P. Kundur" }
+@string{KungHT = "H. T. Kung" }
+@string{KupkeJ = "Joachim Kupke" }
+@string{KuratowskiC = "Casimir Kuratowski" }
+@string{KwaJB = "James B. Kwa" }
+@string{KwatraV = "Vivek Kwatra" }
+@string{LabbeM = "Martine Labbe" }
+@string{LabK = "George Karypis" }
+@string{LabovitzC = "Craig Labovitz" }
+@string{LabrinidisA = "Alexandros Labrinidis" }
+@string{LafouOF = "Oscar Fofie Lafou" }
+@string{LagunaM = "Manuel Laguna" }
+@string{LaiW = "Wei Lai" }
+@string{LakamrajuV = "Vijay Lakamraju" }
+@string{LakhinaA = "Anukool Lakhina" }
+@string{LallS = "Sanjay Lall" }
+@string{LambiotteR = "Renaud Lambiotte" }
+@string{LammerS = "Stefan L{\"a}mmer" }
+@string{LancichinettiA = "Andrea Lancichinetti" }
+@string{LandgrafB = "Britta Landgraf" }
+@string{LangetepeE = "Elmar Langetepe" }
+@string{LangKJ = "Kevin J. Lang" }
+@string{LangS = "Steffen Lang" }
+@string{LangSe = "Serge Lang" }
+@string{LangstonMA = "Michael A. Langston" }
+@string{LangvilleAN = "Amy N. Langville" }
+@string{LaPoutreJA = "La Poutr{\'e}, Johannes A." }
+@string{LarsenKG = "Kim Guldstrand Larsen" }
+@string{LaschingerM = "Moritz Laschinger" }
+@string{LaskeyKB = "Kathryn B.\ Laskey" }
+@string{LatapyM = "Matthieu Latapy" }
+@string{LauchliP = "Peter L{\"a}uchli" }
+@string{LauFC = "Francis C. M. Lau" }
+@string{LauraL = "Luigi Laura" }
+@string{LautherU = "Ulrich Lauther" }
+@string{LavilleF = "Fran{\c{c}}oise Laville" }
+@string{LawlerEL = "Eugene L. Lawler" }
+@string{LawrenceS = "Steve Lawrence" }
+@string{LeahyR = "Richard Leahy" }
+@string{LeeCPC = "Lee, Chris Pan-Chi" }
+@string{LeeD = "D.T. Lee" }
+@string{LeeJ = "Jian Lee" }
+@string{LeeL = "Lie-Quan Lee" }
+@string{LeeRCT = "Richard C. T. Lee" }
+@string{LeeS = "Sang-Ho Lee" }
+@string{LeeuwenJv = "van Leeuwen, Jan" }
+@string{LeeuwJW = "Jan W. de Leeuw" }
+@string{LefebvreE = "Etienne Lefebvre" }
+@string{LefohnA = "Aaron Lefohn" }
+@string{LeH = "Hoang-Oanh Le" }
+@string{LehmannEL = "Erich L. Lehmann" }
+@string{LehmannK = "Katharina A. Lehmann" }
+@string{LehmannKA = "Katharina A. Lehmann" }
+@string{LeibfriedT = "Thomas Leibfried" }
+@string{LeichtEA = "E. A. Leicht" }
+@string{LeifmanLYa = "L. Ya. Leifman" }
+@string{LeightonFT = "Frank Thomson Leighton" }
+@string{LeinhardtS = "Samuel Leinhardt" }
+@string{LeipertS = "Sebastian Leipert" }
+@string{LeiserN = "Naty Leiser" }
+@string{LeisersonCE = "Charles E. Leiserson" }
+@string{LelandR = "Robert Leland" }
+@string{LempelA = "Abraham Lempel" }
+@string{LempelR = "Ronny Lempel" }
+@string{LengauerT = "Thomas Lengauer" }
+@string{LenstraHW = "Hendrik Willem Lenstra" }
+@string{LenstraJK = "Jan Karel Lenstra" }
+@string{LeonardiS = "Stefano Leonardi" }
+@string{LeonardJ = "John Leonard" }
+@string{LernerJ = "J{\"u}rgen Lerner" }
+@string{LeskovecJ = "Jure Leskovec" }
+@string{LesniakL = "Linda Lesniak" }
+@string{LeuckerM = "Martin Leucker" }
+@string{LeungV = "Vitus Leung" }
+@string{LeveneM = "Mark Levene" }
+@string{LevequeB = "Benjamin L\'ev\^eque" }
+@string{LevineMS = "Matthew S. Levine" }
+@string{LevinsonR = "Robert Levinson" }
+@string{LewinerT = "Thomas Lewiner" }
+@string{LewiP = "Paul Lewi" }
+@string{LeydesdorffL = "Loet Leydesdorff" }
+@string{LeyvrazF = "Francois Leyvraz" }
+@string{LiA = "Angsheng Li" }
+@string{LiangJ = "Jiye Liang" }
+@string{LiangW = "Weifa Liang" }
+@string{LiaoC = "Chien-Chih Liao" }
+@string{LibertiL = "Leo Liberti" }
+@string{LiC = "Chung-Sheng Li" }
+@string{LichtenbergK = "de Lichtenberg, Kristian" }
+@string{LickDR = "Don R. Lick" }
+@string{LiebchenC = "Christian Liebchen" }
+@string{LiebersA = "Annegret Liebers" }
+@string{LiereR = "Robert van Liere" }
+@string{LiG = "Guojie Li" }
+@string{LiggesmeyerP = "Peter Liggesmeyer" }
+@string{LightnerMR = "Michael R. Lightner" }
+@string{LiJ = "Jiandong Li" }
+@string{LiJin = "Jinyang Li" }
+@string{LilloF = "Felipe Lillo" }
+@string{LiM = "Menghui Li" }
+@string{LinC = "Ching-Chi Lin" }
+@string{LinCh = "Chuan Lin" }
+@string{LinChewK = "Kim Lin Chew" }
+@string{LingasA = "Andrzej Lingas" }
+@string{LingL = "Lunjiang Ling" }
+@string{LinialN = "Nathan Linial" }
+@string{LinS = "S. Lin" }
+@string{LinX = "Xuemin Lin" }
+@string{LiottaG = "Giuseppe Liotta" }
+@string{LipmanMJ = "Marc J. Lipman" }
+@string{LiptonRJ = "Richard J. Lipton" }
+@string{LiS = "Shuzhuo Li" }
+@string{LisowskiD = "David Lisowski" }
+@string{LiSYR = "Shuo-Yen Robert Li" }
+@string{LitvakN = "Litvak, Nelly" }
+@string{LiuC = "Chih-Hung Liu" }
+@string{LiuH = "Hengchang Liu" }
+@string{LiuJ = "Junqi Liu" }
+@string{LiuY = "Yong Liu" }
+@string{LiuYh = "Yonghe Liu" }
+@string{LiuYQ = "Y. Q. Liu" }
+@string{LiX = "Xiang-Yang Li" }
+@string{LiXY = "Xiang-Yang Li" }
+@string{LiY = "Yingshu Li" }
+@string{LladoA = "Anna S. Llad{\'o}" }
+@string{LloydS = "Stuart Lloyd" }
+@string{LoanCF = "Van Loan, Charles F." }
+@string{LochbihlerA = "Andreas Lochbihler" }
+@string{LodiE = "Elena Lodi" }
+@string{LoehA = "Andres L{\"o}h" }
+@string{LoehrK = "Klaus-Peter L{\"o}hr" }
+@string{LofflerM = "Maarten L{\"o}ffler" }
+@string{LoizouG = "George Loizou" }
+@string{LomonosovMV = "M. V. Lomonosov" }
+@string{LonardiS = "Stefano Lonardi" }
+@string{LongJ = "Jun Long" }
+@string{LoomisCP = "C. P. Loomis" }
+@string{Lopez-OrtizA = "Alejandro L{\'o}pez-Ortiz" }
+@string{LopezMGR = "Maria G.R. Lopez" }
+@string{LorenzU = "Ulf Lorenz" }
+@string{LorrainF = "Fran{\c{c}}ois Lorrain" }
+@string{LotkerZ = "Zvi Lotker" }
+@string{LouchardG = "Guy Louchard" }
+@string{LouiRP = "Ronald Prescott Loui" }
+@string{LoukakisE = "Emmanuel Loukakis" }
+@string{LourenccoA = "Andr{\'e} Louren{\c{c}}o" }
+@string{LovaszL = "L{\'a}szl{\'o} Lov{\'a}sz" }
+@string{LuanGF = "G. F. Luan" }
+@string{LubbeckeME = "Marco E. L{\"u}bbecke" }
+@string{LubbersMJ = "Miranda J.\ Lubbers" }
+@string{LubiwA = "Anna Lubiw" }
+@string{LuccioF = "Fabrizio Luccio" }
+@string{LuceRD = "R. Duncan Luce" }
+@string{LudwigA = "Andreas Ludwig" }
+@string{LuebkeD = "David Luebke" }
+@string{LuekerGS = "George S. Lueker" }
+@string{LuF = "Feng Lu" }
+@string{LuG = "Gang Lu" }
+@string{LuH = "Hsueh-I Lu" }
+@string{LukoseRM = "Rajan M. Lukose" }
+@string{LuksEM = "Eugene M. Luks" }
+@string{LuL = "Linyuan Lu" }
+@string{LumsdaineA = "Andrew Lumsdaine" }
+@string{LundC = "Carsten Lund" }
+@string{LunnAD = "A.\ D.\ Lunn" }
+@string{LuoH = "Hong Luo" }
+@string{LuoJ = "Jun Luo" }
+@string{LuoX = "Xuemei Luo" }
+@string{LusherD = "Dean Lusher" }
+@string{LusseauD = "David Lusseau" }
+@string{LuxburgUv = "Ulrike von Luxburg" }
+@string{LuxenD = "Dennis Luxen" }
+@string{LuzR = "Raphael Luz" }
+@string{LynchN = "Nancy Lynch" }
+@string{MaassMG = "Moritz G. Maa{\ss}" }
+@string{MaassW = "Wolfgang Maass" }
+@string{MacciC = "Claudio Macci" }
+@string{MachucaE = "Enrique Machuca" }
+@string{MacLaneS = "Mac Lane, Saunders" }
+@string{MacQueenJ = "J.\ MacQueen" }
+@string{MadanR = "Ritesh Madan" }
+@string{MaddenB = "Brendan Madden" }
+@string{MaddenP = "Patrick Madden" }
+@string{MaddenS = "Samuel Madden" }
+@string{MadduriK = "Kamesh Madduri" }
+@string{MaderM = "Martin Mader" }
+@string{MaderW = "Wolfgang Mader" }
+@string{MadryA = "Aleksander Madry" }
+@string{MaffioliF = "Francesco Maffioli" }
+@string{MaghoulF = "Farzin Maghoul" }
+@string{MagnantiTL = "Thomas L. Magnanti" }
+@string{MagoniD = "Damien Magoni" }
+@string{MagoulesF = "Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Magoul{\`e}s" }
+@string{MaheshwariA = "Anil Maheshwari" }
+@string{MaheshwariSN = "S. N. Maheshwari" }
+@string{MaierD = "David Maier" }
+@string{MaierM = "Markus Maier" }
+@string{MaillardP = "Pascal Maillard" }
+@string{MakinenE = "E. M{\"a}kinen" }
+@string{MakkiK = "Kia Makki" }
+@string{MakkiS = "Shamila Makki" }
+@string{MakkiSK = "S. Kami Makki" }
+@string{MaL = "Li Ma" }
+@string{MalandrakiC = "Chryssi Malandraki" }
+@string{MalewiczG = "Grzegorz Malewicz" }
+@string{MalgeriM = "M. Malgeri" }
+@string{MalhotraVM = "Vishv M. Malhotra" }
+@string{MaliG = "Georgia Mali" }
+@string{MalikJ = "Jitendra Malik" }
+@string{MalitzS = "Seth Malitz" }
+@string{MalkevitchJ = "Joseph Malkevitch" }
+@string{MammanaF = "Flavia Mammana" }
+@string{MamoulisN = "Nikos Mamoulis" }
+@string{MandowL = "Lawrence Mandow" }
+@string{MangioniG = "G. Mangioni" }
+@string{ManicG = "G. Manic" }
+@string{ManiP = "Peter Mani" }
+@string{ManneF = "Fredrik Manne" }
+@string{MannilaH = "Heikki Mannila" }
+@string{ManningCD = "Manning, Christopher D." }
+@string{ManninoC = "Carlo Mannino" }
+@string{ManolopoulosY = "Yannis Manolopoulos" }
+@string{MansourY = "Yishay Mansour" }
+@string{ManteuffelTA = "Thomas A. Manteuffel" }
+@string{MaratheMV = "Madhav V. Marathe" }
+@string{MarchettiFE = "Franco E. Marchetti" }
+@string{MarchettiSpaccamelaA = "Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela" }
+@string{MarcotteP = "Patrice Marcotte" }
+@string{MarianiF = "Federico Mariani" }
+@string{MarinI = "Ignacio Mar{\'\i}n" }
+@string{MarinoniS = "Stefano Marinoni" }
+@string{MarionJ = "Jean-Yves Marion" }
+@string{MarkielA = "Andrew Markiel" }
+@string{MarksJ = "Joe Marks" }
+@string{MarquezA = "M{\'a}rquez, Alberto" }
+@string{MarriottK = "Kim Marriott" }
+@string{MarshallAG = "Alan G. Marshall" }
+@string{MarshallMS = "M. Scott Marshall" }
+@string{MarsS = "Sergio Mars" }
+@string{MartelC = "Charles Martel" }
+@string{MartelloS = "Silvano Martello" }
+@string{MartinGN = "G. Nigel Martin" }
+@string{MartinsEQ = "Ernesto Queiros Martins" }
+@string{MartiR = "Rafael Mart{\'i}" }
+@string{MarxM = "Maarten Marx" }
+@string{MasikosM = "M. Masikos" }
+@string{MasonDM = "Doran M. Mason" }
+@string{MasonSP = "Sean P. Mason" }
+@string{MasseBR = "B.R.\ M{\^{a}}sse" }
+@string{MasuchM = "Michael Masuch" }
+@string{MasudaS = "Sumio Masuda" }
+@string{MasuyamaS = "Shigeru Masuyama" }
+@string{MathonR = "Rudi Mathon" }
+@string{MatijevicD = "Domagoj Matijevic" }
+@string{MatousekJ = "Ji{\v r}{\' i} Matou{\v s}ek" }
+@string{MattaI = "Ibrahim Matta" }
+@string{MatternF = "Friedemann Mattern" }
+@string{MattfeldDC = "Dirk Christian Mattfeld" }
+@string{MattheysesRM = "R. M. Mattheyses" }
+@string{MatulaDW = "David W. Matula" }
+@string{MatuszewskiC = "Christian Matuszewski" }
+@string{MaueJ = "Jens Maue" }
+@string{MaW = "Wei Ma" }
+@string{MayrEW = "Ernst W. Mayr" }
+@string{McCainKW = "Katherine W.\ McCain" }
+@string{McCarthyJ = "John McCarthy" }
+@string{McCartyC = "Chris McCarty" }
+@string{McConnellR = "Ross McConnell" }
+@string{McConwayKJ = "K.~J.~McConway" }
+@string{McCurleyKS = "Kevin S.\ McCurley" }
+@string{McDiarmidCJH = "Colin J. H. McDiarmid" }
+@string{McGeochCC = "Catherine C. McGeoch" }
+@string{McGillR = "Robert McGill" }
+@string{McGinnisLF = "Leon F.\ McGinnis" }
+@string{McGrathC = "Cathleen McGrath" }
+@string{McGregorJJ = "James J. McGregor" }
+@string{MchedlidzeT = "Tamara Mchedlidze" }
+@string{McKayBD = "Brendan D.\ McKay" }
+@string{McKeeTA = "Terry A. McKee" }
+@string{McKeownGP = "Geoff P. McKeown" }
+@string{McMorrisFR = "F. R. McMorris" }
+@string{McSherryF = "Frank McSherry" }
+@string{MeckeS = "Steffen Mecke" }
+@string{MedagliaAL = "Andr{\'e}s L. Medaglia" }
+@string{MedinaA = "Alberto Medina" }
+@string{MeekC = "Christopher Meek" }
+@string{MehldauH = "Heiko Mehldau" }
+@string{MehlerA = "Alexander Mehler" }
+@string{MehlhornK = "Kurt Mehlhorn" }
+@string{MeilaM = "Marina Meil{\u{a}}" }
+@string{MeinelC = "Christoph Meinel" }
+@string{MeinertS = "Sascha Meinert" }
+@string{MelanconG = "Guy Melan\c{c}on" }
+@string{MellouliT = "Taieb Mellouli" }
+@string{MeltzerB = "Bernard Meltzer" }
+@string{MendelzonAO = "Alberto O. Mendelzon" }
+@string{MendesJFF = "Jose Ferreira F. Mendes" }
+@string{MendezPO = "Ossona de Mendez, Patrice" }
+@string{MengerK = "Karl Menger" }
+@string{MerrickD = "Damian Merrick" }
+@string{MerrisR = "Russell Merris" }
+@string{MesaJA = "Juan A. Mesa" }
+@string{MetznerP = "Philipp Metzner" }
+@string{Meyer-BaseA = "Anke Meyer-B{\"a}se" }
+@string{MeyerADHF = "Friedhelm {Meyer auf der Heide}" }
+@string{MeyerCD = "Carl D. Meyer" }
+@string{MeyerD = "David Meyer" }
+@string{MeyerhenkeH = "Henning Meyerhenke" }
+@string{MeyerJ = "Joerg Meyer" }
+@string{MeyersRA = "Robert A. Meyers" }
+@string{MeyerU = "Ulrich Meyer" }
+@string{MeyerW = "W. Fr. Meyer" }
+@string{MichailP = "Panagiotis Michail" }
+@string{MichieD = "Donald Michie" }
+@string{MiddendorfM = "Manuel Middendorf" }
+@string{MielkeA = "Alexander Mielke" }
+@string{MihailM = "Milena Mihail" }
+@string{MihalakM = "Mat{\'u}{\v s} Mihal'{\'a}k" }
+@string{MilgramS = "Stanley Milgram" }
+@string{MiliosEE = "Evangelos E. Milios" }
+@string{MillerE = "Ezra Miller" }
+@string{MillerGL = "Gary L. Miller" }
+@string{MillerRE = "Raymond E. Miller" }
+@string{MillozziS = "Stefano Millozzi" }
+@string{MilmanVD = "Vitali D. Milman" }
+@string{MiloR = "Ron Milo" }
+@string{MirchandaniPB = "Pitu B.\ Mirchandani" }
+@string{MishraN = "Nina Mishra" }
+@string{MisueK = "K. Misue" }
+@string{MitchellJC = "J. Clyde Mitchell" }
+@string{MitchellSL = "Sandra L. Mitchell" }
+@string{MitchellW = "William Mitchell" }
+@string{MitohK = "K. Mitoh" }
+@string{MitraP = "Pabitra Mitra" }
+@string{MitraPra = "Pradipta Mitra" }
+@string{MitzenmacherM = "Michael Mitzenmacher" }
+@string{MiuraK = "Kazuyuki Miura" }
+@string{MiyamotoI = "Isao Miyamoto" }
+@string{ModestiP = "Paola Modesti" }
+@string{MoehringR = "Rolf H. M{\"o}hring" }
+@string{MoellerB = "Burkhard M{\"{o}}ller" }
+@string{MoharB = "Bojan Mohar" }
+@string{MohrmannH = "H. Mohrmann" }
+@string{MohrT = "Th. Mohr" }
+@string{MokbelMF = "Mohamed F. Mokbel" }
+@string{MokkenRJ = "Robert J. Mokken" }
+@string{MolinaJL = "Jos{\'e} Luis Molina" }
+@string{MolitorP = "Paul Molitor" }
+@string{MolluzzoJC = "John C. Molluzzo" }
+@string{MonienB = "Burkhard Monien" }
+@string{MonmaCL = "Clyde L. Monma" }
+@string{MontanariUG = "Ugo G. Montanari" }
+@string{MontecchianiF = "Fabrizio Montecchiani" }
+@string{MontemanniR = "Roberto Montemanni" }
+@string{MontgolfierFd = "Fabien de Montgolfier" }
+@string{MontiA = "Angelo Monti" }
+@string{MontjoyeYd = "Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye" }
+@string{MoonJW = "John W. Moon" }
+@string{MoorBD = "Bart De Moor" }
+@string{MooreC = "Cristopher Moore" }
+@string{MooreD = "David Moore" }
+@string{MooreRJ = "Robert J. Moore" }
+@string{MoralesN = "N. Morales" }
+@string{MoranS = "Shlomo Moran" }
+@string{MorenoA = "Moreno, Auxiliadora" }
+@string{MorentD = "Dominik Morent" }
+@string{MoretB = "Bernard Moret" }
+@string{MoreyLC = "Leslie C. Morey" }
+@string{MoricF = "Filip Moric" }
+@string{MoritzH = "Helmut Moritz" }
+@string{MorrisR = "Robert Morris" }
+@string{MorseAS = "A. Stephen Morse" }
+@string{MosbahM = "Mohamed Mosbah" }
+@string{MoscibrodaT = "Thomas Moscibroda" }
+@string{MoserL = "L. Moser" }
+@string{MoshkovitzD = "Dana Moshkovitz" }
+@string{MotwaniR = "Rajeev Motwani" }
+@string{MouncifH = "Hicham Mouncif" }
+@string{MoxleyN = "Nancy F. Moxley" }
+@string{MoxleyR = "Robert L. Moxley" }
+@string{MozesS = "Shay Mozes" }
+@string{MrvarA = "Andrej Mrvar" }
+@string{mta = "{Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York}" }
+@string{MuellerH = "Haiko M{\"{u}}ller" }
+@string{MuellerHannemannM = "Matthias {M{\"u}ller--Hannemann}" }
+@string{MuellerK = "Kirill M{\"u}ller" }
+@string{MuellerR = "Rudolf M{\"u}ller" }
+@string{MuffS = "Stefanie Muff" }
+@string{MukhtarS = "Selma Mukhtar" }
+@string{MullerGlaserKD = "K.D. M{\"u}ller-Glaser" }
+@string{MullerLF = "Laurent Flindt Muller" }
+@string{MullerME = "Mervin E. Muller" }
+@string{MullinsNC = "N. C. Mullins" }
+@string{MulmuleyK = "Ketan Mulmuley" }
+@string{MumfordE = "Elena Mumford" }
+@string{MunozMA = "M. A. Mu{\~{n}}oz" }
+@string{MunroI = "Ian Munro" }
+@string{MunroJI = "J. Ian Munro" }
+@string{MunznerT = "Tamara Munzner" }
+@string{MurtaghF = "F. Murtagh" }
+@string{MurtyMN = "M. N. Murty" }
+@string{MurtyUS = "U. S. Murty" }
+@string{MutzelP = "Petra Mutzel" }
+@string{MyersC = "Chad Myers" }
+@string{NaamadA = "Amnon Naamad" }
+@string{NachtigallK = "Karl Nachtigall" }
+@string{NadelSF = "Siegfried F.\ Nadel" }
+@string{NaeherS = "Stefan N{\"a}her" }
+@string{NagaiS = "Sayaka Nagai" }
+@string{NagamochiH = "Hiroshi Nagamochi" }
+@string{NagarajanV = "Viswanath Nagarajan" }
+@string{NagelK = "Kai Nagel" }
+@string{NagelS = "Stefanie Nagel" }
+@string{NaglM = "Manfred Nagl" }
+@string{NaimM = "Mary Naim" }
+@string{NajjarW = "Walid Najjar" }
+@string{NakajimaK = "Kazuo Nakajima" }
+@string{NakamuraA = "Akira Nakamura" }
+@string{NakanoS = "Shin-Ichi Nakano" }
+@string{NakaoA = "Akihiro Nakao" }
+@string{NakashimaH = "Hideyuki Nakashima" }
+@string{NamjoshiP = "Parag Namjoshi" }
+@string{NamSH = "S. H. Nam" }
+@string{NanniciniG = "Giacomo Nannicini" }
+@string{NanniU = "Umberto Nanni" }
+@string{NaorD = "Dalit Naor" }
+@string{NaorJ = "Joseph Naor" }
+@string{NardelliE = "Enrico Nardelli" }
+@string{NarinF = "Narin, Francis" }
+@string{NarvaezP = "Paolo Narv{\'a}ez" }
+@string{NashWilliamsC = "Crispin St. Nash-Williams" }
+@string{NausJ = "Joseph Naus" }
+@string{NefW = "Walter Nef" }
+@string{NegenbornR = "R.R. Negenborn" }
+@string{NelsonPC = "Peter C. Nelson" }
+@string{NemethE = "Evi Nemeth" }
+@string{NemhauserGL = "Georg L. Nemhauser" }
+@string{NepuszT = "Tam{'a}s Nepusz" }
+@string{NesetrilJ = "Jaroslav Ne{\v s}et{\v r}il" }
+@string{NeubauerS = "Sabine Neubauer" }
+@string{NeumannG = "Gustaf Neumann" }
+@string{NewmanMEJ = "Mark E. J. Newman" }
+@string{NewportC = "Calvin Newport" }
+@string{NeyerG = "Gabriele Neyer" }
+@string{NgAY = "Ng, Andrew Y." }
+@string{NgKW = "K. W. Ng" }
+@string{NgoJT = "J. Thomas Ngo" }
+@string{NguyenNB = "Ngoc Binh Nguyen" }
+@string{NguyenS = "Sang Nguyen" }
+@string{NicholasC = "Charles Nicholas" }
+@string{NicholsonV = " Victor Nicholson" }
+@string{NickellE = "Eric Nickell" }
+@string{NicolaiT = "Tom Nicolai" }
+@string{NicosiaV = "Vincenzo Nicosia" }
+@string{NiedermannB = "Benjamin Niedermann" }
+@string{NiedermeierR = "Rolf Niedermeier" }
+@string{NieminenUJ = "U. J. Nieminen" }
+@string{NieseltK = "Kay Nieselt" }
+@string{NiittymakiJ = "Jarko Niittym{\"a}ki" }
+@string{NikanderP = "Pekka Nikander" }
+@string{NikoletseasS = "Sotiris Nikoletseas" }
+@string{NikoloskiZ = "Zoran Nikoloski" }
+@string{NilssonN = "Nils Nilsson" }
+@string{NisanN = "Noam Nisan" }
+@string{NishimuraK = "Kazuhiro Nishimura" }
+@string{NishimuraS = "S. Nishimura" }
+@string{NishizekiT = "Takao Nishizeki" }
+@string{NittelS = "Silvia Nittel" }
+@string{NoackA = "Andreas Noack" }
+@string{NodaI = "Itsuki Noda" }
+@string{NollenburgM = "Martin N{\"o}llenburg" }
+@string{NoltemeierH = "Hartmut Noltemeier" }
+@string{NooyW = "Wouter de Nooy" }
+@string{NooyWD = "Wouter De Nooy" }
+@string{NormanR = "Robert Z. Norman" }
+@string{NorthSC = "Stephen C. North" }
+@string{NorthwayML = "Mary L. Northway" }
+@string{NorvaagK = "Kjetil N{\o}rv{\aa}g" }
+@string{NossensonR = "Ronit Nossenson" }
+@string{NovakJ = "Novak, Jasmine" }
+@string{NowatzykA = "Andreas Nowatzyk" }
+@string{NowickiK = "Krzysztof Nowicki" }
+@string{NoyM = "Marc Noy" }
+@string{NummenmaaJ = "J. Nummenmaa" }
+@string{NunesAmaralLA = "Lu{\acute i}s Amaral" }
+@string{NunkesserM = "Marc Nunkesser" }
+@string{NutovZ = "Zeev Nutov" }
+@string{NuutilaE = "Esko Nuutila" }
+@string{ObradovicD = "D. Obradovic" }
+@string{OdenK = "Kevin Oden" }
+@string{OelkeD = "Daniela Oelke" }
+@string{OellermannOR = "Ortrud R. Oellermann" }
+@string{OgawaM = "Michima Ogawa" }
+@string{OgiharaM = "Mitsunori Ogihara" }
+@string{OhE = "Eulsik Oh" }
+@string{OhtaM = "Masyuku Ohta" }
+@string{OkadaT = "Takashi Okada" }
+@string{OkamotoY = "Yoshio Okamoto" }
+@string{OlmanV = "Victor Olman" }
+@string{OltvaiZN = "Zoltan N.\ Oltvai" }
+@string{OmranMT = "Masoud T. Omran" }
+@string{ONeilP = "P. V. O'Neil" }
+@string{oneworld = "{Oneworld Management Ltd}" }
+@string{OpitzO = "Otto Opitz" }
+@string{OrdaA = "Ariel Orda" }
+@string{oregon = "{University of Oregon Routeviews Project}" }
+@string{OresicM = "Matej Oresic" }
+@string{OrlinJB = "James B. Orlin" }
+@string{OrourkeJ = "Joseph O'Rourke" }
+@string{OrtizMGR = "Maria G.R. Ortiz" }
+@string{OsangG = "Georg Osang" }
+@string{OsawaT = "Toshihiko Osawa" }
+@string{OsipovV = "Vitaly Osipov" }
+@string{osm = "OpenStreetMap E" }
+@string{OstrowskiM = "Martin Ostrowski" }
+@string{OtachiY = "Yota Otachi" }
+@string{OttmannT = "Thomas Ottmann" }
+@string{OvelgonneM = "Michael Ovelg{\"o}nne" }
+@string{OvermarsMH = "Mark H. Overmars" }
+@string{OwensJD = "John D. Owens" }
+@string{OzierO = "Owen Ozier" }
+@string{PabonJimenezG = "Glarycelis Pab{'o}n-Jim{'e}nez" }
+@string{PachJ = "J{\'a}nos Pach" }
+@string{PadbergM = "Manfred Padberg" }
+@string{PageL = "Lawrence Page" }
+@string{PageLB = "Lavon B.\ Page" }
+@string{PaigeR = "Robert Paige" }
+@string{PajorT = "Thomas Pajor" }
+@string{PalaciosHuertaI = "Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio" }
+@string{PalemK = "Krishna Palem" }
+@string{PalladinoP = "Pietro Palladino" }
+@string{PallaG = "Gergely Palla" }
+@string{PallottinoS = "Stefano Pallottino" }
+@string{PalmerC = "Christopher Palmer" }
+@string{PanduranganG = "Gopal Pandurangan" }
+@string{PangC = "{Chi-Yin} Pang" }
+@string{PanigrahiD = "Debmalya Panigrahi" }
+@string{PanJ = "Jia-Yu Pan" }
+@string{PansiotJJ = "Jean Jacques Pansiot" }
+@string{PanVY = "Victor Y. Pan" }
+@string{PanY = "Yi Pan" }
+@string{PaoloED = "Ezequiel Di Paolo" }
+@string{PapadiasD = "Dimitris Papadias" }
+@string{PapadimitriouCH = "Christos H. Papadimitriou" }
+@string{PapadimitriouS = "Spiros Papadimitriou" }
+@string{PapadopoulosA = "Apostolos Papadopoulos" }
+@string{PapageorgiouLG = "Lazaros G. Papageorgiou" }
+@string{PapakostasA = "Achilleas Papakostas" }
+@string{PapamanthouC = "Charalampos Papamanthou" }
+@string{PapendiekB = "Britta Papendiek" }
+@string{PaperH = "Herbert H. Paper" }
+@string{PapeU = "U. Pape" }
+@string{ParaskevopoulosA = "Andreas Paraskevopoulos" }
+@string{PardalosPM = "Panos M. Pardalos" }
+@string{ParkJ = "Juyong Park" }
+@string{ParlettBN = "Beresford N.\ Parlett" }
+@string{ParmiggianiF = "F. Parmiggiani" }
+@string{ParterSV = "Seymour V. Parter" }
+@string{ParthasarathyS = "Srinivasan Parthasarathy" }
+@string{PascheC = "C. Pasche" }
+@string{PasqualeF = "Francesco Pasquale" }
+@string{PasqualoneG = "Giulio Pasqualone" }
+@string{PastorSatorrasR = "Romualdo Pastor-Satorras" }
+@string{PatelP = "Pari Patel" }
+@string{PatonK = "Keith Paton" }
+@string{PatrignaniM = "Maurizio Patrignani" }
+@string{PattisonP = "Philippa Pattison" }
+@string{PattisonPip = "Pip Pattison" }
+@string{PatwaryMM = "Md. Mostofa Patwary" }
+@string{PaulC = "Christophe Paul" }
+@string{PaullMC = "Marvin C. Paull" }
+@string{PaulusmaD = "Dani{\"e}l Paulusma" }
+@string{PayneTH = "Thomas H. Payne" }
+@string{PearlJ = "Judea Pearl" }
+@string{PeetersL = "Leon Peeters" }
+@string{PeinhardtM = "Matthias Peinhardt" }
+@string{PeiP = "Pengjun Pei" }
+@string{PejicS = "Sne{\v z}ana Peji{\'c}" }
+@string{PekecA = "Aleksandar Peke{\v c}" }
+@string{PelegD = "David Peleg" }
+@string{PelilloM = "Marcello Pelillo" }
+@string{PellegriniF = "Francois Pellegrini" }
+@string{PenttonenM = "Martti Penttonen" }
+@string{PerennesS = "St\'{e}phane P\'{e}rennes" }
+@string{PererA = "Adam Perer" }
+@string{Perez-de-la-CruzJL = "Jos{\'e}-Luis {P{\'e}rez-de-la-Cruz}" }
+@string{PerryA = "Albert Perry" }
+@string{PerryJE = "Jo Ellen Perry" }
+@string{PetersonL = "Larry Peterson" }
+@string{PetitJ = "Jordi Petit" }
+@string{PettieS = "Seth Pettie" }
+@string{PeyratC = "Claudine Peyrat" }
+@string{PferschyU = "Ulrich Pferschy" }
+@string{PfetschM = "Marc Pfetsch" }
+@string{PfoserD = "Dieter Pfoser" }
+@string{PhilippidesA = "Andrew Philippides" }
+@string{PhillipsJM = "Jeff M. Phillips" }
+@string{PhillipsS = "Steven Phillips" }
+@string{PhothilimthanaPM = "Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana" }
+@string{PicardJC = "Jean-Claude Picard" }
+@string{PichC = "Christian Pich" }
+@string{PickholtzR = "Raymond Pickholtz" }
+@string{PigeotI = "Iris Pigeot" }
+@string{PignoletY = "Yvonne-Anne Pignolet" }
+@string{PijlsW = "Wim Pijls" }
+@string{PinlouA = "Alexandre Pinlou" }
+@string{PinskiG = "Pinski, Gabriel" }
+@string{PippertRE = "Raymond E. Pippert" }
+@string{PissinouN = "Niki Pissinou" }
+@string{PitreS = "Sylvain Pitre" }
+@string{PittelB = "Boris Pittel" }
+@string{PizzoniaM = "Maurizio Pizzonia" }
+@string{PlantC = "Claudia Plant" }
+@string{PoenitzA = "Andr{\'e} P{\"o}nitz" }
+@string{PohlI = "Ira Pohl" }
+@string{PolishchukV = "Valentin Polishchuk" }
+@string{PoljakS = "Svatopluk Poljak" }
+@string{PollackR = "Richard Pollack" }
+@string{PonsP = "Pascal Pons" }
+@string{PoonSH = "Sheung-Hung Poon" }
+@string{PoorH = "H.V. Poor" }
+@string{PopkovY = "Y.~Popkov" }
+@string{PortilloJR = "Portillo, Jos{\'e} Ramon" }
+@string{PosaL = "Louis P{\'o}sa" }
+@string{PostHN = "Henk N. Post" }
+@string{PotkonjakM = "Miodrag Potkonjak" }
+@string{PotvinJY = "Jean-Yves Potvin" }
+@string{PoulalhonD = "Dominique Poulalhon" }
+@string{PoulinR = "R.\ Poulin" }
+@string{PradhanSS = "S. Sandeep Pradhan" }
+@string{PramanikS = "Sakti Pramanik" }
+@string{PrasadSK = "Sushil K. Prasad" }
+@string{PrasinosG = "Grigorios Prasinos" }
+@string{PredaM = "Mihai Preda" }
+@string{PreisR = "Robert Preis" }
+@string{PremrudeepreechacharnS = "S. Premrudeepreechacharn" }
+@string{PreparataFP = "Franco P. Preparata" }
+@string{PressWH = "William H. Press" }
+@string{PrinsG = "Geert Prins" }
+@string{PrisnerE = "Erich Prisner" }
+@string{ProctorCH = "C.H. Proctor" }
+@string{ProemelHJ = "Hans J. Pr{\"o}mel" }
+@string{ProiettiG = "Guido Proietti" }
+@string{ProskurowskiA = "Andrzej Proskurowski" }
+@string{ProvanJS = "J. Scott Provan" }
+@string{PrutkinR = "Roman Prutkin" }
+@string{ptv = "{PTV AG -- Planung Transport Verkehr}" }
+@string{PuniyaniAR = "Amit R. Puniyani" }
+@string{PuppeT = "Thomas Puppe" }
+@string{PurcellTJ = "Timothy J. Purcell" }
+@string{PurchaseHC = "Helen C. Purchase" }
+@string{PurdomPW = "Purdom, Jr., Paul W." }
+@string{PursulaM = "Matti Pursula" }
+@string{PyrgaE = "Evangelia Pyrga" }
+@string{QuanW = "Wu Quan" }
+@string{QueyranneM = "Maurice Queyranne" }
+@string{QuigleyA = "Aaron Quigley" }
+@string{RaabJ = "J{\"o}rg Raab" }
+@string{RaanAF = "A. F. Van Raan" }
+@string{RabinMO = "Michael Oser Rabin" }
+@string{RackeH = "Harald R{\"a}cke" }
+@string{RademacherH = "Hans Rademacher" }
+@string{RademacherL = "Luis Rademacher" }
+@string{RadicchiF = "Filippo Radicchi" }
+@string{RadoslavovP = "Pavlin Radoslavov" }
+@string{RadzikT = "Tomasz Radzik" }
+@string{RafflerH = "Hartmut Raffler" }
+@string{RaghavachariB = "Balaji Raghavachari" }
+@string{RaghavanP = "Prabhakar Raghavan" }
+@string{RaghavendraCS = "Cauligi S.~Raghavendra" }
+@string{RahmanN = "Naila Rahman" }
+@string{RahmanS = "Md. Saidur Rahman" }
+@string{RajagopalanS = "Sridhar Rajagopalan" }
+@string{RakpenthaiC = "C. Rakpenthai" }
+@string{RamachandranV = "Vijaya Ramachandran" }
+@string{RamageD = "Daniel Ramage" }
+@string{RamalingamG = "G. Ramalingam" }
+@string{RamamoorthyCV = "C. V. Ramamoorthy" }
+@string{RamanR = "Rajeev Raman" }
+@string{RamchandranK = "Kannan Ramchandran" }
+@string{RamLS = "L. Shankar Ram" }
+@string{RandWM = "William M. Rand" }
+@string{RanganCP = "C. Pandu Rangan" }
+@string{RangwalaS = "Sumit Rangwala" }
+@string{RaoF = "Francesco Rao" }
+@string{RaoS = "Satish Rao" }
+@string{RaphaelB = "Bertram Raphael" }
+@string{RatanamahatanaCA = "Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana" }
+@string{RatliffHD = "H. D. Ratliff" }
+@string{RatnasamyS = "Sylvia Ratnasamy" }
+@string{RaubalM = "Martin Raubal" }
+@string{RaviSS = "S.\ S.\ Ravi" }
+@string{RawitzD = "Dror Rawitz" }
+@string{RaychevV = "Veselin Raychev" }
+@string{RaymondJW = "John W. Raymond" }
+@string{RazenshteynI = "Ilya Razenshteyn" }
+@string{RazR = "Ran Raz" }
+@string{ReadRC = "Ronald C. Read" }
+@string{RebennackS = "Steffen Rebennack" }
+@string{RechtP = "Peter Recht" }
+@string{ReddyA = "Anoop Reddy" }
+@string{RednerS = "Sidney Redner" }
+@string{ReggianiMG = "Marcello G. Reggiani" }
+@string{ReichardtJ = "J{\"o}rg Reichardt" }
+@string{ReifJH = "John H. Reif" }
+@string{ReineltG = "Gerhard Reinelt" }
+@string{ReingoldEM = "Edward M. Reingold" }
+@string{ReischukR = "R{\"u}diger Reischuk" }
+@string{ReissT = "Thomas Rei{\ss{}}" }
+@string{ReitzKP = "Karl P.\ Reitz" }
+@string{RendlF = "Franz Rendl" }
+@string{RenyiA = "Alfred R{\'e}nyi" }
+@string{RepsT = "Thomas Reps" }
+@string{ResendeM = "Mauricio Resende" }
+@string{RexeisM = "Martin Rexeis" }
+@string{RexfordJ = "Jennifer Rexford" }
+@string{ReyesP = "Reyes, Pedro" }
+@string{RezuchaI = "Ivan Rezucha" }
+@string{RiceJA = "John A.\ Rice" }
+@string{RiceM = "Michael Rice" }
+@string{RichaAW = "Andrea W. Richa" }
+@string{RichardsonS = "Sylvia Richardson" }
+@string{RichardsWD = "William D.\ Richards" }
+@string{RichmondLB = "L.\ Bruce Richmond" }
+@string{RichterS = "Stefan Richter" }
+@string{RickenbachPv = "Pascal von Rickenbach" }
+@string{RiddleM = "Mark Riddle" }
+@string{RiegerD = "David Rieger" }
+@string{RijsbergenCJ = "C. J. Rijsbergen" }
+@string{RilettLR = "L. R. Rilett" }
+@string{RileyC = "Chris Riley" }
+@string{RinaldiG = "Giovanni Rinaldi" }
+@string{RingelG = "Gerhard Ringel" }
+@string{RinnooyKanAHG = "Alexander H. G. Rinnooy Kan" }
+@string{RiordanOM = "Oliver M. Riordan" }
+@string{RipphausenLipaH = "Heike Ripphausen-Lipa" }
+@string{RivestRL = "Ronald L. Rivest" }
+@string{RivlinE = "Ehud Rivlin" }
+@string{RizzoliAE = "Andrea E. Rizzoli" }
+@string{RobertsFS = "Fred S.\ Roberts" }
+@string{RobertsGO = "Roberts, Gareth O." }
+@string{RobertsM = "Maxwell Roberts" }
+@string{RobinsG = "Garry Robins" }
+@string{RobsonD = "Drew Robson" }
+@string{RobsonJM = "John Michael Robson" }
+@string{RoddenT = "Tom Rodden" }
+@string{RodehM = "Michael Rodeh" }
+@string{RodittyL = "Liam Roditty" }
+@string{RogersDL = "David L. Rogers" }
+@string{RogersY = "Yvonne Rogers" }
+@string{RohnertH = "Hans Rohnert" }
+@string{RokneJ = "Jon Rokne" }
+@string{RollinJ = "Jonathan Rollin" }
+@string{RomanJ = "Jean Roman" }
+@string{RomneyAK = "A. Kimbal Romney" }
+@string{RomR = "Raphael Rom" }
+@string{RosamondF = "Frances Rosamond" }
+@string{RosenA = "A. Rosen" }
+@string{RosenbergC = "Catherine Rosenberg" }
+@string{RosenfeldA = "Azriel Rosenfeld" }
+@string{RosenstiehlP = "Pierre Rosenstiehl" }
+@string{RosenthalA = "Arnon S.~Rosenthal" }
+@string{RosenthalAr = "Arnie Rosenthal" }
+@string{RosenthalJS = "Rosenthal, Jeffrey S." }
+@string{Roshany-YamchiS = "S. Roshany-Yamchi" }
+@string{RossIC = "Ian C. Ross" }
+@string{RossmanithP = "Peter Rossmanith" }
+@string{RossSM = "Sheldon M. Ross" }
+@string{RoteG = "G{\"u}nter Rote" }
+@string{RothD = "Dan Roth" }
+@string{RottaR = "Randolf Rotta" }
+@string{RoughgardenT = "Tim Roughgarden" }
+@string{RoushFW = "F. W.\ Roush" }
+@string{RowlinsonP = "Peter Rowlinson" }
+@string{RoyleG = "Gordon Royle" }
+@string{RubiM = "Miguel Rubi" }
+@string{RubinDB = "Donald B.\ Rubin" }
+@string{RudellR = "Richard Rudell" }
+@string{RuhnauB = "Britta Ruhnau" }
+@string{RuiZ = "Zhang Rui" }
+@string{RumlW = "Wheeler Ruml" }
+@string{RundensteinerEA = "Elke A. Rundensteiner" }
+@string{RusD = "Daniela Rus" }
+@string{RuspiniEH = "Enrique H. Ruspini" }
+@string{RustinR = "Randall Rustin" }
+@string{RutterI = "Ignaz Rutter" }
+@string{RuttNE = "Norman E. Rutt" }
+@string{RuysP = "Picter H.M. Ruys" }
+@string{RuzikaS = "Stefan Ruzika" }
+@string{SaberiA = "Amin Saberi" }
+@string{SabidussiG = "Gert Sabidussi" }
+@string{SachenbacherM = "Martin Sachenbacher" }
+@string{SachsH = "Horst Sachs" }
+@string{SackJ = "J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger Sack" }
+@string{SadasivamS = "Sadish Sadasivam" }
+@string{SaerensM = "Marco Saerens" }
+@string{SafraS = "Shmuel Safra" }
+@string{SagieG = "Gonen Sagie" }
+@string{SahaB = "Barna Saha" }
+@string{SahniSK = "Sartaj K.\ Sahni" }
+@string{SaiaJ = "Jared Saia" }
+@string{SailerLD = "Lee Douglas Sailer" }
+@string{SaitohT = "Toshiki Saitoh" }
+@string{SaitoN = "N.~Saito" }
+@string{Sales-PardoM = "Marta Sales-Pardo" }
+@string{SalgadoLB = "Liliane Benning Salgado" }
+@string{SamaranayakeS = "Samitha Samaranayake" }
+@string{SametH = "Hanan Samet" }
+@string{SamiM = "Mariagiovanna Sami" }
+@string{SamukhinAN = "Alexander N. Samukhin" }
+@string{SandersP = "Peter Sanders" }
+@string{SankaranarayananJ = "Jagan Sankaranarayanan" }
+@string{SansoneC = "Carlo Sansone" }
+@string{SantiniM = "Massimo Santini" }
+@string{SantiP = "Paolo Santi" }
+@string{SantoroN = "Nicola Santoro" }
+@string{SantosJL = "Jose L. Santos" }
+@string{SaranH = "Huzur Saran" }
+@string{SardasM = "Meir Sardas" }
+@string{SarelaM = "Mikko S{\"a}rel{\"a}" }
+@string{SaroiuS = "Stefan Saroiu" }
+@string{SarrafzadehM = "Majid Sarrafzadeh" }
+@string{SasseJ = "Jan-Ole Sasse" }
+@string{SatalinoG = "G. Satalino" }
+@string{SatishN = "Nadathur Satish" }
+@string{SatyanarayanaA = "A. Satyanarayana" }
+@string{SauerwaldT = "Thomas Sauerwald" }
+@string{SaulL = "Lawrence Saul" }
+@string{SaumellM = "Maria Saumell" }
+@string{SaupeD = "Dietmar Saupe" }
+@string{SavageCD = "Carla D.\ Savage" }
+@string{SavageSD = "Shaun D. Savage" }
+@string{SavvidesA = "Andreas Savvides" }
+@string{SawardeckerEN = "E. N. Sawardecker" }
+@string{SawitzkiD = "Daniel Sawitzki" }
+@string{ScalaA = "Antonio Scala" }
+@string{ScarselliF = "Scarselli, Franco" }
+@string{SchachtebeckM = "Michael Schachtebeck" }
+@string{SchaderM = "Martin Schader" }
+@string{SchaeferM = "Marcus Schaefer" }
+@string{SchaefferG = "Gilles Schaeffer" }
+@string{SchaefferJ = "Jonathan Schaeffer" }
+@string{SchaefferSE = "Satu Elisa Schaeffer" }
+@string{SchafferAA = "Alejando A. Sch{\"a}ffer" }
+@string{SchambergerS = "Stefan Schamberger" }
+@string{SchankT = "Thomas Schank" }
+@string{ScharnhorstA = "Andrea Scharnhorst" }
+@string{ScheidelerC = "Christian Scheideler" }
+@string{ScheinermanER = "Edward R. Scheinerman" }
+@string{SchieberB = "Baruch Schieber" }
+@string{SchieferdeckerD = "Dennis Schieferdecker" }
+@string{SchikarskiA = "Andreas Schikarski" }
+@string{SchillingH = "Heiko Schilling" }
+@string{SchimkeA = "Antje Schimke" }
+@string{SchirraS = "Stefan Schirra" }
+@string{SchlafliL = "Ludwig Schl{\"a}fli" }
+@string{SchlickenriederW = "Wolfram Schlickenrieder" }
+@string{SchloegelK = "Kirk Schloegel" }
+@string{SchmeichelEF = "Edward F.~Schmeichel" }
+@string{SchmidJ = "Johannes Schmid" }
+@string{SchmidtEM = "Erik Meineche Schmidt" }
+@string{SchmidtJM = "Jens M. Schmidt" }
+@string{SchmidtM = "Marie Schmidt" }
+@string{SchmochU = "Ulrich Schmoch" }
+@string{SchneeM = "Mathias Schnee" }
+@string{SchneiderK = "Karsten Schneider" }
+@string{SchneiderV = "Volker Schneider" }
+@string{SchneidewindJ = "J{\"o}rn Schneidewind" }
+@string{SchnorrCP = "Claus P. Schnorr" }
+@string{SchnyderW = "Walter Schnyder" }
+@string{SchodlA = "Arno Sch{\"o}dl" }
+@string{SchoebelA = "Anita Sch{\"o}bel" }
+@string{SchoelkopfB = "Bernhard Sch{\"o}lkopf" }
+@string{SchoenfeldR = "Robby Sch{\"o}nfeld" }
+@string{SchoeningU = "Uwe Sch{\"o}ning" }
+@string{SchrammO = "Oded Schramm" }
+@string{SchreckT = "Tobias Schreck" }
+@string{SchreiberF = "Falk Schreiber" }
+@string{SchreiberR = "Robert Schreiber" }
+@string{SchrijverA = "Alexander Schrijver" }
+@string{SchuetzB = "Birk Sch{\"u}tz" }
+@string{SchuetzP = "Philipp Schuetz" }
+@string{SchuhmannJ = "Julian Schuhmann" }
+@string{SchultesD = "Dominik Schultes" }
+@string{SchultzM = "Michelle Schultz" }
+@string{SchultzT = "Tanja Schultz" }
+@string{SchulzA = "Andr{\'e} Schulz" }
+@string{SchulzC = "Christian Schulz" }
+@string{SchulzeA = "Anna Schulze" }
+@string{SchulzF = "Frank Schulz" }
+@string{SchummA = "Andrea Schumm" }
+@string{SchusterHG = "Heinz Georg Schuster" }
+@string{SchusterS = "S. Schuster" }
+@string{SchutteC = "Christof Sch{\"u}tte" }
+@string{SchutterBD = "Bart De Schutter" }
+@string{SchwabA = "A.J. Schwab" }
+@string{SchwartzJE = "Joseph E. Schwartz" }
+@string{SchwartzMR = "M. R. Schwartz" }
+@string{SchweinbergerM = "Michael Schweinberger" }
+@string{SchwenkAJ = "Allen J. Schwenk" }
+@string{SchwentickT = "Thomas Schwentick" }
+@string{SchwikowskiB = "Benno Schwikowski" }
+@string{SciomachenA = "Anna Sciomachen" }
+@string{ScottD = "Dana Scott" }
+@string{ScottJ = "John Scott" }
+@string{ScottJA = "Jennifer A.\ Scott" }
+@string{ScottK = "Kelley Scott" }
+@string{ScutellaMG = "Maria Grazia Scutell{\`a}" }
+@string{SearyAJ = "Andrew J. Seary" }
+@string{SedgewickR = "Robert Sedgewick" }
+@string{SeegerB = "Bernhard Seeger" }
+@string{SeeleyJR = "John R. Seeley" }
+@string{SeeryJB = "J. B. Seery" }
+@string{SeetharamanS = "Srinivasan Seetharaman" }
+@string{SegalM = "Michael Segal" }
+@string{SegoviaJ = "Javier Segovia" }
+@string{SeidelE = "Eike Seidel" }
+@string{SeidmanSB = "Stephen B.\ Seidman" }
+@string{SellenA = "Abigail Sellen" }
+@string{SellmannM = "Meinolf Sellmann" }
+@string{SelmanB = "Bart Selman" }
+@string{SeltserMA = "Michael A. Seltser" }
+@string{SenS = "Sandeep Sen" }
+@string{SensenN = "Norbert Sensen" }
+@string{SernaM = "Mar{\'i}a Serna" }
+@string{SerraO = "Oriol Serra" }
+@string{ServettoSD = "Sergio D.~Servetto" }
+@string{SeymourPD = "Paul D. Seymour" }
+@string{ShahabiC = "Cyrus Shahabi" }
+@string{ShaharS = "Shimon Shahar" }
+@string{ShahC = "C. Shah" }
+@string{ShahrokhiF = "Farhad Shahrokhi" }
+@string{ShallcrossD = "David Shallcross" }
+@string{ShamirR = "Ron Shamir" }
+@string{ShamosMI = "Michael I. Shamos" }
+@string{ShannonCE = "Claude E. Shannon" }
+@string{ShannonP = "Paul Shannon" }
+@string{SharaihaYM = "Y. M. Sharaiha" }
+@string{SharanR = "Roded Sharan" }
+@string{SharirM = "Micha Sharir" }
+@string{ShavittY = "Yuval Shavitt" }
+@string{ShawP = "Peter Shaw" }
+@string{ShearerK = "Kim Shearer" }
+@string{ShengC = "Cheng Sheng" }
+@string{ShengL = "Li Sheng" }
+@string{ShenH = "Hong Shen" }
+@string{ShenHT = "Heng Tao Shen" }
+@string{ShenkerS = "Scott Shenker" }
+@string{ShenkerSJ = "Scott J. Shenker" }
+@string{ShenOrrS = "Shai Shen-Orr" }
+@string{ShieberSM = "Stuart M. Shieber" }
+@string{ShierDR = "Douglas R. Shier" }
+@string{ShiJ = "Jianbo Shi" }
+@string{ShiloachY = "Yossi Shiloach" }
+@string{ShimbelA = "Alfonso Shimbel" }
+@string{ShimouraH = "H. Shimoura" }
+@string{ShinC = "Chan-Su Shin" }
+@string{ShinodaK = "Kosuke Shinoda" }
+@string{ShirakawaI = "Isao Shirakawa" }
+@string{ShirE = "Eran Shir" }
+@string{ShireyPR = "Paul R. Shirey" }
+@string{ShivakumarN = "N.R. Shivakumar" }
+@string{ShmoysDB = "David B. Shmoys" }
+@string{ShmulyianB = "B.~Shmulyian" }
+@string{ShneidermanB = "Ben Shneiderman" }
+@string{ShorPW = "Peter W. Shor" }
+@string{ShubinaG = "Galina Shubina" }
+@string{SiebenhallerM = "Martin Siebenhaller" }
+@string{SiekJG = "Jeremy G. Siek" }
+@string{SierksmaG = "Gerard Sierksma" }
+@string{SiganosG = "Georgos Siganos" }
+@string{SilvaF = "Fabio Silva" }
+@string{SilvaVd = "Vin de Silva" }
+@string{SilveiraRI = "Rodrigo I. Silveira" }
+@string{SilversteinC = "Craig Silverstein" }
+@string{SilvestriR = "Riccardo Silvestri" }
+@string{SimFM = "F. M. Sim" }
+@string{SimicS = "Slobodan Simic" }
+@string{SimonH = "Hort Simon" }
+@string{SimonHD = "Horst D. Simon" }
+@string{SimonovitsM = "Mikl{\'o}s Simonovits" }
+@string{SinclairA = "Alistair Sinclair" }
+@string{SinclairP = "Philip Sinclair" }
+@string{SinghB = "Brajendra K. Singh" }
+@string{SinghM = "Mohit Singh" }
+@string{SipserM = "Michael Sipser" }
+@string{SipsM = "Mike Sips" }
+@string{SiuK = "Kai-Yeung Siu" }
+@string{SivakumarD = "D. Sivakumar" }
+@string{SixJM = "Janet M. Six" }
+@string{SkordasT = "Thomas Skordas" }
+@string{SkriverAJ = "Anders J. Skriver" }
+@string{SkvoretzJ = "John Skvoretz" }
+@string{SkyumS = "Sven Skyum" }
+@string{SlaterP = "Peter J. Slater" }
+@string{SleaterDD = "Daniel D. Sleater" }
+@string{SlijepcevicS = "Sasa Slijepcevic" }
+@string{SlivkinsA = "Aleksandrs Slivkins" }
+@string{SliwinskiA = "Adam Sliwinski" }
+@string{SloaneNJ = "Neil James Alexander Sloane" }
+@string{SlobW = "Wouter Slob" }
+@string{SlootenE = "Elisabeth Slooten" }
+@string{SlutzkiG = "Slutzki, Giora" }
+@string{SmartC = "Christian Smart" }
+@string{SmidM = "Michiel Smid" }
+@string{SmidMH = "Michiel H. Smid" }
+@string{SmithCAB = "C. A. B. Smith" }
+@string{SmithRL = "Robert L. Smith" }
+@string{SmythP = "Padhraic Smyth" }
+@string{SmythWF = "William F. Smyth" }
+@string{SneathPHA = "Peter H. A. Sneath" }
+@string{SnellJL = "James Laurie Snell" }
+@string{SneltingG = "Gregor Snelting" }
+@string{SnijdersTAB = "Tom A.B.\ Snijders" }
+@string{SnoeyinkJ = "Jack Snoeyink" }
+@string{SoisalonSoininenE = "Eljas Soisalon-Soininen" }
+@string{SokalRR = "Robert R. Sokal" }
+@string{SokolowskiS = "Stefan Sokolowski" }
+@string{SommerC = "Christian Sommer" }
+@string{sonivis = "{SONIVIS} team" }
+@string{SonntagG = "Gerit Sonntag" }
+@string{SoperAJ = "A. J. Soper" }
+@string{SosVT = "Vera T. S{\'o}s" }
+@string{SotoM = "Mauricio Soto" }
+@string{SoumisF = "Francois Soumis" }
+@string{SouzaA = "Alexander Offtermatt-Souza" }
+@string{SparmannU = "Uwe Sparmann" }
+@string{SpeckJ = "Jochen Speck" }
+@string{SpeckmannB = "Bettina Speckmann" }
+@string{SpencerJ = "Joel Spencer" }
+@string{SpiegelhalterDJ = "David J.\ Spiegelhalter" }
+@string{SpielmanDA = "Daniel A.\ Spielman" }
+@string{SpiliopoulouM = "Myra Spiliopoulou" }
+@string{SpillnerA = "Andreas Spillner" }
+@string{SpirakisP = "Paul Spirakis" }
+@string{SpitadakisV = "Vassilis Spitadakis" }
+@string{SprinzenM = "Merle Sprinzen" }
+@string{SridharS = "Srinath Sridhar" }
+@string{SrinivasanA = "Aravind Srinivasan" }
+@string{SrivastavA = "Anand Srivastav" }
+@string{SrivastavaJ = "Jaideep Srivastava" }
+@string{StadlerPF = "Peter F. Stadler" }
+@string{StadtentwicklungBf = "Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Stadtentwicklung" }
+@string{StanleyHE = "H. Eugene Stanley" }
+@string{staralliance = "{Star Alliance}" }
+@string{StataR = "Raymie Stata" }
+@string{StaudtC = "Christian Staudt" }
+@string{StegerA = "Angelika Steger" }
+@string{StegeU = "Ulrike Stege" }
+@string{SteglichCE = "Christian E. Steglich" }
+@string{StegmaierM = "Matthias Stegmaier" }
+@string{SteigeleS = "Stephan Steigele" }
+@string{SteiglitzK = "Kenneth Steiglitz" }
+@string{SteinbachM = "Michael Steinbach" }
+@string{SteinC = "Clifford Stein" }
+@string{SteinitzE = "Erich Steinitz" }
+@string{SteinmetzR = "Ralf Steinmetz" }
+@string{SteinSK = "S. K. Stein" }
+@string{StephensonK = "Kenneth Stephenson" }
+@string{StephensonKA = "Karen A. Stephenson" }
+@string{SteponaviceI = "Ingrida Steponavice" }
+@string{SternHS = "Hal S.\ Stern" }
+@string{StillerS = "Sebastian Stiller" }
+@string{StixV = "Volker Stix" }
+@string{StockmeyerLJ = "Larry J. Stockmeyer" }
+@string{StoerJ = "Josef Stoer" }
+@string{StoerM = "Mechthild Stoer" }
+@string{StoerrleH = "Harald St{\"o}rrle" }
+@string{StokmanFN = "Frans N. Stokman" }
+@string{StoneAH = "A. H. Stone" }
+@string{StoneM = "Maureen Stone" }
+@string{StorandtS = "Sabine Storandt" }
+@string{StorkW = "Wilhelm Stork" }
+@string{StougieL = "Leen Stougie" }
+@string{StrasserB = "Ben Strasser" }
+@string{StraussD = "David Strauss" }
+@string{StrehlA = "Alexander Strehl" }
+@string{StrivastavaMB = "Mani B. Strivastava" }
+@string{StrogatzSH = "Steven H.\ Strogatz" }
+@string{SturtevantNR = "Nathan R.\ Sturtevant" }
+@string{SubramanianA = "Ashok Subramanian" }
+@string{SubramanianL = "Lakshminarayanan Subramanian" }
+@string{SudakovB = "Benny Sudakov" }
+@string{SudermanM = "Matthew Suderman" }
+@string{SugiyamaK = "Kozo Sugiyama" }
+@string{SuhlL = "Leena Suhl" }
+@string{SuJ = "Jianning Su" }
+@string{SunD = "D. Sun" }
+@string{SunderVS = "V. S. Sunder" }
+@string{SunF = "Feng Sun" }
+@string{SunI = "I-Fan Sun" }
+@string{SunJ = "Jimeng Sun" }
+@string{SunS = "Shiwei Sun" }
+@string{SupowitKJ = "Kenneth J. Supowit" }
+@string{SuriS = "Siddharth Suri" }
+@string{SuriSu = "Subhash Suri" }
+@string{SutersWH = "W. Henry Suters" }
+@string{SwamyMNS = "M. N. S. Swamy" }
+@string{SwartHC = "Henda C. Swart" }
+@string{SweetingWJ = "W. J. Sweeting" }
+@string{SykoraO = "Ondrej S{\'y}kora" }
+@string{SymonsCT = "Chris T. Symons" }
+@string{SymvonisA = "Antonios Symvonis" }
+@string{SysikaskiM = "Mikko Sysikaski" }
+@string{SzczepaniakPS = "Piotr S. Szczepaniak" }
+@string{SzekelyLA = "L{\'a}szl{\'o} A. Sz{\' e}kely" }
+@string{TaeubigH = "Hanjo T{\"a}ubig" }
+@string{TagawaS = "S. Tagawa" }
+@string{TainiterM = "Melvin Tainiter" }
+@string{TakafujiD = "Daisuke Takafuji" }
+@string{TakeuchiM = "M.~Takeuchi" }
+@string{TalbiEG = "El-Ghazali Talbi" }
+@string{TamakiH = "Hisao Tamaki" }
+@string{TamassiaR = "Roberto Tamassia" }
+@string{TangL = "Linqing Tang" }
+@string{TangmunarunkitH = "Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit" }
+@string{TanP = "Pang-Ning Tan" }
+@string{TantipathananandthC = "C. Tantipathananandth" }
+@string{TaokaS = "Satoshi Taoka" }
+@string{TaoY = "Yufei Tao" }
+@string{TardosE = "{\'E}va Tardos" }
+@string{TarjanR = "Robert Tarjan" }
+@string{TarjanRE = "Robert E. Tarjan" }
+@string{TaruiJ = "Jun Tarui" }
+@string{TassinariE = "Emanuele Tassinari" }
+@string{TassiulasL = "Leandros Tassiulas" }
+@string{TaubigH = "Hanjo T{\"a}ubig" }
+@string{TauroS = "Sudhir L. Tauro" }
+@string{TavaresG = "Gabriel Tavares" }
+@string{TaylorDS = "David S.\ Taylor" }
+@string{TaylorWW = "William W. Taylor" }
+@string{TeamRD = "{R Development Core Team}" }
+@string{TeboulleM = "Marc Teboulle" }
+@string{TelG = "Gerard Tel" }
+@string{TellerS = "Seth Teller" }
+@string{TenenbaumJB = "Joshua B. Tenenbaum" }
+@string{TenfeldePodehlD = "Dagmar Tenfelde-Podehl" }
+@string{TengS = "Shang-Hau Teng" }
+@string{TenmokuK = "K. Tenmoku" }
+@string{TeukolskySA = "Saul A. Teukolsky" }
+@string{ThaiMT = "My T. Thai" }
+@string{ThatcherJW = "James W. Thatcher" }
+@string{TheesfeldC = "Chandra Theesfeld" }
+@string{TheodorakisD = "Dimitris Theodorakis" }
+@string{TheuneD = "Dirk Theune" }
+@string{ThomasGR = "George Rubin Thomas" }
+@string{ThomasianA = "Alexander Thomasian" }
+@string{ThomasJA = "Joy A. Thomas" }
+@string{ThomasRE = "R. Emerson Thomas" }
+@string{ThomassenC = "Carsten Thomassen" }
+@string{ThorupM = "Mikkel Thorup" }
+@string{ThrunS = "Sebastian Thrun" }
+@string{ThulasiramanK = "K. Thulasiraman" }
+@string{ThurimellaR = "Ramakrishna Thurimella" }
+@string{ThurstonD = "Dylan Thurston" }
+@string{ThurstonWP = "William Paul Thurston" }
+@string{TianS = "Songlin Tian" }
+@string{TielertT = "Tessa Tielert" }
+@string{TilfordJS = "John S. Tilford" }
+@string{TillichJP = "Jean-Pierre Tillich" }
+@string{TimajevL = "Larissa Timajev" }
+@string{TimofeevEA = "Eugeniy A. Timofeev" }
+@string{TindellR = "Ralph Tindell" }
+@string{TinhoferG = "Gottfried Tinhofer" }
+@string{TittmannP = "Peter Tittmann" }
+@string{TjandraSA = "Stevanus A. Tjandra" }
+@string{TodaM = "M. Toda" }
+@string{TokushigeN = "Norihide Tokushige" }
+@string{TokuyamaT = "Takeshi Tokuyama" }
+@string{TolkienJR = "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien" }
+@string{TollisIG = "Ioannis G.~Tollis" }
+@string{TomborB = "B. Tombor" }
+@string{TomkinsAS = "Andrew S. Tomkins" }
+@string{TomlinJ = "Tomlin, John" }
+@string{TongP = "Po Tong" }
+@string{ToppJ = "Jerzy Topp" }
+@string{ToranJ = "Jacobo Toran" }
+@string{TorczonL = "Linda Torczon" }
+@string{TorgersonWS = "Warren S. Torgerson" }
+@string{TorrPH = "Philip H. Torr" }
+@string{TothC = "Csaba D. T{\'o}th" }
+@string{TothP = "Paolo Toth" }
+@string{ToussaintGT = "Godfried T.\ Toussaint" }
+@string{TowslefD = "Don Towslef" }
+@string{TowsleyD = "Don Towsley" }
+@string{ToyodaM = "Masashi Toyoda" }
+@string{TraubJF = "Joseph F. Traub" }
+@string{TrieschE = "Eberhard Triesch" }
+@string{TripathiA = "Amitabha Tripathi" }
+@string{TrojanowskiAE = "Anthony E. Trojanowski" }
+@string{TrottaF = "Francesco Trotta" }
+@string{TrotterWT = "William T. Trotter" }
+@string{TroyanskayaO = "Olga Troyanskaya" }
+@string{TrudingerNS = "Neil S. Trudinger" }
+@string{TruszczynskiM = "Miroslaw Truszczy{\'n}ski" }
+@string{TsaiCC = "Chun Che Tsai" }
+@string{TsaparasP = "Tsaparas, Panayiotis" }
+@string{TsengY = "Yu-Chee Tseng" }
+@string{TsioutsiouliklisK = "Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis" }
+@string{TsirogiannisC = "Constantinos Tsirogiannis" }
+@string{TsokaS = "Sophia Tsoka" }
+@string{TsotrasV = "Vassilis Tsotras" }
+@string{TsourosK = "Konstantinos-Klaudius Tsouros" }
+@string{TsukiyamaS = "Shuji Tsukiyama" }
+@string{TsurD = "Dekel Tsur" }
+@string{TsurumiT = "Toshiyuki Tsurumi" }
+@string{TuckerAW = "Albert William Tucker" }
+@string{TuckerTW = "Thomas W. Tucker" }
+@string{TufteE = "Edward Tufte" }
+@string{TungL = "L. Tung" }
+@string{TungTungC = "Chi Tung Tung" }
+@string{TunkelangD = "Daniel Tunkelang" }
+@string{TuranP = "P{\'a}l Tur{\'a}n" }
+@string{TurauV = "Volker Turau" }
+@string{TurkG = "Greg Turk" }
+@string{TusnadyG = "G{\'a}bor Tusn{\'a}dy" }
+@string{TutteWT = "William T. Tutte" }
+@string{TutzG = "Gerhard Tutz" }
+@string{TzengH = "Hong-Yi Tzeng" }
+@string{UatrongjitS = "S. Uatrongjit" }
+@string{UeharaR = "Ryuhei Uehara" }
+@string{UetzP = "Peter Uetz" }
+@string{UlanowiczRE = "Robert E. Ulanowicz" }
+@string{UllmanJD = "Jeffrey D. Ullman" }
+@string{UngererT = "Theo Ungerer" }
+@string{UngerSH = "Stephen H. Unger" }
+@string{UnoT = "Takeaki Uno" }
+@string{UpfalE = "Eli Upfal" }
+@string{VadhanSP = "Salil P. Vadhan" }
+@string{VahrenholdJ = "Jan Vahrenhold" }
+@string{VaidyaPM = "Pravin M. Vaidya" }
+@string{ValdesJ = "Jacobo Valdes" }
+@string{ValenteTW = "Thomas W. Valente" }
+@string{ValenzuelaJ = "Valenzuela, Jes{\'u}s" }
+@string{ValiantLG = "Leslie G. Valiant" }
+@string{VandenbergheL = "Lieven Vandenberghe" }
+@string{VanEmdeBoasP = "Peter van Emde Boas" }
+@string{VanRyzinJ = "Van Ryzin, J." }
+@string{VanvyveD = "Denis Vanvyve" }
+@string{VapnikVN = "Vladimir N. Vapnik" }
+@string{VargiuF = "Francesco Vargiu" }
+@string{VasconcellosM = "Marcio Vasconcellos" }
+@string{VassilevskaV = "Virginia Vassilevska" }
+@string{VassilvitskiiS = "Sergei Vassilvitskii" }
+@string{VaughanC = "Courtenay Vaughan" }
+@string{VaziraniU = "Umesh Vazirani" }
+@string{VaziraniVV = "Vijay V. Vazirani" }
+@string{VazirgiannisM = "Michalis Vazirgiannis" }
+@string{VazquezA = "Alexei V{\'a}zquez" }
+@string{VecchiMP = "Mario P. Vecchi" }
+@string{VedovaGD = "Gianluca Della Vedova" }
+@string{VekslerO = "Olga Veksler" }
+@string{VempalaS = "Santosh Vempala" }
+@string{VenkatacharyS = "Srinivasan Venkatachary" }
+@string{VentoM = "Mario Vento" }
+@string{VerbeekK = "Kevin Verbeek" }
+@string{VerleysenM = "Michel Verleysen" }
+@string{VermaD = "Deepak Verma" }
+@string{VeselovskyAV = "Alexander V. Veselovsky" }
+@string{VespignaniA = "Alessandro Vespignani" }
+@string{VettaA = "Adrian Vetta" }
+@string{VetterC = "Christian Vetter" }
+@string{VetterlingWT = "William T. Vetterling" }
+@string{VicsekT = "Tam{\'a}s Vicsek" }
+@string{ViennotL = "Laurent Viennot" }
+@string{VigerF = "Fabien Viger" }
+@string{VignaS = "Sebastiano Vigna" }
+@string{VigoD = "Daniele Vigo" }
+@string{VillarMT = "Villar, Maria Trinidad" }
+@string{VinayV = "V. Vinay" }
+@string{VismaraL = "Luca Vismara" }
+@string{visone = "visone project" }
+@string{VitaleC = "Camillo Vitale" }
+@string{VitterJS = "Jeffrey S. Vitter" }
+@string{VockingB = "Berthold V{\"o}cking" }
+@string{VolijO = "Volij, Oscar" }
+@string{VolinskyC = "Chris Volinsky" }
+@string{VolkerL = "Lars Volker" }
+@string{VolkerM = "Markus V{\"o}lker" }
+@string{VolkmannL = "Lutz Volkmann" }
+@string{VollmerH = "Heribert Vollmer" }
+@string{VriesRD = "Remco De Vries" }
+@string{VrtoI = "Imrich Vrto" }
+@string{VuCT = "Chinh T. Vu" }
+@string{VukadinovicD = "Danica Vukadinovi{\'c}" }
+@string{VuV = "Van Vu" }
+@string{VygenJ = "Jens Vygen" }
+@string{VyskocilT = "Tom{\'a}s Vyskocil" }
+@string{WadaK = "Koichi Wada" }
+@string{WaddellP = "Paul Waddell" }
+@string{WagnerCG = "Christopher G. Wagner" }
+@string{WagnerD = "Dorothea Wagner" }
+@string{WagnerF = "Frank Wagner" }
+@string{WagnerK = "Klaus Wagner" }
+@string{WagnerS = "Silke Wagner" }
+@string{WahlsterW = "Wolfgang Wahlster" }
+@string{WakabayashiY = "Yoshiko Wakabayashi" }
+@string{WakitaK = "Ken Wakita" }
+@string{WallCE = "Curtiss E. Wall" }
+@string{WallensteinS = "Sylvan Wallenstein" }
+@string{WalshawC = "Chris Walshaw" }
+@string{WalshT = "Toby Walsh" }
+@string{WalshTR = "T. R. Walsh" }
+@string{WangB = "Bei Wang" }
+@string{WangC = "Chen Wang" }
+@string{WangChao = "Chao Wang" }
+@string{WangG = "Grant Wang" }
+@string{WangH = "Haitao Wang" }
+@string{WangJ = "Joseph Wang" }
+@string{WangJT = "Jonathan T. Wang" }
+@string{WangN = "Nan Wang" }
+@string{WangT = "Tengjiao Wang" }
+@string{WangX = "Xiaobo Wang" }
+@string{WangY = "Yuexuan Wang" }
+@string{WangYa = "Yajun Wang" }
+@string{WangYJ = "Yuchung J.\ Wang" }
+@string{WangYu = "Yu Wang" }
+@string{WankaR = "Rolf Wanka" }
+@string{WanxingS = "Sheng Wanxing" }
+@string{WarburtonA = "Arthur Warburton" }
+@string{WardenT = "Tobias Warden" }
+@string{WareC = "Colin Ware" }
+@string{WarmuthMK = "Manfred K. Warmuth" }
+@string{WarnowT = "Tandy Warnow" }
+@string{WarshallS = "Stephen Warshall" }
+@string{WassermanS = "Stanley Wasserman" }
+@string{WatanabeT = "Toshimasa Watanabe" }
+@string{WatkinsDS = "David S.\ Watkins" }
+@string{WattenhoferM = "Mirjam Wattenhofer" }
+@string{WattenhoferR = "Roger Wattenhofer" }
+@string{WattsA = "Alison Watts" }
+@string{WattsDJ = "Duncan J.\ Watts" }
+@string{WaxmanBM = "Bernard M. Waxman" }
+@string{WeberA = "Alfred Weber" }
+@string{WeberP = "Pascal Weber" }
+@string{WegenerI = "Ingo Wegener" }
+@string{WegmanMN = "Mark N. Wegman" }
+@string{WehrleK = "Klaus Wehrle" }
+@string{WeiF = "Fang Wei" }
+@string{WeigtM = "Martin Weigt" }
+@string{WeiheK = "Karsten Weihe" }
+@string{WeikumG = "Gerhard Weikum" }
+@string{WeinerP = "Peter Weiner" }
+@string{WeiskircherR = "Ren{\'e} Weiskircher" }
+@string{WeissY = "Yair Weiss" }
+@string{WelshDJ = "Dominic J. A. Welsh" }
+@string{WelzlE = "Emo Welzl" }
+@string{WenkC = "Carola Wenk" }
+@string{WenkMR = "Markus R. Wenk" }
+@string{WerneckR = "Renato F. Werneck" }
+@string{WesselsD = "Duane Wessels" }
+@string{WestbrookJ = "Jeffery Westbrook" }
+@string{WestDB = "Douglas B.\ West" }
+@string{WestfechtelB = "Bernhard Westfechtel" }
+@string{WexlerT = "Tom Wexler" }
+@string{WeyerC = "Christoph Weyer" }
+@string{WheelockCE = "Craig E. Wheelock" }
+@string{WhiteA = "Andy White" }
+@string{WhitedDE = "D. E. Whited" }
+@string{WhiteDR = "Douglas R.\ White" }
+@string{WhiteHC = "Harrison C.\ White" }
+@string{WhiteHD = "Howard D.\ White" }
+@string{WhiteJA = "John A.\ White" }
+@string{WhiteleyW = "Walter Whiteley" }
+@string{WhiteS = "Scott White" }
+@string{WhitesidesSH = "Sue H.\ Whitesides" }
+@string{WhitneyH = "Hassler Whitney" }
+@string{WhittyRW = "R. W. Whitty" }
+@string{WhyteWF = "William F. Whyte" }
+@string{WibleA = "Adam Wible" }
+@string{WichmannA = "Arne Wichmann" }
+@string{WichmannT = "Thorsten Wichmann" }
+@string{WidmayerP = "Peter Widmayer" }
+@string{WidomJ = "Widom, Jennifer" }
+@string{WienerH = "Harry Wiener" }
+@string{WienerJ = "Janet Wiener" }
+@string{WieseR = "Roland Wiese" }
+@string{WigdersonA = "Avi Wigderson" }
+@string{WigginsCH = "Chris H.\ Wiggins" }
+@string{WignerEP = "Eugene P. Wigner" }
+@string{Wikipedia = "Wikipedia" }
+@string{WilfHS = "Herbert S. Wilf" }
+@string{WilhelmR = "Reinhard Wilhelm" }
+@string{WilkinsonD = "Dennis Wilkinson" }
+@string{WilkinsonJH = "James H. Wilkinson" }
+@string{WillardDE = "Dan E. Willard" }
+@string{WilletP = "Peter Willet" }
+@string{WillettP = "Peter Willett" }
+@string{WillhalmT = "Thomas Willhalm" }
+@string{WilliamsJ = "J.W.J. Williams" }
+@string{WilliamsonD = "David Williamson" }
+@string{WilliamsR = "Robert Williams" }
+@string{WilliamsT = "Thomas Williams" }
+@string{WilliamsVV = "Virginia Vassilevska Williams" }
+@string{WillingerW = "Walter Willinger" }
+@string{WillsGJ = "Graham J Wills" }
+@string{WinickJ = "Jared Winick" }
+@string{WinklerG = "Gerhard Winkler" }
+@string{WinogradS = "Shmuel Winograd" }
+@string{WinogradT = "Terry Winograd" }
+@string{WinskelG = "Glynn Winskel" }
+@string{WinstanleyA = "Adam Winstanley" }
+@string{WinterP = "Paul Winter" }
+@string{WinterS = "Stephan Winter" }
+@string{WintersSJ = "Steven J. Winters" }
+@string{WinterT = "Thomas Winter" }
+@string{WirthA = "Anthony Wirth" }
+@string{WismathSK = "Stephen K. Wismath" }
+@string{WoegingerGJ = "Gerhard J. Woeginger" }
+@string{WolfC = "Christian Wolf" }
+@string{WolfeP = "Philip Wolfe" }
+@string{WolffA = "Alexander Wolff" }
+@string{WolfK = "Katja Wolf" }
+@string{WolfsonO = "Ouri Wolfson" }
+@string{WolinskyA = "Asher Wolinsky" }
+@string{WolkowiczH = "Henry Wolkowicz" }
+@string{WolleT = "Thomas Wolle" }
+@string{WolseyLA = "Laurence A. Wolsey" }
+@string{WongGY = "George Y.\ Wong" }
+@string{WongJK = "J.K. Wong" }
+@string{WongKP = "Kit Po Wong" }
+@string{WoodDR = "David R. Wood" }
+@string{WoodPT = "Peter T. Wood" }
+@string{WoolA = "Avishai Wool" }
+@string{WormaldN = "Nicholas C.\ Wormald" }
+@string{WormaldNC = "Nicholas C.\ Wormald" }
+@string{WoutersF = "Fabien Wouters" }
+@string{WuchtyS = "Stefan Wuchty" }
+@string{WuF = "Fang Wu" }
+@string{WuJ = "Jinshan Wu" }
+@string{WuK = "Kesheng Wu" }
+@string{WuW = "Weili Wu" }
+@string{WuYH = "Yun Hui Wu" }
+@string{WuZ = "Zhenyu Wu" }
+@string{XiaG = "Ge Xia" }
+@string{XiaoY = "Yang Xiao" }
+@string{XieL = "Le Xie" }
+@string{XieY = "Yinglian Xie" }
+@string{XingX = "Xin Xing" }
+@string{XuB = "Bin Xu" }
+@string{XuD = "Dong Xu" }
+@string{XueJ = "Jue Xue" }
+@string{XueminL = "Lin Xuemin" }
+@string{XuG = "G. Xu" }
+@string{XuMH = "M. H. Xu" }
+@string{XuN = "Ning Xu" }
+@string{XuY = "Ying Xu" }
+@string{XuZ = "Zhao Xu" }
+@string{YagiuraM = "Mutsunori Yagiura" }
+@string{YanagisawaH = "Hiroki Yanagisawa" }
+@string{YanC = "Cairong Yan" }
+@string{YangYR = "Yang Richard Yang" }
+@string{YannakakisM = "Mihalis Yannakakis" }
+@string{YanX = "Xu Yan" }
+@string{YaoS = "So-Zen Yao" }
+@string{YaoY = "Yong Yao" }
+@string{YapHP = "Hian-Poh Yap" }
+@string{YatesF = "Frank Yates" }
+@string{YauS = "S.-T.\ Yau" }
+@string{YeeN = "Nicholas Yee" }
+@string{YenH = "Hsu-Chun Yen" }
+@string{YenJY = "Jin Y. Yen" }
+@string{YenL = "Luh Yen" }
+@string{YetukuriL = "Laxman Yetukuri" }
+@string{YeungRW = "Raymond W. Yeung" }
+@string{YeZ = "Zhenqing Ye" }
+@string{YoonCN = "Chang No Yoon" }
+@string{YoungNE = "Neal E. Young" }
+@string{YuD = "Dongxiao Yu" }
+@string{YuH = "Haobo Yu" }
+@string{YuHai = "Haicong Yu" }
+@string{YuJ = "Jun Yu" }
+@string{YuJeff = "Jeffrey Xu Yu" }
+@string{YuJX = "Jeffrey Xu Yu" }
+@string{YumTP = "Tak-Shing Peter Yum" }
+@string{Yun-huaL = "Li Yun-hua" }
+@string{YungM = "M. Yung" }
+@string{YuP = "Philip Yu" }
+@string{YuPS = "Philip S.\ Yu" }
+@string{YusterR = "Raphael Yuster" }
+@string{YuX = "Xiangdong Yu" }
+@string{yworks = "{yWorks GmbH}" }
+@string{ZabihR = "Ramin Zabih" }
+@string{ZachariasenM = "Martin Zachariasen" }
+@string{ZacharyWW = "Wayne W. Zachary" }
+@string{ZachosS = "Stathis Zachos" }
+@string{ZadehLA = "Lotfi A. Zadeh" }
+@string{ZadehN = "Norman Zadeh" }
+@string{ZahnCT = "C.\ T.\ Zahn" }
+@string{ZallingerM = "Michael Zallinger" }
+@string{ZaroliagisC = "Christos Zaroliagis" }
+@string{ZaversnikM = "Matja{\v z} Zaver{\v s}nik" }
+@string{ZeggelinkE = "E.P.H. Zeggelink" }
+@string{ZeguraEW = "Ellen W. Zegura" }
+@string{ZehaviA = "Avram Zehavi" }
+@string{ZelenM = "Marvin Zelen" }
+@string{ZelikovskyA = "Alexander Zelikovsky" }
+@string{ZelinkaB = "Bohdan Zelinka" }
+@string{ZeniosSA = "Stefanos A. Zenios" }
+@string{ZeyBT = "Bernd Thomas Zey" }
+@string{ZhaH = "Hongyuan Zha" }
+@string{ZhangA = "Aidong Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangH = "Honggang Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangHu = "Huaming Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangHui = "Hui Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangJ = "Jun Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangN = "Nan Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangP = "Peng Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangPu = "Pusheng Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangR = "Rui Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangY = "Yuanyi Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangYX = "Y. X. Zhang" }
+@string{ZhangYy = "Yun Zhang" }
+@string{ZhaoB = "Baohua Zhao" }
+@string{ZhaoX = "Xu Zhao" }
+@string{ZhaoYD = "Yang Dong Zhao" }
+@string{ZhengAX = "Alice X. Zheng" }
+@string{ZhengL = "Lanbo Zheng" }
+@string{ZhengX = "Xiaofei Zheng" }
+@string{ZhouA = "Aoying Zhou" }
+@string{ZhouH = "Haijun Zhou" }
+@string{ZhouJ = "Jiashuai Zhou" }
+@string{ZhouX = "Xiaofang Zhou" }
+@string{ZhouY = "Yunhong Zhou" }
+@string{ZhuB = "Binhai Zhu" }
+@string{ZickfeldF = "Florian Zickfeld" }
+@string{ZieglerG = "G{\"u}nter M. Ziegler" }
+@string{ZijlstraBJH = "Bonne J. H. Zijlstra" }
+@string{ZijlstraE = "E. Zijlstra" }
+@string{ZiliaskopoulosA = "Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos" }
+@string{ZivE = "Etay Ziv" }
+@string{ZlotowskiO = "Oliver Zlotowski" }
+@string{ZobristAL = "Albert Lindsey Zobrist" }
+@string{ZografosKG = "Konstantinos G. Zografos" }
+@string{ZollingerA = "Aaron Zollinger" }
+@string{ZubkovR = "Roman Zubkov" }
+@string{ZuendorfT = "Tobias Z{\"u}ndorf" }
+@string{ZweigKA = "Katharina A. Zweig" }
+@string{ZwickU = "Uri Zwick" }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% publishers
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{pub-acm = "ACM Press" }
+@string{pub-ams = "American Mathematical Society" }
+@string{pub-ap = "Academic Press" }
+@string{pub-apraha = "Academia Praha" }
+@string{pub-aw = "Addison-Wesley" }
+@string{pub-birk = "Birkh{\"a}user Verlag" }
+@string{pub-bsp = "Booksurge Publishing" }
+@string{pub-ch = "Chapman~\& Hall/CRC" }
+@string{pub-cp = "Clarendon Press" }
+@string{pub-csp = "Computer Science Press" }
+@string{pub-cup = "Cambridge University Press" }
+@string{pub-cw = "Cohen~\& West LTD" }
+@string{pub-dp = "Duxbury Press" }
+@string{pub-freeman = "W.\,H.~Freeman and Company" }
+@string{pub-gb = "Gordon and Breach" }
+@string{pub-gmup = "George Mason University Press" }
+@string{pub-ics = "IEEE Computer Society" }
+@string{pub-ieeecs = "IEEE Computer Society Press" }
+@string{pub-jab = "Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag" }
+@string{pub-jb = "Jossey Bass" }
+@string{pub-kapg = "Kluwer Academic Publishers Group" }
+@string{pub-lb = "Leske und Budrich" }
+@string{pub-maa = "Mathematical Association of America" }
+@string{pub-macmillan = "Macmillan" }
+@string{pub-mc = "Mathematisch Centrum" }
+@string{pub-mitpr = "MIT Press" }
+@string{pub-mohr = "J.\,C.\,B.~Mohr" }
+@string{pub-nauka = "Nauka" }
+@string{pub-nh = "North-Holland" }
+@string{pub-norton = "W.\,W.~Norton~\& Company" }
+@string{pub-oup = "Oxford University Press" }
+@string{pub-perseus = "Perseus Publishing" }
+@string{pub-ph = "Prentice Hall" }
+@string{pub-plenum = "Plenum Press" }
+@string{pub-pup = "Princeton University Press" }
+@string{pub-sage = "Sage" }
+@string{pub-siam = "SIAM" }
+@string{pub-springer = "Springer" }
+@string{pub-tjhup = "John Hopkins University Press" }
+@string{pub-utp = "University of Toronto Press" }
+@string{pub-wiley = "Wiley" }
+@string{pub-wileys = "John Wiley~\& Sons, Inc." }
+@string{pub-wiley-vch = "Wiley-VCH" }
+@string{pub-physica = "Physica-Verlag GmbH" }
+@string{pub-c = "Campus" }
+@string{pub-igi = "IfGI prints" }
+@string{pub-eup = "Edinburgh University Press" }
+@string{pub-sdg = "Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum f{\"u}r Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany" }
+@string{pub-cu = "Carleton University" }
+@string{pub-wsp = "World Scientific Publishing" }
+@string{pub-ucr = "University of California, Riverside" }
+@string{pub-bdgh = "Books on Demand GmbH" }
+@string{pub-ebv = "Elsevier B.V." }
+@string{pub-v = "Vieweg" }
+@string{pub-sav = "Spektrum Akademischer Verlag" }
+@string{pub-t = "Teubner" }
+@string{pub-usdc = "U.S. Department of the Census" }
+@string{pub-obl = "Oliver and Boyd, London" }
+@string{pub-bh = "Butterworth-Heinemann" }
+@string{pub-cti = "Course Technology Inc" }
+@string{pub-gp = "Graphics Press" }
+@string{pub-akpl = "AK Peters, Ltd." }
+@string{pub-mk = "Morgan Kaufmann" }
+@string{pub-asa = "American Statistical Association" }
+@string{pub-ucp = "University of Chicago Press" }
+@string{pub-uk = "Universit{\"a}tsverlag Karlsruhe" }
+@string{pub-acsi = "Australian Computer Society, Inc." }
+@string{pub-mrl = "Microsoft Research Ltd" }
+@string{pub-ukcrc = "UK Computer Research Committee" }
+@string{pub-fk = "Feldafinger Kreis" }
+@string{pub-r = "Ruksaldruck" }
+@string{pub-k = "K{\"o}nigsdruck" }
+@string{pub-dlgh = "Druckhaus Locher GmbH" }
+@string{pub-hniup = "Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universit{\"at} Paderborn" }
+@string{pub-nsp = "Nova Science Publisher" }
+@string{pub-gau = "George Allen~\& Unwin" }
+@string{pub-vdmvdmk = "VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K." }
+@string{pub-tdp = "The Dover Publications" }
+@string{pub-npg = "Nature Publishing Group" }
+@string{pub-uscb = "U.S. Census Bureau" }
+@string{pub-spietisoe = "SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering" }
+@string{pub-pie = "Pearson International Edition" }
+@string{pub-um = "University of Manitoba" }
+@string{pub-gi = "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik" }
+@string{pub-aaaip = "AAAI Press" }
+@string{pub-witp = "WIT Press" }
+@string{pub-ccl = "Civil-Comp Ltd." }
+@string{pub-auaip = "AUAI Press" }
+@string{pub-smi = "Selbstverlag des Mathematischen Instituts" }
+@string{pub-trb = "Transportation Research Board" }
+@string{pub-fvs = "Friedrick Vieweg~\& Son" }
+@string{pub-sim = "Society for Industrial Mathematics" }
+@string{pub-ov = "Oldenburg Verlag" }
+@string{pub-crcp = "CRC Press" }
+@string{pub-ieee = "IEEE" }
+@string{pub-wieeep = "Wiley-IEEE Press" }
+@string{pub-vtug = "Verlag der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Graz" }
+@string{pub-mghi = "MacGraw-Hill Inc." }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% series
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{ser-ams_cbms = "CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics" }
+@string{ser-ann_math_stud = "Annals of Mathematics Studies" }
+@string{ser-ch_tiss = "Chapman~\& Hall Texts in Statistical Science" }
+@string{ser-ima = "The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications" }
+@string{ser-lms_lns = "London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series" }
+@string{ser-mct = "Mathematical Centre Tracts" }
+@string{ser-msap = "Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability" }
+@string{ser-nato_ac = "NATO ASI Series C" }
+@string{ser-springer_gtm = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics" }
+@string{ser-springer_lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" }
+@string{ser-springer_lnm = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics" }
+@string{ser-springer_lnp = "Lecture Notes in Physics" }
+@string{ser-springer_mcs = "Monographs in Computer Science" }
+@string{ser-springer_stis = "Springer Texts in Statistics" }
+@string{ser-utp_me = "Mathematical Expositions" }
+@string{ser-wiley_dmo = "Discrete Mathematics and Optimization" }
+@string{ser-wiley_ps = "Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics" }
+@string{ser-dsp = "Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings" }
+@string{ser-acm = "Algorithms and Computation in Mathmatics" }
+@string{ser-sass = "Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences" }
+@string{ser-csic = "Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Science" }
+@string{ser-dimacsb = "DIMACS Book" }
+@string{ser-gielnilni = "GI-Edition---Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)" }
+@string{ser-entcs = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{ser-lnee = "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering" }
+@string{ser-bricsds = "BRICS Dissertation Series" }
+@string{ser-psc = "Princeton Studies in Complexity" }
+@string{ser-hniv = "HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe" }
+@string{ser-wnmc = "Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing" }
+@string{ser-ms = "Mathematics and Statistics" }
+@string{ser-mmb = "Methods in Molecular Biology" }
+@string{ser-gtc = "Graph Theory and Combinatorics" }
+@string{ser-soia = "Springer Optimization and Its Applications" }
+@string{ser-oasioasi = "OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)" }
+@string{ser-li = "Leitf{\"a}den der Informatik" }
+@string{ser-ttcs = "Texts in Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{ser-ema = "Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications" }
+@string{ser-ewea = "Encyklop{\"a}die der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen" }
+@string{ser-sscm = "Springer Series in Computational Mathematics" }
+@string{ser-lnsc = "Lecture Notes Series on Computing" }
+@string{ser-ac = "Algorithms and Combinatorics" }
+@string{ser-mmsg = "Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen" }
+@string{ser-tacp = "The Art of Computer Programming" }
+@string{ser-lni = "Lecture Notes in Informatics" }
+@string{ser-mdma = "Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications" }
+@string{ser-wisdmo = "Wiley Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization" }
+@string{ser-is = "Informatik Spektrum" }
+@string{ser-it = "it--Information Technology" }
+@string{ser-tggs = "The Graphics Gems Series" }
+@string{ser-mivt = "Mitteilungen des Institutes f{\"u}r Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik" }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% journals
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{dcg = "Discrete and Computational Geometry" }
+@string{j-abhmsuh = "Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit{\"a}t Hamburg" }
+@string{j-ac = "Annals of Combinatorics" }
+@string{j-acm = "Journal of the ACM" }
+@string{j-acm-ccr = "ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review" }
+@string{j-acm-csur = "ACM Computing Surveys" }
+@string{j-acm-ea = "ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics" }
+@string{j-acm-mccr = "ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review" }
+@string{j-acm-tchi = "ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction" }
+@string{j-acm-tms = "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software" }
+@string{j-acm-tois = "ACM Transactions on Information Systems" }
+@string{j-acmta = "ACM Transactions on Algorithms" }
+@string{j-acmtds = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems" }
+@string{j-acmtg = "ACM Transactions on Graphics" }
+@string{j-acmtkdd = "ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data" }
+@string{j-acs = "Advances in Complex Systems" }
+@string{j-acta-inf = "Acta Informatica" }
+@string{j-actam = "Acta Mathematica" }
+@string{j-ai = "Artificial Intelligence" }
+@string{j-ajm = "American Journal of Mathematics" }
+@string{j-ajs = "American Journal of Sociology" }
+@string{j-alg = "Algorithmica" }
+@string{j-am = "Aequationes Mathematicae" }
+@string{j-amash = "Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae" }
+@string{j-amath = "Annals of Mathematics" }
+@string{j-amb = "Algorithms for Molecular Biology" }
+@string{j-amc = "Applied Mathematics and Computation" }
+@string{j-amm = "American Mathematical Monthly" }
+@string{j-ams = "The Annals of Mathematical Statistics" }
+@string{j-aor = "Annals of Operations Research" }
+@string{j-ap = "Advances in Physics" }
+@string{j-apc = "Applied Physical Sciences" }
+@string{j-aphch = "Annalen der Physik und Chemie" }
+@string{j-apjor = "Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) " }
+@string{j-arch-math = "Archiv der Mathematik" }
+@string{j-arist = "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology" }
+@string{j-arsc = "Ars Combinatoria" }
+@string{j-asa = "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America" }
+@string{j-asms = "Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged)" }
+@string{j-asr = "American Sociological Review" }
+@string{j-au = "Algebra Universalis" }
+@string{j-b = "Bioinformatics" }
+@string{j-bes = "Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology" }
+@string{j-bit = "BIT" }
+@string{j-bjmsp = "British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology" }
+@string{j-bmb = "Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics" }
+@string{j-bmcsb = "BMC Systems Biology" }
+@string{j-bs = "Behavioral Science" }
+@string{j-bstj = "Bell System Technical Journal" }
+@string{j-bull-ams = "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-bvsawl = "Berichte {\"u}ber die Verhandlungen der S{\"a}chsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig" }
+@string{j-c = "Connections" }
+@string{j-c2 = "Journal of Classification" }
+@string{j-cagd = "Computer Aided Geometric Design" }
+@string{j-cam = "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics" }
+@string{j-can-math-bull = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin" }
+@string{j-cc = "Competition and Change" }
+@string{j-ccacaa = "Crotia Chemica ACTA" }
+@string{j-ccpe = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience" }
+@string{j-ccr = "Computer Communication Review" }
+@string{j-ceus = "Computers, Environment and Urban Systems" }
+@string{j-cg = "Computational Geometry" }
+@string{j-cgf = "Computer Graphics Forum" }
+@string{j-cgta = "Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications" }
+@string{j-ci = "Computational Intelligence" }
+@string{j-cjm = "Canadian Journal of Mathematics" }
+@string{j-cjp = "Canadian Journal of Psychology" }
+@string{j-cm = "IEEE Communications Magazine" }
+@string{j-cma = "Computers~\& Mathematics with Applications" }
+@string{j-cmj = "Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal" }
+@string{j-cmpan = "Colloquium Mathematicum" }
+@string{j-cmsjb = "Colloquia Mathematica Societatis J{\'a}nos Bolyai" }
+@string{j-cmuc = "Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae" }
+@string{j-cn = "Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking" }
+@string{j-cn_isdn = "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems" }
+@string{j-coa = "Computational Optimization and Applications" }
+@string{j-comb = "Combinatorica" }
+@string{j-comcom = "Computer Communications" }
+@string{j-comm-acm = "Communications of the ACM" }
+@string{j-comp = "Journal of Complexity" }
+@string{j-complexity = "Complexity" }
+@string{j-comput = "Computing" }
+@string{j-congr-num = "Congressus Numerantium" }
+@string{j-const = "Constraints" }
+@string{j-copr = "Computers~\& Operations Research" }
+@string{j-copre = "Computers~\\& Operations Research" }
+@string{j-cor = "Computers~& Operations Research" }
+@string{j-cpc = "Combinatorics, Probability and Computing" }
+@string{j-cpm = "{\v C}eskoslovensk{\'a} Akademie V{\v e}d. {\v C}asopis Pro P{\v e}stov{\'a}n{\'i} Matematiky" }
+@string{j-cse = "Computing in Science and Engineering" }
+@string{j-csr = "Computer Science Review" }
+@string{j-css = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences" }
+@string{j-cviu = "Computer Vision and Image Understanding" }
+@string{j-cwi-qu = "CWI Quarterly" }
+@string{j-cwiq = "CWI Quarterly" }
+@string{j-cy = "Cybernetics" }
+@string{j-dam = "Discrete Applied Mathematics" }
+@string{j-dc = "Distributed Computing" }
+@string{j-dcg = "Discrete {\&} Computational Geometry" }
+@string{j-dima = "Discrete Mathematics" }
+@string{j-dm = "Documenta Mathematica" }
+@string{j-dmgt = "Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory" }
+@string{j-dmtcs = "Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{j-dmvm = "DMV Mitteilungen" }
+@string{j-do = "Discrete Optimization" }
+@string{j-dp = "Der Pathologe" }
+@string{j-duke-mj = "Duke Mathematical Journal" }
+@string{j-e = "Econometrica" }
+@string{j-eacis = "Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science" }
+@string{j-ecmo = "Ecological Monographs" }
+@string{j-eco = "Economic Journal" }
+@string{j-ecomb = "The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics" }
+@string{j-eeetits = "EEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems" }
+@string{j-ejc = "European Journal of Combinatorics" }
+@string{j-ejor = "European Journal of Operational Research" }
+@string{j-em = "Elemente der Mathematik" }
+@string{j-endima = "Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics" }
+@string{j-entcs = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{j-epi = "El Profesional de la Informaci'on" }
+@string{j-epjb = "The European Physical Journal~B" }
+@string{j-epm = "Educational and Psychological Measurement" }
+@string{j-es = "Energy Systems" }
+@string{j-esa = "Expert Systems with Applications" }
+@string{j-et = "Journal of Economic Theory" }
+@string{j-expsysapp = "DELETEME" }
+@string{j-fi = "Fundamenta Informaticae" }
+@string{j-fm = "Fundamenta Mathematicae" }
+@string{j-gb = "Genome Biology" }
+@string{j-gc = "Graphs and Combinatorics" }
+@string{j-geb = "Games and Economic Behavior" }
+@string{j-geoi = "GeoInformatica" }
+@string{j-gi = "Genome Informatics" }
+@string{j-gr = "Genome Research" }
+@string{j-ho = "Human Organizations" }
+@string{j-i = "Inventiones mathematicae" }
+@string{j-ibioinfo = "Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics" }
+@string{j-ic = "Information and Computation" }
+@string{j-ico = "Information and Control" }
+@string{j-ieeec = "IEEE Computer" }
+@string{j-ieeedeb = "IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin" }
+@string{j-ieees = "IEEE Spectrum" }
+@string{j-ieeetcst = "IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology" }
+@string{j-ieeetim = "IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement" }
+@string{j-ieeetits = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems" }
+@string{j-ieeetmc = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing" }
+@string{j-ieeetps = "IEEE Transactions on Power Systems" }
+@string{j-ieeetse = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering" }
+@string{j-ieeetsg = "IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid" }
+@string{j-ieeetsmc = "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics" }
+@string{j-ieeetsmcpa = "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A" }
+@string{j-ieeetssc = "IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics" }
+@string{j-ieeetwc = "IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications" }
+@string{j-ieicetfeccs = "IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences" }
+@string{j-ieicetj = "IEICE Transactions Japan" }
+@string{j-iijci = "Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics" }
+@string{j-ijbc = "International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos " }
+@string{j-ijc = "International Journal of Control" }
+@string{j-ijc2 = "Informs Journal on Computing" }
+@string{j-ijcga = "International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications" }
+@string{j-ijcm = "International Journal of Computer Mathematics" }
+@string{j-ijfcs = "International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science" }
+@string{j-ijgis = "International Journal of Geographical Information Systems" }
+@string{j-ijm = "Israel Journal of Mathematics" }
+@string{j-ijrd = "IBM Journal of Research and Development" }
+@string{j-ijse = "International Journal of Sustainable Engineering" }
+@string{j-im = "Internet Mathematics" }
+@string{j-impc = "International Journal of Modern Physics~C" }
+@string{j-indmath = "Indagationes Mathematicae" }
+@string{j-infovis = "Journal of Information Visualization" }
+@string{j-int = "Integration: The VLSI Journal" }
+@string{j-ipj = "The Internet Protocol Journal" }
+@string{j-ipl = "Information Processing Letters" }
+@string{j-ipm = "Information Processing~\& Management" }
+@string{j-ir = "Information Retrieval, special issue on Advances in Mathematics/Formal Methods in Information Retrie" }
+@string{j-ire-tec = "IRE Transaction on Electronic Computers" }
+@string{j-ire-trans-it = "IRE Transactions on Information Theory" }
+@string{j-is = "Informatik Spektrum" }
+@string{j-it = "it---Information Technology" }
+@string{j-jacs = "Journal of the American Chemical Society" }
+@string{j-jair = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research" }
+@string{j-jalg = "Journal of Algorithms" }
+@string{j-jams = "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-jar = "Journal of Anthropological Research" }
+@string{j-jasa = "Journal of the American Statistical Association" }
+@string{j-jasist = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology" }
+@string{j-jc = "Journal of Classification" }
+@string{j-jcg = "Journal of Computational Geometry" }
+@string{j-jcit = "Journal of Computing and Information Technology" }
+@string{j-jco = "Journal of Combinatorial Optimization" }
+@string{j-jcombth = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory" }
+@string{j-jcombthb = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series~B" }
+@string{j-jda = "Journal of Discrete Algorithms" }
+@string{j-jdmvdmv = "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)" }
+@string{j-jg = "Journal of Geodesy" }
+@string{j-jgaa = "Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications" }
+@string{j-jgo = "Journal of Global Optimization" }
+@string{j-jgt = "Journal of Graph Theory" }
+@string{j-jiis = "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems" }
+@string{j-jip = "Journal of Information Processing" }
+@string{j-jits = "Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems" }
+@string{j-jlms = "Journal of the London Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-jma = "Journal of Multivariate Analysis" }
+@string{j-jmp = "Journal of Mathematical Psychology" }
+@string{j-jms = "Journal of Mathematical Sociology" }
+@string{j-jorsj = "Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan " }
+@string{j-jpp = "Journal of Parallel Programming" }
+@string{j-jrsssb = "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series~B" }
+@string{j-js = "Journal of Scheduling" }
+@string{j-jsac = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications" }
+@string{j-jsbs = "Journal of Social and Biological Structures" }
+@string{j-jsc = "Journal of Symbolic Computation" }
+@string{j-jsp = "Journal of Statistical Physics" }
+@string{j-jtb = "Journal of Theoretical Biology" }
+@string{j-jtp = "Journal of Theoretical Politics" }
+@string{j-jtrb = "Journal of the Transportation Research Board" }
+@string{j-kcdu = "Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization" }
+@string{j-kdb = "Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics" }
+@string{j-kis = "Knowledge and Information Systems" }
+@string{j-l = "Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America" }
+@string{j-laa = "Linear Algebra and its Applications" }
+@string{j-m = "Methodology" }
+@string{j-ma = "Machine Learning" }
+@string{j-maa = "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications" }
+@string{j-matchcmcc = "MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry" }
+@string{j-math-prog-a = "Mathematical Programming, Series~A" }
+@string{j-mathann = "Mathematische Annalen" }
+@string{j-mathematika = "Mathematika" }
+@string{j-mb = "Mathematica Bohemica" }
+@string{j-mc = "Mathematics of Computation" }
+@string{j-mcs = "Mathematics in Computer Science" }
+@string{j-mfl = "Matematikai {\'e}s Fizikai Lapok" }
+@string{j-ml = "Journal of Machine Learning" }
+@string{j-mmj = "Michigan Mathematical Journal" }
+@string{j-mmor = "Mathematical Methods of Operations Research" }
+@string{j-mms = "Multiscale Modeling and Simulation" }
+@string{j-mna = "Mobile Networks and Applications" }
+@string{j-moor = "Mathematics of Operations Research" }
+@string{j-mor = "Methods of Operations Research" }
+@string{j-mos = "Mathematische Operationsforschung Statistik" }
+@string{j-mp = "Mathematical Programming" }
+@string{j-mpcps = "Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society" }
+@string{j-ms = "Mathematica Slovaca" }
+@string{j-msc = "Mathematica Scandinavica" }
+@string{j-msci = "Management Science" }
+@string{j-msr = "Sociological Methods and Research" }
+@string{j-mss = "Mathematical Social Sciences" }
+@string{j-mst = "Mathematical Systems Theory" }
+@string{j-mussrs = "Mathematics of the USSR - Sbornik" }
+@string{j-nar = "Nucleic Acids Research" }
+@string{j-nationalb = "Journal of National Bureau of Standards" }
+@string{j-nature = "Nature" }
+@string{j-nb = "Nature Biotechnology" }
+@string{j-ncasp = "Novi commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitaenae" }
+@string{j-netnomics = "Netnomics" }
+@string{j-networks = "Networks" }
+@string{j-nips = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems" }
+@string{j-njc = "Nordic Journal of Computing" }
+@string{j-njp = "New Journal of Physics" }
+@string{j-nn = "Neural Networks" }
+@string{j-nns = "coNNectionS" }
+@string{j-nrdd = "Nature Reviews Drug Discovery" }
+@string{j-nrlq = "Naval Research Logistics Quarterly" }
+@string{j-nsr = "Nature Scientific Reports" }
+@string{j-nummat = "Numerische Mathematik" }
+@string{j-or = "Operations Research" }
+@string{j-order = "ORDER" }
+@string{j-orl = "Operations Research Letter" }
+@string{j-ors = "OR Spectrum" }
+@string{j-p = "Proteomics" }
+@string{j-pams = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-patrl = "Pattern Recognition Letters" }
+@string{j-pc = "Parallel Computing" }
+@string{j-pdc = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing" }
+@string{j-pdnp = "Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena" }
+@string{j-phre = "Physical Review~E" }
+@string{j-phrl = "Physical Review Letters" }
+@string{j-physa = "Physica~A" }
+@string{j-pjm = "Pacific Journal of Mathematics" }
+@string{j-plms = "Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-plsone = "PLoS ONE" }
+@string{j-pmd = "Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen" }
+@string{j-pnas = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America" }
+@string{j-ppl = "Parallel Processing Letters" }
+@string{j-pr = "Physics Reports" }
+@string{j-pr-e = "Physical Review E" }
+@string{j-psy = "Psychometrika" }
+@string{j-psyt = "Psychology Today" }
+@string{j-pt = "Public Transport" }
+@string{j-qa = "Journal of Quantitative Anthropology" }
+@string{j-qam = "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics" }
+@string{j-qq = "Quality and Quantity" }
+@string{j-r = "Release 1.0" }
+@string{j-ram = "Journal der reinen und angewandten Mathematik" }
+@string{j-rmp = "Reviews of Modern Physics" }
+@string{j-rp = "Research Policy" }
+@string{j-rsa = "Randoms Structures and Algorithms" }
+@string{j-sc = "Journal of Symbolic Computation" }
+@string{j-science = "Science" }
+@string{j-sf = "Social Forces" }
+@string{j-siam = "Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" }
+@string{j-siamjadm = "SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods" }
+@string{j-sicomp = "SIAM Journal on Computing" }
+@string{j-sidma = "SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics" }
+@string{j-sigact-news = "ACM SIGACT News" }
+@string{j-sijam = "SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics" }
+@string{j-sisccomp = "SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing" }
+@string{j-sjmaa = "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications" }
+@string{j-sm = "Sociological Methodology" }
+@string{j-smr = "Sociological Methods and Research" }
+@string{j-smte = "Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment" }
+@string{j-sn = "Social Networks" }
+@string{j-socm = "Sociometry" }
+@string{j-sov-math-dokl = "Soviet Mathematics-Doklady" }
+@string{j-spe = "Software - Practice and Experience" }
+@string{j-sr = "SIAM Review" }
+@string{j-ss = "Journal of Social Structure" }
+@string{j-ssc = "Statistics and Computing" }
+@string{j-ssr = "Sociology and Social Research" }
+@string{j-ssre = "Social Science Research" }
+@string{j-t = "Telektronikk" }
+@string{j-tams = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" }
+@string{j-tasm = "Technology Analysis and Strategic Management" }
+@string{j-tc = "IEEE Transactions on Computers" }
+@string{j-tcj = "The Computer Journal" }
+@string{j-tcs = "Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{j-tct = "IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory" }
+@string{j-tej = "The Economic Journal" }
+@string{j-tinfth = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory" }
+@string{j-tis = "IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems" }
+@string{j-tit = "ACM Transactions on Internet Technology" }
+@string{j-tkde = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering" }
+@string{j-tob = "Trends in Organizational Behavior" }
+@string{j-toc = "IEEE Transactions on Communications" }
+@string{j-tocs = "Theory of Computing Systems " }
+@string{j-ton = "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking" }
+@string{j-tpa = "Theory of Probability and its Applications" }
+@string{j-tpami = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" }
+@string{j-tr = "IEEE Transactions on Reliability" }
+@string{j-tr-ec = "IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers" }
+@string{j-trpbm = "Transportation Research Part B: Methodological" }
+@string{j-ts = "Transportation Science" }
+@string{j-tsq = "The Sociological Quarterly" }
+@string{j-tsy = "Telecommunication Systems" }
+@string{j-tvcg = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics" }
+@string{j-vlsid = "VLSI Design" }
+@string{j-wzthi = "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Technische Hochschule Ilmenau" }
+@string{j-zpmfu = "Zeitschrift zur Pflege der Mathematik und zur F{\"o}rderung des mathematisch-physikalischen Unterric" }
+@string{NHM = "Networks and Heterogeneous Media" }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% conference proceedings
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+@string{proc-aaai-11 = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence" }
+@string{proc-aaai-12 = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence" }
+@string{proc-aaai-13 = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence" }
+@string{proc-aaim-07 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'07)" }
+@string{proc-aaim-08 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'08)" }
+@string{proc-aaim-09 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'09)" }
+@string{proc-aaim-10 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'10)" }
+@string{proc-aaim-11 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'11)" }
+@string{proc-acmgis-10 = "Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems" }
+@string{proc-acmgis-11 = "Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems" }
+@string{proc-acsc-05 = "Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Australasian conference on Computer Science" }
+@string{proc-afips-67 = "AFIPS'67 (Spring): Proceedings of the April 18-20, 1967, spring joint computer conference" }
+@string{proc-aiide-10 = "Proceedings of the 6th Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE'10)" }
+@string{proc-aiide-11 = "Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE'11)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-01 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'01)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-02 = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'02)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-04 = "Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'04)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-05 = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'05)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-06 = "Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'06)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-07 = "Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'07)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-08 = "Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'08)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-09 = "Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'09)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-10 = "Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'10)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-11 = "Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'11)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-12 = "Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-13 = "Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'13)" }
+@string{proc-alenex-99 = "Selected Papers from the 1st International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation (ALENEX'99)" }
+@string{proc-alex-98 = "Proceedings of Algorithms and Experiments (ALEX'98)" }
+@string{proc-algosensors-08 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'08)" }
+@string{proc-algosensors-09 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'10)" }
+@string{proc-algosensors-10 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'10)" }
+@string{proc-algosensors-11 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'11)" }
+@string{proc-algosensors-13 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics (ALGOSENSORS'13)" }
+@string{proc-analco-10 = "Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO '10)" }
+@string{proc-analco-11 = "Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO '11)" }
+@string{proc-approx-00 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Approximatin Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimizat" }
+@string{proc-approx-98 = "Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Approximatin Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimizat" }
+@string{proc-apscc-07 = "Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Conference (APSCC)" }
+@string{proc-apvis-07 = "Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (APVIS'07)" }
+@string{proc-apweb-08 = "Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Web Conference" }
+@string{proc-asonam-12 = "Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining" }
+@string{proc-atmos-01 = "Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Algorithmic MeThods and Models for Optimization of RailwayS (ATMOS'01)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-02 = "Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Algorithmic MeThods and Models for Optimization of RailwayS (ATMOS'02)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-03 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways (ATMOS'03)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-05 = "Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways (ATMOS'05)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-07 = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'07)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-08 = "Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'08)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-09 = "Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'09)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-10 = "Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'10)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-11 = "Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'11)" }
+@string{proc-atmos-12 = "Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'12)" }
+@string{proc-aussois-01 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization (Aussois'2001)" }
+@string{proc-avi-02 = "Proceedings of the 6th Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI'02)" }
+@string{proc-bcc-79 = "Proceedings of the 7th British Combinatorial Conference" }
+@string{proc-bsmsp-67 = "Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability" }
+@string{proc-ccc-84 = "Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in honor of Paul Erdos" }
+@string{proc-cccg-07 = "Proceedings of the 19th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG '07)" }
+@string{proc-cccg-10 = "Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG '10)" }
+@string{proc-cccg-11 = "Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG '11)" }
+@string{proc-ccn-02 = "Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks" }
+@string{proc-ccss-72 = "Courant Computer Science Symposium~9: Combinatorial Algorithms (1972)" }
+@string{proc-cecnet-12 = "2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks" }
+@string{proc-cg-91 = "Proceedings of Compugraphics '91" }
+@string{proc-chi-06 = "Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'06)" }
+@string{proc-ciac-03 = "Proceedings of the 5th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC'03)" }
+@string{proc-ciac-06 = "Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC'06)" }
+@string{proc-ciac-10 = "Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC'10)" }
+@string{proc-ciac-13 = "Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity" }
+@string{proc-cikm-96 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management" }
+@string{proc-cikm-98 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management" }
+@string{proc-cocc-72 = "Complexity of Computer Computations" }
+@string{proc-cocoa-07 = "Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-01 = "Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'01)" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-02 = "Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'02)" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-03 = "Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'03)" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-05 = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'05)" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-11 = "Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'11)" }
+@string{proc-cocoon-99 = "Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'99)" }
+@string{proc-colt-03 = "Computational Learning Theory and Kernel Machines, 16th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory and 7th Kernel Workshop, COLT/Kernel 2003, Washington, DC, USA, Proceedings" }
+@string{proc-comprail-98 = "Proceedings of the 6th international conference on computer aided design, manufacture and operations in the railway and other mass transit systems" }
+@string{proc-cosit-93 = "Proceedings of the European Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'93)" }
+@string{proc-cpm-04 = "Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM'04)" }
+@string{proc-cs-87 = "Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 1987" }
+@string{proc-cwmu-68 = "The Many Facets of Graph Theory" }
+@string{proc-dac-65 = "Proceedings of the SHARE design automation project (DAC'65)" }
+@string{proc-dac-82 = "Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE Conference on Design Automation" }
+@string{proc-dac-93 = "Proceedings of the 30th ACM/IEEE Conference on Design Automation" }
+@string{proc-dac-95 = "Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE Conference on Design Automation" }
+@string{proc-dcoss-11 = "Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems" }
+@string{proc-dcoss-12 = "Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems" }
+@string{proc-delis-final07 = "Proceedings of the Final Workshop of DELIS" }
+@string{proc-dialm-pomc-05 = "DIALM-POMC '05: Proceedings of the 2005 joint workshop on Foundations of mobile computing" }
+@string{proc-dialm-pomc-08 = "Proceedings of the 2008 joint workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing" }
+@string{proc-dimacs-06 = "The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge -" }
+@string{proc-dimacs-12 = "Graph Partitioning and Graph Clustering: Tenth DIMACS Implementation Challenge" }
+@string{proc-dimacs-98 = "Data Structures, Near Neighbor Searches, and Methodology: Proceedings of the Fifth and Sixth DIMACS Implementation Challenges" }
+@string{proc-disc-12 = "Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing" }
+@string{proc-dm-05 = "Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-dm-07 = "Proceedings of the 2007 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-dm-08 = "Proceedings of the 2008 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-dmsn-06 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN'06)" }
+@string{proc-eccs-06 = "Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'06)" }
+@string{proc-eccs-07 = "Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'07)" }
+@string{proc-ecml-05 = "Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Machine Learning" }
+@string{proc-edbt-09 = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology: Advances in Database Technology (EDBT '09)" }
+@string{proc-esa-01 = "Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'01)" }
+@string{proc-esa-02 = "Proceedings of the 10th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'02)" }
+@string{proc-esa-03 = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'03)" }
+@string{proc-esa-04 = "Proceedings of the 12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'04)" }
+@string{proc-esa-05 = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'05)" }
+@string{proc-esa-06 = "Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'06)" }
+@string{proc-esa-07 = "Proceedings of the 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'07)" }
+@string{proc-esa-08 = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'08)" }
+@string{proc-esa-09 = "Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'09)" }
+@string{proc-esa-10 = "Proceedings of the 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'10)" }
+@string{proc-esa-12 = "Proceedings of the 20th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'12)" }
+@string{proc-esa-13 = "Proceedings of the 21st Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'13)" }
+@string{proc-esa-93 = "Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'93)" }
+@string{proc-esa-94 = "Proceedings of the 2nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'94)" }
+@string{proc-esa-96 = "Proceedings of the 4th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'96)" }
+@string{proc-esa-97 = "Proceedings of the 5th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'97)" }
+@string{proc-esa-98 = "Proceedings of the 6th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'98)" }
+@string{proc-esa-99 = "Proceedings of the 7th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'99)" }
+@string{proc-esann-05 = "Proceedings of the 13th European Symposium on Artifical Neural Networks" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-07 = "Proceedings of the 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'07)" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-08 = "Proceedings of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'08)" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-10 = "Proceedings of the 26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'10)" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-11 = "Proceedings of the 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'11)" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-12 = "Proceedings of the 28th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'12)" }
+@string{proc-eurocg-13 = "Proceedings of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'13)" }
+@string{proc-eurolio-12 = "Geography of Innovation 2012" }
+@string{proc-ewcg-05 = "Proceedings of the 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG'05)" }
+@string{proc-focs-00 = "Proceedings of the 41st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'00)" }
+@string{proc-focs-01 = "Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'01)" }
+@string{proc-focs-02 = "Proceedings of the 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'02)" }
+@string{proc-focs-03 = "Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'03)" }
+@string{proc-focs-04 = "Proceedings of the 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'04)" }
+@string{proc-focs-86 = "Proceedings of the 27th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'86)" }
+@string{proc-focs-87 = "Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'87)" }
+@string{proc-focs-88 = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'88)" }
+@string{proc-focs-89 = "Proceedings of the 30th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'89)" }
+@string{proc-focs-90 = "Proceedings of the 31st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'90)" }
+@string{proc-focs-91 = "Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'91)" }
+@string{proc-focs-92 = "Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'92)" }
+@string{proc-focs-93 = "Proceedings of the 34th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'93)" }
+@string{proc-focs-94 = "Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'94)" }
+@string{proc-focs-96 = "Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'96)" }
+@string{proc-focs-98 = "Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'98)" }
+@string{proc-fomc-12 = "The Eighth ACM International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing" }
+@string{proc-fsci-04 = "Proceedings of the 14th Workshop Fuzzy-Systeme und Computational Intelligence" }
+@string{proc-fsttcs-01 = "Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science" }
+@string{proc-gcsg-80 = "Proceedings of the First General Conference on Social Graphics" }
+@string{proc-gd-00 = "Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)" }
+@string{proc-gd-01 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'01)" }
+@string{proc-gd-02 = "Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)" }
+@string{proc-gd-03 = "Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'03)" }
+@string{proc-gd-04 = "Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)" }
+@string{proc-gd-05 = "Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'05)" }
+@string{proc-gd-06 = "Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'06)" }
+@string{proc-gd-07 = "Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)" }
+@string{proc-gd-08 = "Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'08)" }
+@string{proc-gd-09 = "Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'09)" }
+@string{proc-gd-10 = "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)" }
+@string{proc-gd-11 = "Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'11)" }
+@string{proc-gd-12 = "Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)" }
+@string{proc-gd-13 = "Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'13)" }
+@string{proc-gd-94 = "DIAMCS International Workshop" }
+@string{proc-gd-95 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'95)" }
+@string{proc-gd-96 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'96)" }
+@string{proc-gd-97 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'97)" }
+@string{proc-gd-98 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'98)" }
+@string{proc-gd-99 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'99)" }
+@string{proc-gi-00 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2000" }
+@string{proc-gi-01 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2001" }
+@string{proc-gi-02 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2002" }
+@string{proc-gi-03 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2003" }
+@string{proc-gi-04 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2004" }
+@string{proc-gi-05 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2005" }
+@string{proc-gi-06 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2006" }
+@string{proc-gi-07 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2007" }
+@string{proc-gi-08 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2008" }
+@string{proc-gi-09 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2009" }
+@string{proc-gi-10 = "Informatiktage 2010" }
+@string{proc-gi-10a = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2010" }
+@string{proc-gi-11 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2011" }
+@string{proc-gi-99 = "Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1999" }
+@string{proc-giit-05 = "Informatiktage 2005. Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatik-Kongress, 8. und 9. April 2005, Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin" }
+@string{proc-gis-05 = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM International Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS'05)" }
+@string{proc-gis-10 = "Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'10)" }
+@string{proc-gisruk-07 = "Proceedings of the 15th Annual Geographic Information Sciences Research Conference UK" }
+@string{proc-globecom-01 = "IEEE GLOBECOM'01" }
+@string{proc-globecom-96 = "IEEE GLOBECOM'96" }
+@string{proc-gs-97 = "Graph Symmetry: Algebraic Methods and Applications" }
+@string{proc-gsn2006 = "GeoSensor Networks" }
+@string{proc-gtca-91 = "Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications" }
+@string{proc-hics-00 = "Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences" }
+@string{proc-hpcn-96 = "High-Performance Computing and Networking" }
+@string{proc-hypertext-03 = "Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia" }
+@string{proc-hypertext-98 = "Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia" }
+@string{proc-iadis-wig-06 = "Proceedings of the 5th IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet Geometry" }
+@string{proc-icalp-02 = "Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'02)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-03 = "Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'03)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-05 = "Proceedings of the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'05)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-11 = "Proceedings of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'11)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-13 = "Proceedings of the 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'13)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-94 = "Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'94)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-95 = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'95)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-96 = "Proceedings of the 23rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'96)" }
+@string{proc-icalp-98 = "Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'98)" }
+@string{proc-icaps-12 = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling" }
+@string{proc-icaps-13 = "Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling" }
+@string{proc-icc-01 = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2001" }
+@string{proc-icc-97 = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 1997" }
+@string{proc-iccad-93 = "Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design" }
+@string{proc-icdcn-10 = "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking " }
+@string{proc-icdcs-10 = "Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems" }
+@string{proc-icdm-01 = "Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-icdm-11 = "Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-icdmw-06 = "Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining - Workshops" }
+@string{proc-icdmw-10 = "Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2010 IEEE International Conference on" }
+@string{proc-icems-05 = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS'05)" }
+@string{proc-icl-gnss-12 = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS '12)" }
+@string{proc-icml-04 = "Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning" }
+@string{proc-icml-05 = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning" }
+@string{proc-ieeei-04 = "Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel" }
+@string{proc-ifip-92 = "Proceedings of the IFIP 12th World Computer Congress on Algorithms, Software, Architecture - Information Processing '92" }
+@string{proc-iics-02 = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Innovative Internet Computing Systems" }
+@string{proc-ijcai-01 = "Proceedings of the 17th international joint conference on artificial intelligence" }
+@string{proc-infocom-00 = "Proceedings of the 19th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-01 = "Proceedings of the 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-02 = "Proceedings of the 21st Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-03 = "Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-05 = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-06 = "Proceedings of the 25th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infocom-97 = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)" }
+@string{proc-infovis-02 = "Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization" }
+@string{proc-ipco-07 = "Proceedings of the 12th Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-04 = "18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symopsium (IPDPS'04)" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-06 = "20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symopsium (IPDPS'06)" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-08 = "22nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'08)" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-09 = "23rd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'09)" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-10 = "24th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'10)" }
+@string{proc-ipdps-11 = "25th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'11)" }
+@string{proc-ipin-10 = "Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'10)" }
+@string{proc-ipps-98-ws = "Parallel and Distributed Processing---10th International IPPS/SPDP'98 Workshops" }
+@string{proc-ips-04 = "IPS 2004 -- Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation" }
+@string{proc-ipsn-04 = "Third International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2004)" }
+@string{proc-ipsn-05 = "Fourth International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2005)" }
+@string{proc-ipsn-06 = "Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2006)" }
+@string{proc-ipsn-07 = "Sixth International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2007)" }
+@string{proc-ipst-13 = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'13)" }
+@string{proc-isa-91 = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithms (ISA'91)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-00 = "Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'00)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-04 = "Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'04)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-07 = "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'07)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-08 = "Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'08)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-09 = "Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'09)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-11 = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'11)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-12 = "Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'12)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-92 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'92)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-93 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'93)" }
+@string{proc-isaac-98 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'98)" }
+@string{proc-istg-66 = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Theory of Graphs" }
+@string{proc-it-11 = "Algorithm Engineering" }
+@string{proc-itcom-01 = "Proceedings of SPIE ITcom'01" }
+@string{proc-itm-12 = "Proceedings of the 4th TRB Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling" }
+@string{proc-its-12 = "the 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems" }
+@string{proc-itss-02 = "ITSS 2002: Proceedings of the 5h International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems" }
+@string{proc-itst-12 = "12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications" }
+@string{proc-iwcts-12 = "Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science" }
+@string{proc-iwoca-10 = "Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms" }
+@string{proc-iwoca-11 = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms" }
+@string{proc-iwpec-06 = "Parameterized and Exact Computation" }
+@string{proc-kdd-00 = "Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-01 = "Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-03 = "Proceedings of the nineth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-04 = "Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-05 = "Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-06 = "Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-kdd-07 = "Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-ki-10 = "Proceedings of the 33rd Annual German Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence" }
+@string{proc-latin-10 = "Proceedings of the 9th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'10)" }
+@string{proc-latin-98 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'98)" }
+@string{proc-mamus-03 = "Multiagent for Mass User Support - First International Workshop" }
+@string{proc-mascots-01 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems" }
+@string{proc-mascots-02 = "Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems" }
+@string{proc-mascots-07 = "Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems" }
+@string{proc-mates-09 = "Proceedings of the 7th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2009)" }
+@string{proc-mdm-07 = "8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2007)" }
+@string{proc-medalg-12 = "Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms" }
+@string{proc-mfcs-06 = "Proceedings of the 31th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'06)" }
+@string{proc-mfcs-93 = "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'93)" }
+@string{proc-milcom-99 = "Proceedings of the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM'99)" }
+@string{proc-miw-70 = "Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Machine Intelligence Workshop" }
+@string{proc-mmcn-02 = "Proceedings of SPIE/ACM Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN) 2002" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-00 = "Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-01 = "Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-02 = "Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-03 = "Proceedings of the 9th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-04 = "Proceedings of the 10th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-05 = "Proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-06 = "Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobicom-07 = "Proceedings of the 13th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking" }
+@string{proc-mobihoc-03 = "Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC'03)" }
+@string{proc-mobihoc-06 = "Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC'06)" }
+@string{proc-mobihoc-08 = "Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC'08)" }
+@string{proc-mtaap-07 = "Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP 2007)" }
+@string{proc-networking-02 = "Proceedings of the 2nd International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference" }
+@string{proc-nips-01 = "Proceedings of 14th Conference: Neural Information Processing Systems" }
+@string{proc-nips-02 = "Proceedings of 15th Conference: Neural Information Processing Systems" }
+@string{proc-nips-03 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16" }
+@string{proc-nips-05 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18" }
+@string{proc-nips-10 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23" }
+@string{proc-nrdm-01 = "Workshop on Network-Related Data Management (NRDM'01)" }
+@string{proc-paa-04 = "Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures" }
+@string{proc-pacificvis-08 = "Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium" }
+@string{proc-pacificvis-13 = "Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium" }
+@string{proc-paris-07 = "Proc. First Int. Workshop on Protocols and Algorithms for Reliable and Data Intensive Sensor Networks (PARIS)" }
+@string{proc-percomw-06 = "Proc. 4th Annual IEEE Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCOMW'06)" }
+@string{proc-pesgm-12 = "Power and Energy Society General Meeting" }
+@string{proc-podc-09 = "Proceedings of the 28th ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing" }
+@string{proc-podc-12 = "Proceedings of the 31th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing" }
+@string{proc-pris-06 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (PRIS 2006)" }
+@string{proc-psce-09 = "Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE'09)" }
+@string{proc-random-02 = "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques (RANDOM'02)" }
+@string{proc-sab-06 = "Proc. 9th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior" }
+@string{proc-sawn-06 = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks, 2006" }
+@string{proc-sbac-pad-04 = "Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'04)" }
+@string{proc-sc-95 = "Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (SC'05)" }
+@string{proc-scg-91 = "Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry" }
+@string{proc-scg-98 = "Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry" }
+@string{proc-sdm-05 = "Proceedings of the fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-sdm-07 = "Proceedings of the seventh SIAM International Conference on Data Mining" }
+@string{proc-sea-09 = "Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'09)" }
+@string{proc-sea-10 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)" }
+@string{proc-sea-11 = "Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11)" }
+@string{proc-sea-12 = "Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'12)" }
+@string{proc-sea-13 = "Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'13)" }
+@string{proc-seagtc-83 = "Proceedings of the 1st Southeast Asian Graph Theory Colloquium" }
+@string{proc-secon-06 = "Proceedings of Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2006. " }
+@string{proc-sensys-04 = "2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems (SenSys'04)" }
+@string{proc-si-alenex-08 = "Special issue of the ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithms devoted to selected papers from ALENEX 2008" }
+@string{proc-si-dae-00 = "Discrete Algorithms Engineering, special issue of the journal Software--Practice and Experience" }
+@string{proc-si-gd-06 = "Special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications devoted to the 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'06)" }
+@string{proc-si-waa-96 = "Special issue of the journal Algorithmica devoted to the Dagstuhl Workshop on Graph Algorithms and Applications (1996)" }
+@string{proc-si-waa-98 = "Special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications devoted to the Dagstuhl Workshop on Graph Algorithms and Applications (1998)" }
+@string{proc-si-wae-00 = "Special issue of the ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithms devoted to the 4th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE'00)" }
+@string{proc-si-wg00 = "Special issue of the Journal of Discrete Algorithms devoted to the 26th Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science(WG'00)" }
+@string{proc-sigcomm-03 = "SIGCOMM '03: Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications" }
+@string{proc-sigcomm-99 = "SIGCOMM '99: Proceedings of the conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication" }
+@string{proc-sigir-86 = "Proceedings of the 9th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval" }
+@string{proc-sigmetrics-03 = "SIGMETRICS'03" }
+@string{proc-sigmod-08 = "Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (SIGMOD'08)" }
+@string{proc-sigmod-09 = "Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (SIGMOD'09)" }
+@string{proc-sigmod-10 = "Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (SIGMOD'10)" }
+@string{proc-sigmod-11 = "Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data (SIGMOD'11)" }
+@string{proc-sigmod-84 = "Proceedings of the 1984 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data" }
+@string{proc-sigspatial08 = "Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems (GIS '08)" }
+@string{proc-sigspatial12 = "Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'12)" }
+@string{proc-socg-08 = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'08)" }
+@string{proc-socg-11 = "Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'11)" }
+@string{proc-socg-95 = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'95)" }
+@string{proc-socg-99 = "Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'99)" }
+@string{proc-socs-10 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS'10)" }
+@string{proc-socs-12 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS'12)" }
+@string{proc-soda-00 = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'00)" }
+@string{proc-soda-01 = "Proceedings of the 12th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'01)" }
+@string{proc-soda-02 = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'02)" }
+@string{proc-soda-03 = "Proceedings of the 14th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'03)" }
+@string{proc-soda-04 = "Proceedings of the 15th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'04)" }
+@string{proc-soda-05 = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'05)" }
+@string{proc-soda-06 = "Proceedings of the 17th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'06)" }
+@string{proc-soda-07 = "Proceedings of the 18th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'07)" }
+@string{proc-soda-08 = "Proceedings of the 19th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'08)" }
+@string{proc-soda-09 = "Proceedings of the 20st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'09)" }
+@string{proc-soda-10 = "Proceedings of the 21st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10)" }
+@string{proc-soda-11 = "Proceedings of the 22nd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'11)" }
+@string{proc-soda-12 = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'12)" }
+@string{proc-soda-13 = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'13)" }
+@string{proc-soda-90 = "Proceedings of the 1st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'90)" }
+@string{proc-soda-91 = "Proceedings of the 2nd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'91)" }
+@string{proc-soda-92 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'92)" }
+@string{proc-soda-93 = "Proceedings of the 4th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'93)" }
+@string{proc-soda-96 = "Proceedings of the 7th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'96)" }
+@string{proc-soda-97 = "Proceedings of the 8th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'97)" }
+@string{proc-soda-98 = "Proceedings of the 9th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'98)" }
+@string{proc-soda-99 = "Proceedings of the 10th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'99)" }
+@string{proc-sofsem-07 = "Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'07)" }
+@string{proc-sofsem-09 = "Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'09)" }
+@string{proc-sofsem-11 = "Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'11)" }
+@string{proc-softvis-03 = "Proceedings ACM 2003 Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS'03)" }
+@string{proc-spaa-01 = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'01)" }
+@string{proc-spaa-03 = "Proceedings of the 15th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'03)" }
+@string{proc-spaa-92 = "Proceedings of the 4th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'92)" }
+@string{proc-spie-7704 = "Proceedings of SPIE 7704: Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications IV (2010)" }
+@string{proc-spire-10 = "Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (Spire 2010)" }
+@string{proc-ssg-99 = "Section on Statistical Graphics '99" }
+@string{proc-stacs-05 = "Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'05)" }
+@string{proc-stacs-07 = "Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'07)" }
+@string{proc-stacs-10 = "Proceedings of the 27nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'10)" }
+@string{proc-stacs-94 = "Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'94)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-00 = "Proceedings of the 32nd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'00)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-01 = "Proceedings of the 33rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'01)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-03 = "Proceedings of the 35th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'03)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-04 = "Proceedings of the 36th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'04)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-07 = "Proceedings of the 39th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'07)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-08 = "Proceedings of the 40th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'08)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-09 = "Proceedings of the 41st Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'09)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-11 = "Proceedings of the 43rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'11)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-71 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'71)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-81 = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'81)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-88 = "Proceedings of the 20th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'88)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-89 = "Proceedings of the 21th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'89)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-91 = "Proceedings of the 23rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'91)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-92 = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'92)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-93 = "Proceedings of the 25th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'93)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-95 = "Proceedings of the 27th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'95)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-96 = "Proceedings of the 28th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'96)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-97 = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'97)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-98 = "Proceedings of the 30th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'98)" }
+@string{proc-stoc-99 = "Proceedings of the 31st Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'99)" }
+@string{proc-supercomp-95 = "Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing" }
+@string{proc-swat-00 = "Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'00)" }
+@string{proc-swat-02 = "Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'04)" }
+@string{proc-swat-04 = "Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'04)" }
+@string{proc-swat-06 = "Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'06)" }
+@string{proc-swat-08 = "Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'08)" }
+@string{proc-swat-10 = "Proceedings of the 12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'10)" }
+@string{proc-swat-12 = "Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'12)" }
+@string{proc-swat-92 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'92)" }
+@string{proc-tag-76 = "Proceedings of Theory and Applications of Graphs" }
+@string{proc-tamc-11 = "Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Theory and applications of models of computation" }
+@string{proc-tapas-11 = "Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems (TAPAS'11)" }
+@string{proc-tc-94 = "Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing" }
+@string{proc-tc-97 = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing" }
+@string{proc-tggt-08 = "Topological & Geometric Graph Theory (TGGT'08)" }
+@string{proc-tmfogt-68 = "The Many Facets of Graph Theory, Proc." }
+@string{proc-uai-04 = "UAI'04 Proceedings of the 20th conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence" }
+@string{proc-vast-07 = "IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics and Technology (VAST 2007)" }
+@string{proc-vd-05 = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (VD'05)" }
+@string{proc-view-06 = "Pixelization Paradigm, Revised Selected Papers of the First Visual Information Expert Workshop" }
+@string{proc-vis-96 = "Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Conference on Visualization '96 (VIS'96)" }
+@string{proc-vissym-00 = "Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym'00)" }
+@string{proc-vissym-02 = "Proceedings of the 4th Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym '02)" }
+@string{proc-vl-89 = "IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages" }
+@string{proc-vldb-03 = "Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2003)" }
+@string{proc-vldb-05 = "Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2005)" }
+@string{proc-vldb-09 = "Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2009)" }
+@string{proc-vldb-11 = "Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2011)" }
+@string{proc-vldb-12 = "Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2012)" }
+@string{proc-vlsi-94 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on VLSI Design" }
+@string{proc-vnis-91 = "Proceedings of the Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNIS'91)" }
+@string{proc-vnis-94 = "Proceedings of the Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNSI'94)" }
+@string{proc-wads-03 = "Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'03)" }
+@string{proc-wads-05 = "Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'05)" }
+@string{proc-wads-07 = "Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'07)" }
+@string{proc-wads-09 = "Algorithms and Data Structures, 11th International Symposium (WADS'09)" }
+@string{proc-wads-11 = "Algorithms and Data Structures, 12th International Symposium (WADS'11)" }
+@string{proc-wads-13 = "Algorithms and Data Structures, 13th International Symposium (WADS'13)" }
+@string{proc-wads-91 = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'91)" }
+@string{proc-wads-93 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'93)" }
+@string{proc-wae-00 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE'00)" }
+@string{proc-wae-01 = "Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE'01)" }
+@string{proc-wae-99 = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE'99)" }
+@string{proc-walcom-09 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM'09)" }
+@string{proc-waw-06 = "Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop, WAW 2006" }
+@string{proc-waw-07 = "Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, WAW 2007" }
+@string{proc-wcnc-04 = "Proceedings of the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2004" }
+@string{proc-wea-03 = "Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'03)" }
+@string{proc-wea-04 = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'04)" }
+@string{proc-wea-05 = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'05)" }
+@string{proc-wea-06 = "Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'06)" }
+@string{proc-wea-07 = "Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'07)" }
+@string{proc-wea-08 = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'08)" }
+@string{proc-wg-00 = "Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'00)" }
+@string{proc-wg-01 = "Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'01)" }
+@string{proc-wg-02 = "Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'02)" }
+@string{proc-wg-03 = "Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'03)" }
+@string{proc-wg-04 = "Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'04)" }
+@string{proc-wg-05 = "Proceedings of the 31th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'05)" }
+@string{proc-wg-07 = "Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'07)" }
+@string{proc-wg-08 = "Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'08)" }
+@string{proc-wg-09 = "Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'09)" }
+@string{proc-wg-10 = "Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'10)" }
+@string{proc-wg-80 = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'80)" }
+@string{proc-wg-92 = "Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'92)" }
+@string{proc-wg-93 = "Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'93)" }
+@string{proc-wg-94 = "Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'93)" }
+@string{proc-wg-98 = "Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'98)" }
+@string{proc-wg-99 = "Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'99)" }
+@string{proc-wiopt-09 = "7th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)" }
+@string{proc-wiopt-10 = "Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'10)" }
+@string{proc-wjcc59 = "Proceedings of the Western Joint Computing Conference 1959" }
+@string{proc-wld-05 = "Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery" }
+@string{proc-wodes-98 = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES '98)" }
+@string{proc-wscg-08 = "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG'2008)" }
+@string{proc-wscg-99 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualizati" }
+@string{proc-wtasa-07 = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor Networks (WTASA'07)" }
+@string{proc-www-01 = "Proceedings of the 10th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10)" }
+@string{proc-www-03 = "Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW12)" }
+@string{proc-www-08 = "Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008)" }
+@string{proc-www-98 = "Proceedings of the 7th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW7)" }
+@string{proc-www-99 = "Proceedings of the 8th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW8)" }
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% publications
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, title = {{Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2011}}
+, booktitle = {{Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2011}}
+, series = ser-lni
+, volume = {D-12}
+, year = 2012
+, title = {{Coxeter-Festschrift}}
+, booktitle = {{Coxeter-Festschrift}}
+, publisher = pub-smi
+, series = ser-mmsg
+, volume = 3
+, year = 1984
+, title = {{Computers in Railways VI}}
+, booktitle = {{Computers in Railways VI}}
+, publisher = pub-witp
+, year = 1998
+, title = {{CiteSeer, Scientific Literature Digital Library}}
+, note = {\url{citeseer.ist.psu.edu}}
+, url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu"
+, year = 2008
+, title = {{Dynamic network of email communication at the Department of Informatics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)}}
+, note = {Data collected, compiled and provided by Robert G\"orke and Martin Holzer of ITI Wagner and by Olaf Hopp, Johannes Theuerkorn and Klaus Scheibenberger of ATIS, all at KIT. i11www.iti.kit.edu/projects/spp1307/emaildata}
+, year = 2011
+, title = {{10th DIMACS Implementation Challenge -- Graph Partitioning and Graph Clustering}}
+, note = {http://www.cc.gatech.edu/dimacs10/}
+, year = 2011
+, title = {{LEMON Graph Library}}
+, note = {http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/trac/lemon/}
+, year = 2011
+, title = {{Laboratory for Web Algorithmics}}
+, institution = "Universit{\`a} degli studi di Milano"
+, note = {\url{law.dsi.unimi.it}}
+, school = "Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione (DSI)"
+, url = "aw.dsi.unimi.it"
+, year = 2008
+, title = {{Plankton: Visualizing NLANR's Web Cache Hierarchy}}
+, url = "http://www.caida.org/tools/visualization/plankton/"
+, year = 1998
+, title = {{arXiv.org e-Print archive}}
+, institution = "Cornell University Library"
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/"
+, year = 2009
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = RazR #and# SafraS
+, title = {{A sub-constant error-probability low-degree test, and a sub-constant\r
+error-probability PCP characterization of NP}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'97)}}
+, publisher = pub-ap
+, year = 1997
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = BergerAndre #and# HoffmannRalf #and# LorenzU #and# StillerS
+, title = {{Online Delay Management: PSPACE Hardness and Simulation}}
+, institution = "ARRIVAL Project"
+, number = 0097
+, year = 2007
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = Caida
+, title = {{\url{http://www.caida.org/}}}
+, year = 2008
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, title = {{DBLP - Digital Bibliography and Library Project}}
+, note = {\url{http://dblp.uni-trier.de/}}
+, year = 2007
+, author = DollevoetT #and# HuismanD #and# SchmidtM #and# SchoebelA
+, title = {{Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'09)}}
+, pages = {1--17}
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2009
+, title = {{DIMES -- Distributed Internet MEasurements \& Simulations}}
+, key = "DIMES"
+, url = "http://www.netdimes.org/"
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, title = {{GTK-Gnutella}}
+, key = "GTK-Gnutella"
+, url = "http://gtk-gnutella.sourceforge.net/"
+, author = GinkelA #and# SchoebelA
+, title = {{To wait or not to wait? The bicriteria delay management problem in public transportation}}
+, journal = j-ts
+, number = 4
+, pages = {527--538}
+, volume = 41
+, year = 2007
+, author = GoverdeR
+, title = {{The Max-Plus Algebra Approach to Railway Timetable Design }}
+, booktitle = {{Computers in Railways VI}}
+, pages = {339--350}
+, publisher = pub-witp
+, year = 1998
+, author = GoverdeR
+, title = {{The max-plus algebra approach to railway timetable design}}
+, pages = {339--350}
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = CsardiG #and# NepuszT
+, title = {{The igraph Library for Complex Network Research}}
+, note = {\url{http://igraph.sourceforge.net/index.html}}
+, url = "http://igraph.sourceforge.net/index.html"
+, year = 2008
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = oregon
+, title = {{\url{http://www.routeviews.org/}}}
+, year = 2008
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = SuhlL #and# MellouliT #and# BiederbickC
+, title = {{Managing and preventing delays in railway traffic}}
+, booktitle = {{Mathematical methods on Optimization in Transportation Systems}}
+, pages = {3--16}
+, year = 2001
+, author = SchoebelA
+, title = {{Capacity constraints in delay management}}
+, journal = j-pt
+, number = 2
+, pages = {135--154}
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2009
+, title = {{Slyck}}
+, key = "Slyck"
+, url = "http://www.slyck.com/"
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = MeinertS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{An Experimental Study on Generating Planar Graphs }}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2011-13}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/TR-mw-aesgp-11.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000022486"
+, year = 2011
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = VriesRD #and# SchutterBD #and# MoorBD
+, title = {{On max-algebraic models for transportation networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES '98)}}
+, pages = {457--462}
+, year = 1998
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = ArnoldL
+, title = {{On the Asymptotic Distribution of the Eigenvalues of Random Matrices}}
+, journal = j-maa
+, pages = {262--268}
+, volume = 20
+, year = 1967
+, author = AnderbergMR
+, title = {{Cluster Analysis for Applications}}
+, isbn = "0-12-057650-3"
+, publisher = pub-ap
+, series = "Probability and Math"
+, volume = 19
+, year = 1973
+, author = AgrestiA
+, title = {{Categorical Data Analysis}}
+, edition = second
+, publisher = pub-wiley
+, year = 2002
+, author = ArzJ
+, title = {{Contraction-Hierarchy-Based Transit-Node Routing}}
+, school = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, type = {Studienarbeit}
+, year = 2012
+, author = AignerM
+, title = {{Combinatorial Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 1999
+, author = AlonN
+, title = {{Eigenvalues and Expanders}}
+, journal = j-comb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {83--96}
+, volume = 6
+, year = 1986
+, author = AlonN
+, title = {{Generating pseudo-random permutations and maximum flow algorithms}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, month = aug
+, number = 4
+, pages = {201--204}
+, volume = 35
+, year = 1990
+, author = AlbaRD
+, title = {{A graph theoretic definition of a sociometric clique}}
+, journal = j-jms
+, pages = {113--126}
+, volume = 3
+, year = 1973
+, author = AndreevEM
+, title = {{On Convex Polyhedra in Loba{\v{c}}hevski{\v{i}} Spaces}}
+, journal = j-mussrs
+, number = 3
+, pages = {413--440}
+, volume = 10
+, year = 1970
+, author = AnthonisseJ
+, title = {{The rush in a directed graph}}
+, address = "2e Boerhaavestraat 49 Amsterdam"
+, institution = "Stichting Mathematisch Centrum"
+, month = {Oct}
+, number = {BN 9/71}
+, year = 1971
+, author = AndreevSD
+, title = {{Realistic Pedestrian Routing}}
+, month = nov
+, school = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, type = {Bachelor Thesis}
+, year = 2012
+, author = AlonN
+, title = {{Spectral Techniques in Graph Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'98)}}
+, pages = {206--215}
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=690180&coll=Portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=40850466&CFTOKEN=3545646#"
+, volume = 1380
+, year = 1998
+, author = AmdahlG
+, title = {{Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities}}
+, booktitle = {{AFIPS'67 (Spring): Proceedings of the April 18-20, 1967, spring joint computer conference}}
+, pages = {483--485}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 1967
+, editor = AlbersS #and# AltH #and# NaeherS
+, title = {{Efficient Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Efficient Algorithms}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5760
+, year = 2009
+, author = AkonMM #and# AsaduzzamanS #and# RahmanS
+, title = {{Proposal for $st$-Routing Protocol}}
+, journal = j-tsy
+, number = {3--4}
+, pages = {287--298}
+, volume = 25
+, year = 2004
+, author = AldenderferMS #and# BlashfieldRK
+, title = {{Cluster Analysis}}
+, publisher = pub-sage
+, year = 1984
+, author = AnnexsteinFD #and# BermanKA
+, title = {{Directional Routing via Generalized $st$-Numbering}}
+, journal = j-sidma
+, month = jan
+, number = 2
+, pages = {268--279}
+, volume = 13
+, year = 2000
+, author = AlbertR #and# BarabasiAL
+, title = {{Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks}}
+, journal = j-rmp
+, number = 1
+, pages = {47--97}
+, volume = 74
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+, author = AkiyamaJ #and# BoeschFT #and# EraH #and# HararyF #and# TindellR
+, title = {{The Cohesiveness of a Point of a Graph}}
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+, number = 1
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+, title = {{On Capital Investment}}
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+, author = AlamJ #and# BiedlT #and# FelsnerS #and# KaufmannM #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{Proportional Contact Representations of Planar Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'11)}}
+, pages = {26--38}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2012
+, author = AggarwalV #and# BenderS #and# FeldmannA #and# WichmannA
+, title = {{Methodology for Estimating Network Distances of Gnutella Neighbors}}
+, booktitle = {{GI Jahrestagung}}
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+, year = 2004
+, author = AlonN #and# Bar-NoyA #and# LinialN #and# PelegD
+, title = {{On the Complexity of Radio Communication}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'89)}}
+, pages = {274--285}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 1989
+, author = AlberJ #and# BetzlerN #and# NiedermeierR
+, title = {{Experiments on data reduction for optimal domination in networks}}
+, journal = j-aor
+, number = 1
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+, volume = 146
+, year = 2006
+, author = ArgyriouE #and# BekosM #and# SymvonisA
+, title = {{The Straight-Line RAC Drawing Problem Is {$\mathcal{NP}$}-Hard}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'11)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {74--85}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6543
+, year = 2011
+, author = AtienzaN #and# deCastroN #and# CortesC #and# GarridoMA #and# GrimaCI #and# HernandezG #and# MarquezA #and# MorenoA #and# NollenburgM #and# PortilloJR #and# ReyesP #and# ValenzuelaJ #and# VillarMT #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Cover Contact Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {171--182}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/accgghmmnprvvw-ccg-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
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+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77537-9_18"
+, volume = 4875
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+, author = Abu-KhzamFN #and# CollinsRL #and# FellowsMR #and# LangstonMA #and# SutersWH #and# SymonsCT
+, title = {{Kernelization Algorithms for the Vertex Cover Problem: Theory and Experiments}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'04)}}
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+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2004
+, author = AlonN #and# ChungFRK #and# GrahamRL
+, title = {{Routing Permutations on Graphs via Matchings}}
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+, pages = {513--530}
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+, title = {{Complexity and Approximation - Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Their Approximability Properties}}
+, edition = second
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2002
+, author = AingworthD #and# ChekuriC #and# MotwaniR
+, title = {{Fast Estimation of Diameter and Shortest Paths (without Matrix Multiplication)}}
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+, publisher = pub-ieeecs
+, url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/aingworth96fast.html"
+, year = 1996
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+, title = {{A random graph model for massive graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 32nd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'00)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {171--180}
+, year = 2000
+, editor = AlaviY #and# ChartrandG #and# OellermannOR #and# SchwenkAJ
+, title = {{Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Applications}}
+, booktitle = {{Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Applications}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley
+, volume = 2
+, year = 1991
+, author = ArnborgS #and# CorneilDG #and# ProskurowskiA
+, title = {{Complexity of Finding Embeddings in a $k$-Tree}}
+, journal = j-sjmaa
+, number = 2
+, pages = {277--284}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/0608024"
+, volume = 8
+, year = 1987
+, author = AlvarezHamelinJI #and# DallAstaL #and# BarratA #and# VespignaniA
+, title = {{$k$-Core Decomposition: A Tool for the Analysis of Large Scale Internet Graphs}}
+, month = nov
+, note = {electronically published at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.NI/0511007}}
+, pages = {1--11}
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.NI/0511007"
+, year = 2005
+, author = AlvarezHamelinJI #and# DallAstaL #and# BarratA #and# VespignaniA
+, title = {{Large Scale Networks Fingerprinting and Visualization Using the k-Core Decomposition}}
+, booktitle = {{Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18}}
+, pages = {41--50}
+, pdf = "http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips18/NIPS2005_0999.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-mitpr
+, year = 2006
+, author = AtienzaN #and# deCastroN #and# CortesC #and# GarridoMA #and# GrimaCI #and# HernandezG #and# MarquezA #and# MorenoA #and# NollenburgM #and# PortilloJR #and# ReyesP #and# ValenzuelaJ #and# VillarMT #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Cover Contact Graphs}}
+, journal = j-jcg
+, number = 1
+, pages = {102--131}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/adcgghmmnprvvw-ccg-12.pdf"
+, url = "http://jocg.org/index.php/jocg/article/ view/66/31"
+, volume = 3
+, year = 2012
+, author = AleardiLC #and# DevillersO #and# FusyE
+, title = {{Canonical Ordering for Triangulations on the Cylinder, with Applications to Periodic Straight-Line Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7704
+, year = 2013
+, author = ArenasA #and# DuchJ #and# FernandezA #and# GomezS
+, title = {{Size reduction of complex networks preserving modularity}}
+, journal = j-njp
+, number = 176
+, pdf = "http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/1367-2630/9/6/176/njp7_6_176.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/9/6/176"
+, volume = 9
+, year = 2007
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# FiatA #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Highway dimension and provably efficient shortest path algorithms}}
+, type = {submitted}
+, year = 2013
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# FiatA #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{HLDB: Location-Based Services in Databases}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'12)}}
+, pages = {339--348}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/adfgw-hldbl-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2012
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# FiatA #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{VC-Dimension and Shortest Path Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'11)}}
+, pages = {690--699}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6755
+, year = 2011
+, author = AngeliniP #and# DiBattistaG #and# FratiF #and# JelinekV #and# KratochvilJ #and# PatrignaniM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Testing Planarity of Partially Embedded Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10)}}
+, pages = {202--221}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/soda/2010/SODA10_019_angelinip.pdf"
+, year = 2010
+, author = AngeliniP #and# DiBattistaG #and# FratiF #and# PatrignaniM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Testing the Simultaneous Embeddability of two Graphs whose Intersection is a Biconnected or a Connected Graph}}
+, journal = j-jda
+, note = {Special issue of IWOCA'10}
+, pages = {150--172}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jda.2011.12.015"
+, volume = 14
+, year = 2012
+, author = AngeliniP #and# DiBattistaG #and# FratiF #and# PatrignaniM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Testing the Simultaneous Embeddability of Two Graphs whose Intersection is a Biconnected Graph or a Tree}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms}}
+, pages = {212--225}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6460
+, year = 2011
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{A Hub-Based Labeling Algorithm for Shortest Paths on Road Networks}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-2010-165}
+, year = 2010
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{A Hub-Based Labeling Algorithm for Shortest Paths on Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11)}}
+, pages = {230--241}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6630
+, year = 2011
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Alternative Routes in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {23--34}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=121750"
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Alternative Routes in Road Networks}}
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, number = 1
+, pages = {1--17}
+, volume = 18
+, year = 2013
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Hierarchical Hub Labelings for Shortest Paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'12)}}
+, pages = {24--35}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/adgw-hhlsp-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7501
+, year = 2012
+, author = AbrahamI #and# DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Hierarchical Hub Labelings for Shortest Paths}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-2012-46}
+, pdf = "http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/163231/MSR-TR-2012-46.pdf"
+, year = 2012
+, author = AlberJ #and# DornF #and# NiedermeierR
+, title = {{Experimental evaluation of a tree decomposition-based algorithm for vertex cover on planar graphs}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, number = 2
+, pages = {219--231}
+, volume = 145
+, year = 2005
+, author = AlberJ #and# FanH #and# FellowsMR #and# FernauH #and# NiedermeierR #and# RosamondF #and# StegeU
+, title = {{A refined search tree technique for Dominating Set on planar graphs}}
+, journal = j-css
+, number = 4
+, pages = {385--405}
+, volume = 71
+, year = 2005
+, author = AggarwalV #and# FeldmannA #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Analysis of Overlay-Underlay Topology Correlation using Visualization}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2005-31}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3039"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000004239"
+, year = 2005
+, author = AggarwalV #and# FeldmannA #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Analysis of Overlay-Underlay Topology Correlation using Visualization}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet Geometry}}
+, location = "Murcia, Spain"
+, note = {awarded as outstanding paper}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/IADIS_Conference_8_camready.pdf"
+, year = 2006
+, author = AggarwalV #and# FeldmannA #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{A Visualization-Driven Approach to Overlay-Underlay Engineering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Final Workshop of DELIS}}
+, month = dec
+, pages = {81--97}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/afggw-avdao-07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-hniup
+, series = ser-hniv
+, year = 2007
+, author = AggarwalV #and# FeldmannA #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Modelling Overlay-Underlay Correlations Using Visualization}}
+, journal = j-t
+, number = 1
+, pages = {114--125}
+, pdf = "http://www.telenor.com/en/resources/images/114-125_OverlayUnderlayCorrelations_tcm28-36845.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.telenor.com/en/innovation/research/publications/telektronikk/volume/telektronikk-1-2008"
+, volume = 104
+, year = 2008
+, author = AbrahamI #and# FiatA #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Highway Dimension, Shortest Paths, and Provably Efficient Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10)}}
+, pages = {782--793}
+, pdf = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/soda/2010/SODA10_064_abrahami.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2010
+, author = ArikushiK #and# FulekR #and# KeszeghB #and# MoricF #and# TothC
+, title = {{Graphs that Admit Right Angle Crossing Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'10)}}
+, pages = {135--146}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6410
+, year = 2010
+, author = AleardiLC #and# FusyE #and# LewinerT
+, title = {{Schnyder Woods for Higher Genus Triangulated Surfaces}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'08)}}
+, pages = {311--319}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2008
+, author = AleardiLC #and# FusyE #and# LewinerT
+, title = {{Schnyder Woods for Higher Genus Triangulated Surfaces, with Applications to Encoding}}
+, journal = dcg
+, number = 3
+, pages = {489--516}
+, volume = 42
+, year = 2009
+, author = AlberJ #and# FellowsMR #and# NiedermeierR
+, title = {{Efficient data reduction for Dominating Set: a linear problem kernel for the planar case}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'04)}}
+, month = jul
+, pages = {150--159}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2368
+, year = 2002
+, author = AlberJ #and# FernauH #and# NiedermeierR
+, title = {{Parameterized complexity: exponential speed-up for planar graph problems}}
+, journal = j-jalg
+, month = jul
+, number = 1
+, pages = {26--56}
+, volume = 58
+, year = 2004
+, author = AggarwalV #and# FeldmannA #and# ScheidelerC
+, title = {{Can ISPs and P2P Systems Cooperate for Improved Performance?}}
+, journal = j-acm-ccr
+, number = 3
+, pages = {29--40}
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1273445.1273449"
+, volume = 37
+, year = 2007
+, author = ActonFS
+, title = {{Numerical Methods that Work}}
+, publisher = pub-maa
+, year = 1990
+, author = AdamicLA #and# GlanceN
+, title = {{The political blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. election: divided they blog}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery}}
+, pages = {36--43}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2005
+, author = ArchakovAI #and# GovorunVM #and# DubanovAV #and# IvanovYD #and# VeselovskyAV #and# LewiP #and# JanssenP
+, title = {{Protein-protein interactions as a target for drugs in proteomics}}
+, journal = j-p
+, month = apr
+, number = 4
+, pages = {380--391}
+, url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12687606?dopt=Abstract"
+, volume = 3
+, year = 2003
+, author = AlvarezHamelinJI #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Halfmoon - A new Paradigm for Complex Network Visualization}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2005-29}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3038"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000004127"
+, year = 2005
+, author = AthenstadtJC #and# GoerkeR #and# KrugM #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Visualizing Large Hierarchically Clustered Graphs with a Landscape Metaphor}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)}}
+, note = {Poster abstract.}
+, pages = {553--554}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/agkn-vlhcg-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36763-2_49"
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+, year = 2013
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+, title = {{Graphs with Given Connectivity and Independence Number or Networks with Given Measures of Vulnerability and Survivability}}
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+, title = {{Complexity of finding dense subgraphs}}
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+, number = {1--3}
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+, title = {{ASK-GraphView: A Large Scale Graph Visualization System}}
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+, month = sep
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+, title = {{The Shortest Path Problem Revisited: Optimal Routing for Electric Vehicles}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 33rd Annual German Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {309--316}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-16111-7_35"
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+, title = {{Data Structures and Algorithms}}
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+, year = 1983
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+, title = {{Greedily finding a dense subgraph}}
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+, title = {{Diameter of the World Wide Web}}
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+, title = {{Characterizing and Mining the Citation Graph of the Computer Science Literature}}
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+, number = 6
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+, title = {{Geometric Embeddings for Faster and Better Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning}}
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+, title = {{Modularity-Maximizing Graph Communities via Mathematical Programming }}
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+, month = dec
+, number = 3
+, pages = {409--418}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/w3221r727wr20x74/fulltext.pdf"
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+, volume = 66
+, year = 2008
+, author = AlpertCJ #and# KahngAB
+, title = {{Recent Directions in Netlist Partitioning: A Survey}}
+, journal = j-int
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+, url = "http://vlsicad.cs.ucla.edu/~cheese/survey.html"
+, volume = 19
+, year = 1995
+, author = AroraS #and# KargerDR #and# KarpinskiM
+, title = {{Polynomial time approximation schemes for dense instances of {$\mathcal{NP}$}-hard problems}}
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+, title = {{Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations}}
+, booktitle = {{Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations}}
+, month = aug
+, publisher = pub-wsp
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+, journal = j-pr-e
+, month = sep
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+, pages = 046135
+, pdf = "http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PRE/v64/i4/e046135"
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+, title = {{A Note on Uniform Power Connectivity in the SINR Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'10)}}
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+, publisher = pub-springer
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+, year = 2009
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+, title = {{Transit Node Routing Reconsidered}}
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+, pdf = "http://arxiv.org/pdf/1302.5611v1.pdf"
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/pdf/1302.5611v1.pdf"
+, year = 2012
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+, title = {{Transit Node Routing Reconsidered}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'13)}}
+, pages = {55--66}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7933
+, year = 2013
+, author = AldecoaR #and# MarinI
+, title = {{Closed benchmarks for network community structure characterization}}
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+, month = feb
+, pages = 026109
+, url = "http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.85.026109"
+, volume = 85
+, year = 2012
+, author = AldecoaR #and# MarinI
+, title = {{Deciphering Network Community Structure by Surprise}}
+, journal = j-plsone
+, month = sep
+, pages = {e24195}
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+, year = 2011
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+, title = {{$\lambda_1$, Isoperimetric Inequalities for Graphs, and Superconcentrators}}
+, journal = j-jcombthb
+, pages = {73--88}
+, volume = 38
+, year = 1985
+, author = AldecoaR #and# MarinI
+, title = {{Jerarca: Efficient Analysis of Complex Networks Using Hierarchical Clustering}}
+, journal = j-plsone
+, month = jul
+, pages = {e11585}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0011585"
+, volume = 5
+, year = 2010
+, author = AldecoaR #and# MarinI
+, title = {{Surprise maximization reveals the community structure of complex networks}}
+, journal = j-nsr
+, month = jan
+, pages = 1060
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep01060"
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+, year = 2013
+, author = ArchambaultD #and# MunznerT #and# AuberD
+, title = {{TopoLayout: Multi-Level Graph Layout by Topological Features}}
+, journal = j-tvcg
+, number = 2
+, pages = {305--317}
+, url = "http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/tr/2006/Archambault_TopoLayout_TVCG/"
+, volume = 13
+, year = 2007
+, author = ArnauV #and# MarsS #and# MarinI
+, title = {{Iterative Cluster Analysis of Protein Interaction Data}}
+, journal = j-b
+, number = 3
+, pages = {364--378}
+, url = "http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/3/364.abstract"
+, volume = 21
+, year = 2005
+, author = AhujaRK #and# MagnantiTL #and# OrlinJB
+, title = {{Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications}}
+, publisher = pub-ph
+, year = 1993
+, author = AhujaRK #and# MehlhornK #and# OrlinJB #and# TarjanR
+, title = {{Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem}}
+, journal = j-acm
+, number = 2
+, pages = {213--223}
+, volume = 37
+, year = 1990
+, author = AlonN #and# MoshkovitzD #and# SafraS
+, title = {{Algorithmic construction of sets for k-restrictions}}
+, journal = j-acmta
+, number = 2
+, pages = {153--177}
+, volume = 2
+, year = 2006
+, editor = AhujaRK #and# MoehringR #and# ZaroliagisC
+, title = {{Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization}}
+, booktitle = {{Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5868
+, year = 2009
+, author = ArasuA #and# NovakJ #and# TomkinsAS #and# TomlinJ
+, title = {{PageRank computation and the structure of the web: experiments and algorithms}}
+, month = {Nov}
+, note = {short version appeared in Proceedings of the 11th International World Wide Web Conference, Poster Tr}
+, url = "http://www-staff.it.uts.efu.au/~tomlin/prankwww-long.pdf"
+, year = 2001
+, author = AhujaRK #and# OrlinJB
+, title = {{Distance-based augmenting path algorithms for the maximum flow and parametric maximum flow problems}}
+, journal = j-nrlq
+, pages = {413--430}
+, volume = 38
+, year = 1991
+, author = AhujaRK #and# OrlinJB
+, title = {{A Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem}}
+, journal = j-or
+, month = sep
+, number = 5
+, pages = {748--759}
+, volume = 37
+, year = 1989
+, author = AhujaRK #and# OrlinJB #and# PallottinoS #and# ScutellaMG
+, title = {{Dynamic Shortest Paths Minimizing Travel Times and Costs}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, number = 4
+, pages = {197--205}
+, volume = 41
+, year = 2003
+, author = ArnborgS #and# ProskurowskiA
+, title = {{Linear Time Algorithms for NP-hard Problems Restricted to Partial k-Trees}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, month = apr
+, number = 1
+, pages = {11--24}
+, volume = 23
+, year = 1989
+, author = AbiteboulS #and# PredaM #and# CobenaG
+, title = {{Adaptive On-Line Page Importance Computation}}
+, address = "Budapest, Hungary"
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW12)}}
+, pages = {280--290}
+, year = 2003
+, author = AndreevK #and# RackeH
+, title = {{Balanced graph partitioning}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures}}
+, pages = {120--124}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1007912.1007931"
+, year = 2004
+, author = AroraS #and# RaoS #and# VaziraniU
+, title = {{Expander Flows, Geometric Embeddings and Graph Partitioning}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 36th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'04)}}
+, pages = {222--231}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1007352.1007355"
+, year = 2004
+, author = AlonN #and# SpencerJ
+, title = {{The Probabilistic Method}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley
+, year = 1992
+, author = AlonN #and# SpencerJ #and# ErdoesP
+, title = {{The Probabilistic Method}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley
+, year = 1992
+, author = AignerM #and# TrieschE
+, title = {{Realizability and Uniqueness in graphs}}
+, journal = j-dima
+, pages = {3--20}
+, volume = 136
+, year = 1994
+, author = AntsfeldL #and# WalshT
+, title = {{Finding Multi-criteria Optimal Paths in Multi-modal Public Transportation Networks using the Transit Algorithm}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress}}
+, year = 2012
+, author = AndersonCJ #and# WassermanS #and# CrouchB
+, title = {{A $p^*$ Primer: {Logit} Models for Social Networks}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
+, pages = {37--66}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1999
+, author = AndersonCJ #and# WassermanS #and# FaustK
+, title = {{Building stochastic blockmodels}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, pages = {137--161}
+, volume = 14
+, year = 1992
+, author = AggarwalCC #and# YuPS
+, title = {{Online Analysis of Community Evolution in Data Streams}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining}}
+, pdf = "http://www.charuaggarwal.net/aggar142.pdf"
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+, title = {{Multi-Circular Layout of Micro/Macro Graphs}}
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+, title = {{visone - Software for Visual Social Network Analysis}}
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+, title = {{Drawing (Complete) Binary Tanglegrams: Hardness, Approximation, Fixed-Parameter Tractability}}
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+, title = {{Correlation Clustering}}
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+, title = {{More Canonical Ordering}}
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+, number = 3
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+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
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+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bbgw-dag-05.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/link.asp?id=xfqay6gkcychr4hf"
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = BaurM #and# BrandesU #and# GaertlerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Drawing the AS Graph in Two and a Half Dimensions}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2004-12}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3037"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000001242"
+, year = 2004
+, author = BarrettC #and# BissetK #and# HolzerM #and# KonjevodG #and# MaratheMV #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Label-Constrained Shortest-Path Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {27--37}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5034
+, year = 2008
+, author = BarrettC #and# BissetK #and# HolzerM #and# KonjevodG #and# MaratheMV #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Label-Constrained Shortest-Path Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, pages = {309--319}
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2009
+, author = BarrettC #and# BissetK #and# JacobR #and# KonjevodG #and# MaratheMV
+, title = {{Classical and Contemporary Shortest Path Problems in Road Networks: Implementation and Experimental Analysis of the TRANSIMS Router}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'02)}}
+, pages = {126--138}
+, pdf = "http://thrackle.eas.asu.edu/users/goran/papers/transims.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2461
+, year = 2002
+, author = BlandfordDK #and# BlellochGE #and# KashIA
+, title = {{An Experimental Analysis of a Compact Graph Representation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'04)}}
+, pages = {49--61}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2004
+, author = BlandfordDK #and# BlellochGE #and# KashIA
+, title = {{Compact Representation of Separable Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'03)}}
+, pages = {679--688}
+, year = 2003
+, author = BoeckerS #and# BriesemeisterS #and# KlauGW
+, title = {{Exact Algorithms for Cluster Editing: Evaluation and Experiments}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {289--302}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/f832516v14428712/"
+, volume = 5038
+, year = 2008
+, author = BaurM #and# BrandesU #and# LernerJ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks (Poster)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/poster-bblw-avsn-08.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = BaurM #and# BrandesU #and# LernerJ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Group-Level Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks}}
+, pages = {330--358}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/index/f48n37273l5n18l0.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5515
+, year = 2009
+, author = BielliM #and# BoulmakoulA #and# MouncifH
+, title = {{Object modeling and path computation for multimodal travel systems}}
+, journal = j-ejor
+, number = 3
+, pages = {1705--1730}
+, volume = 175
+, year = 2006
+, author = BiedlT #and# BlaesiusT #and# NiedermannB #and# NollenburgM #and# PrutkinR #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Using ILP/SAT to determine pathwidth, visibility representations, and other grid-based graph drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2014
+, author = BoitmanisK #and# BrandesU #and# PichC
+, title = {{Visualizing Internet Evolution on the Autonomous Systems Level}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {365--376}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/j084776h63258307/"
+, volume = 4875
+, year = 2008
+, author = BomzeIM #and# BudinichM #and# PardalosPM #and# PelilloM
+, editor = DuDZ #and# PardalosPM
+, title = {{The Maximum Clique Problem}}
+, booktitle = {{Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (Supplement Volume A)}}
+, pages = {1--74}
+, publisher = pub-kapg
+, volume = 4
+, year = 1999
+, author = BaraldiA #and# BlondaP #and# ParmiggianiF #and# SatalinoG
+, title = {{Image Segmentation through Contextual Clustering}}
+, address = "Berkeley, CA"
+, institution = "ICSI: International Computer Science Institute"
+, number = {TR-98-009}
+, pdf = "ftp://ftp.icsi.berkeley.edu/pub/techreports/1998/tr-98-009.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/pubs/publication.pl?ID=001130"
+, year = 1998
+, author = BauerR #and# BaumM #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On the Complexity of Partitioning Graphs for Arc-Flags}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'12)}}
+, pages = {71--82}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bbrw-ocpga-12.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2012
+, author = BauerR #and# BaumM #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On the Complexity of Partitioning Graphs for Arc-Flags}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 3
+, pages = {265--299}
+, url = "http://jgaa.info/getPaper?id=294"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2013
+, author = BrandtF #and# BauerR #and# VolkerM #and# CardeneoA
+, title = {{A Constraint Programming Based Approach to a Large-Scale Energy Management Problem}}
+, journal = j-js
+, pages = {1--20}
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s10951-012-0281-1"
+, year = 2012
+, author = BaurM #and# BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Attribute-Based Visualisation in visone (Poster Abstract)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bbw-abvv-07.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BaurM #and# BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Attribute-Based Visualisation in visone (Poster)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/poster-bbw-abvv-07.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BrockenauerR #and# CornelsenS
+, title = {{Drawing Clusters and Hierarchies}}
+, booktitle = {{Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models}}
+, isbn = "3-540-42062-2"
+, pages = {192--227}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/hna86wa6ruahmxng/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/hna86wa6ruahmxng/"
+, volume = 2025
+, year = 2001
+, author = BrandesU #and# CornelsenS
+, title = {{Visual Ranking of Link Structures}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 2
+, pages = {181--201}
+, volume = 7
+, year = 2003
+, author = BrandesU #and# CormanSR
+, title = {{Visual Unrolling of Network Evolution and the Analysis of Dynamic Discourse}}
+, journal = j-infovis
+, number = 1
+, volume = 2
+, year = 2003
+, author = BrueraF #and# CiceroneS #and# DangeloG #and# DiStefanoG #and# FrigioniD
+, title = {{Dynamic Multi-level Overlay Graphs for Shortest Paths}}
+, journal = j-mcs
+, month = apr
+, number = 4
+, pages = {709--736}
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2008
+, author = BertolazziP #and# CohenR #and# DiBattistaG #and# TamassiaR #and# TollisIG
+, title = {{How to draw a series-parallel digraph}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'92)}}
+, pages = {272--283}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-55706-7_23"
+, volume = 621
+, year = 1992
+, author = BastH2 #and# CarlssonE #and# EigenwilligA #and# GeisbergerR #and# HarrelsonC #and# RaychevV #and# VigerF
+, title = {{Fast Routing in Very Large Public Transportation Networks using Transfer Patterns}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'10)}}
+, pages = {290--301}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6346
+, year = 2010
+, author = BaumannH #and# CrescenziP #and# FraigniaudP
+, title = {{Parsimonious flooding in dynamic graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 28th ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing}}
+, pages = {260--269}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1582716.1582757"
+, year = 2009
+, author = BekosM #and# CornelsenS #and# FinkM #and# HongS #and# KaufmannM #and# NollenburgM #and# RutterI #and# SymvonisA
+, title = {{Many-to-One Boundary Labeling with Backbones}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2014
+, author = BoseP #and# CarmiP #and# FarshiM #and# MaheshwariA #and# SmidM
+, title = {{Computing the Greedy Spanner in Near-Quadratic Time}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'08)}}
+, pages = {390--401}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5124
+, year = 2008
+, author = BrandesU #and# CornelsenS #and# FiessC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{How to Draw the Minimum Cuts of a Planar Graph}}
+, journal = j-cgta
+, pages = {117--133}
+, volume = 29
+, year = 2004
+, author = BruckdorferT #and# CornelsenS #and# GutwengerC #and# KaufmannM #and# MontecchianiF #and# NollenburgM #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Progress on Partial Edge Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)}}
+, note = {Full version available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.0830}.}
+, pages = {67--78}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bcgkmnw-pped-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36763-2_7"
+, volume = 7704
+, year = 2013
+, author = BauerR #and# ColumbusT #and# KatzB #and# KrugM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Preprocessing Speed-Up Techniques is Hard}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC'10)}}
+, pages = {359--370}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6078
+, year = 2010
+, author = BauerR #and# ColumbusT #and# KatzB #and# KrugM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Preprocessing Speed-Up Techniques is Hard}}
+, institution = "ITI Wagner, Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, number = {2010-04}
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000016080"
+, year = 2010
+, author = BauerR #and# ColumbusT #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Search-Space Size in Contraction Hierarchies}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'13)}}
+, pages = {93--104}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7965
+, year = 2013
+, author = BoldiP #and# CodenottiB #and# SantiniM #and# VignaS
+, title = {{UbiCrawler: A Scalable Fully Distributed Web Crawler}}
+, journal = j-spe
+, number = 8
+, pages = {711--726}
+, pdf = "http://vigna.dsi.unimi.it/ftp/papers/UbiCrawler.pdf"
+, volume = 34
+, year = 2004
+, author = BermanP #and# CalinescuG #and# ShahC #and# ZelikovskyA
+, title = {{Efficient energy management in sensor networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks}}
+, pages = {71--90}
+, publisher = pub-nsp
+, series = ser-wnmc
+, volume = 2
+, year = 2005
+, author = BermanP #and# CalinescuG #and# ShahC #and# ZelikovskyA
+, title = {{Power efficient monitoring management in sensor networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2004}}
+, month = mar
+, pages = {2329--2334}
+, publisher = pub-ieeecs
+, volume = 4
+, year = 2004
+, author = BrandesU #and# CornelsenS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Characterizing Families of Cuts that can be Represented by Axis-Parallel Rectangles}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'03)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {357--368}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2912
+, year = 2004
+, author = BrandesU #and# CornelsenS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Characterizing Families of Cuts that can be Represented by Axis-Parallel Rectangles}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 1
+, pages = {99--115}
+, pdf = "http://www.cs.brown.edu/publications/jgaa/accepted/2005/BrandesCornelsenWagner2005.9.1.pdf"
+, volume = 9
+, year = 2005
+, author = BrandesU #and# CornelsenS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{How to Draw the Minimum Cuts of a Planar Graph}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {103--114}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bcw-hdmcp-01.ps.gz"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/bx98c234v16601ca/"
+, volume = 1984
+, year = 2001
+, author = BabaiL #and# DuffusD
+, title = {{Dimension and Automorphism Groups of Lattices}}
+, journal = j-au
+, pages = {279--289}
+, volume = 12
+, year = 1981
+, author = BalzerM #and# DeussenO
+, title = {{Level-of-Detail Visualization of Clustered Graph Layouts}}
+, booktitle = {{Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (APVIS'07)}}
+, year = 2007
+, author = BertolazziP #and# DiBattistaG
+, title = {{On Upward Drawing Testing of Triconnected Digraphs (extended abstract)}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry}}
+, pages = {272--280}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=109679&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=36841009&CFTOKEN=98"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/109648.109679"
+, year = 1991
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD
+, title = {{SHARC: Fast and Robust Unidirectional Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'08)}}
+, month = apr
+, pages = {13--26}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bd-sharc-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2008
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD
+, title = {{SHARC: Fast and Robust Unidirectional Routing}}
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, month = aug
+, note = {Special Section on Selected Papers from ALENEX 2008.}
+, number = {2.4}
+, pages = {1--29}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bd-sharc-09.pdf"
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1498698.1537599"
+, volume = 14
+, year = 2009
+, author = BerretiniE #and# DangeloG #and# DellingD
+, title = {{Arc-Flags in Dynamic Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'09)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdd-afdg-09.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2009
+, author = BeckerM #and# DegenhardtW #and# DoenhardtJ #and# HertelS #and# KaninkeG #and# KeberW #and# MehlhornK #and# NaeherS #and# RohnertH #and# WinterT
+, title = {{A Probabilistic Algorithm for Vertex Connectivity of Graphs}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, month = oct
+, number = 3
+, pages = {135--136}
+, volume = 15
+, year = 1982
+, author = BauerR #and# DangeloG #and# DellingD #and# SchummA #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{The Shortcut Problem -- Complexity and Algorithms\r
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2010-17}
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000019794"
+, year = 2010
+, author = BauerR #and# DangeloG #and# DellingD #and# SchummA #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{The Shortcut Problem -- Complexity and Algorithms}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 2
+, pages = {447--481}
+, url = "http://jgaa.info/16/270.html"
+, volume = 16
+, year = 2012
+, author = BauerR #and# DangeloG #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{The Complexity of the Shortcut Problem}}
+, institution = "Arrival Technical Report"
+, number = 117
+, pdf = "http://arrival.cti.gr/uploads/Documents.0117/ARRIVAL-TR-0117.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BauerR #and# DangeloG #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{The Shortcut Problem -- Complexity and Approximation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'09)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {105--116}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bddw-tspca-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5404
+, year = 2009
+, author = BerthomeP #and# DialloM #and# FerreiraA
+, title = {{Graph-Theoretic\r
+Generalized Parametric Multi-terminal Flows\r
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'03)}}
+, pages = {71--80}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2880
+, year = 2003
+, author = BrandesU #and# DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# HoeferM #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Maximizing Modularity is Hard}}
+, note = {arXiv physics/0608255}
+, pdf = "http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0608255"
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0608255"
+, year = 2006
+, author = BrandesU #and# DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# HoeferM #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On Modularity Clustering}}
+, journal = j-tkde
+, month = feb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {172--188}
+, url = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TKDE.2007.190689"
+, volume = 20
+, year = 2008
+, author = BrandesU #and# DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# HoeferM #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On Modularity - NP-Completeness and Beyond}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2006-19}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdgghnw-omnpcb-06.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000005777"
+, year = 2006
+, author = BergerA #and# DellingD #and# GebhardtA #and# MuellerHannemannM
+, title = {{Accelerating Time-Dependent Multi-Criteria Timetable Information is Harder Than Expected}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'09)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdgm-atdmc-09.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2009
+, author = BetzG #and# DollC #and# GemsaA #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Column-based Graph Layouts}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)}}
+, note = {to appear}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7704
+, year = 2013
+, author = BaderR #and# DeesJ #and# GeisbergerR #and# SandersP
+, title = {{Alternative Route Graphs in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International ICST Conference on Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems (TAPAS'11)}}
+, pages = {21--32}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6595
+, year = 2011
+, author = BrunelE #and# DellingD #and# GemsaA #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Space-Efficient SHARC-Routing}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = 13
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdgw-sesr-09TR.pdf"
+, year = 2009
+, author = BrunelE #and# DellingD #and# GemsaA #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Space-Efficient SHARC-Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {47--58}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdgw-sesr-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = BrandesU #and# DellingD #and# HoeferM #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On Finding Graph Clusterings with Maximum Modularity}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'07)}}
+, month = oct
+, pages = {121--132}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/w7p1057m25757210/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74839-7_12"
+, volume = 4769
+, year = 2007
+, author = BadentM #and# DiGiacomoE #and# LiottaG
+, title = {{Drawing Colored Graphs on Colored Points}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS'07)}}
+, pages = {102--113}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/index/y541221735258m35.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2007
+, author = BertolazziP #and# DiBattistaG #and# LiottaG #and# ManninoC
+, title = {{Upward Drawings of Triconnected Digraphs}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, month = dec
+, number = 6
+, pages = {476--497}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/qq1024262v624086/fulltext.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/QQ1024262V624086/"
+, volume = 12
+, year = 1994
+, author = BaumM #and# DibbeltJ #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Energy-Optimal Routes for Electric Vehicles}}
+, institution = "Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, number = {2013-06}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdpw-eorev-13.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000035824"
+, year = 2013
+, author = BrandesU #and# DwyerT #and# SchreiberF
+, title = {{Visual Understanding of Metabolic Pathways Across Organisms Using Layout in Two and a Half Dimensions}}
+, journal = j-ibioinfo
+, volume = 002
+, year = 2004
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# SandersP #and# SchieferdeckerD #and# SchultesD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Combining Hierarchical and Goal-Directed Speed-Up Techniques for Dijkstra's Algorithm}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {303--318}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdsssw-chgds-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5038
+, year = 2008
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# SandersP #and# SchieferdeckerD #and# SchultesD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Combining Hierarchical and Goal-Directed Speed-Up Techniques for Dijkstra's Algorithm}}
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, month = jan
+, note = {Special Section devoted to WEA'08.}
+, number = {2.3}
+, pages = {1--31}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdsssw-chgds-10.pdf"
+, volume = 15
+, year = 2010
+, author = BatzV #and# DellingD #and# SandersP #and# VetterC
+, title = {{Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'09)}}
+, month = apr
+, pages = {97--105}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdsv-tdch-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2009
+, author = BudiuM #and# DellingD #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{DryadOpt: Branch-and-Bound on Distributed Data-Parallel Execution Engines}}
+, booktitle = {{25th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'11)}}
+, pages = {1278--1289}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2011
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Experimental Study on Speed-Up Techniques for Timetable Information Systems}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'07)}}
+, pages = {209--225}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdw-essut-07.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, url = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1169/"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Experimental Study on Speed-Up Techniques for Timetable Information Systems}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
+, pages = {38--52}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdw-essut-11.pdf"
+, volume = 57
+, year = 2011
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Impact of Shortcuts on Speedup Techniques}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2008-10}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bdw-isst-08.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = BauerR #and# DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Shortest-Path Indices: Establishing a Methodology for Shortest-Path Problems}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2007-14}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3112"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000006961"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG
+, title = {{The Class of All Regular Equivalences: Algebraic Structure and Computation}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, number = 1
+, pages = {65--88}
+, volume = 11
+, year = 1989
+, author = BrandesU #and# ErlebachT
+, title = {{Fundamentals}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {7--15}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/nv20c2jfpf28/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG
+, title = {{A Graph-Theoretic Perspective on Centrality}}
+, note = {Unpublished manuscript}
+, year = 2004
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG
+, title = {{Models of core/periphery structures}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, number = 4
+, pages = {375--395}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1999
+, editor = BrandesU #and# ErlebachT
+, title = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/nv20c2jfpf28/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = BreigerRL #and# EnnisJG
+, title = {{Personae and Social Roles: {The} Network Structure of Personality Types in Small Groups}}
+, journal = j-tsq
+, pages = {262--270}
+, volume = 42
+, year = 1979
+, author = BoydJP #and# EverettMG
+, title = {{Relations, Residuals, Regular Interiors, and Relative Regular Equivalence}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, month = apr
+, number = 2
+, pages = {147--165}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1999
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG
+, title = {{Two Algorithms for Computing Regular Equivalence}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, number = 4
+, pages = {361--376}
+, volume = 15
+, year = 1993
+, author = BeerliovaZ #and# EberhardF #and# ErlebachT #and# HallA #and# HoffmannM #and# MihalakM #and# RamLS
+, title = {{Network Discovery and Verification}}
+, journal = j-jsac
+, month = dec
+, number = 12
+, pages = {2168--2181}
+, url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4016133"
+, volume = 24
+, year = 2006
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG #and# FreemanLC
+, title = {{Users Guide of {UCINET} 5 for Windows\r
+, url = "http://www.analytictech.com/ucinet/Ucinet_Guide.doc"
+, year = 1999
+, author = BrandesU #and# EiglspergerM #and# HermanI #and# HimsoltM #and# MarshallMS
+, title = {{{GraphML} Progress Report: Structural Layer Proposal}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1984
+, year = 2001
+, author = BrandesU #and# EiglspergerM #and# KaufmannM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Sketch-Driven Orthogonal Graph Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {1--11}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2528
+, year = 2003
+, author = BuchinK #and# EppsteinD #and# LofflerM #and# NollenburgM #and# SilveiraRI
+, title = {{Adjacency-Preserving Spatial Treemaps}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 12th International Symposium (WADS'11)}}
+, month = aug
+, note = {Full version available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.0398}.}
+, pages = {159--170}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/belns-apst-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.og/10.1007/978-3-642-22300-6 14"
+, volume = 6844
+, year = 2011
+, author = BezrukovS #and# ElsaesserR #and# MonienB #and# PreisR #and# TillichJP
+, title = {{New Spectral Lower Bounds on the Bisection Width of Graphs}}
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+, pages = {155--174}
+, volume = 320
+, year = 2004
+, author = BorgattiSP #and# EverettMG #and# ShireyPR
+, title = {{{LS} sets, lambda sets and other cohesive subsets}}
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+, number = 4
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+, year = 1990
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# EadesP #and# TamassiaR #and# TollisIG
+, title = {{Graph Drawing - Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Graph Drawing - Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs}}
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+, publisher = pub-ph
+, year = 1998
+, author = BrandesU #and# FleischerD
+, title = {{Centrality Measures Based on Current Flow}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'05)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3404
+, year = 2005
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+, title = {{Clustering Relational Data}}
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+, title = {{Crossing Reduction for Hierarchical Graphs with Intra-Level Edges}}
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+, title = {{Large Scale Network Topological Optimization}}
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+, title = {{Resolution limit in community detection}}
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+, number = 1
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+, volume = 104
+, year = 2007
+, author = BatageljV #and# FerligojA #and# DoreianP
+, title = {{Generalized Blockmodeling}}
+, journal = j-iijci
+, pages = {501--506}
+, url = "http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/doc/ModelInf.ps"
+, volume = 23
+, year = 1999
+, editor = BrualdiRA #and# FriedlandS #and# KleeV
+, title = {{Combinatorial and Graph-Theoretical Problems in Linear Algebra}}
+, booktitle = {{Combinatorial and Graph-Theoretical Problems in Linear Algebra}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 1993
+, author = BonichonN #and# FelsnerS #and# MosbahM
+, title = {{Convex Drawings of $3$-Connected Plane Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {60--70}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = BonichonN #and# FelsnerS #and# MosbahM
+, title = {{Convex Drawings of 3-Connected Plane Graphs}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, pages = {399--420}
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+, year = 2007
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+, title = {{TRANSIT - Ultrafast Shortest-Path Queries with Linear-Time Preprocessing}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge -}}
+, month = nov
+, year = 2006
+, author = BastH #and# FunkeS #and# MatijevicD
+, title = {{Ultrafast Shortest-Path Queries via Transit Nodes}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, pages = {175--192}
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
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+, title = {{Properties of Acyclic Database Schemes}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'81)}}
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+, title = {{Energy-efficient Paths in Radio Networks}}
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+, year = 2009
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+, title = {{In Transit to Constant Shortest-Path Queries in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'07)}}
+, pages = {46--59}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2007
+, author = BeeriC #and# FaginR #and# MaierD #and# YannakakisM
+, title = {{On the Desirability of Acyclic Database Schemes}}
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+, title = {{Fast Routing in Road Networks with Transit Nodes}}
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+, title = {{Social Networks}}
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+, note = {to appear}
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+, title = {{On Steinitz's Theorem Concerning Convex 3-Polytopes and on Some Properties of Planar Graphs}}
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+, title = {{Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Part I: Route Construction and Local Search Algorithms}}
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+, title = {{Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Part II: Metaheuristics}}
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+, title = {{Analyzing the Career of Actors - How to Become Famous Fast}}
+, note = {Graph Drawing Contest at GD'05, Honorable Mention}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/genreSubmission.pdf"
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+, volume = 3
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+, title = {{Generating Graphs with Predefined k-Core Structure}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'07)}}
+, month = oct
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bggkw-ggpcs-07.pdf"
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+, note = {to appear}
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+, title = {{Generalizing Geometric Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'11)}}
+, pages = {179--190}
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+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/p1t8356v54735312/"
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+, volume = 2008
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+, title = {{Finding Communities in Large Networks}}
+, note = {\url{http://findcommunities.googlepages.com/}}
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+, year = 2008
+, author = BlondelV #and# GuillaumeJ #and# LambiotteR #and# LefebvreE
+, title = {{Fast unfolding of community hierarchies in large networks}}
+, month = mar
+, note = {ARXIV: 2008arXiv0803.0476B}
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+, title = {{Compressed Transmission of Route Descriptions}}
+, institution = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)"
+, note = {{a}rXiv:1011.4465v1}
+, year = 2010
+, author = BatzV #and# GeisbergerR #and# LuxenD #and# SandersP #and# ZubkovR
+, title = {{Efficient Route Compression for Hybrid Route Planning}}
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+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2012
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+, title = {{Fully Dynamic Speed-Up Techniques for Multi-criteria Shortest Path Searches in Time-Dependent Networks}}
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+, title = {{Stochastic Delay Prediction in Large Train Networks}}
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+, pages = {100--111}
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, volume = 20
+, year = 2011
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+, title = {{Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies and Approximation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {166--177}
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+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/u787292691813526/"
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+, title = {{Inside PageRank}}
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+, title = {{Time Dependent Contraction Hierarchies - Basic Algorithmic Ideas}}
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+, year = 2008
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+, title = {{Path Planning with Compressed All-Pairs Shortest Paths Data}}
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+, volume = 11
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+, author = BenkertM #and# HaverkortH #and# KrollM #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Algorithms for Multi-Criteria Boundary Labeling}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, note = {Special issue of GD 2007}
+, number = 3
+, pages = {289--317}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bhkn-amcbl-09.pdf"
+, url = "http://jgaa.info/accepted/2009/BenkertHaverkortKrollNollenburg2009.13.3.pdf"
+, volume = 13
+, year = 2009
+, author = BenkertM #and# HaverkortH #and# KrollM #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Algorithms for Multi-Criteria One-Sided Boundary Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {243--254}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bhkn-amcos-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77537-9_25"
+, volume = 4875
+, year = 2008
+, author = BhalgatA #and# HariharanR #and# KavithaT #and# PanigrahiD
+, title = {{An {${\tilde{O}}(mn)$} Gomory-Hu Tree Construction Algorithm for Unweighted Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 39th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'07)}}
+, pages = {605--614}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2007
+, author = BauerD #and# HakimiSL #and# SchmeichelEF
+, title = {{Recognizing Tough Graphs is NP-hard}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, pages = {191--195}
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+, year = 2003
+, author = BorosE #and# HammerPL #and# TavaresG
+, title = {{Preprocessing of unconstrained quadratic binary optimization}}
+, institution = "Rutgers Center for Operations Research (RUTCOR)"
+, number = 10
+, url = "http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/pub/rrr/reports2006/10_2006.pdf"
+, year = 2006
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+, title = {{Does co-{$\mathcal{NP}$} have short interactive proofs?}}
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+, author = BrodalG #and# JacobR
+, title = {{Dynamic Planar Convex Hull}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'02)}}
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+, url = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SFCS.2002.1181985"
+, year = 2002
+, author = BachFR #and# JordanMI
+, title = {{Learning Spectral Clustering}}
+, institution = "Computer Science Division (EECS), University of California "
+, number = {UCB/CSD-03-1249}
+, pdf = "http://vision.jhu.edu/reading_group/LearningSpectralClustering.pdf"
+, year = 2003
+, author = BachFR #and# JordanC
+, title = {{Learning Spectral Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16}}
+, pdf = "http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips16/NIPS2003_AA39.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-mitpr
+, url = "http://books.nips.cc/nips16.html"
+, year = 2004
+, author = BrodalG #and# JacobR
+, title = {{Time-dependent Networks as Models to Achieve Fast Exact Time-table Queries}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways (ATMOS'03)}}
+, pages = {3--15}
+, series = ser-entcs
+, volume = 92
+, year = 2004
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+, title = {{Formal-Language-Constrained Path Problems}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 3
+, pages = {809--837}
+, volume = 30
+, year = 2000
+, author = BiedlT #and# KantG
+, title = {{A Better Heuristic for Orthogonal Graph Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'94)}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {24--35}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/h775q2054151x16m/fulltext.pdf"
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/h775q2054151x16m/"
+, volume = 855
+, year = 1994
+, author = BiedlTC #and# KaufmannM
+, title = {{Area-Efficient Static and Incremental Graph Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'97)}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {37--52}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1284
+, year = 1997
+, author = BenzurA #and# KargerDR
+, title = {{Approximating s-t minimum cuts in $\tilde{O}(n^2)$ time}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 28th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'96)}}
+, pages = {47--55}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=237827&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=61366998&CFTOKEN=43"
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+, year = 1996
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+, title = {{Algorithm 457: Finding all cliques of an undirected graph}}
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+, number = 9
+, pages = {575--577}
+, volume = 16
+, year = 1973
+, author = BrandesU #and# KoepfB
+, title = {{Fast and Simple Horizontal Coordinate Assignmen}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'01)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {31--44}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/j8b63vh3yatf17mk/"
+, volume = 2265
+, year = 2002
+, author = BaltzA #and# KliemannL
+, title = {{Spectral Analysis}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {373--416}
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+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/yrpdymqmb0uckvnp/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = BodlaenderHL #and# KosterAM
+, title = {{Treewidth computations I. Upper bounds}}
+, journal = j-ic
+, number = 3
+, pages = {259--275}
+, volume = 208
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+, title = {{Unit Disk Graph Recognition is NP-hard}}
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+, number = {1-2}
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+, volume = 9
+, year = 1998
+, author = BiedlT #and# KantG #and# KaufmannM
+, title = {{On Triangulating Planar Graphs under the Four-Connectivity Constraint}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, pages = {427--446}
+, volume = 19
+, year = 1997
+, author = BrandesU #and# KaeaebV #and# LoehA #and# WagnerD #and# WillhalmT
+, title = {{Dynamic web structures in 3d}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'98)}}
+, location = "Montreal, Canada"
+, month = jan
+, note = {``Honorable Mention'' beim {\em Graph Drawing Contest 1998}, s. Graph-Drawing Contest Report by P.~E}
+, pages = {423--435}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/8cm2ulm1qtc9/"
+, volume = 1547
+, year = 1999
+, author = BrandesU #and# KaeaebV #and# LoehA #and# WagnerD #and# WillhalmT
+, title = {{Dynamic Web Structures in 3D}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 3
+, pages = {183--191}
+, url = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bklww-dws3d-00.ps.gz"
+, volume = 4
+, year = 2000
+, author = BroderA #and# KrauthgamerR #and# MitzenmacherM
+, title = {{Improved Classification via Connectivity Information}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'00)}}
+, pages = {576--585}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=338610&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=36008740&CFTOKEN=37"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=338610"
+, year = 2000
+, author = BaderDA #and# KintaliS #and# MadduriK #and# MihailM
+, title = {{Approximating Betweenness Centrality }}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, WAW 2007}}
+, pages = {124--137}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/w327302k835n02h8/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77004-6_10"
+, volume = 4863
+, year = 2007
+, author = BroderA #and# KumarR #and# MaghoulF #and# RaghavanP #and# RajagopalanS #and# StataR #and# TomkinsAS #and# WienerJ
+, title = {{Graph structure in the Web}}
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+, number = {1--6}
+, pages = {309--320}
+, volume = 33
+, year = 2000
+, author = BonifaciV #and# KortewegP #and# MarchettiSpaccamelaA #and# StougieL
+, title = {{An Approximation Algorithm for the Wireless Gathering Problem}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'06)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lnm
+, year = 2006
+, author = BauerR #and# KrugM #and# MeinertS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Synthetic Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'10)}}
+, pages = {46--57}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14355-7_6"
+, volume = 6124
+, year = 2010
+, author = BekosM #and# KaufmannM #and# NollenburgM #and# SymvonisA
+, title = {{Boundary Labeling with Octilinear Leaders}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'08)}}
+, pages = {234--245}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bkns-blol-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-69903-3_22"
+, volume = 5124
+, year = 2008
+, author = BekosM #and# KaufmannM #and# NollenburgM #and# SymvonisA
+, title = {{Boundary Labeling with Octilinear Leaders}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, note = {Special issue of SWAT 2008}
+, number = 3
+, pages = {436--461}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bkns-blol-09.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00453-009-9283-6"
+, volume = 57
+, year = 2010
+, author = BrandesU #and# KenisP #and# RaabJ
+, title = {{Explanation Through Network Visualization}}
+, journal = j-m
+, number = 1
+, pages = {16--23}
+, url = "http://content.apa.org/journals/med/2/1/16.html"
+, volume = 2
+, year = 2006
+, author = BlaesiusT #and# KarrerA #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Simultaneous Embedding: Edge Orderings, Relative Positions, Cutvertices}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2014
+, author = BrandesU #and# KenisP #and# RaabJ #and# SchneiderV #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Explorations into the Visualization of Policy Networks}}
+, journal = j-jtp
+, number = 1
+, pages = {75--106}
+, pdf = "http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/algo/publications/bkrsw-evpn-99.pdf"
+, volume = 11
+, year = 1999
+, author = BlaesiusT #and# KrugM #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility Constraints}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, pages = {92--104}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18469-7_9"
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = BlaesiusT #and# KrugM #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility Constraints}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, year = 2012
+, author = BlaesiusT #and# KrugM #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Flexibility Constraints}}
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+, number = {2010-18}
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000019793"
+, year = 2010
+, author = BarYosseffZ #and# KumarR #and# SivakumarD
+, title = {{Reductions in Streaming Algorithms, with an Application to Counting Triangles in Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'02)}}
+, pages = {623--632}
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=545464"
+, year = 2002
+, author = Berger-WolfT #and# KempeD #and# TantipathananandthC
+, title = {{A Framework For Community Identification in Dynamic Social Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}}
+, pdf = "http://compbio.cs.uic.edu/~tanya/research/pubs/TantipathananandhEtal_NetworkCommunities07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://compbio.cs.uic.edu/~tanya/research/pubs/TantipathananandhEtal_NetworkCommunities07.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BrandesU #and# KenisP #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Communicating Centrality in Policy Network Drawings}}
+, journal = j-tvcg
+, number = 2
+, pages = {241--253}
+, pdf = "http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/algo/publications/bkw-ccpnd-03.pdf"
+, volume = 9
+, year = 2003
+, author = BrandesU #and# KenisP #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Centrality in Policy Network Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'99)}}
+, location = "Stirin Castle, Czech Republic"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {250--258}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bkw-cpnd-99.ps.gz"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/02ctp54ec2kxkyhl/"
+, volume = 1731
+, year = 2000
+, author = BrandesU #and# KaeaebV #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dual Traversals of Planar Graphs}}
+, institution = "Universit{\"a}t Konstanz"
+, year = 2001
+, author = BauerR #and# KrugM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Enumerating and Generating Labeled k-Degenerate Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO '10)}}
+, pages = {90--98}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2010
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+, title = {{A Framework for Solving VLSI Graph Layout Problems}}
+, number = 2
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+, title = {{Linear algorithms to recognize interval graphs and test for consecutive ones property}}
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+, author = BrandesU #and# LernerJ
+, title = {{Structural Similarity in Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'04)}}
+, pages = {184--195}
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3341
+, year = 2004
+, author = BuiTN #and# LeightonFT #and# ChaudhuriS #and# SipserM
+, title = {{Graph Bisection Algorithms with Good Average Case Behavior}}
+, journal = j-comb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {171--191}
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+, volume = 7
+, year = 1987
+, author = BrandesU #and# LernerJ #and# LubbersMJ #and# McCartyC #and# MolinaJL
+, title = {{Visual Statistics for Collections of Clustered Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium}}
+, note = {to appear}
+, pdf = "http://www.inf.uni-konstanz.de/algo/publications/bllmm-vsccg-08.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = BrandesU #and# MaderM
+, title = {{A Quantitative Comparison of Stress-Minimization Approaches for Offline Dynamic Graph Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'11)}}
+, pages = {99--110}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25878-7_11"
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+, title = {{Fast generation of planar graphs}}
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+, url = "http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/plantri/"
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+, year = 2007
+, author = BondyJA #and# MurtyUS
+, title = {{Graph Theory}}
+, booktitle = {{Graph Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_gtm
+, year = 2008
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+, title = {{Graph Theory with Applications}}
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+, title = {{Layered Drawings of Digraphs}}
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+, chapter = 5
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+, pages = {87--120}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/xl91uu3fwk0fhejj/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/xl91uu3fwk0fhejj/"
+, volume = 2025
+, year = 2001
+, author = BatageljV #and# MrvarA
+, title = {{$\mathsf{Pajek}$ -- A Program for Large Network Analysis}}
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+, number = 2
+, pages = {47--57}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1998
+, author = BatageljV #and# MrvarA
+, title = {{Pajek - Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Graph Drawing Software}}
+, isbn = "3-540-00881-0"
+, pages = {77--103}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, url = "http://www.springer.com/math/cse/book/978-3-540-00881-1"
+, year = 2003
+, editor = BondyJA #and# MurtyUS
+, title = {{Progress in Graph Theory}}
+, booktitle = {{Progress in Graph Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-ap
+, year = 1984
+, author = BruggesserH #and# ManicG
+, title = {{Shellable Decompositions of Cells and Spheres.}}
+, journal = j-msc
+, pages = {197--205}
+, volume = 29
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+, author = BaderDA #and# MadduriK
+, title = {{SNAP, Small-world Network Analysis and Partitioning: An open-source parallel graph framework for the exploration of large-scale networks}}
+, booktitle = {{22nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'08)}}
+, pages = {1--12}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2008
+, author = BergerA #and# MuellerHannemannM
+, title = {{Subpath-Optimality of Multi-Criteria Shortest Paths in Time- and Event-Dependent Networks}}
+, institution = "University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Computer Science"
+, number = 1
+, year = 2009
+, editor = BallMO #and# MagnantiTL #and# MonmaCL #and# NemhauserGL
+, title = {{Handbooks in Operations Research/Management Science, Volume on Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Handbooks in Operations Research/Management Science, Volume on Networks}}
+, publisher = pub-nh
+, year = 1995
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# MarianiF #and# PatrignaniM #and# PizzoniaM
+, title = {{BGPlay: A System for Visualizing the Interdomain Routing Evolution}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'03)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {295--306}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2912
+, year = 2004
+, author = BaderDA #and# MeyerhenkeH #and# SandersP #and# SchulzC #and# SchummA #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Benchmarking for Graph Clustering and Partitioning}}
+, booktitle = {{Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}}
+, note = {to appear}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2013
+, author = BungartzH #and# MeinelC #and# WilhelmR
+, title = {{Quo vadis, Informatik? Innovation dank Informatik. Teil 1 einer Nachlese zum Perspektiven-Workshop in Dagstuhl}}
+, journal = j-is
+, month = jun
+, number = 3
+, pages = {207--211}
+, url = "http://springerlink.com"
+, volume = 30
+, year = 2007
+, author = BungartzH #and# MeinelC #and# WilhelmR
+, title = {{Quo vadis, Informatik? Innovation dank Informatik. Teil 2 einer Nachlese zum Perspektiven Workshop in Dagstuhl im November 2006}}
+, journal = j-is
+, month = aug
+, number = 4
+, pages = {291--296}
+, url = "http://springerlink.com"
+, volume = 30
+, year = 2007
+, author = BungartzH #and# MeinelC #and# WilhelmR
+, title = {{Quo vadis, Informatik? Innovation dank Informatik. Teil 3 einer Nachlese zum Perspektiven-Workshop in Dagstuhl im November 2006}}
+, journal = j-is
+, month = oct
+, number = 5
+, pages = {374--377}
+, url = "http://springerlink.com"
+, volume = 30
+, year = 2007
+, author = BungartzH #and# MeinelC #and# WilhelmR
+, title = {{Quo vadis, Informatik? Innovation dank Informatik. Teil 4 einer Nachlese zum Perspektiven-Workshop in Dagstuhl im November 2006}}
+, journal = j-is
+, month = dec
+, number = 6
+, pages = {458--459}
+, url = "http://springerlink.com"
+, volume = 30
+, year = 2007
+, author = BenkertM #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Improved Algorithms for Length-Minimal One-Sided Boundary Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'07)}}
+, pages = {190--193}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bn-ialmo-07.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = BeenK #and# NollenburgM #and# PoonSH #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Optimizing Active Ranges for Consistent Dynamic Map Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'08)}}
+, pages = {10--19}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bnpw-oarcd-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?087167"
+, year = 2008
+, author = BeenK #and# NollenburgM #and# PoonSH #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Optimizing Active Ranges for Consistent Dynamic Map Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'08)}}
+, pages = {55--58}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bnpw-oarcd-08ecg.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = BeenK #and# NollenburgM #and# PoonSH #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Optimizing Active Ranges for Consistent Dynamic Map Labeling}}
+, journal = j-cgta
+, note = {Special issue of SoCG 2008}
+, number = 3
+, pages = {312--328}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bnpw-oarcd-10.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comgeo.2009.03.006"
+, volume = 43
+, year = 2010
+, author = BrandesU #and# NeyerG #and# SchlickenriederW #and# WagnerD #and# WeiheK
+, title = {{\textsc{PlaNet}---A Software Package for Algorithms and Heuristics on Planar Networks}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, pages = {91--110}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bnsww-pspah-99.pdf"
+, volume = 92
+, year = 1999
+, author = BenkertM #and# NollenburgM #and# UnoT #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Minimizing Intra-Edge Crossings in Wiring Diagrams and Public Transportation Maps}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'06)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {270--281}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/bnuw-miecw-07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
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+, title = {{Batch Dynamic Single-Source Shortest-Path Algorithms: An Experimental\r
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+, year = 2009
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+, title = {{A {Bayesian} paradigm for dynamic graph layout}}
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+, month = jan
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+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/x7r71r316847/"
+, volume = 1353
+, year = 1998
+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Contextual Visualization of Actor Status in Social Networks}}
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+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2000
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+, title = {{Dynamic Grid Embedding with Few Bends and Changes}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'98)}}
+, pages = {89--98}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bw-dgefb-98.ps.gz"
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+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/index/29mcxvep69mawk58.pdf"
+, volume = 1533
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+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{A linear time algorithm for the arc disjoint {Menger} problem in planar directed graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'97)}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {64--77}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1284
+, year = 1997
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+, title = {{Netzwerkvisualisierung}}
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+, title = {{On the properties of small-world network models}}
+, journal = j-epjb
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+, title = {{Random Field Models for Graph Layout}}
+, institution = "Universit{\"a}t Konstanz"
+, note = {Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik und Informatik}
+, number = 33
+, type = {techreport}
+, year = 1997
+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Using Graph Layout to Visualize Train Connection Data}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 3
+, pages = {135--155}
+, url = "http://i11www.ilkd.uni-karlsruhe.de/algo/people/dwagner/papers/bw-uglvt-00.ps.gz"
+, volume = 4
+, year = 2000
+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Using Graph Layout to Visualize Train Interconnection Data}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'98)}}
+, location = "Montreal, Canada"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {44--56}
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+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/bm2e1r9cyrwy2p2a/"
+, volume = 1547
+, year = 1999
+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{{\"U}ber das Zeichnen von Graphen}}
+, booktitle = {{Angewandte Mathematik insbesondere Informatik, Beispiele erfolgreicher Wege zwischen Mathematik und Informatik}}
+, pages = {58--80}
+, publisher = pub-v
+, year = 1999
+, author = BrandesU #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{visone -- Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks.}}
+, booktitle = {{Graph Drawing Software}}
+, isbn = "3-540-00881-0"
+, pages = {321--340}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, url = "http://www.springer.com/math/cse/book/978-3-540-00881-1"
+, year = 2003
+, author = WillhalmT #and# BrandesU
+, title = {{Visualization of Bibliographic Networks with a Reshaped Landscape Metaphor}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym '02)}}
+, location = "Barcelona, Spain"
+, pages = {159--164}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/members/willhalm/publications/bw-vbnrlm-02.pdf"
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+, title = {{Visualisierung von Verkehrsdaten}}
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+, title = {{An {$\mathcal{O}(m)$} Algorithm for Cores Decomposition of Networks}}
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+, number = 798
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+, title = {{Consistent Digital Rays}}
+, journal = dcg
+, note = {Special issue of SoCG 2008}
+, number = 3
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+, title = {{Pracical Issues and Algorithms for Analyzing Terrorist Networks}}
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+, year = 2002
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+, title = {{A Divide-and-Merge Methodology for Clustering}}
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+, number = 4
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+, title = {{Improved Parameterized Upper Bounds for Vertex Cover }}
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+, year = 2006
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+, title = {{Connected Components in Random Graphs Graphs with Given Expected Degree Sequences }}
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+, title = {{Orderly Spanning Trees with Applications}}
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+, number = 4
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+, title = {{Orderly Spanning Trees with Applications to Graph Encoding and Graph Drawing}}
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+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {332--343}
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+, volume = 2528
+, year = 2003
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+, title = {{Introduction to Algorithms}}
+, edition = second
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+, title = {{DIMACS-Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 20 on the ``Year of Combinatorial Optimization''}}
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+, publisher = pub-ams
+, year = 1995
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+, title = {{Eigenvalues of Random Power Law Graphs}}
+, journal = j-ac
+, pages = {21--33}
+, pdf = "http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~fan/wp/eigen.pdf"
+, volume = 7
+, year = 2003
+, author = ChungFRK #and# LuL #and# VuV
+, title = {{The spectra of random graphs with given expected degree}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, month = may
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+, year = 2011
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+, title = {{Drawing Trees with Perfect Angular Resolution and Polynomial Area}}
+, journal = dcg
+, number = 2
+, pages = {157--182}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/degkn-dtpar-12.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00454-012-9472-y"
+, volume = 49
+, year = 2013
+, author = DuncanCA #and# EppsteinD #and# GoodrichMT #and# KobourovSG #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Lombardi Drawings of Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, note = {Full version available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.0579}.}
+, pages = {195--207}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/degkn-ldg-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18469-7_18"
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = DuncanCA #and# EppsteinD #and# GoodrichMT #and# KobourovSG #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Lombardi Drawings of Graphs}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, note = {Special issue of GD 2010.}
+, number = 1
+, pages = {85--108}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/degkn-ldg-12.pdf"
+, url = "http://jgaa.info/accepted/2012/Duncan+2012.16.1.pdf"
+, volume = 16
+, year = 2012
+, author = DuncanCA #and# EfratA #and# KobourovSG #and# WenkC
+, title = {{Drawing with Fat Edges}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'01)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {162--177}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://gdea.informatik.uni-koeln.de/archive/00000509/"
+, volume = 2265
+, year = 2002
+, author = DidimoW #and# EadesP #and# LiottaG
+, title = {{Drawing Graphs with Right Angle Crossings}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 11th International Symposium (WADS'09)}}
+, month = aug
+, pages = {206--217}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5664
+, year = 2009
+, editor = DehmerM #and# Emmert-StreibF #and# MehlerA
+, title = {{Towards an Information Theory of Complex Networks: Statistical Methods and Applications}}
+, booktitle = {{Towards an Information Theory of Complex Networks: Statistical Methods and Applications}}
+, publisher = {Birkh{"a}user Verlag}
+, year = 2011
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# EadesP #and# TamassiaR #and# TollisIG
+, title = {{Algorithms for Drawing Graphs: an Annotated Bibliography}}
+, journal = j-cg
+, pages = {235--282}
+, volume = 4
+, year = 1994
+, author = DowneyRG #and# FellowsMR
+, title = {{Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness I: Basic Results}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 4
+, pages = {873--921}
+, pdf = "http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&id=SMJCAT000024000004000873000001"
+, url = "http://link.aip.org/link/?SMJCAT/24/873/1"
+, volume = 24
+, year = 1995
+, author = DowneyRG #and# FellowsMR
+, title = {{Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness {II}. On Completeness for {{\cal W}[1]}}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, number = {1--2}
+, pages = {109--131}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-3975(94)00097-3"
+, volume = 141
+, year = 1995
+, author = DantzigGB #and# FulkersonDR
+, title = {{On the max-flow min-cut theorem of networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Linear Inequalities and Related Systems}}
+, pages = {215--221}
+, publisher = pub-pup
+, series = ser-ann_math_stud
+, volume = 38
+, year = 1956
+, author = DowneyRG #and# FellowsMR
+, title = {{Parameterized Complexity}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_mcs
+, year = 1999
+, author = DenardoEV #and# FoxBL
+, title = {{Shortest-Route Methods: 1. Reaching, Pruning, and Buckets}}
+, journal = j-or
+, number = 1
+, pages = {161--186}
+, volume = 27
+, year = 1979
+, author = DiGiacomoE #and# FratiF #and# FulekR #and# GrilliL #and# KrugM
+, title = {{Orthogeodesic Point-Set Embedding of Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'11)}}
+, note = {to appear}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2012
+, author = DiGiacomoE #and# FratiF #and# FulekR #and# GrilliL #and# KrugM
+, title = {{Orthogeodesic Point-Set Embedding of Trees}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000024215"
+, year = 2011
+, editor = DongarraJ #and# FosterI #and# FoxG #and# GroppW #and# KennedyK #and# TorczonL #and# WhiteA
+, title = {{Sourcebook of Parallel Computing}}
+, booktitle = {{Sourcebook of Parallel Computing}}
+, publisher = pub-mk
+, year = 2003
+, author = DemetrescuC #and# FinocchiI #and# ItalianoGF #and# NaeherS
+, title = {{Visualization in Algorithm Engineering: Tools and Techniques}}
+, booktitle = {{Experimental Algorithmics -- From Algorithm Design to Robust and Efficient Software}}
+, pages = {24--50}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/8tlg4unm4bu3g00c/"
+, volume = 2547
+, year = 2002
+, author = DujmovicV #and# FernauH #and# KaufmannM
+, title = {{Fixed Parameter Algorithms for One-Sided Crossing Minimization Revisited}}
+, journal = j-jda
+, month = jun
+, number = 2
+, pages = {313--323}
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/jwhew5fck9a3456d/"
+, volume = 6
+, year = 2008
+, author = DrineasP #and# FriezeAM #and# KannanR #and# VempalaS #and# VinayV
+, title = {{Clustering in Large Graphs and Matrices}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'99)}}
+, pages = {291--299}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=314500.314576"
+, year = 1999
+, author = DrineasP #and# FriezeAM #and# KannanR #and# VempalaS #and# VinayV
+, title = {{Clustering Large Graphs via the Singular Value Decomposition}}
+, journal = j-ma
+, number = {1-3}
+, pages = {9--33}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.com/content/u424k6nn6k622788/fulltext.pdf"
+, url = "http://springerlink.com/content/u424k6nn6k622788/"
+, volume = 56
+, year = 2004
+, author = DuH #and# FeldmanMW #and# LiS #and# JinX
+, title = {{An algorithm for detecting community structure of social networks based on prior knowledge and modularity}}
+, journal = j-complexity
+, month = jan
+, number = 3
+, pages = {53--60}
+, url = "http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/114068028/ABSTRACT"
+, volume = 12
+, year = 2007
+, author = DuchonP #and# FlajoletP #and# LouchardG #and# SchaefferG
+, title = {{Boltzmann Samplers for the Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures}}
+, journal = j-cpc
+, number = {4-5}
+, pages = {577--625}
+, volume = 13
+, year = 2004
+, author = DemetrescuC #and# FrigioniD #and# MarchettiSpaccamelaA #and# NanniU
+, title = {{Maintaining Shortest Paths in Digraphs with Arbitrary Arc Weights: An Experimental Study}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE'00)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1982
+, year = 2001
+, author = DangeloG #and# FrigioniD #and# VitaleC
+, title = {{Dynamic Arc-Flags in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11)}}
+, pages = {88--99}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6630
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Evaluating Clustering Techniques - An Engineering Approach Inspired by Unit-Tests}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'07)}}
+, month = oct
+, note = {Poster}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dggnw-ectea-07.pdf"
+, url = "http://cssociety.org/ECCS07-Programme"
+, year = 2007
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# NikoloskiZ #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{How to Evaluate Clustering Techniques}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2006-24}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3149"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000007104"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Experiments on Comparing Graph Clusterings}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2006-16}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3234"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000005167"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Comparators for Graph Clusterings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'07)}}
+, month = oct
+, note = {as poster}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/u172637452372n03/fulltext.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68880-8_14"
+, year = 2007
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Comparators for Graph Clusterings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {131--142}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dggw-ecgc-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5034
+, year = 2008
+, editor = DemetrescuC #and# GoldbergAV #and# JohnsonDS
+, title = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2009
+, author = DiGiacomoE #and# GrilliL #and# KrugM #and# LiottaG #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Hamiltonian Orthogeodesic Alternating Paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms}}
+, pages = {170--181}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/f6u552unx28353jw/"
+, year = 2012
+, author = DiGiacomoE #and# GrilliL #and# KrugM #and# LiottaG #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Hamiltonian orthogeodesic alternating paths}}
+, journal = j-jda
+, note = {Special issue of IWOCA'11}
+, pages = {34--52}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jda.2012.04.012"
+, volume = 16
+, year = 2012
+, author = deBergM #and# GerritsD #and# KhosraviA #and# RutterI #and# TsirogiannisC #and# WolffA
+, title = {{How Alexander the Great Brought the Greeks Together While Inflicting Minimal Damage to the Barbarians}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'10)}}
+, pages = {73--76}
+, year = 2010
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# GargA #and# LiottaG #and# TamassiaR #and# TassinariE #and# VargiuF
+, title = {{An Experimental Comparison of Four Graph Drawing Algorithms}}
+, journal = j-cgta
+, month = apr
+, number = {5-6}
+, pages = {303--325}
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=280655"
+, volume = 7
+, year = 1997
+, author = DorogovtsevSN #and# GoldbergAV #and# MendesJFF
+, title = {{$k$-Core Organization of Complex Networks}}
+, journal = j-phrl
+, month = feb
+, number = 040601
+, pages = {1--4}
+, url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e040601"
+, volume = 96
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# PajorT
+, title = {{Path Schematization for Route Sketches}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'10)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {285--296}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dgnp-psrs-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-13731-0_27"
+, volume = 6139
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# PajorT
+, title = {{Path Schematization for Route Sketches}}
+, institution = "Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, number = {2010-02}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dgnp-psrs-tr10.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000016078"
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# NowatzykA #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{PHAST: Hardware-Accelerated Shortest Path Trees}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-2010-125}
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# NowatzykA #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{PHAST: Hardware-Accelerated Shortest Path Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{25th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'11)}}
+, note = {Best Paper Award - Algorithms Track}
+, pages = {921--931}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# NowatzykA #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{PHAST: Hardware-accelerated shortest path trees}}
+, journal = j-pdc
+, number = 7
+, pages = {940--952}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dgnw-phast-12.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S074373151200041X"
+, volume = 73
+, year = 2013
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# PajorT #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Customizable Route Planning}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11)}}
+, pages = {376--387}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dgpw-crp-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6630
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# RazenshteynI #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Exact Combinatorial Branch-and-Bound for Graph Bisection}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)}}
+, pages = {30--44}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2012
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# RazenshteynI #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Graph Partitioning with Natural Cuts}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-2010-164}
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# RazenshteynI #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Graph Partitioning with Natural Cuts}}
+, booktitle = {{25th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'11)}}
+, pages = {1135--1146}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2011
+, author = DeesJ #and# GeisbergerR #and# SandersP #and# BaderR
+, title = {{Defining and Computing Alternative Routes in Road Networks}}
+, institution = "ITI Sanders, Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# GoerkeR #and# SchulzC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{ORCA Reduction and ContrAction Graph Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'09)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {152--165}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/vn74777wj087k748/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02158-9_14"
+, volume = 5564
+, year = 2009
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Faster Batched Shortest Paths in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'11)}}
+, pages = {52--63}
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, volume = 20
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellingD #and# GaertlerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Generating Significant Graph Clusterings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'06)}}
+, month = sep
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dgw-gsgc-06.pdf"
+, url = "http://cssociety.org/tiki-index.php?page=ECCS'06+Programme"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Hub Label Compression}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'13)}}
+, pages = {18--29}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7933
+, year = 2013
+, author = DellingD #and# GoldbergAV #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Shortest Paths in Road Networks: From Practice to Theory and Back}}
+, journal = j-it
+, month = dec
+, pages = {294--301}
+, url = "http://www.oldenbourg-link.com/toc/itit/53/6"
+, volume = 53
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellingD #and# GiannakopoulouK #and# WagnerD #and# ZaroliagisC
+, title = {{Contracting Timetable Information Networks}}
+, institution = "Arrival Technical Report"
+, number = 144
+, pdf = "http://arrival.cti.gr/uploads/Documents.0144/ARRIVAL-TR-0144.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = DellingD #and# GiannakopoulouK #and# WagnerD #and# ZaroliagisC
+, title = {{Timetable Information Updating in Case of Delays: Modeling Issues}}
+, institution = "Arrival Technical Report"
+, number = 133
+, pdf = "http://arrival.cti.gr/uploads/Documents.0133/ARRIVAL-TR-0133.pdf"
+, year = 2008
+, author = DavidsonR #and# HarelD
+, title = {{Drawing Graphs Nicely using Simulated Annealing}}
+, journal = j-acmtg
+, number = 4
+, pages = {301--331}
+, volume = 15
+, year = 1996
+, editor = DreznerZ #and# HamacherHW
+, title = {{Facility Location: Application and Theory}}
+, booktitle = {{Facility Location: Application and Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2002
+, author = DingCHQ #and# HeX
+, title = {{K-Means Clustering via Principal Component Analysis}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning}}
+, pages = {29--39}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1015408&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=18274057&CFTOKEN=7"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1015330.1015408"
+, volume = 69
+, year = 2004
+, author = DonathWE #and# HoffmanAJ
+, title = {{Lower bounds for the partitioning of graphs}}
+, journal = j-ijrd
+, number = 5
+, pages = {420--425}
+, volume = 17
+, year = 1973
+, author = DingCHQ #and# HeX #and# HusbandsP #and# ZhaH #and# SimonHD
+, title = {{PageRank, HITS and a unified framework for link analysis}}
+, address = "Berkeley, CA, USA"
+, institution = "NERSC Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California"
+, month = {Nov}
+, note = {updated Sept. 2002 (LBNL-50007), presented in the poster session of the Third SIAM International Con}
+, number = 49372
+, type = {LBNL Tech Report}
+, year = 2001
+, author = DalyF #and# HandDJ #and# JonesMC #and# LunnAD #and# McConwayKJ
+, title = {{Elements of Statistics}}
+, isbn = "0-201-42278-6"
+, publisher = {The Open University,}
+, year = 1995
+, author = DemaineED #and# HajiaghayiM #and# KawarabayashiK
+, title = {{Contraction Decomposition in $H$-Minor-Free Graphs\r
+and Algorithmic Applications}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 43rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'11)}}
+, pages = {441--450}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2011
+, author = DellnitzM #and# HesselM #and# MetznerP #and# PreisR #and# SchutteC
+, title = {{Graph Algorithms for Dynamical Systems}}
+, booktitle = {{Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems}}
+, pages = {619--645}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# HolzerM #and# MuellerK #and# SchulzF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{High-Performance Multi-Level Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge -}}
+, month = nov
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dhmsw-hpmlg-06.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~challenge9/papers.shtml"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# HolzerM #and# MuellerK #and# SchulzF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{High-Performance Multi-Level Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, pages = {73--92}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dhmsw-hpmlr-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2009
+, author = DijkTv #and# HeuvelJ #and# SlobW
+, title = {{Computing treewidth with LibTW}}
+, institution = "Applied Computer Science - Utrecht University"
+, url = "http://www.treewidth.com/"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DingCHQ #and# HeX #and# SimonHD
+, title = {{Nonnegative Lagrangian Relaxation of K-Means and Spectral Clustering }}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Machine Learning}}
+, pages = {530--538}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/f4722m7103u59qpr/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11564096"
+, volume = 3720
+, year = 2005
+, author = DingCHQ #and# HeX #and# SimonHD
+, title = {{On the Equivalence of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Spectral Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining}}
+, pages = {606--610}
+, pdf = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/datamining/2005/dm05_70dingc.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/datamining/2005/dm05.php"
+, year = 2005
+, author = DollC #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Fully-Dynamic Hierarchical Graph Clustering Using Cut Trees}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2011-10}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dhw-dhgcum-11.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000022450"
+, year = 2011
+, author = DollC #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Fully-Dynamic Hierarchical Graph Clustering Using Cut Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 12th International Symposium (WADS'11)}}
+, month = aug
+, pages = {338--349}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6844
+, year = 2011
+, author = DingCHQ #and# HeX #and# ZhaH #and# GuM #and# SimonHD
+, title = {{A Min-max Cut Algorithm for Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining}}
+, pages = {107--114}
+, pdf = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/7762/21329/00989507.pdf?tp=&arnumber=989507&isnumber=21329"
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDM.2001.989507"
+, year = 2001
+, author = DemetrescuC #and# ItalianoGF
+, title = {{Dynamic shortest paths and transitive closure: Algorithmic techniques and data structures}}
+, journal = j-jda
+, month = sep
+, number = 3
+, pages = {353--383}
+, volume = 4
+, year = 2006
+, author = DemetrescuC #and# ItalianoGF
+, title = {{A New Approach to Dynamic All Pairs Shortest Paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'03)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {159--166}
+, year = 2003
+, author = DemetrescuC #and# ItalianoGF
+, title = {{Engineering Shortest Path Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'04)}}
+, pages = {191--198}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3059
+, year = 2004
+, author = DahlhausE #and# JohnsonDS #and# PapadimitriouCH #and# SeymourPD #and# YannakakisM
+, title = {{The Complexity of Multiway Cuts (Extended Abstract)}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'92)}}
+, pages = {241--251}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=129736&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=&CFID=26591050&CFTOKEN=8351605"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/129712.129736"
+, year = 1992
+, author = DahlhausE #and# JohnsonDS #and# PapadimitriouCH #and# SeymourPD #and# YannakakisM
+, title = {{The Complexity of Multiterminal Cuts}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 4
+, pages = {864--894}
+, pdf = "https://eprints.kfupm.edu.sa/69233/1/69233.pdf"
+, volume = 23
+, year = 1994
+, author = DellingD #and# KandybaM #and# HoffmannR #and# SchulzeA
+, title = {{Case Studies}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithm Engineering: Bridging the Gap between Algorithm Theory and Practice}}
+, pages = {389--445}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5971
+, year = 2010
+, author = DinitzY #and# KarzanovAV #and# LomonosovMV
+, editor = FridmanAA
+, title = {{On the structure of the system of minimum edge cuts in a graph}}
+, booktitle = {{In Studies in Discrete Optimization}}
+, pages = {290-306}
+, publisher = pub-nauka
+, year = 1976
+, author = DellingD #and# KobitzschM #and# LuxenD #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Robust Mobile Route Planning with Limited Connectivity}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)}}
+, pages = {150--159}
+, pdf = "http://siam.omnibooksonline.com/2012ALENEX/data/papers/026.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2012
+, author = DwyerT #and# KorenY #and# MarriottK
+, title = {{Stress Majorization with Orthogonal Ordering Constraints}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'05)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {141--152}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/f136086184711p48/"
+, volume = 3843
+, year = 2006
+, author = DillS #and# KumarR #and# McCurleyKS #and# RajagopalanS #and# SivakumarD #and# TomkinsAS
+, title = {{Self-Similarity in the Web}}
+, journal = j-tit
+, month = aug
+, number = 3
+, pages = {205--223}
+, volume = 2
+, year = 2002
+, author = DellingD #and# KatzB #and# PajorT
+, title = {{Parallel Computation of Best Connections in Public Transportation Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{24th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'10)}}
+, pages = {1--12}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dkp-pcbcp-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2010
+, author = DellingD #and# KatzB #and# PajorT
+, title = {{Parallel Computation of Best Connections in Public Transportation Networks}}
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, month = jul
+, number = 1
+, pages = {4.4:4.1--4.4:4.26}
+, url = "http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2345678"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2012
+, author = DellingD #and# KatzB #and# PajorT
+, title = {{Parallel Computation of Best Connections in Public Transportation\r
+, institution = "Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, number = 16
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dkp-pcbcp-tr-09.pdf"
+, year = 2009
+, author = DingG #and# KannoJ #and# SuJ
+, title = {{Generating 5-regular planar graphs}}
+, journal = j-jgt
+, month = jul
+, number = 3
+, pages = {219--240}
+, volume = 61
+, year = 2009
+, author = DuncanCA #and# KobourovSG #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Graph Drawing Contest Report}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'05)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {528--531}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11618058"
+, volume = 3843
+, year = 2006
+, author = DehneF #and# LangstonMA #and# LuoX #and# PitreS #and# ShawP #and# ZhangYy
+, title = {{The Cluster Editing Problem: Implementations and Experiments}}
+, booktitle = {{Parameterized and Exact Computation}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {13--24}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/dt56l0mn081034j7/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/dt56l0mn081034j7"
+, volume = {4169/2006}
+, year = 2006
+, author = deFraysseixH #and# MendezPO
+, title = {{Barycentric Systems and Stretchability}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, pages = {1079--1095}
+, volume = 155
+, year = 2007
+, author = DwyerT #and# MarriottK
+, title = {{Constrained Stress Majorization Using Diagonally Scaled Gradient Projection}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {219--230}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/f38344l830h83265/"
+, volume = 4875
+, year = 2008
+, author = DorogovtsevSN #and# MendesJFF
+, title = {{Evolution of Networks}}
+, journal = j-ap
+, month = jun
+, number = 4
+, pages = {1079--1187}
+, volume = 51
+, year = 2002
+, author = DorogovtsevSN #and# MendesJFF
+, title = {{Evolution of Networks}}
+, publisher = pub-oup
+, year = 2003
+, author = DemestichasK #and# MasikosM #and# AdamopoulouE #and# DreherS #and# ArkayaAD
+, title = {{Machine-Learning Methodology for Energy Efficient Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{the 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems}}
+, month = oct
+, year = 2012
+, author = DonatiAV #and# MontemanniR #and# CasagrandeN #and# RizzoliAE #and# GambardellaLM
+, title = {{Time dependent vehicle routing problem with a multi ant colony system}}
+, journal = j-ejor
+, pages = {1174--1191}
+, volume = 185
+, year = 2008
+, author = DangC #and# MaW #and# LiangJ
+, title = {{A Deterministic Annealing Algorithm for Approximating a Solution of the Min-Bisection Problem }}
+, journal = j-nn
+, number = 1
+, pages = {58--66}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2008.09.008"
+, volume = 22
+, year = 2009
+, editor = DellamicoM #and# MaffioliF #and# MartelloS
+, title = {{Annotated Bibliographies in Combinatorial Optimization}}
+, booktitle = {{Annotated Bibliographies in Combinatorial Optimization}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley
+, year = 1997
+, author = DogrusozU #and# MaddenB #and# MaddenP
+, title = {{Circular Layout in the {G}raph {L}ayout {T}oolkit}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'96)}}
+, location = "Berkeley, California, USA"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {92--100}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/27295q2174557g1u/"
+, volume = 1090
+, year = 1997
+, author = deFraysseixH #and# MendezPO #and# RosenstiehlP
+, title = {{Bipolar Orientations Revisited}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, month = jan
+, number = {2--3}
+, pages = {157--179}
+, volume = 56
+, year = 1995
+, author = deFraysseixH #and# MendezPO #and# RosenstiehlP
+, title = {{On Triangle Contact Graphs}}
+, journal = j-cpc
+, pages = {233--246}
+, volume = 3
+, year = 1994
+, author = DoddiS #and# MaratheMV #and# RaviSS #and# TaylorDS #and# WidmayerP
+, title = {{Approximation Algorithms for Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Diameters}}
+, journal = j-njc
+, number = 3
+, pages = {185--203}
+, volume = 7
+, year = 2000
+, author = DisserY #and# MuellerHannemannM #and# SchneeM
+, title = {{Multi-Criteria Shortest Paths in Time-Dependent Train Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {347--361}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5038
+, year = 2008
+, author = DorogovtsevSN #and# MendesJFF #and# SamukhinAN
+, title = {{Structure of Growing Networks: Exact Solution of the Barab{\' a}si-Albert's Model}}
+, month = apr
+, note = {http://xxx.sissa.it/ps/cond-mat/0004434}
+, year = 2000
+, author = DinitzY #and# NutovZ
+, title = {{A 2-Level Cactus Model for the System of Minimum and Minimum+1 Edge-Cuts in a Graph and its Incremental Maintenance}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 27th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'95)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {509--518}
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=225268"
+, year = 1995
+, author = DellingD #and# NanniciniG
+, title = {{Bidirectional Core-Based Routing in Dynamic Time-Dependent Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'08)}}
+, month = dec
+, pages = {813--824}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dn-bcbrd-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5369
+, year = 2008
+, author = DellingD #and# NanniciniG
+, title = {{Core Routing on Dynamic Time-Dependent Road Networks}}
+, journal = j-ijc2
+, number = 2
+, pages = {187--201}
+, volume = 24
+, year = 2012
+, author = DinitzY #and# NossensonR
+, title = {{Incremental Maintenance of the $5$-Edge-Connectivity Classes of a Graph}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'00)}}
+, month = jul
+, pages = {272--285}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lnm
+, volume = 1851
+, year = 2000
+, author = DankelmannP #and# OellermannOR
+, title = {{Bounds on the average connectivity of a graph}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, month = aug
+, pages = {305--318}
+, volume = 129
+, year = 2003
+, author = DehneF #and# OmranMT #and# SackJ
+, title = {{Shortest Paths in Time-Dependent FIFO Networks}}
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+, pages = {416--435}
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+, year = 2012
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+, title = {{Shortest-path algorithms: Taxonomy and annotation}}
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+, number = 2
+, pages = {275--323}
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+, year = 1984
+, author = DiazGuileraA #and# PetitJ #and# SernaM
+, title = {{A Survey of Graph Layout Problems}}
+, journal = j-acm-csur
+, number = 3
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+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/568522.568523"
+, volume = 34
+, year = 2002
+, author = DibbeltJ #and# PajorT #and# StrasserB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Intriguingly Simple and Fast Transit Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'13)}}
+, pages = {43--54}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpsw-isftr-13.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7933
+, year = 2013
+, author = DerenyiI #and# PallaG #and# VicsekT
+, title = {{Clique Percolation in Random Networks}}
+, journal = j-phrl
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+, url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v94/e160202"
+, volume = 94
+, year = 2005
+, author = DellingD #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Accelerating Multi-Modal Route Planning by Access-Nodes}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'09)}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {587--598}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpw-ammrp-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5757
+, year = 2009
+, author = DellingD #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Time-Expanded Graphs for Faster Timetable Information}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'08)}}
+, month = sep
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpw-etegf-08.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2008
+, author = DellingD #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Time-Expanded Graphs for Faster Timetable Information}}
+, booktitle = {{Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization}}
+, pages = {182--206}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpw-etegf-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5868
+, year = 2009
+, author = DellingD #and# PajorT #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Round-Based Public Transit Routing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)}}
+, pages = {130--140}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpw-rbptr-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://siam.omnibooksonline.com/2012ALENEX/data/papers/024.pdf"
+, year = 2012
+, author = DibbeltJ #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{User-Constrained Multi-Modal Route Planning}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)}}
+, pages = {118--129}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpw-ucmmr-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2012
+, author = DellingD #and# PajorT #and# WagnerD #and# ZaroliagisC
+, title = {{Efficient Route Planning in Flight Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'09)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dpwz-erpfn-09.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, year = 2009
+, author = DelprattO #and# RahmanN #and# RamanR
+, title = {{Engineering the LOUDS Succinct Tree Representation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'06)}}
+, pages = {134--145}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 4007
+, year = 2006
+, author = DeshpandeA #and# RademacherL #and# VempalaS #and# WangC
+, title = {{Matrix Approximation and Projective Clustering via Volume Sampling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'06)}}
+, isbn = "0-89871-605-5"
+, pages = {1117--1126}
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1109557.1109681"
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+, author = DiracGA #and# SchusterS
+, title = {{A Theorem of Kuratowski}}
+, journal = j-indmath
+, pages = {343--348}
+, volume = 16
+, year = 1954
+, editor = DoreianP #and# StokmanFN
+, title = {{Evolution of Social Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Evolution of Social Networks}}
+, publisher = pub-gb
+, year = 1997
+, author = DesrosiersJ #and# SoumisF #and# DesrochersM
+, title = {{Routing with time windows by column generation}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, month = oct
+, number = 4
+, pages = {545--565}
+, volume = 14
+, year = 1984
+, author = DellingD #and# SandersP #and# SchultesD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Engineering Route Planning Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks}}
+, pages = {117--139}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dssw-erpa-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5515
+, year = 2009
+, author = DellingD #and# SandersP #and# SchultesD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Highway Hierarchies Star}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge -}}
+, month = nov
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dssw-hhs-06.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~challenge9/papers.shtml"
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# SandersP #and# SchultesD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Highway Hierarchies Star}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, pages = {141--174}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dssw-hhs-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2009
+, author = DujmovicV #and# SudermanM #and# WoodDR
+, title = {{Really Straight Graph Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {122--132}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# TamassiaR
+, title = {{Algorithms for Plane Representations of Acyclic Digraphs}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, number = {2-3}
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+, volume = 61
+, year = 1988
+, author = DerbelB #and# TalbiEG
+, title = {{Distributed Node Coloring in the SINR Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems}}
+, pages = {708--717}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2010
+, author = DerbelB #and# TalbiEG
+, title = {{Radio Network Distributed Algorithms in the Unknown Neighborhood Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking }}
+, pages = {155--166}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2010
+, author = DinhTN #and# ThaiMT
+, title = {{Towards Optimal Community Detection: From Trees to General Weighted Networks}}
+, journal = j-im
+, note = {accepted pending revision.}
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# TamassiaR #and# VismaraL
+, title = {{Output-Sensitive Reporting of Disjoint Paths}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, number = 4
+, pages = {302--340}
+, volume = 23
+, year = 1999
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# VismaraL
+, title = {{Angles of Planar Triangular Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 25th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'93)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {431--437}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=167207&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=ACM&CFID=25109407&CFTOKEN=9006"
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/167088.167207"
+, year = 1993
+, author = DiBattistaG #and# VismaraL
+, title = {{Angles of Planar Triangular Graphs}}
+, journal = j-sidma
+, number = 3
+, pages = {349--359}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480194264010"
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+, title = {{The random planar graph}}
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+, title = {{Maximum Lifetime of Sensor Networks with Adjustable Sensing Range}}
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+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2006
+, author = DellingD #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Better Bounds for Graph Bisection}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'12)}}
+, pages = {407--418}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dw-bbgb-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7501
+, year = 2012
+, author = DantzigGB #and# WolfeP
+, title = {{Decomposition Principle for Linear Programs}}
+, journal = j-or
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
+, pages = {101--110}
+, volume = 8
+, year = 1960
+, author = DellingD #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Faster Customization of Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'13)}}
+, pages = {30--42}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7933
+, year = 2013
+, author = DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Landmark-Based Routing in Dynamic Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'07)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {52--65}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dw-lbrdg-07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/r18l738744xmn68v/?p=c3fb56d3275b4389bd305aef88ad40c8&pi=2"
+, volume = 4525
+, year = 2007
+, author = DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Pareto Paths with SHARC}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'09)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {125--136}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dw-pps-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5526
+, year = 2009
+, author = DellingD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Time-Dependent Route Planning}}
+, booktitle = {{Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization}}
+, pages = {207--230}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/dw-tdrp-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5868
+, year = 2009
+, author = DillenburgJ #and# WolfsonO #and# NelsonPC
+, title = {{The Intelligent Travel Assistant}}
+, booktitle = {{ITSS 2002: Proceedings of the 5h International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems}}
+, month = sep
+, pages = {691--696}
+, pdf = "http://www.cs.uic.edu/~wolfson/mobile_ps/ita02.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 2002
+, author = DucheneautN #and# YeeN #and# NickellE #and# MooreRJ
+, title = {{{A}lone {T}ogether?: Exploring the Social Dynamics of Massively Multiplayer Online Games}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'06)}}
+, pages = {407--416}
+, pdf = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1124772.1124834"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2006
+, author = DingCHQ #and# ZhaH #and# HeX #and# HusbandsP #and# SimonHD
+, title = {{Link Analysis: Hubs and authorities on the World Wide Web}}
+, journal = j-sr
+, note = {to appear, published electronically May, 3, 2004}
+, number = 2
+, volume = 46
+, year = 2004
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+, author = EvenS
+, title = {{Algorithmic Combinatorics}}
+, publisher = pub-macmillan
+, year = 1973
+, author = EvenS
+, title = {{An algorithm for determining whether the connectivity of a graph is at least $k$}}
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+, month = sep
+, number = 3
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+, title = {{On combinatorial properties of matrices}}
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+, title = {{Edge-Disjoint Branchings}}
+, booktitle = {{Courant Computer Science Symposium~9: Combinatorial Algorithms (1972)}}
+, pages = {91--96}
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+, year = 1973
+, author = EulerL
+, title = {{Elementa doctrinae solidorum}}
+, journal = j-ncasp
+, note = {repreinted in Opera Omnia Series I vol 26 p. 71-93}
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+, title = {{Finding the $k$ shortest paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'94)}}
+, pages = {154--165}
+, year = 1994
+, author = EppsteinD
+, title = {{Fast Hierarchical Clustering and Other Applications of Dynamic Closest Pairs}}
+, doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351827.351829"
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, pages = {1-23}
+, volume = 5
+, year = 2000
+, author = EvenS
+, title = {{Graph Algorithms}}
+, address = "Rockville, Maryland"
+, publisher = pub-csp
+, series = "Computer Software En"
+, year = 1979
+, author = EverettMG
+, title = {{Graph theoretic blockings $k$-plexes and $k$-cutpoints}}
+, journal = j-jms
+, pages = {75--84}
+, volume = 9
+, year = 1982
+, author = EadesP
+, title = {{A Heuristic for Graph Drawing}}
+, journal = j-congr-num
+, pages = {149--160}
+, volume = 42
+, year = 1984
+, author = EsfahanianAH
+, title = {{Lower-Bounds on the Connectivities of a Graph}}
+, journal = j-jgt
+, number = 4
+, pages = {503--511}
+, volume = 9
+, year = 1985
+, author = EppsteinD
+, title = {{Nineteen Proofs of Euler's Formula: $V-E+F=2$ }}
+, booktitle = {{The Geometry Junkyard}}
+, url = "http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/euler/"
+, year = 2005
+, author = EbertJ
+, title = {{$st$-Ordering the Vertices of Biconnected Graphs}}
+, journal = j-comput
+, pages = {19--33}
+, volume = 30
+, year = 1983
+, author = EisenstatD
+, title = {{Random Road Networks: The Quadtree Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO '11)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {76--84}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2011
+, author = ErtlG
+, title = {{Shortest path calculation in large road networks}}
+, journal = j-ors
+, number = 1
+, pages = {15--20}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01545524"
+, volume = 20
+, year = 1998
+, author = ElmaghrabySE
+, title = {{Sensivity Analysis of Multiterminal Flow Networks}}
+, journal = j-or
+, number = 5
+, pages = {680--688}
+, volume = 12
+, year = 1964
+, author = ErwigM
+, title = {{The Graph Voronoi Diagram with Applications}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, pages = {156--163}
+, volume = 36
+, year = 2000
+, editor = eVB
+, title = {{Zukunft digitale Wirtschaft}}
+, pdf = "http://www.bitkom.org/files/documents/Zukunft_digitale_Wirtschaft_BITKOM-Roland_Berger_Studie.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-r
+, year = 2007
+, editor = eVMK #and# AGDT #and# GmbHTI #and# GmbHEC
+, title = {{Zukunft \& Zukunftsf{\"a}higkeit der deutschen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie. Abschlussbericht der ersten Projektphase}}
+, month = dec
+, pdf = "http://www.bmwi.de/BMWi/Redaktion/PDF/Publikationen/Technologie-und-Innovation/studie-zukunftsfaehig"
+, year = 2008
+, author = EverettMG #and# BorgattiSP
+, title = {{Analyzing clique overlap}}
+, journal = j-c
+, number = 1
+, pages = {49--61}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1998
+, author = EverettMG #and# BorgattiSP
+, editor = CarringtonPJ #and# ScottJ #and# WassermanS
+, title = {{Extending Centrality}}
+, booktitle = {{Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis}}
+, note = {To appear}
+, publisher = pub-cup
+, year = 2005
+, author = EverettMG #and# BorgattiSP
+, title = {{Peripheries of cohesive subsets}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, number = 4
+, pages = {397--407}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1999
+, author = EverettMG #and# BorgattiSP
+, title = {{Role Colouring a Graph}}
+, journal = j-mss
+, pages = {183--188}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1991
+, author = EverettMG #and# BorgattiSP
+, title = {{Regular Equivalence: General Theory}}
+, journal = j-jms
+, number = 1
+, pages = {29--52}
+, volume = 18
+, year = 1994
+, author = EmanuelD #and# FiatA
+, title = {{Correlation Clustering -- Minimizing Disagreements on Arbitrary Weighted Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'03)}}
+, doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1007/b13632"
+, pages = {208--220}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/7a59247c5j6x06lf/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/7a59247c5j6x06lf/"
+, volume = 2832
+, year = 2003
+, author = EadesP #and# FengQ
+, title = {{Multilevel Visualization of Clustered Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'96)}}
+, location = "Berkeley, California, USA"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {101--112}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1090
+, year = 1997
+, author = EisnerJ #and# FunkeS
+, title = {{Sequenced Route Queries: Getting Things done on the way back Home}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'12)}}
+, pages = {502--505}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2012
+, author = EisnerJ #and# FunkeS
+, title = {{Transit Nodes -- Lower Bounds and Refined Construction}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'12)}}
+, pages = {141--149}
+, pdf = "http://siam.omnibooksonline.com/2012ALENEX/data/papers/025.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2012
+, author = EisnerJ #and# FunkeS #and# HerbstA #and# SpillnerA #and# StorandtS
+, title = {{Algorithms for Matching and Predicting Trajectories}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'11)}}
+, pages = {84--95}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2011
+, author = EiglspergerM #and# FeketeSP #and# KlauGW
+, title = {{Orthogonal Graph Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models}}
+, isbn = "3-540-42062-2"
+, pages = {121--171}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/kbnwla90v8vk7rnk/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/kbnwla90v8vk7rnk/"
+, volume = 2025
+, year = 2001
+, author = EliasP #and# FeinsteinA #and# ShannonCE
+, title = {{A Note on the Maximum Flow Through a Network}}
+, journal = j-ire-trans-it
+, month = dec
+, number = 4
+, pages = {117--119}
+, volume = 2
+, year = 1956
+, author = EisnerJ #and# FunkeS #and# StorandtS
+, title = {{Optimal Route Planning for Electric Vehicles in Large Network}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}}
+, month = aug
+, pdf = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI11/paper/download/3637/4005"
+, publisher = pub-aaaip
+, url = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI11/paper/view/3637"
+, year = 2011
+, author = ErdoesP #and# GallaiT
+, title = {{Graphs with Prescribed Degrees of Vertices (in hungarian)}}
+, journal = "Matematikai Lap"
+, pages = {264--274}
+, volume = 11
+, year = 1960
+, editor = EhrgottM #and# GandibleuxX
+, title = {{Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys}}
+, booktitle = {{Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys}}
+, publisher = pub-kapg
+, year = 2002
+, author = EichelbergerH #and# GudenbergJW
+, title = {{On the Visualization of Java Programs}}
+, booktitle = {{Software Visualization}}
+, pages = {295--306}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2269
+, year = 2002
+, author = EppsteinD #and# GoodrichMT
+, title = {{Studying (non-planar) road networks through an algorithmic lens}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems (GIS '08)}}
+, pages = {1--10}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2008
+, author = ErdoesP #and# GoodmanA #and# PosaL
+, title = {{The Representation of a Graph by Set Intersections}}
+, journal = j-cjm
+, number = 1
+, pages = {106--112}
+, volume = 18
+, year = 1966
+, author = EsfahanianAH #and# HakimiSL
+, title = {{On Computing the Connectivities of Graphs and Digraphs}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, number = 2
+, pages = {355--366}
+, volume = 14
+, year = 1984
+, author = EngebretsenL #and# HolmerinJ
+, title = {{Towards optimal lower bounds for clique and chromatic number}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, number = {1-3}
+, pages = {537--584}
+, volume = 299
+, year = 2003
+, author = DamERv #and# HaemersW
+, title = {{Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?}}
+, journal = j-laa
+, pages = {241--272}
+, volume = 373
+, year = 2003
+, author = ErlebachT #and# HallA #and# HoffmannM #and# MihalakM
+, title = {{Network Discovery and Verification with Distance Queries}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC'06)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {69--80}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/87g03q2325w04g32/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/87g03q2325w04g32/"
+, volume = 3998
+, year = 2006
+, author = EppsteinD #and# HoltenD #and# LofflerM #and# NollenburgM #and# SpeckmannB #and# VerbeekK
+, title = {{Strict Confluent Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2014
+, author = EadesP #and# KellyD
+, title = {{Heuristics for Reducing Crossings in 2-Layered Networks}}
+, journal = j-arsc
+, number = {A}
+, pages = {89--98}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1986
+, author = ErtenC #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{Simultaneous Embedding of Planar Graphs with Few Bends}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {195--205}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = ErtenC #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{Simultaneous Embedding of a Planar Graph and Its Dual on the Grid}}
+, journal = j-tocs
+, month = may
+, number = 3
+, pages = {313--327}
+, volume = 38
+, year = 2005
+, author = EdmondsJ #and# KarpRM
+, title = {{Theoretical Improvements in Algorithmic Efficiency for Network Flow Problems}}
+, journal = j-acm
+, month = apr
+, number = 2
+, pages = {248--264}
+, volume = 19
+, year = 1972
+, author = EffingerP #and# KaufmannM #and# MeinertS #and# StegmaierM
+, title = {{GraphArchive - An Online Graph Data Store }}
+, institution = "Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut, Eberhard-Karls-Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen"
+, number = 3
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/ekms-gaaog-11.pdf"
+, url = "http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:21-opus-57549"
+, year = 2011
+, author = EubankS #and# KumarVSA #and# MaratheMV #and# SrinivasanA #and# WangN
+, title = {{Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Massive Social Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'04)}}
+, pages = {718-727}
+, year = 2004
+, author = EnsorA #and# LilloF
+, title = {{Partial order approach to compute shortest paths in multimodal networks}}
+, institution = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.3366v1"
+, year = 2011
+, author = EppsteinD #and# LofflerM #and# MumfordE #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Optimal 3D Angular Resolution for Low-Degree Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, note = {Full version available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.0045}.}
+, pages = {208--219}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/elmn-odarl-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18469-7_19"
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = EppsteinD #and# LofflerM #and# MumfordE #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Optimal 3D Angular Resolution for Low-Degree Graphs}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 3
+, pages = {173--200}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/elmn-odarl-13.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00290"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2013
+, author = LaiW #and# EadesP #and# MisueK #and# SugiyamaK
+, title = {{Preserving the Mental Map of a Diagram}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of Compugraphics '91}}
+, pages = {24--33}
+, year = 1991
+, author = EadesP #and# LinX #and# SmythWF
+, title = {{A Fast and Effective Heuristic for the Feedback Arc Set Problem}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, number = 6
+, pages = {319--323}
+, pdf = "http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~bill/fas.ps"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(93)90079-O"
+, volume = 47
+, year = 1993
+, author = ElsaesserR #and# MonienB
+, title = {{Load Balancing of Unit Size Tokens and Expansion Properties of Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th Annual {ACM} Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'03)}}
+, pages = {266--273}
+, year = 2003
+, author = EFClementiA #and# MacciC #and# MontiA #and# PasqualeF #and# SilvestriR
+, title = {{Flooding time in edge-Markovian dynamic graphs}}
+, journal = j-sidma
+, number = 4
+, pages = {1694--1712}
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+, volume = 24
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+, title = {{An {$\mathcal{O}(n+ m)$} Certifying Triconnnectivity Algorithm for Hamiltonian Graphs}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, pages = {754--766}
+, volume = 62
+, year = 2012
+, author = EvenG #and# NaorJ #and# RaoF #and# SchieberB
+, title = {{Fast Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'97)}}
+, pages = {639--648}
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+, title = {{A patent-based cartography of technology }}
+, journal = j-rp
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
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+, volume = 23
+, year = 1994
+, author = ErdoesP #and# RichmondLB
+, title = {{On Graphical Partitions}}
+, journal = j-comb
+, month = mar
+, number = 1
+, pages = {57--63}
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+, volume = 13
+, year = 1993
+, author = EngelsmanEC #and# RaanAF
+, title = {{International comparison of technological activities and specializations: a patent-based monitoring system}}
+, journal = j-tasm
+, number = 2
+, pages = {113--136 }
+, url = "http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a779923576"
+, volume = 5
+, year = 1993
+, author = ErdoesP #and# RenyiA
+, title = {{On Random Graphs~I}}
+, journal = j-pmd
+, pages = {290--297}
+, volume = 6
+, year = 1959
+, author = EvenG #and# RawitzD #and# ShaharS
+, title = {{Hitting sets when the VC-dimension is small}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, number = 2
+, pages = {358--362}
+, volume = 95
+, year = 2005
+, author = EadesP #and# SugiyamaK
+, title = {{How to Draw a Directed Graph}}
+, journal = j-jip
+, number = 4
+, pages = {424--437}
+, volume = 13
+, year = 1990
+, author = EverettMG #and# SinclairP #and# DankelmannP
+, title = {{Some Centrality Results New and Old}}
+, note = {Submitted}
+, year = 2004
+, author = EiglspergerM #and# SiebenhallerM #and# KaufmannM
+, title = {{A Topology-Shape-Metrics Approach for the Automatic Layout of UML Class Diagram}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings ACM 2003 Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS'03)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {189--198}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2003
+, author = EswaranKP #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{Augmentation Problems}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, month = dec
+, number = 4
+, volume = 5
+, year = 1976
+, author = EvenS #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{Corrigendum: Computing an $st$-Numbering}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, number = 1
+, pages = 123
+, volume = 4
+, year = 1977
+, author = EvenS #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{Computing an $st$-Numbering}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, month = sep
+, number = 3
+, pages = {339--344}
+, volume = 2
+, year = 1976
+, author = EvenS #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{Network Flow and Testing Graph Connectivity}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, month = dec
+, number = 4
+, pages = {507--518}
+, volume = 4
+, year = 1975
+, author = EfentakisA #and# TheodorakisD #and# PfoserD
+, title = {{Crowdsourcing Computing Resources for Shortest-Path Computation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'12)}}
+, pages = {434--437}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2012
+, author = ErlebachT #and# VukadinovicD #and# HuangP
+, title = {{A Spectral Analysis of the Internet Topology}}
+, institution = "Eidgen{\"o}ssische Technische Hochschule Z{\"u}rich (ETH)"
+, pdf = "http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:24444/eth-24444-01.pdf"
+, url = "http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/view/eth:24444"
+, author = EadesP #and# WormaldN
+, title = {{Edge Crossings in Drawings of Bipartite Graphs}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, month = apr
+, number = 4
+, volume = 11
+, year = 1994
+, author = EppsteinD #and# WangJ
+, title = {{Fast Approximation of Centrality}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'01)}}
+, year = 2001
+, author = EadesP #and# WormaldN
+, title = {{Fixed Edge-Length Graph Drawing is NP-hard}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, number = 2
+, pages = {111--134}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0166-218X(90)90110-X"
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+, title = {{Hierarchic Document Classification using Ward's Clustering Method}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval}}
+, pages = {149--156}
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+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/253168.253200"
+, year = 1986
+, author = EadesP #and# XueminL
+, title = {{How to Draw a Directed Graph}}
+, booktitle = {{IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages}}
+, pages = {13--17}
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+, title = {{Ambivalent Data Structures for Dynamic $2$-Edge-connectivity and $k$ Smallest Spanning Trees}}
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+, author = FjallstromP
+, title = {{Algorithms for Graph Partitioning: A Survey}}
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+, year = 1998
+, author = FratiF
+, title = {{A Lower Bound on the Area Requirements of Series-Parallel Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'08)}}
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+, title = {{An Analysis of Recent Work on Clustering Algorithm}}
+, address = "Box 352350, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195"
+, institution = "Department of Computer Science \& Engineering"
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+, title = {{Analysis of Scheduling and Topology-Control Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks}}
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+, title = {{Building Chain and Cactus Representations of All Minimum Cuts from Hao-Orlin in the Same Asymptotic Run Time}}
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+, month = oct
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+, title = {{Community detection in graphs}}
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+, number = {3--5}
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+, year = 2010
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+, title = {{Convex Drawings of Planar Graphs and the Order Dimension of 3-Polytopes}}
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+, number = 1
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+, pages = {215--239}
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+, title = {{Finite Matrices}}
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+, title = {{Geodesic Embeddings and Planar Graphs}}
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+, title = {{Geometric Graphs and Arrangements}}
+, booktitle = {{Geometric Graphs and Arrangements}}
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+, title = {{The Graph Isomorphism Problem}}
+, institution = "University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada"
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+, title = {{An Implementation of an Efficient Algorithm for Bisimulation Equivalence}}
+, journal = "Science of Comp"
+, number = 1
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+, author = FelsnerS #and# TrotterWT
+, title = {{Posets and Planar Graphs}}
+, journal = j-jgt
+, month = aug
+, number = 4
+, pages = {273--284}
+, volume = 49
+, year = 2005
+, author = FlakeGW #and# TarjanRE #and# TsioutsiouliklisK
+, title = {{Graph Clustering and Minimum Cut Trees}}
+, journal = j-im
+, number = 4
+, pages = {385--408}
+, pdf = "http://www.internetmathematics.org/volumes/1/4/Flake.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.internetmathematics.org/volumes/1.htm"
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2004
+, author = FuchsF #and# VolkerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Simulation-based Analysis of Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms}}
+, pages = {188--202}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/fvw-satca-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, url = "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-34862-4_14"
+, year = 2012
+, author = FienbergSE #and# WassermanS
+, editor = LeinhardtS
+, title = {{Categorical Data Analysis of a Single Sociometric Relation}}
+, booktitle = {{Sociological Methodology}}
+, pages = {156--192}
+, publisher = pub-jb
+, year = 1981
+, author = FienbergSE #and# WassermanS
+, title = {{Comment on an Exponential Family of Probability Distributions}}
+, journal = j-jasa
+, month = mar
+, number = 373
+, pages = {54--57}
+, volume = 76
+, year = 1981
+, author = FelsnerS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On the complexity of partial order properties}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'92)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {225--235}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 657
+, year = 1993
+, author = FuchsF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{On Local Broadcasting Schedules and CONGEST Algorithms in the SINR Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics (ALGOSENSORS'13)}}
+, note = {to appear}
+, year = 2013
+, author = FredmanML #and# WillardDE
+, title = {{Trans-dichotomous algorithms for minimum spanning trees and shortest paths}}
+, journal = j-css
+, number = 3
+, pages = {533--551}
+, volume = 48
+, year = 1994
+, author = FotiF #and# WaddellP #and# LuxenD
+, title = {{A Generalized Computational Framework for\r
+Accessibility: From the Pedestrian to the\r
+Metropolitan Scale}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th TRB Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling}}
+, publisher = pub-trb
+, url = "http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/conferences/2012/4thITM/Papers-A/0117-000062.pdf"
+, year = 2012
+, author = FormannM #and# WagnerD #and# WagnerF
+, title = {{Routing through a Dense Channel with Minimum Total Wire Length}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2nd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'91)}}
+, pages = {475--482}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 1991
+, author = FormannM #and# WagnerD #and# WagnerF
+, title = {{Routing through a Dense Channel with Minimum Total Wire Length}}
+, journal = j-jalg
+, number = 2
+, pages = {267--283}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jagm.1993.1041"
+, volume = 15
+, year = 1993
+, author = FisherRA #and# YatesF
+, title = {{Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research}}
+, booktitle = {{Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research}}
+, publisher = pub-obl
+, url = "http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/14222135"
+, year = 1948
+, author = FelsnerS #and# ZickfeldF
+, title = {{Schnyder Woods and Orthogonal Surfaces}}
+, journal = dcg
+, month = aug
+, number = 1
+, pages = {103--126}
+, volume = 40
+, year = 2008
+, author = FengQ #and# ZhengX #and# YanC
+, title = {{Study and Practice of an Improving Multi-path Search Algorithm in a City Public Transportation Network}}
+, booktitle = {{Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering}}
+, pages = {87--96}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-lnee
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19712-3_11"
+, volume = 87
+, year = 2011
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+, author = GaertlerM
+, title = {{Algorithmic Aspects of Clustering -- Theory, Experimental Evaluation, and Applications in Network Analysis and Visualization}}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3097"
+, school = inf_ka
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000006953"
+, year = 2007
+, author = GoerkeR
+, title = {{An Algorithmic Walk from Static to Dynamic Graph Clustering}}
+, institution = "KIT"
+, month = feb
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/1344831"
+, school = "Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000018288"
+, year = 2010
+, author = GemsaA
+, title = {{Arc-Flag Compression}}
+, note = {Student Reseach Project}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/g-afc-08.pdf"
+, school = inf_ka
+, year = 2008
+, author = GalilZ
+, title = {{An {$\mathcal{O}(V^{5/3}E^{2/3})$} Algorithm for the Maximal Flow Problem}}
+, journal = j-acta-inf
+, pages = {221--242}
+, volume = 14
+, year = 1980
+, author = GoldbergAV
+, title = {{A Practical Shortest Path Algorithm with Linear Expected Time}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, pages = {1637--1655}
+, volume = 37
+, year = 2008
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Advanced Route Planning in Transportation Networks}}
+, month = feb
+, pdf = "http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/download/diss_geisberger.pdf"
+, school = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, year = 2011
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Better Approximation of Betweenness Centrality}}
+, note = {Student research project.}
+, school = inf_ka
+, year = 2008
+, author = GrahamRL
+, title = {{Bounds for Certain Multiprocessor Anomalics}}
+, journal = j-bstj
+, pages = {1563--1581}
+, volume = 45
+, year = 1966
+, author = GrahamRL
+, title = {{Bounds on Multiprocessing Timing Anomalies}}
+, journal = j-sijam
+, number = 2
+, pages = {416--429}
+, volume = 17
+, year = 1969
+, author = GaertlerM
+, title = {{Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {178--215}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/19b5r48lqx3nx7gc/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/19b5r48lqx3nx7gc"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = GusfieldD
+, title = {{Connectivity and Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, number = 2
+, pages = {87--89}
+, volume = 16
+, year = 1983
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Contraction Hierarchies}}
+, note = {\url{http://algo2.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/documents/routeplanning/geisberger_dipl.pdf}}
+, school = inf_ka
+, year = 2008
+, author = GonzalezTF
+, title = {{Clustering to Minimize the Maximum Intercluster Distance}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, pages = {293--306}
+, volume = 38
+, year = 1985
+, author = GaertlerM
+, title = {{Clustering with Spectral Methods}}
+, month = mar
+, school = "Fachbereich Informatik und Informationswissenschaft, Universit{\"a}t Konstanz"
+, type = {Diplomarbeit}
+, year = 2002
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Contraction of Timetable Networks with Realistic Transfers}}
+, institution = "ITI Sanders, Faculty of Informatics, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)"
+, year = 2009
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Contraction of Timetable Networks with Realistic Transfers}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {71--82}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = GoerkeR
+, title = {{Ein Schneller Konstruktionsalgorithmus f{\"u}r eine Quickest-Path-Map bez{\"u}glich der City-Metrik}}
+, institution = "Deptartment of Mathematics"
+, month = oct
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/g-skqpmbcm-04.pdf"
+, school = uni_ka
+, year = 2004
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Engineering Time-dependent One-To-All Computation}}
+, institution = "ITI Sanders, Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, year = 2010
+, author = GoldbergAV
+, title = {{Finding a maximum density subgraph}}
+, institution = "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Ber"
+, number = {UCB/CSB/ 8}
+, year = 1984
+, author = GraetzerG
+, title = {{General Lattice Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-birk
+, year = 1998
+, author = GeisbergerR
+, title = {{Heuristic Contraction Hierarchies with Approximation Guarantee}}
+, institution = "ITI Sanders, Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, year = 2010
+, author = GiniC
+, title = {{Measurement of Inequality of Incomes}}
+, journal = j-tej
+, month = mar
+, number = 121
+, pages = {124--126}
+, url = "http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2223319"
+, volume = 31
+, year = 1921
+, author = GoldbergAV
+, title = {{A New Max-Flow Algorithm}}
+, institution = "MIT Laboratory for Computer Science"
+, month = nov
+, number = {MIT/LCS/TM}
+, type = {Technical Memo}
+, year = 1985
+, author = GoldsmithDL
+, title = {{On the $N$-th Order Edge-Connectivity of a Graph}}
+, journal = j-congr-num
+, month = dec
+, pages = {375--381}
+, volume = 32
+, year = 1981
+, author = GattoM
+, title = {{On the impact of uncertainty on some optimization problems }}
+, school = "ETH Z{\"u}rich"
+, year = 2007
+, author = GabowHN
+, title = {{Path-based depth-first search for strong and biconnected components}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, number = {3-4}
+, pages = {107--114}
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2000
+, author = GutmanRJ
+, title = {{Reach-Based Routing: A New Approach to Shortest Path Algorithms Optimized for Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'04)}}
+, pages = {100--111}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/g-rbran-04.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2004
+, author = GilbertEN
+, title = {{Random Graphs}}
+, journal = j-ams
+, number = 4
+, pages = {1141--1144}
+, volume = 30
+, year = 1959
+, author = GuttmanA
+, title = {{R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1984 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data}}
+, pages = {47--57}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 1984
+, author = GabowHN
+, title = {{Scaling Algorithms for Network Problems}}
+, journal = j-css
+, month = sep
+, number = 2
+, pages = {148--168}
+, volume = 31
+, year = 1985
+, author = GoldbergAV
+, title = {{Scaling Algorithms for the Shortest Paths Problem}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 3
+, pages = {494--504}
+, volume = 24
+, year = 1995
+, author = GoldsmithDL
+, title = {{On the Second Order Edge Connectivity of a Graph}}
+, journal = j-congr-num
+, month = dec
+, pages = {479--484}
+, volume = 29
+, year = 1980
+, author = GemsaA
+, title = {{Schematized Visualization of Shortest Paths in Road Networks}}
+, month = nov
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/g-svspr-09.pdf"
+, school = inf_ka
+, year = 2009
+, author = GemsaA
+, title = {{Schematized Visualizations of Shortest Paths in Road Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Informatiktage 2010}}
+, month = mar
+, pages = {19--22}
+, series = ser-gielnilni
+, volume = {S-9}
+, year = 2010
+, author = GodsilC
+, title = {{Tools from Linear Algebra}}
+, institution = "University of Waterloo"
+, type = {Research Report}
+, url = "http://quoll.uwaterloo.ca/pstuff/tools.ps"
+, year = 1989
+, author = GusfieldD
+, title = {{Very simple methods for all pairs network flow analysis}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 1
+, pages = {143--155}
+, volume = 19
+, year = 1990
+, author = GlaserD
+, title = {{Zeitexpandiertes Graphenclustern - Modellierung und Experimente}}
+, institution = uni_ka
+, month = feb
+, note = {Diplomarbeit}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/g-zgme-08.pdf"
+, school = "Department of Informatics"
+, url = "http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/teaching/theses/finished"
+, year = 2008
+, author = GuimeraR #and# AmaralLAN
+, title = {{Functional Cartography of Complex Metabolic Networks}}
+, journal = j-nature
+, month = feb
+, pages = {895--900}
+, pdf = "http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v433/n7028/pdf/nature03288.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v433/n7028/full/nature03288.html"
+, volume = 433
+, year = 2005
+, author = GelmanA #and# CarlinJB #and# SternHS #and# RubinDB
+, title = {{Bayesian Data Analysis}}
+, edition = second
+, month = jun
+, publisher = pub-ch
+, series = ser-ch_tiss
+, year = 1995
+, author = GogateV #and# DechterR
+, title = {{A complete anytime algorithm for treewidth}}
+, booktitle = {{UAI'04 Proceedings of the 20th conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence}}
+, pages = {201--208}
+, publisher = pub-auaip
+, year = 2004
+, author = GleiserP #and# DanonL
+, title = {{Community Structure in Jazz}}
+, journal = j-acs
+, number = 4
+, pages = {565--573}
+, volume = 6
+, year = 2003
+, author = GuimeraR #and# DanonL #and# DiazGuileraA #and# GiraltF #and# ArenasA
+, title = {{Self-similar community structure in a network of human interactions}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, month = dec
+, number = 6
+, volume = 68
+, year = 2003
+, author = GoelA #and# EstrinD
+, title = {{Simultaneous Optimization for Concave Costs: Single Sink Aggregation or Single Source Buy-at-Bulk}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'03)}}
+, pages = {499--505}
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=644191"
+, year = 2003
+, author = GilmorePC #and# GomoryRE
+, title = {{A Linear Programming Approach to the Cutting Stock Problem}}
+, journal = j-or
+, month = nov
+, number = 6
+, pages = {849--859}
+, volume = 9
+, year = 1961
+, author = GilmorePC #and# GomoryRE
+, title = {{A Linear Programming Approach to the Cutting Stock Problem-Part II}}
+, journal = j-or
+, month = nov
+, number = 6
+, pages = {863--888}
+, volume = 11
+, year = 1963
+, author = GiotisI #and# GuruswamiV
+, title = {{Correlation Clustering with a Fixed Number of Clusters}}
+, address = "New York, NY, USA"
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'06)}}
+, doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1109557.1109686"
+, isbn = "0-89871-605-5"
+, pages = {1167--1176}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1109686&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=8627208&CFTOKEN=18"
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1109557.1109686"
+, year = 2006
+, author = GoerkeR #and# GaertlerM #and# HubnerF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Computational Aspects of Lucidity-Driven Graph Clustering}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 2
+, pages = {165--197}
+, pdf = "http://www.cs.brown.edu/sites/jgaa/accepted/2010/GoerkeGaertlerHuebnerWagner2010.14.2.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.cs.brown.edu/sites/jgaa/volume14.html"
+, volume = 14
+, year = 2010
+, author = GajerP #and# GoodrichMT #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{A Multi-dimensional Approach to Force-Directed Layouts of Large Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {211--221}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/6bnvbh219mcxe821/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/6bnvbh219mcxe821/"
+, volume = 1984
+, year = 2001
+, editor = GrahamRL #and# GrotschelM #and# LovaszL
+, title = {{Handbook of Combinatorics (Vol. 2)}}
+, booktitle = {{Handbook of Combinatorics (Vol. 2)}}
+, publisher = pub-mitpr
+, year = 1995
+, author = GattoM #and# GlausB #and# PeetersL #and# JacobR #and# WidmayerP
+, title = {{Railway Delay Management: Exploring Its Algorithmic Complexity }}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'04)}}
+, pages = {199--211}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3111
+, year = 2004
+, author = GortlerSJ #and# GotsmanC #and# ThurstonD
+, title = {{Discrete one-forms on meshes and applications to 3D mesh parameterization}}
+, journal = j-cagd
+, number = 2
+, pages = {83--112}
+, volume = 23
+, year = 2005
+, author = GalloG #and# GrigoriadisMD #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{A fast parametric maximum flow algorithm and applications}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 1
+, pages = {30--55}
+, volume = 18
+, year = 1989
+, author = GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Fingerprints - Means For Visual Analytics}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, note = {as poster, see \url{http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/algobib/files/ggw-fmfva-08.pdf}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/gd07-poster.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/gd07-posterAbstract.pdf"
+, volume = 4875
+, year = 2008
+, author = GoerkeR #and# GaertlerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{LunarVis - Analytic Visualizations of Large Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'07)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {352--364}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/aq444257835541w5/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/aq444257835541w5/"
+, volume = 4875
+, year = 2008
+, author = GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Significance-Driven Graph Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM'07)}}
+, location = "Portland, USA"
+, month = jun
+, pages = {11--26}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/ggw-sdgc-07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/nrq6tlm286808887/?p=65f77ccbb2674a16b9a67da6bb370dc7&pi=5"
+, year = 2007
+, author = GaertlerM #and# GoerkeR #and# WagnerD #and# WagnerS
+, title = {{How to Cluster Evolving Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the European Conference of Complex Systems (ECCS'06)}}
+, month = sep
+, note = {online available at \url{http://complexsystems.lri.fr/FinalReview/FILES/PDF/p103.pdf}}
+, pdf = "http://complexsystems.lri.fr/FinalReview/FILES/PDF/p103.pdf"
+, url = "http://cssociety.org/tiki-index.php?page=ECCS'06+Programme"
+, year = 2006
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# HarrelsonC
+, title = {{Computing the Shortest Path: A* Search Meets Graph Theory}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-200}
+, year = 2004
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# HarrelsonC
+, title = {{Computing the Shortest Path: A* Search Meets Graph Theory}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 16th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'05)}}
+, pages = {156--165}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gh-cspas-05.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2005
+, author = GomoryRE #and# HuTC
+, title = {{Multi-terminal network flows}}
+, journal = j-siam
+, month = dec
+, number = 4
+, pages = {551--570}
+, volume = 9
+, year = 1961
+, author = GomoryRE #and# HuTC
+, title = {{Synthesis of a communication network}}
+, journal = j-siam
+, number = 2
+, pages = {348--369}
+, volume = 12
+, year = 1964
+, author = GyugyiL #and# HingoraniNG
+, title = {{Understanding FACTS. Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission\r
+, booktitle = {{Understanding FACTS. Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission\r
+, publisher = pub-wieeep
+, year = 2000
+, author = GansnerER #and# HuY #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{On Touching Triangle Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, pages = {250--261}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = GansnerER #and# HuY #and# KaufmannM #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{Optimal Polygonal Representation of Planar Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'10)}}
+, pages = {417--432}
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2010
+, author = GeyerM #and# HillerB #and# MeinertS
+, title = {{Modeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithm Engineering: Bridging the Gap between Algorithm Theory and Practice}}
+, pages = {16--57}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14866-8_2"
+, volume = 5971
+, year = 2010
+, author = GemsaA #and# HaunertJ #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Boundary-Labeling Algorithms for Panorama Images}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems}}
+, pages = {289--298}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/ghn-blapi-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?6536306"
+, year = 2011
+, author = GoerkeR #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Using Minimum-Cut Trees}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, number = 2
+, pages = {411--446}
+, volume = 16
+, year = 2012
+, author = GoerkeR #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Using Minimum-Cut Trees}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, note = {Informatik, Uni Karlsruhe, TR 2009-10}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/ghw-dgcum-09.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000011476"
+, year = 2009
+, author = GoerkeR #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Using Minimum-Cut Trees}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2011-12}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/ghw-dgcum-11.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000022477 "
+, year = 2011
+, author = GoerkeR #and# HartmannT #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Using Minimum-Cut Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 11th International Symposium (WADS'09)}}
+, month = aug
+, pages = {339--350}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/71l74772v0723j04/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03367-4_30"
+, volume = 5664
+, year = 2009
+, author = GrandoniF #and# ItalianoGF
+, title = {{Decremental Clique Problem}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'04)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2004
+, author = GalilZ #and# ItalianoGF
+, title = {{Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Edge Connectivity Problems}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 23rd Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'91)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {317--327}
+, year = 1991
+, author = GareyMR #and# JohnsonDS
+, title = {{Computers and Intractability. A Guide to the Theory of {$\mathcal{NP}$}-Completeness}}
+, publisher = pub-freeman
+, year = 1979
+, author = GareyMR #and# JohnsonDS
+, title = {{Crossing Number is NP-Complete}}
+, journal = j-siamjadm
+, pages = {312--316}
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+, volume = 4
+, year = 1983
+, author = GutwengerC #and# JuengerM #and# KleinK #and# KupkeJ #and# LeipertS #and# MutzelP
+, title = {{A New Approach for Visualizing UML Class Diagrams}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings ACM 2003 Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS'03)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {179--188}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2003
+, author = GattoM #and# JacobR #and# PeetersL #and# SchoebelA
+, title = {{The computational complexity of delay management}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 31th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'05)}}
+, pages = {227--238}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3787
+, year = 2005
+, author = GattoM #and# JacobR #and# PeetersL #and# WidmayerP
+, title = {{On-line delay management on a single train line}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 4359
+, year = 2007
+, author = GareyMR #and# JohnsonDS #and# StockmeyerLJ
+, title = {{Some Simplified {$\mathcal{NP}$}-Complete Graph Problems}}
+, journal = j-tcs
+, pages = {237--267}
+, volume = 1
+, year = 1976
+, author = GaoJun #and# JinR #and# ZhouJ #and# YuJX #and# JiangX #and# WangT
+, title = {{Relational Approach for Shortest Path Discovery over Large Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2012)}}
+, pages = {358--369}
+, pdf = "http://vldb.org/pvldb/vol5/p358_jungao_vldb2012.pdf"
+, year = 2012
+, author = GotsmanC #and# KorenI
+, title = {{Distributed Graph Layout for Sensor Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {273--284}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/ynnhqatf9jnj551v/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/ynnhqatf9jnj551v"
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = GargN #and# KoenemannJ
+, title = {{Faster and Simpler Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow and other Fractional Packing Problems}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'98)}}
+, pages = {300--309}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, year = 1998
+, author = GajerP #and# KobourovSG
+, title = {{GRIP: Graph Drawing with Intelligent Placement}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, month = jun
+, number = 3
+, pages = {203--224}
+, pdf = "http://www.cs.brown.edu/sites/jgaa/accepted/2002/GajerKobourov2002.6.3.pdf"
+, url = "http://www.cs.brown.edu/sites/jgaa/volume06.html"
+, volume = 6
+, year = 2002
+, author = GansnerER #and# KorenY
+, title = {{Improved Circular Layouts}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'06)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {386--398}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://gdea.informatik.uni-koeln.de/archive/00000794/"
+, volume = 4372
+, year = 2007
+, author = GiridharA #and# KumarPR
+, title = {{Maximizing the functional lifetime of sensor networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Fourth International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2005)}}
+, pages = {5--12}
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+, publisher = pub-ics
+, url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1440885"
+, year = 2005
+, author = GohK #and# KahngB #and# KimD
+, title = {{Spectra and Eigenvectors of Scale-Free Networks}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, month = oct
+, number = 5
+, pages = 051903
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.64.051903"
+, volume = 64
+, year = 2001
+, author = GoerigkM #and# KnothM #and# MuellerHannemannM #and# SchmidtM #and# SchoebelA
+, title = {{The Price of Robustness in Timetable Information}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'11)}}
+, pages = {76--87}
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, volume = 20
+, year = 2011
+, author = GansnerER #and# KorenY #and# NorthSC
+, title = {{Graph Drawing by Stress Majorization}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'04)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {239--250}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/jrn52j7cx8grcy6v/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/jrn52j7cx8grcy6v/"
+, volume = 3383
+, year = 2005
+, author = GeisbergerR #and# KobitzschM #and# SandersP
+, title = {{Route Planning with Flexible Objective Functions}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'10)}}
+, pages = {124--137}
+, pdf = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/alenex/2010/alx10_012_geisbergerr.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2010
+, author = GoerkeR #and# KlugeR #and# SchummA #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{An Efficient Generator for Clustered Dynamic Random Networks}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2012,17}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/2286280"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000029825 "
+, year = 2012
+, author = GoerkeR #and# KlugeR #and# SchummA #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{An Efficient Generator for Clustered Dynamic Random Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms}}
+, pages = {219--233}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, year = 2012
+, author = GeraetsF #and# KroonLG #and# SchoebelA #and# WagnerD #and# ZaroliagisC
+, title = {{Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 4359
+, year = 2007
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# KaplanH #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Better Landmarks Within Reach}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'07)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {38--51}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 4525
+, year = 2007
+, author = GaertlerM #and# KatzB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Maximum Rigid Components as Means for Direction-Based Localization in Sensor Networks}}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, isbn = "1432-7864"
+, number = {2006-17}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/3252"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000005767"
+, year = 2006
+, author = GaertlerM #and# KatzB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Maximum Rigid Components as Means for Direction-Based Localization in Sensor Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'07)}}
+, isbn = "978-3-540-69506-6"
+, location = "Harrachov, Czech Republic"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {330--341}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/313001434674448r/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/313001434674448r/"
+, volume = 4362
+, year = 2007
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# KaplanH #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Reach for A*: Efficient Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithms}}
+, institution = "Microsoft Research"
+, number = {MSR-TR-200}
+, pdf = "http://www.avglab.com/andrew/pub/msr-tr-2005-132.pdf"
+, year = 2005
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# KaplanH #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Reach for A*: Efficient Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'06)}}
+, pages = {129--143}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2006
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# KaplanH #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Reach for A*: Shortest Path Algorithms with Preprocessing}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge -}}
+, month = nov
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gkw-raspa-06.pdf"
+, year = 2006
+, author = GoldbergAV #and# KaplanH #and# WerneckR
+, title = {{Reach for A*: Shortest Path Algorithms with Preprocessing}}
+, booktitle = {{The Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation Challenge}}
+, pages = {93--139}
+, publisher = pub-ams
+, series = ser-dimacsb
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2009
+, author = GolubGH #and# LoanCF
+, title = {{Matrix Computations}}
+, edition = third
+, isbn = "0-8018-5414-8"
+, publisher = pub-tjhup
+, year = 1996
+, author = GrossiR #and# LodiE
+, title = {{Simple Planar Graph Partition into Three Forests}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, pages = {121--132}
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+, author = GodsilC #and# LovaszL
+, title = {{Tools from Linear Algebra}}
+, booktitle = {{Handbook of Combinatorics (Vol. 2)}}
+, pages = {1705--1748}
+, pdf = "http://quoll.uwaterloo.ca/pstuff/tools.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-mitpr
+, year = 1995
+, author = GemsaA #and# LeeD #and# LiuC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Higher Order City Voronoi Diagrams}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 28th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'12)}}
+, pages = {245--248}
+, year = 2012
+, author = GemsaA #and# LeeD #and# LiuC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Higher Order City Voronoi Diagrams }}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT'12)}}
+, month = jul
+, pages = {59--70}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7357
+, year = 2012
+, author = GeisbergerR #and# LuxenD #and# NeubauerS #and# SandersP #and# VolkerL
+, title = {{Fast Detour Computation for Ride Sharing}}
+, institution = "ITI Sanders, Faculty of Informatics, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)"
+, year = 2009
+, author = GoncalvesD #and# LevequeB #and# PinlouA
+, title = {{Triangle Contact Representations and Duality}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = GrotschelM #and# LovaszL #and# SchrijverA
+, title = {{The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization}}
+, journal = j-comb
+, month = jun
+, number = 2
+, pages = {169--197}
+, volume = 1
+, year = 1981
+, author = GeisbergerR #and# LuxenD #and# SandersP #and# NeubauerS #and# VolkerL
+, title = {{Fast Detour Computation for Ride Sharing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'10)}}
+, pages = {88--99}
+, pdf = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2010/2752/pdf/8.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, volume = 14
+, year = 2010
+, author = GuY #and# LiuH #and# ZhaoB
+, title = {{Joint Scheduling and Routing for Lifetime Elongation in Surveillance Sensor Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Conference (APSCC)}}
+, pages = {304--311}
+, year = 2007
+, author = GrimmettG #and# McDiarmidCJH
+, title = {{On colouring random graphs}}
+, journal = j-mpcps
+, pages = {313--324}
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+, year = 1975
+, author = GutirrezE #and# MedagliaAL
+, title = {{Labeling Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem with Turn Prohibitions with Application to Large-Scale Road Networks}}
+, journal = j-aor
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
+, pages = {169--182}
+, volume = 157
+, year = 2008
+, author = GutwengerC #and# MutzelP
+, title = {{A Linear Time Implementation of {SPQR}-Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'00)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {70--90}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1984
+, year = 2001
+, author = GutwengerC #and# MutzelP
+, title = {{Planar Polyline Drawings with Good Angular Resolution}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'98)}}
+, location = "Montreal, Canada"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {167--182}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/8cm2ulm1qtc9/"
+, volume = 1547
+, year = 1999
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MeckeS #and# BohlF
+, title = {{Flow Commander, a Visualisation Tool for the Push Relabel Algorithm}}
+, note = {Graph Drawing Competition at GD'06, Honorable Mention}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/algo/people/rgoerke/publications/pdf/bgm-flowCommanderDescription-06.pdf"
+, url = "http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/adw/jawsGD/GTVisualizer3D.jnlp"
+, year = 2006
+, author = GunkelT #and# MuellerHannemannM #and# SchneeM
+, title = {{Improved Search for Night Train Connections}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'07)}}
+, pages = {243--258}
+, pdf = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1178/pdf/07001.GunkelThorsten.Paper.1178.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, url = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1178"
+, year = 2007
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MaillardP #and# SchummA #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Combining Modularity and Smoothness}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2011-11 (and invitational submission to a Special Issue of the ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics)}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/1644954"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000022451"
+, year = 2011
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MaillardP #and# SchummA #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Clustering Combining Modularity and Smoothness}}
+, journal = j-acm-ea
+, month = apr
+, number = 1
+, pages = {1.5:1.1--1.5:1.29}
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2444016.2444021"
+, volume = 18
+, year = 2013
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MaillardP #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Modularity-Driven Clustering of Dynamic Graphs}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, note = {Informatik, Uni Karlsruhe, TR 2010-5}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/1393801"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000016558"
+, year = 2010
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MaillardP #and# StaudtC #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Modularity-Driven Clustering of Dynamic Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {436--448}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/5gn1w87h48035tu1/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-13193-6_37"
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = GionisA #and# MannilaH #and# TsaparasP
+, title = {{Clustering Aggregation}}
+, journal = j-acmtkdd
+, month = mar
+, number = 1
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+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1217299.1217303"
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2007
+, author = GutwengerC #and# MutzelP #and# WeiskircherR
+, title = {{Inserting an Edge into a Planar Graph.}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'01)}}
+, pages = {246--255}
+, year = 2001
+, author = GoussevskaiaO #and# MoscibrodaT #and# WattenhoferR
+, title = {{Local Broadcasting in the Physical Interference Model}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2008 joint workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing}}
+, pages = {35--44}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, year = 2008
+, author = GoerkeR #and# MeckeS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Maximum Flows - Towards the Stadium During Rush Hour}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms Unplugged}}
+, note = {http://www-i1.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~algorithmus/}
+, pages = {333--344}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, url = "http://www.springer.com/mathematics/book/978-3-642-15327-3"
+, year = 2011
+, author = GoerkeR #and# Meyer-BaseA #and# WagnerD #and# HeHuan #and# EmmettMR #and# ConradCA
+, title = {{Determining and interpreting correlations in lipidomic networks found in glioblastoma cells}}
+, journal = j-bmcsb
+, month = sep
+, number = 126
+, url = "http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/4/126"
+, volume = 4
+, year = 2010
+, author = GkantsidisC #and# MihailM #and# ZeguraEW
+, title = {{Spectral Analysis of Internet Topologies}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Infocom)}}
+, month = mar
+, pages = {364--374}
+, publisher = pub-ieeecs
+, url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1208688"
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2003
+, author = GimenezO #and# NoyM
+, title = {{Asymptotic enumeration and limit laws of planar graphs }}
+, journal = j-jams
+, month = apr
+, number = 2
+, pages = {309--329}
+, volume = 22
+, year = 2009
+, author = GalilZ #and# NaamadA
+, title = {{An {$\mathcal{O}(EV \log^2 V)$} algorithm for the maximal flow problem}}
+, journal = j-css
+, number = 2
+, pages = {203--217}
+, volume = 21
+, year = 1980
+, author = GirvanM #and# NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Community structure in social and biological networks}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, number = 12
+, pages = {7821--7826}
+, volume = 99
+, year = 2002
+, author = GusfieldD #and# NaorD
+, title = {{Extracting Maximal Information About Sets of Minimum Cuts}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, pages = {64--89}
+, year = 1993
+, author = GansnerER #and# NorthSC
+, title = {{Improved Force-Directed Layouts}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'98)}}
+, location = "Montreal, Canada"
+, month = jan
+, pages = {364--373}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/8cm2ulm1qtc9/"
+, volume = 1547
+, year = 1999
+, author = GemsaA #and# NiedermannB #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Trajectory-Based Dynamic Map Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'13)}}
+, year = 2013
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# PajorT #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Automatic Generation of Route Sketches}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'10)}}
+, note = {Poster abstract.}
+, pages = {391--392}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnpr-agrs-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18469-7_37"
+, volume = 6502
+, year = 2011
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# PajorT #and# RutterI
+, title = {{On d-regular Schematization of Embedded Paths}}
+, institution = "Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe"
+, number = {2010-21}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnpr-osep-10.pdf"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000020426"
+, year = 2010
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# PajorT #and# RutterI
+, title = {{On d-regular Schematization of Embedded Paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'11)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {260--271}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnpr-osep-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18381-2_22"
+, volume = 6543
+, year = 2011
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Consistent Labeling of Rotating Maps}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'11)}}
+, pages = {171--174}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnr-clrm-11.pdf"
+, year = 2011
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Consistent Labeling of Rotating Maps}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 12th International Symposium (WADS'11)}}
+, month = aug
+, note = {Full version available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.5634}.}
+, pages = {451--462}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnr-clrm-w-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22300-6_38"
+, volume = 6844
+, year = 2011
+, author = GemsaA #and# NollenburgM #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Sliding Labels for Dynamic Point Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG '11)}}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/gnr-sldpl-11.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-utp
+, year = 2011
+, author = GlazJ #and# NausJ #and# WallensteinS
+, title = {{Scan Statistics}}
+, booktitle = {{Scan Statistics}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_stis
+, url = "http://www.springer.com/statistics/statistical+theory+and+methods/book/978-0-387-98819-1"
+, year = 2001
+, author = GohK #and# OhE #and# JeongH #and# KahngB #and# KimD
+, title = {{Classification of Scale-Free Networks}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, month = oct
+, number = 20
+, pages = {12583--12588}
+, url = "http://www.pnas.org/content/99/20/12583.full"
+, volume = 99
+, year = 2002
+, author = GavoilleC #and# PelegD
+, title = {{Compact and Localized Distributed Data Structures}}
+, journal = j-dc
+, month = sep
+, number = {2--3}
+, pages = {111--120}
+, volume = 16
+, year = 2003
+, author = GaertlerM #and# PatrignaniM
+, title = {{Dynamic Analysis of the Autonomous System Graph}}
+, booktitle = {{IPS 2004 -- Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation}}
+, location = "Budapest, Hunary"
+, month = mar
+, pages = {13--24}
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+, title = {{Effective Graph Clustering for Path Queries in Digital Maps}}
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+, title = {{Attack vulnerability of complex networks}}
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+, title = {{Clustering spatial data using random walks}}
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+, year = 2001
+, author = HarelD #and# KorenY
+, title = {{On Clustering Using Random Walks}}
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+, year = 2001
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+, title = {{Graph Drawing by High-Dimensional Embedding}}
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+, title = {{Parallel Construction of Canonical Ordering and Convex Drawing of Triconnected Planar Graphs}}
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+, year = 1993
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+, title = {{The Politics of the {G}erman Company Network}}
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+, title = {{An analytical comparison of approaches to personalized PageRank}}
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+, title = {{Computing PageRank using Power extrapolation}}
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+, month = nov
+, year = 2006
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+, number = 1
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+, title = {{Identifikation von Clustern in Graphen}}
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+, number = 2
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+, title = {{Certificates and Fast Algorithms for Biconnectivity in Fully-Dynamic Graphs}}
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+, month = sep
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+, title = {{Generalizing the Shift Method for Rectangular Shaped Vertices with Visibility Constraints}}
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+, title = {{Drawing Graphs by Eigenvectors: Theory and Practice}}
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+, year = 1992
+, author = KantG
+, title = {{Drawing Planar Graphs Using the lmc-Ordering}}
+, institution = "Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University"
+, number = {RUU-CS-92-33}
+, pdf = "http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-1992/1992-33.pdf"
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+, year = 1992
+, author = KantG
+, title = {{Drawing Planar Graphs Using the Canonical Ordering}}
+, institution = "Utrecht University"
+, year = 1992
+, author = KantG
+, title = {{Drawing Planar Graphs Using the Canonical Ordering}}
+, journal = j-alg
+, number = 4
+, pages = {4--32}
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+, title = {{Efficient Computation of Many-to-Many Shortest Paths}}
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+, title = {{Fundamental Algorithms}}
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+, title = {{On finding maximum flows in networks with special structure and some applications}}
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+, title = {{Graphen und {Matrizen}}}
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+, title = {{Hexagonal Grid Drawings}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'92)}}
+, month = jun
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+, title = {{Improved Approximation Algorithms for Max Clique, Chromatic Number and Approximate Graph Coloring}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'01)}}
+, pages = {600--609}
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+, year = 2001
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+, title = {{An Impossibility Theorem for Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of 15th Conference: Neural Information Processing Systems}}
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+, title = {{Kontaktprobleme der konformen Abbildung}}
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+, volume = 3418
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+, author = KringsM
+, title = {{LP-basierte Heuristiken f{\"u}r Graphenclusterung mit Modularity als Qualit{\"a}tsma{\ss}}}
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+, month = feb
+, note = {Student Project, Studienarbeit}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/_media/teaching/theses/files/studienarbeit-krings-07.pdf"
+, school = "Department of Informatics"
+, url = "http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/teaching/theses/finished"
+, year = 2008
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+, title = {{Minimizing the Area for Planar Straight-Line Grid Drawings}}
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+, school = "Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe"
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+, title = {{Multidimensional Scaling by Optimizing Goodness of Fit to a Nonmetric Hypothesis}}
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+, title = {{Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling: A Numerical Method}}
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+, title = {{Notes on ``Open'' Addressing}}
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+, title = {{Positioning and Scheduling of Wireless Sensor Networks --- Models, Complexity, and Scalable Algorithms }}
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+, title = {{Reducibility among Combinatorial Problems}}
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+, title = {{Representation of Events in Nerve Nets and Finite Automata}}
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+, title = {{Ruling out {PTAS} for Graph Min-Bisection, Densest Subgraph and Bipartite Clique}}
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+, title = {{The Art Of Computer Programming}}
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+, title = {{Two notes on notation}}
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+, title = {{Visualizing Human Networks}}
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+, title = {{ACE: A Fast Multiscale Eigenvectors Computation for Drawing Huge Graphs}}
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+, title = {{Drawing Huge Graphs by Algebraic Multigrid Optimization}}
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+, title = {{Competitive Design and Analysis for Machine-Minimizing Job Scheduling Problem}}
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+, note = {Accepted for publication}
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+, title = {{Two Algorithms for Finding Rectangular Duals of Planar Graphs}}
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+, title = {{Analysis of Multilevel Graph Partitioning}}
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+, title = {{Bidirectional Heuristic Search Reconsidered}}
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+, title = {{A Fast and High Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs}}
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+, title = {{The Density Maximization Problem in Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'11)}}
+, pages = {25--36}
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+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6842
+, year = 2011
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+, title = {{The Density Maximization Problem in Graphs}}
+, journal = j-jco
+, note = {Special issue of COCOON'11}
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+, author = KaoM #and# KatzB #and# KrugM #and# LeeD #and# RutterI #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{The Density Maximization Problem in Graphs}}
+, institution = kit_wagner
+, number = {2011-18}
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000023123"
+, year = 2011
+, author = KleinR #and# KrugM #and# LangetepeE #and# LeeD #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Constructing Optimal Shortcuts in Directed Weighted Paths and Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'11)}}
+, year = 2011
+, author = KatzB #and# KrugM #and# LochbihlerA #and# RutterI #and# SneltingG #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Gateway Decompositions for Constrained Reachability Problems}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {449--461}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = KaufmannM #and# KratochvilJ #and# LehmannK #and# SubramanianA
+, title = {{Max-Tolerance Graphs as Intersection Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'06)}}
+, isbn = "0-89871-605-5"
+, pages = {832--841}
+, year = 2006
+, author = KloksT #and# KratschD #and# MuellerH
+, title = {{Finding and counting small induced subgraphs efficiently}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, number = {3--4}
+, pages = {115--121}
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2000
+, author = KamperJH #and# KobourovSG #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Circular-Arc Cartograms}}
+, institution = "CoRR"
+, number = {1112.4626}
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4626"
+, year = 2011
+, author = KamperJH #and# KobourovSG #and# NollenburgM
+, title = {{Circular-Arc Cartograms}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4626"
+, year = 2013
+, author = KlavikP #and# KratochvilJ #and# OtachiY #and# RutterI #and# SaitohT #and# SaumellM #and# VyskocilT
+, title = {{Extending partial representations of proper and unit interval graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, year = 2013
+, author = KargerDR #and# KollerD #and# PhillipsS
+, title = {{Finding the Hidden Path: Time Bounds for All-Pairs Shortest Paths}}
+, journal = j-sicomp
+, number = 6
+, pages = {1117--1349}
+, volume = 22
+, year = 1993
+, author = KatzB #and# KrugM #and# RutterI #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Manhattan-Geodesic Embedding of Planar Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'09)}}
+, pages = {207--218}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/e1j7683r32134456/"
+, volume = 5849
+, year = 2010
+, author = KatzB #and# KrugM #and# RutterI #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Manhattan-Geodesic Point-Set Embeddability and Polygonization }}
+, institution = iti_wagner
+, number = {2009-17}
+, pdf = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/1106174"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000012949"
+, year = 2009
+, author = KahlM #and# LeibfriedT
+, title = {{Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Electrical Power Systems}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'13)}}
+, note = {Vancouver, Canada, July 18-20, 2013}
+, publisher = pub-aaaip
+, year = 2013
+, author = KernighanBW #and# LinS
+, title = {{An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs}}
+, journal = j-bstj
+, month = feb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {291--307}
+, pdf = "http://users.ece.gatech.edu/limsk/course/ece6133/papers/kl.pdf"
+, volume = 49
+, year = 1970
+, author = KargerDR #and# LevineMS
+, title = {{Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 30th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'98)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {69--78}
+, year = 1998
+, author = KirchlerD #and# LibertiL #and# CalvoRW
+, title = {{A Label Correcting Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem on a Multi-Modal Route Network}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'12)}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 7276
+, year = 2012
+, author = KratschD #and# LeH #and# MuellerH #and# PrisnerE #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Additive Tree Spanners}}
+, journal = j-sidma
+, number = 2
+, pages = {332--340}
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480195295471"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2003
+, author = KuhnF #and# LynchN #and# NewportC
+, title = {{The Abstract MAC Layer}}
+, journal = j-dc
+, month = nov
+, number = {3-4}
+, pages = {187--206}
+, volume = 24
+, year = 2011
+, author = KungHT #and# LuccioF #and# PreparataFP
+, title = {{On Finding the Maxima of a Set of Vectors}}
+, journal = j-acm
+, number = 4
+, pages = {469--476}
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=321910&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=100750199&CFTOKEN=3"
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/321906.321910"
+, volume = 22
+, year = 1975
+, author = KirchlerD #and# LibertiL #and# PajorT #and# CalvoRW
+, title = {{UniALT for Regular Language Constraint Shortest Paths on a Multi-Modal Transportation Network}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'11)}}
+, pages = {64--75}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/klpc-ualt-11.pdf"
+, series = ser-oasioasi
+, url = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2011/3267/"
+, volume = 20
+, year = 2011
+, author = KoschutzkiD #and# LehmannK #and# PeetersL #and# RichterS #and# TenfeldePodehlD #and# ZlotowskiO
+, title = {{Centrality Indices}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {16--61}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/9ylyvje90wdev5ql/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/9ylyvje90wdev5ql/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = KeoghE #and# LonardiS #and# RatanamahatanaCA
+, title = {{Towards Parameter-Free Data Mining}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}}
+, pages = {206--215}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1014052.1014077"
+, year = 2004
+, author = KarchD #and# LuxenD #and# SandersP
+, title = {{Improved Fast Similarity Search in Dictionaries }}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (Spire 2010)}}
+, month = oct
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/pk726w16u7747106/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2010
+, author = KarchD #and# LuxenD #and# SandersP
+, title = {{Improved Fast Similarity Search in Dictionaries}}
+, institution = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology"
+, year = 2010
+, author = KieritzT #and# LuxenD #and# SandersP #and# VetterC
+, title = {{Distributed Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'10)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {83--93}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/klsv-dtdch-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6049
+, year = 2010
+, author = KoschutzkiD #and# LehmannK #and# TenfeldePodehlD #and# ZlotowskiO
+, title = {{Advanced Centrality Concepts}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {83--111}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/0rg1e5vrkue1hqh7/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/0rg1e5vrkue1hqh7/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = KrugM #and# MeinertS #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Efficient Node Expansion}}
+, year = 2011
+, author = KoehlerE #and# MoehringR #and# SchillingH
+, title = {{Acceleration of Shortest Path and Constrained Shortest Path Computation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'05)}}
+, pages = {126--138}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 3503
+, year = 2005
+, author = KatzB #and# MeckeS #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Efficient Scheduling of Data Harvesting Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'08)}}
+, pages = {43--56}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/a1l1157619867503/fulltext.pdf"
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/a1l1157619867503"
+, volume = 5389
+, year = 2008
+, author = KindermannP #and# NiedermannB #and# RutterI #and# SchaeferM #and# SchulzA #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Two-Sided Boundary Labeling with Adjacent Sides}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithms and Data Structures, 13th International Symposium (WADS'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, year = 2013
+, author = KindermannP #and# NiedermannB #and# RutterI #and# SchaeferM #and# SchulzA #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Two-Sided Boundary Labeling with Adjacent Sides}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'13)}}
+, year = 2013
+, author = KumarR #and# NovakJ #and# RaghavanP #and# TomkinsAS
+, title = {{On the Bursty Evolution of Blogspace}}
+, address = "Budapest, Hungary"
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW12)}}
+, pages = {568--576}
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=775233"
+, year = 2003
+, editor = KoganJ #and# NicholasC #and# TeboulleM
+, title = {{Grouping Multidimensional Data: Recent Advances in Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Grouping Multidimensional Data: Recent Advances in Clustering}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/n78615/"
+, year = 2006
+, author = KorenY #and# NorthSC #and# VolinskyC
+, title = {{Measuring and Extracting Proximity Graphs in Networks}}
+, journal = j-acmtkdd
+, month = dec
+, number = 3
+, pdf = "http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1297336&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=&CFID=78697063&CFTOKEN=790973"
+, url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1297336&jmp=cit&coll=GUIDE&dl="
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2007
+, author = KeimDA #and# OelkeD
+, title = {{Literature Fingerprinting: A New Method for Visual Literary Analysis}}
+, booktitle = {{IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics and Technology (VAST 2007)}}
+, month = oct
+, pages = {115--122}
+, publisher = pub-ieeecs
+, url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4389004"
+, year = 2007
+, author = KarpRM #and# OrlinJB
+, title = {{Parameter Shortest Path Algorithms with an Application to Cyclic Staffing}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, pages = {37--45}
+, volume = 2
+, year = 1980
+, author = KargerDR #and# PanigrahiD
+, title = {{A Near-Linear Time Algorithm for Constructing a Cactus Representation of Minimum Cuts}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'09)}}
+, pages = {246--255}
+, year = 2009
+, author = KellererH #and# PferschyU
+, title = {{Improved Dynamic Programming in Connection with an FPTAS for the Knapsack Problem }}
+, journal = j-jco
+, number = 1
+, pages = {5--11}
+, volume = 8
+, year = 2004
+, author = KlunderGA #and# PostHN
+, title = {{The Shortest Path Problem on Large-Scale Real-Road Networks}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, number = 4
+, pages = {182--194}
+, volume = 48
+, year = 2006
+, author = KaibelV #and# PeinhardtM #and# PfetschM
+, title = {{Orbitopal Fixing}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference}}
+, pages = {74--88}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/85xh141734m03561/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/85xh141734m03561/"
+, year = 2007
+, author = KnokeD #and# RogersDL
+, title = {{A Blockmodel Analysis of Interorganizational Networks}}
+, journal = j-ssr
+, pages = {28--52}
+, volume = 64
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+, title = {{Group Relationships and Homomorphisms of Boolean Matrix Semigroups}}
+, journal = j-jmp
+, pages = {448--452}
+, volume = 28
+, year = 1984
+, author = KleinbergJM #and# RaghavanP #and# GibsonD
+, title = {{Inferring Web Communities from Link Topology}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}}
+, pages = {225--234}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/276627.276652"
+, year = 1998
+, author = KrapivskyPL #and# RednerS #and# LeyvrazF
+, title = {{Connectivity of Growing Random Networks}}
+, month = sep
+, note = {http://xxx.sissa.it/ps/cond-mat/0005139}
+, year = 2000
+, author = KhullerS #and# RaghavachariB #and# RosenfeldA
+, title = {{Landmarks in Graphs}}
+, journal = j-dam
+, number = 3
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+, pdf = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_imagekey=B6WJ0-4RFM9XW-3-1&_cdi=6864&_user=2"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0166-218X(95)00106-2"
+, volume = 70
+, year = 1996
+, author = KumarR #and# RaghavanP #and# RajagopalanS #and# SivakumarD #and# TomkinsAS #and# UpfalE
+, title = {{Stochastic models for the web graph}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 41st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'00)}}
+, year = 2000
+, author = KumarR #and# RaghavanP #and# RajagopalanS #and# TomkinsAS
+, title = {{Trawling the web for emerging cyber-communities}}
+, journal = j-cn
+, number = {11--16}
+, pages = {1481--1493}
+, volume = 31
+, year = 1999
+, author = KatzB #and# RutterI #and# StrasserB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Speed Dating: An Algorithmic Case Study Involving Matching and Scheduling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'11)}}
+, pages = {292--303}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 6630
+, year = 2011
+, author = KingV #and# RaoS #and# TarjanRE
+, title = {{A Faster Deterministic Maximum Flow Algorithm}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'92)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {157--164}
+, year = 1992
+, author = KatzB #and# RutterI #and# WoegingerGJ
+, title = {{An algorithmic study of switch graphs}}
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+, number = 5
+, pages = {295--312}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/krw-a-12.pdf"
+, volume = 49
+, year = 2012
+, author = KatzB #and# RutterI #and# WoegingerGJ
+, title = {{An Algorithmic Study of Switch Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'09)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {226--237}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/e6004264v60u2512/"
+, volume = 5911
+, year = 2009
+, author = KargerDR #and# SteinC
+, title = {{An {${\tilde{O}}(n^2)$} Algorithm for Minimum Cuts}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 25th Annual {ACM} Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'93)}}
+, month = may
+, pages = {757--765}
+, year = 1993
+, author = KliewerN #and# SuhlL
+, title = {{A Note on the Online Nature of the Railway Delay Management Problem}}
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+, year = 2010
+, author = KruskalJB #and# SeeryJB
+, title = {{Designing Network Diagrams}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the First General Conference on Social Graphics}}
+, pages = {22--50}
+, publisher = pub-usdc
+, year = 1980
+, author = KaufmanDE #and# SmithRL
+, title = {{Fastest Paths in Time-Dependent Networks for Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems Application}}
+, journal = j-jits
+, number = 1
+, pages = {1--11}
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+, title = {{Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis using Graph Cuts}}
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+, number = 3
+, pages = {277--286}
+, volume = 22
+, year = 2003
+, author = KeimDA #and# SchneidewindJ #and# SipsM
+, title = {{Scalable Pixel Based Visual Data Exploration}}
+, booktitle = {{Pixelization Paradigm, Revised Selected Papers of the First Visual Information Expert Workshop}}
+, month = apr
+, pages = {12--24}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/9x14431g468gl122/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/9x14431g468gl122/?p=4842f1faf28d4753a1e43cefb7c97300&pi=1"
+, volume = 1
+, year = 2006
+, author = KnoppS #and# SandersP #and# SchultesD #and# SchulzF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Computing Many-to-Many Shortest Paths Using Highway Hierarchies}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'07)}}
+, pages = {36--45}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2007
+, author = KnoppS #and# SandersP #and# SchultesD #and# SchulzF #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Fast Computation of Distance Tables using Highway Hierarchies}}
+, institution = inf_ka
+, year = 2006
+, author = KoevariT #and# SosVT #and# TuranP
+, title = {{On a problem of Zarankiewicz}}
+, journal = j-cmpan
+, pages = {50--57}
+, volume = 3
+, year = 1954
+, author = KarloffH #and# SuriS #and# VassilevskaV
+, title = {{A Model of Computation for MapReduce}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st Annual {ACM--SIAM} Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'10)}}
+, pages = {938--948}
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, year = 2010
+, author = KleinbergJM #and# SlivkinsA #and# WexlerT
+, title = {{Triangulation and Embedding Using Small Sets of Beacons}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'04)}}
+, pages = {444--453}
+, publisher = pub-ieeecs
+, year = 2004
+, author = KingV #and# ThorupM
+, title = {{A space saving trick for directed dynamic transitive closure and shortest path algorithms.}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Computing Combinatorics (COCOON'01)}}
+, pages = {268--277}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 2108
+, year = 2001
+, author = KammerF #and# TaeubigH
+, title = {{Connectivity}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
+, month = feb
+, pages = {142--177}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/xn9teuuwvq8j9xl4/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/xn9teuuwvq8j9xl4/"
+, volume = 3418
+, year = 2005
+, author = KishiG #and# TakeuchiM
+, title = {{On centrality functions of a non-directed graph}}
+, address = "Budapest"
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Colloquium on Microwave Communication}}
+, year = 1978
+, author = KohliP #and# TorrPH
+, title = {{Dynamic Graph Cuts for Efficient Inference in Markov Random Fields}}
+, journal = j-tpami
+, month = dec
+, number = 12
+, pages = {2079--2088}
+, url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4359296"
+, volume = 29
+, year = 2007
+, author = KarzanovAV #and# TimofeevEA
+, title = {{Efficient algorithm for finding all minimal edge cuts of a nonoriented graph}}
+, journal = j-cy
+, number = 2
+, pages = {156--162}
+, volume = 22
+, year = 1986
+, author = KanevskyA #and# TamassiaR #and# DiBattistaG #and# ChenJianer
+, title = {{On-Line Maintenance of the Four-Connected Components of a Graph}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'91)}}
+, month = oct
+, pages = {793--801}
+, year = 1991
+, author = KrishnamoorthyV #and# ThulasiramanK #and# SwamyMNS
+, title = {{Incremental Distance and Diameter Sequences of a Graph: {New} Measures of Network Performance}}
+, journal = j-tc
+, month = feb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {230--237}
+, volume = 39
+, year = 1990
+, author = KannanR #and# VinayV
+, title = {{Analyzing the Structure of Large Graphs}}
+, note = {Manuscript}
+, year = 1999
+, author = KorteB #and# VygenJ
+, title = {{Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms}}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-ac
+, volume = 21
+, year = 2008
+, author = KannanR #and# VempalaS #and# VettaA
+, title = {{On Clusterings - Good, Bad and Spectral}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 41st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'00)}}
+, pages = {367--378}
+, year = 2000
+, author = KannanR #and# VempalaS #and# VettaA
+, title = {{On Clusterings: Good, Bad, Spectral}}
+, journal = j-acm
+, month = may
+, number = 3
+, pages = {497--515}
+, pdf = "http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~vempala/papers/jacm-spectral.pdf"
+, volume = 51
+, year = 2004
+, author = KatzB #and# VolkerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Energy Efficient Scheduling with Power Control for Wireless Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'10)}}
+, pages = {144--153}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/kvw-eespc-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-ics
+, url = "http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/srchabstract.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5518815"
+, year = 2010
+, author = KatzB #and# VolkerM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Link Scheduling in Local Interference Models}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS'08)}}
+, pages = {57--71}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/t1u1n0043x013217/fulltext.pdf"
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/t1u1n0043x013217/"
+, volume = 5389
+, year = 2008
+, editor = KaufmannM #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models}}
+, booktitle = {{Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models}}
+, isbn = "3-540-42062-2"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/xkru1gvnyh5p/"
+, volume = 2025
+, year = 2001
+, author = KatzB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Multi-scale Anchor-free Distributed Positioning in Sensor Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor Networks (WTASA'07)}}
+, pages = {64--74}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/kw-madps-07.pdf"
+, year = 2007
+, author = KatzB #and# WagnerD
+, title = {{Multi-scale Anchor-free Distributed Positioning in Sensor Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks: Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects}}
+, month = oct
+, pages = {203--220}
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+, title = {{Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, number = 3
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2006
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks}}
+, month = sep
+, note = {Phys. Rev. E 69, 066133 (2004)}
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0309508"
+, year = 2003
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Fast Algorithm for Detecting Community Structure in Networks}}
+, journal = j-phre
+, pages = 066133
+, pdf = "http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PRE/v69/i6/e066133"
+, url = "http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v69/i6/e066133"
+, volume = 69
+, year = 2004
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Finding Community Structure in Networks using the Eigenvectors of Matrices}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, number = 036104
+, url = "http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v74/e036104"
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2006
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Finding Community Structure in Networks Using the Eigenvectors of Matrices}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, month = sep
+, number = 3
+, url = "http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.74.036104"
+, volume = 74
+, year = 2006
+, author = NagamochiH
+, title = {{Graph Algorithms for Network Connectivity Problems}}
+, journal = j-jorsj
+, number = 4
+, pages = {199--223}
+, volume = 47
+, year = 2004
+, author = NollenburgM
+, title = {{Geographic Visualization}}
+, booktitle = {{Human-Centered Visualization Environments}}
+, pages = {257--294}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/n-gv-07.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-71949-6_6"
+, volume = 4417
+, year = 2007
+, author = NollenburgM
+, title = {{An Improved Algorithm for the Metro-Line Crossing Minimization Problem}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'09)}}
+, pages = {381--392}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/n-iamlc-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-11805-0_36"
+, volume = 5849
+, year = 2010
+, author = NiedermeierR
+, title = {{Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms}}
+, booktitle = {{Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms}}
+, publisher = pub-oup
+, year = 2006
+, author = NashWilliamsC
+, title = {{London Mathematical Society}}
+, journal = j-jlms
+, pages = {445--450}
+, volume = 36
+, year = 1961
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{A Measure of Betweenness Centrality Based on Random Walks}}
+, note = {arXiv cond-mat/0309045}
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/ps/cond-mat/0309045"
+, year = 2003
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{A Measure of Betweenness Centrality Based on Random Walks}}
+, journal = j-sn
+, month = jan
+, number = 1
+, pages = {39--54}
+, url = "http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0378873304000681"
+, volume = 27
+, year = 2005
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Modularity and Community Structure in Networks}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, month = jun
+, number = 23
+, pages = {8577--8582}
+, url = "http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/0601602103v1"
+, volume = 103
+, year = 2006
+, author = NeyerG
+, title = {{Map Labeling with Application to Graph Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Drawing Graphs: Methods and Models}}
+, isbn = "3-540-42062-2"
+, pages = {247--273}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/fm58a78e047fdgd3/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/fm58a78e047fdgd3/"
+, volume = 2025
+, year = 2001
+, author = NollenburgM
+, title = {{Network Visualization: Algorithms, Applications, and Complexity}}
+, month = feb
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/n-nvaac-09.pdf"
+, school = "Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)"
+, url = "http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000011456"
+, year = 2009
+, author = NagelS
+, title = {{Optimisation of Clustering Algorithms for the Identification of Customer Profiles from Shopping Cart Data}}
+, institution = uni_ka
+, month = oct
+, note = {Diplomarbeit}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/n-ocaic-08.pdf"
+, school = "Department of Informatics"
+, url = "http://i11www.iti.uni-karlsruhe.de/teaching/theses/finished#diplomarbeiten"
+, year = 2008
+, author = NakanoS
+, title = {{Planar Drawings of Plane Graphs}}
+, journal = j-tis
+, number = 3
+, pages = {384--391}
+, volume = {E83-D}
+, year = 2000
+, author = NeubauerS
+, title = {{Planung energieeffizienter Routen in Stra\ss{}ennetzwerken}}
+, month = mar
+, school = inf_ka
+, url = "http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/1663.php"
+, year = 2010
+, author = NorthwayML
+, title = {{A Plan for Sociometric Studies in a Longitudinal Programme of Research in Child Development}}
+, journal = j-socm
+, month = aug
+, number = 3
+, pages = {272--281}
+, url = "http://www.jstor.org/pss/2785820"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 1954
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Scientific Collaboration Networks. II. Shortest Paths, Weighted Networks, and Centrality}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, pages = 016132
+, pdf = "http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PRE/v64/i1/e016132"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.64.016132"
+, volume = 64
+, year = 2001
+, author = NeubauerS
+, title = {{Space Efficient Approximation of Piecewise Linear Functions}}
+, note = {\url{http://algo2.iti.kit.edu/download/neubauer_sa.pdf}}
+, school = inf_ka
+, type = {Studienarbeit}
+, year = 2009
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{Scientific collaboration networks. I. Network construction and fundamental results.}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, month = jul
+, number = {1 Pt 2}
+, url = "http://view.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11461355"
+, volume = 64
+, year = 2001
+, author = NewmanMEJ
+, title = {{The structure of scientific collaboration networks}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, month = jan
+, number = 2
+, pages = {404--409}
+, volume = 98
+, year = 2001
+, author = NachtigallK
+, title = {{Time depending shortest-path problems with applications to railway networks}}
+, journal = j-ejor
+, number = 1
+, pages = {154--166}
+, volume = 83
+, year = 1995
+, author = NagelK
+, title = {{Traffic networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley-vch
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/3527602755.fmatter"
+, year = 2002
+, author = NadelSF
+, title = {{The Theory of Social Structure}}
+, publisher = pub-cw
+, year = 1957
+, author = NollenburgM
+, title = {{Visualisierung von Netzen: Algorithmen, Anwendungen und Komplexit{\"a}t}}
+, booktitle = {{Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2009}}
+, pages = {161--170}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/n-vnaak-10.pdf"
+, series = ser-lni
+, volume = {D-10}
+, year = 2010
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# BarabasiAL #and# WattsDJ
+, title = {{The Structure and Dynamics of Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{The Structure and Dynamics of Networks}}
+, publisher = pub-pup
+, series = ser-psc
+, url = "http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8114.html"
+, year = 2006
+, author = NanniciniG #and# DellingD #and# LibertiL #and# SchultesD
+, title = {{Bidirectional A* Search for Time-Dependent Fast Paths}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA'08)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {334--346}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/ndls-bastd-08.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 5038
+, year = 2008
+, author = NanniciniG #and# DellingD #and# LibertiL #and# SchultesD
+, title = {{Bidirectional A* Search on Time-Dependent Road Networks}}
+, journal = j-networks
+, note = {Journal version of WEA'08.}
+, pages = {240--251}
+, volume = 59
+, year = 2012
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# GirvanM
+, title = {{Finding and evaluating community structure in networks}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, number = 026113
+, pages = {1--16}
+, url = " http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v69/e026113"
+, volume = 69
+, year = 2004
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# GirvanM
+, title = {{Mixing Patterns and Community Structure in Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks}}
+, pages = {66--87}
+, pdf = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/up95b47kkr8p5mfh/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lnp
+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/up95b47kkr8p5mfh/"
+, volume = 625
+, year = 2003
+, author = NajjarW #and# GaudiotJL
+, title = {{Network Resilience: A Measure of Network Fault Tolerance}}
+, journal = j-tc
+, month = feb
+, number = 2
+, pages = {174--181}
+, volume = 39
+, year = 1990
+, author = NagamochiH #and# IbarakiT
+, title = {{Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity}}
+, publisher = pub-cup
+, series = ser-ema
+, volume = 123
+, year = 2008
+, author = NgAY #and# JordanMI #and# WeissY
+, title = {{On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an Algorithm}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of 14th Conference: Neural Information Processing Systems}}
+, pages = {849--856}
+, pdf = "http://www.robotics.stanford.edu/~ang/papers/nips01-spectral.pdf"
+, year = 2001
+, author = NagamochiH #and# KamedaT
+, title = {{Constructing Cactus Representation for all Minimum Cuts in an Undirected Network}}
+, journal = j-jorsj
+, month = jun
+, number = 2
+, pages = {135--158}
+, volume = 39
+, year = 1996
+, author = NooyW #and# MrvarA #and# BatageljV
+, title = {{Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek}}
+, booktitle = {{Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek}}
+, publisher = pub-cup
+, series = ser-sass
+, url = "http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521602629"
+, volume = 27
+, year = 2005
+, author = NicosiaV #and# MangioniG #and# CarchioloV #and# MalgeriM
+, title = {{Extending the Definition of Modularity to Directed Graphs with Overlapping Communities}}
+, journal = j-smte
+, number = 03
+, pages = {p03024 (23pp)}
+, pdf = "http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/1742-5468/2009/03/P03024/jstat9_03_p03024.pdf"
+, url = "http://stacks.iop.org/1742-5468/2009/P03024"
+, volume = 2009
+, year = 2009
+, author = NicosiaV #and# MangioniG #and# CarchioloV #and# MalgeriM
+, title = {{Extending Modularity Definition for Directed Graphs with Overlapping Communities}}
+, month = jan
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.1647"
+, year = 2008
+, author = NollenburgM #and# MerrickD #and# WolffA #and# BenkertM
+, title = {{Morphing Polylines: A Step Towards Continuous Generalization}}
+, journal = j-ceus
+, note = {Special issue of GISRUK 2007}
+, number = 4
+, pages = {248--260}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/nmwb-mpast-08.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2008.06.004"
+, volume = 32
+, year = 2008
+, author = NagaiS #and# NakanoS
+, title = {{A Linear-Time Algorithm to Find Independent Spanning Trees in Maximal Planar Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'00)}}
+, pages = {290--301}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, volume = 1928
+, year = 2000
+, author = NesetrilJ #and# PoljakS
+, title = {{On the complexity of the subgraph problem}}
+, journal = j-cmuc
+, number = 2
+, pages = {415--419}
+, volume = 26
+, year = 1985
+, author = NollenburgM #and# PrutkinR
+, title = {{Euclidean Greedy Drawings of Trees}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 21st Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'13)}}
+, note = {To appear.}
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.5224"
+, year = 2013
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# ParkJ
+, title = {{Origin of degree correlations in the Internet and other networks}}
+, journal = j-pr-e
+, number = 2
+, url = "http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v68/i2/e026112"
+, volume = 68
+, year = 2003
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# ParkJ
+, title = {{Why social networks are different from other types of networks}}
+, journal = j-phre
+, number = 036122
+, volume = 68
+, year = 2003
+, author = NakaoA #and# PetersonL #and# BavierA
+, title = {{A Routing Underlay for Overlay Networks}}
+, booktitle = {{SIGCOMM '03: Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications}}
+, pages = {11--18}
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/863955.863958"
+, year = 2003
+, author = NollenburgM #and# PrutkinR #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Edge-weighted Contact Representations of Planar Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'12)}}
+, pages = {224--235}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/npr-e-12.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36763-2_20"
+, volume = 7704
+, year = 2013
+, author = NollenburgM #and# PrutkinR #and# RutterI
+, title = {{Edge-weighted contact representations of planar graphs}}
+, journal = j-jgaa
+, note = {Special issue of GD 2012.}
+, number = 4
+, pages = {441--473}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/npr-e-13.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00299"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2013
+, author = NollenburgM #and# PolishchukV #and# SysikaskiM
+, title = {{Dynamic One-Sided Boundary Labeling}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems}}
+, month = nov
+, pages = {310--319}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/nps-dosbl-10.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-acm
+, url = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?316206"
+, year = 2010
+, author = NoackA #and# RottaR
+, title = {{Multi-level Algorithms for Modularity Clustering}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA'09)}}
+, month = jun
+, pages = {257--268}
+, pdf = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/qugv7708h3806230/fulltext.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/qugv7708h3806230/"
+, volume = 5526
+, year = 2009
+, author = NishizekiT #and# RahmanS
+, title = {{Planar Graph Drawing}}
+, booktitle = {{Planar Graph Drawing}}
+, publisher = pub-wsp
+, series = ser-lnsc
+, volume = 12
+, year = 2004
+, author = NakanoS #and# RahmanS #and# NishizekiT
+, title = {{A linear-time algorithm for four-partitioning four-connected planar graphs}}
+, journal = j-ipl
+, pages = {315--322}
+, volume = 62
+, year = 1997
+, editor = NisanN #and# RoughgardenT #and# TardosE #and# VaziraniVV
+, title = {{Algorithmic Game Theory}}
+, booktitle = {{Algorithmic Game Theory}}
+, publisher = pub-cup
+, year = 2007
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+, title = {{Blockmodels}}
+, booktitle = {{Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations}}
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+, pages = {253--292}
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+, url = "http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/dxf4kw1hramavgev/"
+, volume = 3418
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+, title = {{Estimation and Prediction for Stochastic Blockstructures}}
+, journal = j-jasa
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+, title = {{On finding the strongly connected components in a directed graph}}
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+, month = jan
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+, title = {{New Dynamic Algorithms for Shortest Path Tree Computation}}
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+, number = 6
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+, year = 2000
+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# WattsDJ #and# StrogatzSH
+, title = {{Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications}}
+, journal = j-phre
+, pages = 026118
+, volume = 64
+, year = 2001
+, author = NeyerG #and# SchlickenriederW #and# WagnerD #and# WeiheK
+, title = {{PlaNet---A Demonstration Package for Algorithms on Planar Networks}}
+, institution = "Universit{\"a}t Konstanz"
+, note = {Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik und Informatik}
+, number = 5
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+, title = {{A Subgraph Isomorphism Theorem for Molecular Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{proc-gttc}}
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+, year = 1987
+, author = NollenburgM #and# VolkerM #and# WolffA #and# HoltenD
+, title = {{Drawing Binary Tanglegrams: An Experimental Evaluation}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'09)}}
+, month = apr
+, pages = {106--119}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/nvwh-dbtae-09.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-siam
+, url = "http://www.siam.org/proceedings/alenex/2009/alenex09.php"
+, year = 2009
+, author = NollenburgM #and# WolffA
+, title = {{A Mixed-Integer Program for Drawing High-Quality Metro Maps}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'05)}}
+, month = jan
+, pages = {321--333}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/nw-amipd-06.pdf"
+, publisher = pub-springer
+, series = ser-springer_lncs
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11618058_29"
+, volume = 3843
+, year = 2006
+, author = NollenburgM #and# WolffA
+, title = {{Drawing and Labeling High-Quality Metro Maps by Mixed-Integer Programming}}
+, journal = j-tvcg
+, month = may
+, number = 5
+, pages = {626--641}
+, pdf = "http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/nw-dlhqm-10.pdf"
+, url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.81"
+, volume = 17
+, year = 2011
+, author = NemhauserGL #and# WolseyLA
+, title = {{Integer and Combinatorial Optimization}}
+, publisher = pub-wiley
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+, author = NewmanMEJ #and# StrogatzSH #and# WattsDJ
+, title = {{Random graph models of social networks}}
+, journal = j-pnas
+, pages = {2566--2572}
+, url = "http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/99/suppl_1/2566.pdf"
+, volume = 99
+, year = 2002
+, author = NaeherS #and# ZlotowskiO
+, title = {{Design and Implementation of Efficient Data Types for Static Graphs}}
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 10th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'02)}}
+, pages = {157--164}
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+, title = {{Link Analysis, Eigenvectors and Stability}}
+, address = "Seattle, Washington"
+, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 17th international joint conference on artificial intelligence}}
+, pages = {903--910}
+, year = 2001
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+, title = {{Mining from Chemical Graphs}}
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+, title = {{Lipidomics Volume 2: Methods and Protocols }}
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+, title = {{Compact Oracles for Reachability and Approximate Distances in Planar Digraphs\r
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+, title = {{Data Structures and Network Algorithms}}
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+, title = {{Envisioning Information}}
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+, title = {{Fully Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Faster and Allowing Negative Cycles}}
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+, title = {{Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization }}
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+, title = {{Integer Priority Queues with Decrease Key in Constant Time and the Single Source Shortest Paths Problem}}
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+, title = {{Integer Priority Queues with Decrease Key in Constant Time and the Single Source Shortest Paths Problem}}
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+, title = {{Planarity and Duality of Finite and Infinite Graphs.}}
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+, title = {{On RAM Priority Queues}}
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+, title = {{Robuste und effiziente Methoden zur L{\"o}sung von Wegproblemen}}
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+, title = {{Recent Progresses in Combinatorics}}
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+, title = {{Statistical Theory of Connectivity~I: Basic Definitions and Properties}}
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+, note = {Invited Talk}
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+, year = 2003
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+, year = 1993
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+, title = {{Book Review of \textit{Computational Graph Theory} by Gottfried Tinhofer, Ernst Mayr, Hartmut Noltemeier and Maciej Syslo (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1990, 282 p.}}
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+, note = {Book Review}
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+, title = {{{DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm \emph{Algorithmik gro{\ss}er und komplexer Netzwerke}}}}
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+, pages = {325--327}
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+, author = WagnerD
+, title = {{{Die Splitdekomposition als Methode zur Zerlegung diskreter Strukturen}}}
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