--- /dev/null
+-- graph ipelet
+label = "Graph"
+about = [[ Some features making it easier to work with graphs. ]]
+local deactivateGraphMode = false
+function toggleGraphMode ()
+ if deactivateGraphMode then
+ deactivateGraphMode = false
+ else
+ deactivateGraphMode = true
+ end
+local editing = false
+local currMarkId = nil
+-- add an edit action for marks ------------------------------------------------
+-- saving the old function
+function _G.MODEL:graph_backup_actinon_edit () end
+_G.MODEL.graph_backup_action_edit = _G.MODEL.action_edit
+-- adding support for objects of type reference
+function _G.MODEL:action_edit()
+ if deactivateGraphMode then
+ self:graph_backup_action_edit()
+ return
+ end
+ local p = self:page()
+ local prim = p:primarySelection()
+ if not prim then
+ self:graph_backup_action_edit()
+ return
+ end
+ local obj = p[prim]
+ if obj:type() == "reference" then
+ action_edit_reference (self, prim, obj)
+ else
+ self:graph_backup_action_edit()
+ end
+-- starting to edit a mark
+function action_edit_reference(model, prim, obj)
+ editing = true
+ currMarkId = prim
+ local p = model:page()
+ local pos = obj:matrix() * obj:position()
+ -- print(pos)
+ -- creating a circle at the position of the mark
+ local ellipse = {type="ellipse"}
+ ellipse[1] = ipe.Matrix({10, 0, 0, 10, pos.x, pos.y})
+ -- print(ellipse[1])
+ local circ = ipe.Path(model.attributes, {ellipse})
+ p:insert(nil, circ, 0, p:layerOf(prim))
+ -- edit the circle instead of the mark itself
+ model:action_edit_path(#p, circ)
+ -- print("test")
+-- pressing a key while editing the cycle --------------------------------------
+-- saving old function
+function _G.EDITTOOL:graph_backup_key(code, modifiers, text) end
+_G.EDITTOOL.graph_backup_key = _G.EDITTOOL.key
+-- overwriting
+function _G.EDITTOOL:key(code, modifiers, text)
+ self:graph_backup_key(code, modifiers, text)
+ if deactivateGraphMode then return end
+ -- react if and only if we are currently editing a mark and key ESC
+ -- or SPACE is pressed
+ if text ~= "\027" and code ~= 0x20 then return end
+ if not editing then return end
+ editing = false
+ -- finding new and old position
+ local p = self.model:page()
+ local circ = p[#p]
+ local mark = p[currMarkId]
+ local oldPos = mark:matrix() * mark:position()
+ local newPos = circ:shape()[1][1]:translation()
+ -- remove the intermediate step of moving the cycle from the undo
+ -- stack and remove the cycle itself
+ local undoSt = self.model.undo
+ p:remove(#p)
+ table.remove(undoSt)
+ -- new action for the undo stack moving the mark and all endpoints
+ -- ending at the mark
+ local t = { label = "edit reference",
+ pno = self.model.pno,
+ vno = self.model.vno,
+ selection = self.model:selection(),
+ original = self.model:page():clone(),
+ matrix = matrix,
+ undo = _G.revertOriginal,}
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ p:transform(currMarkId, ipe.Translation(newPos-oldPos))
+ moveEndpoints(oldPos, newPos, p)
+ end
+ self.model:register(t)
+-- function moving all endpoints and intermediate points in polylines
+-- to newPos, if the squared distance to oldPos is at most sqEps
+local sqEps = 1
+function moveEndpoints(oldPos, newPos, p)
+ for i, obj, sel, layer in p:objects() do
+ if obj:type() == "path" then
+ local shape = obj:shape()
+ for _, subPath in ipairs(shape) do
+ if (subPath["type"] == "curve") then
+ for _,seg in ipairs(subPath) do
+ if (seg["type"] == "segment") then
+ for j, point in ipairs(seg) do
+ -- print(j, point, oldPos)
+ if (obj:matrix() * point - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then
+ seg[j] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos
+ -- print("test", seg[j])
+ end
+ end
+ elseif (seg["type"] == "spline") then
+ if (obj:matrix() * seg[1] - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then
+ seg[1] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos
+ end
+ if (obj:matrix() * seg[#seg] - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then
+ seg[#seg] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj:setShape(shape)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- working with groups ---------------------------------------------------------
+local function regroup(elem)
+ local groupElem = {}
+ for i, obj in ipairs(elem) do
+ if obj[1] ~= nil then
+ groupElem[#groupElem + 1] = regroup(obj)
+ else
+ groupElem[#groupElem + 1] = obj
+ end
+ end
+ return ipe.Group(groupElem)
+local function ungroup(group)
+ local elem = group:elements()
+ local plainElem = {}
+ for i, obj in ipairs(elem) do
+ if (obj:type() == "group") then
+ local subElem, subPlainElem = ungroup(obj)
+ elem[i] = subElem;
+ for _, subObj in ipairs(subPlainElem) do
+ table.insert(plainElem, subObj)
+ end
+ else
+ table.insert(plainElem, obj)
+ end
+ end
+ return elem, plainElem
+-- shorten paths ---------------------------------------------------------------
+function shortenObj(obj, lenSource, lenTarget)
+ if obj:type() == "path" then
+ local shape = obj:shape()
+ for _, subPath in ipairs(shape) do
+ local first = subPath[1]
+ local last = subPath[#subPath]
+ local p1 = obj:matrix() * first[1]
+ local p2 = obj:matrix() * first[2]
+ local pDelta = p2 - p1
+ local pNorm = pDelta:normalized()
+ local newP1 = p1 + pNorm*lenSource
+ local q1 = obj:matrix() * last[#last]
+ local q2 = obj:matrix() * last[#last - 1]
+ local qDelta = q2 - q1
+ local qNorm = qDelta:normalized()
+ local newQ1 = q1 + qNorm*lenTarget
+ first[1] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newP1
+ last[#last] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newQ1
+ end
+ obj:setShape(shape)
+ end
+function getString(model, string)
+ if ipeui.getString ~= nil then
+ return ipeui.getString(model.ui, "Enter length")
+ else
+ return model:getString("Enter length")
+ end
+function shorten(model, num)
+ num = num - 1
+ local lenTarget = 0
+ local lenSource = 0
+ -- local str = ipeui.getString(model.ui, "Enter length")
+ -- local str = model:getString("Enter length")
+ local str = getString(model, "Enter length")
+ if not str or str:match("^%s*$)") then return end
+ if num == 1 then -- shorten target
+ lenTarget = tonumber(str)
+ elseif num == 2 then -- shorten source
+ lenSource = tonumber(str)
+ elseif num == 3 then -- shorten both
+ lenTarget = tonumber(str)
+ lenSource = tonumber(str)
+ end
+ -- start to edit the edges
+ local t = { label = "shorten edges",
+ pno = model.pno,
+ vno = model.vno,
+ selection = model:selection(),
+ original = model:page():clone(),
+ matrix = matrix,
+ undo = _G.revertOriginal,}
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ local p = doc[t.pno]
+ for _, i in ipairs(t.selection) do
+ p:setSelect(i, 2)
+ end
+ local p = doc[t.pno]
+ for i, obj, sel, layer in p:objects() do
+ if sel and obj:type() == "group" then
+ local elem, plainElem = ungroup(obj)
+ for _,subobj in pairs(plainElem) do
+ shortenObj(subobj, lenSource, lenTarget)
+ end
+ p:replace(i, regroup(elem))
+ elseif sel then
+ shortenObj(obj, lenSource, lenTarget)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+methods = {
+ { label = "toggle graph mode", run=toggleGraphMode },
+ { label = "shorten target", run=shorten },
+ { label = "shorten source", run=shorten },
+ { label = "shorten both", run=shorten },
--- /dev/null
+-- presentation goodies for Ipe
+ This ipelet adds a few goodies for presentation, including
+ 1. Ability to create beamer-like boxes with/without header
+ 2. Add a framed box for the selected objects (including text)
+ 3. A function to deselect all selected on all pages
+ 4. The boxes can be edited as text/path objects (press E)
+ 5. A few items can be added to the style sheet to add preferred
+ symbolics for box colors etc. This has the benefit that this
+ preferences can be changed to affect all boxes (see below).
+ The design of these boxes is from Martin Nöllenburg's presentation
+ example posted on the Ipe7 wiki page.
+ Example style sheet to cascade with presentation.isy is as follows.
+---- content of example.isy ---
+example removed, not possible to upload this file to the ipe-wiki otherwise
+---- end content of example.isy ---
+ where:
+ tab_header= color of the tab header in a tabbed box
+ tab_body = color of the tab body in a tabbed box
+ box_fill = fill color a box
+ box_border= color of the box border
+ boxborder = linewidth of the box border
+ The preferred box mode (stroked/filled/strokedfilled) can be changed by
+ changing the hard-wired value (no stylesheet option) PREFERRED_BOX_MODE below
+ With the above style sheet, one can start an empty presentation using
+ ipe -sheet presentation -sheet /path/to/example.isy
+ Shortcuts to these functions can be changed as for other ipelets:
+ shortcuts.ipelet_x_presentation = "Key"
+ where x is the index (starting 1) of the sub-menu for the function
+ version 0. Initial Release. Zhengdao Wang 2010
+ version 1. add a line here if a change is made
+ This file can be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+label = "Presentation"
+about = [[
+ Presentation Goodies: Add boxes around objects, deselect all,
+ add tabbed/boxed text.
+V = ipe.Vector
+-- table storing the height of the first line box
+local c=10 -- corner size
+local UNKNOWN=0
+local TABBED_TEXT=1
+local BOXED_TEXT=2
+local BOXED_OTHER=3
+local PREFERRED_BOX_MODE="strokedfilled" -- or stroked or filled
+local BOX_DIALOG_SIZE={400,140}
+-- initialize the Height table
+local function init_spacing(model)
+ local p=model:page()
+ local xx=300
+ local iH={}
+ local sizes = model.doc:sheets():allNames("textsize")
+ for i,size in ipairs(sizes) do
+ obj=ipe.Text({textsize=size, minipage=true}, "ABC\n\nDEF", V(xx,xx), xx)
+ local layer=p:active(model.vno)
+ p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer)
+ obj=ipe.Text({textsize=size, minipage=true}, "ABC", V(xx,xx), xx)
+ p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer)
+ iH[#iH+1]=size
+ end
+ model.doc:runLatex()
+ for i=#sizes,1,-1 do
+ Height[iH[i]]=xx-p:bbox(#p):bottomLeft().y
+ p:remove(#p)
+ Spacing[iH[i]]=(xx-p:bbox(#p):bottomLeft().y)/2-Height[iH[i]]
+ p:remove(#p)
+ end
+ Has_Height=1
+-- generate a path with given properties
+local function path(model, shape, props)
+ local oldvalues={}
+ for k,v in pairs(props) do
+ oldvalues[k]=model.attributes[k]
+ model.attributes[k]=v
+ end
+ local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, shape)
+ for k,v in pairs(props) do
+ model.attributes[k]=oldvalues[k]
+ end
+ if props.pen then obj:set('pen', props.pen) end
+ obj:set('pathmode', props.pathmode, props.stroke, props.fill)
+ return obj
+-- create a square box #shape=3
+local function boxshape_square(v1, v2)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) }, -- L
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), v2 }, -- T
+ { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) } } -- R
+-- create a square box with a pointer #shape=6
+local function boxshape_square_pointer(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
+ local dx=v2.x-v1.x
+ local dy=v2.y-v1.y
+ local v3=v3 or V(v1.x+.4*dx, v2.y)
+ local v4=v4 or V(v1.x+.6*dx,v2.y+.3*dy)
+ local v5=v5 or V(v1.x+.5*dx,v2.y)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) }, -- L
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), v3}, -- T
+ { type="segment"; v3, v4}, -- P
+ { type="segment"; v4, v5}, --P
+ { type="segment"; v5, v2}, -- T
+ { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) } } -- R
+-- create a header box: round corner on topRight
+local function boxshape_roundTR(v1, v2)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) },
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), V(v2.x-c, v2.y) },
+ { type="bezier"; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2, v2.y),
+ V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) },
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y) } }
+-- create a body box: round corner on bottom Left
+local function boxshape_roundLL(v1, v2)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) },
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) },
+ { type="bezier"; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y),
+ V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) },
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y) } }
+-- create a body box: 4 round corners #shape=8
+local function boxshape_round(v1, v2)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c) }, -- R
+ { type="bezier"; V(v2.x,v1.y+c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c/2),
+ V(v2.x-c/2,v1.y), V(v2.x-c,v1.y)}, -- BR
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x-c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) }, -- B
+ { type="bezier"; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y),
+ V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) }, -- BL
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y-c) }, -- L
+ { type="bezier"; V(v1.x, v2.y-c), V(v1.x,v2.y-c/2),
+ V(v1.x+c/2, v2.y), V(v1.x+c, v2.y) }, -- TL
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x+c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c, v2.y) }, -- T
+ { type="bezier"; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2,v2.y),
+ V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) }, -- TR
+ }
+-- create a body box: 4 round corners, with pointer #shape=11
+local function boxshape_round_pointer(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
+ local dx=v2.x-v1.x
+ local dy=v2.y-v1.y
+ local v3=v3 or V(v1.x+.4*dx, v2.y)
+ local v4=v4 or V(v1.x+.6*dx,v2.y+.3*dy)
+ local v5=v5 or V(v1.x+.5*dx,v2.y)
+ return { type="curve", closed=true;
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c) }, -- R
+ { type="bezier"; V(v2.x,v1.y+c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c/2),
+ V(v2.x-c/2,v1.y), V(v2.x-c,v1.y)}, -- BR
+ { type="segment"; V(v2.x-c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) }, -- B
+ { type="bezier"; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y),
+ V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) }, -- BL
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y-c) }, -- L
+ { type="bezier"; V(v1.x, v2.y-c), V(v1.x,v2.y-c/2),
+ V(v1.x+c/2, v2.y), V(v1.x+c, v2.y) }, -- TL
+ { type="segment"; V(v1.x+c, v2.y), v3}, -- T
+ { type="segment"; v3, v4}, -- P
+ { type="segment"; v4, v5}, --P
+ { type="segment"; v5, V(v2.x-c, v2.y)}, -- T
+ { type="bezier"; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2,v2.y),
+ V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) }, -- TR
+ }
+-- parse the values from a group obj
+local function parse_group_values(model,prim)
+ local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize
+ local p=model:page()
+ local bbox=p:bbox(prim)
+ local pos=V(bbox:bottomLeft().x, bbox:topRight().y)
+ local elements=p[prim]:elements()
+ if #elements==4 then
+ local hb,bb,ht,bt=elements[1],elements[2],elements[3],elements[4]
+ if hb:type()=="path" and bb:type()=="path" and
+ ht:type()=="text" and bt:type()=="text" then
+ local values={htext=ht:text(),
+ btext=bt:text(),
+ pinned=(p[prim]:get("pinned")=="horizontal"),
+ fwidth=string.format('%.2f',
+ (bbox:topRight().x-bbox:bottomLeft().x)/fs.x),
+ hcolor=hb:get("fill"),
+ bcolor=bb:get("fill"),
+ size=ht:get("textsize")}
+ return TABBED_TEXT,values,pos
+ end
+ else
+ local bb,bt=elements[1],elements[2]
+ if bb:type()=="path" and #bb:shape()==1 and
+ bb:shape()[1].closed==true and
+ (#bb:shape()[1]==3 or #bb:shape()[1]==8 or
+ #bb:shape()[1]==6 or #bb:shape()[1]==11) then
+ if bt:type()=="text" then
+ local values={btext=bt:text(),
+ pinned=(p[prim]:get("pinned")=="horizontal"),
+ size=bt:get("textsize"),
+ fwidth=string.format('%.2f',
+ (bbox:topRight().x-bbox:bottomLeft().x)/fs.x),
+ bcolor=bb:get("fill")}
+ if #bb:shape()[1]==6 then
+ pos=V(pos.x,bb:shape()[1][1][2].y)
+ elseif #bb:shape()[1]==11 then
+ pos=V(pos.x,bb:shape()[1][10][2].y)
+ end
+ return BOXED_TEXT,values,pos
+ else
+ return BOXED_OTHER
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return UNKNOWN
+function mainWindow(model)
+ if model.ui.win == nil then
+ return model.ui
+ else
+ return model.ui:win()
+ end
+-- Edit the values for the frame
+local function edit_tabbed_values(model,values)
+ local d = ipeui.Dialog(mainWindow(model), "Create tabbed text")
+ local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color")
+ local sizes = model.doc:sheets():allNames("textsize")
+ d:add("hlabel", "label", { label="Enter Header" }, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ d:add("hcolor", "combo", colors, 1, 4)
+ d:add("htext", "input", { syntax="latex" }, 2, 1, 1, 4)
+ d:add("blabel", "label", { label="Enter Body"}, 3, 1, 1, 3)
+ d:add("bcolor", "combo", colors, 3, 4)
+ d:add("btext", "text", { syntax="latex" }, 4, 1, 1, 4)
+ d:add("size", "combo", sizes, 5, 1)
+ d:add("wlabel", "label", { label="width [0-1]"}, 5, 2, 1, 2)
+ d:add("fwidth", "input", {size=2}, 5, 3, 1, 1)
+ d:add("pinned", "checkbox", { label="pinned"}, 5, 4)
+ d:add("ok", "button", { label="&Ok", action="accept" }, 6, 4)
+ d:add("cancel", "button", { label="&Cancel", action="reject" }, 6, 3)
+ _G.addEditorField(d, "btext", 6, 2)
+ d:setStretch("row", 2, 1)
+ d:setStretch("column", 1, 1)
+ d:set("fwidth", "0.8")
+ d:set("pinned", 1)
+ if indexOf("tab_header", colors) then
+ d:set("hcolor", indexOf("tab_header", colors))
+ elseif indexOf("darkblue", colors) then
+ d:set("hcolor", indexOf("darkblue", colors))
+ else
+ d:set("hcolor", indexOf("black", colors))
+ end
+ if indexOf("tab_body", colors) then
+ d:set("bcolor", indexOf("tab_body", colors))
+ elseif indexOf("lightgray", colors) then
+ d:set("bcolor", indexOf("lightgray", colors))
+ else
+ d:set("bcolor", indexOf("white", colors))
+ end
+ if values then
+ for k,v in pairs(values) do
+ if k=="hcolor" or k=="bcolor" then v=indexOf(v, colors) end
+ if k=="size" then v=indexOf(v, sizes) end
+ d:set(k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ local r = d:execute(prefs.editor_size)
+ if not r then return end
+ local newvalues={}
+ newvalues.htext=d:get("htext")
+ newvalues.btext=d:get("btext")
+ newvalues.pinned=d:get("pinned")
+ newvalues.fwidth=d:get("fwidth")
+ newvalues.size=sizes[d:get("size")]
+ newvalues.hcolor=colors[d:get("hcolor")]
+ newvalues.bcolor=colors[d:get("bcolor")]
+-- if newvalues.fwidth=="" or tonumber(newvalues.fwidth)>.99 then
+-- newvalues.pinned=true
+-- end
+ return newvalues
+-- measure the height a piece of given text
+local function measure_height(model,text,size,width)
+ local p=model:page()
+ local obj= ipe.Text(model.attributes, text, V(0,0), width)
+ obj:set('textsize', size)
+ local layer=p:active(model.vno)
+ p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer)
+ if not model.doc:runLatex() then
+ p:remove(#p)
+ return 100
+ end
+ local bbox=p:bbox(#p)
+ p:remove(#p)
+ return bbox:topRight().y-bbox:bottomLeft().y
+-- Create boxed text
+local function create_boxed(model,values, pos, prim)
+ local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize
+ local p = model:page()
+ local editmode=(prim~=nil)
+ local width fwidth=tonumber(values.fwidth)
+ if not fwidth or fwidth<0 or fwidth>1 then
+ width=fs.x
+ fwidth=1
+ else
+ width=fwidth*fs.x
+ end
+ -- spacing
+ local s=Spacing[values.size]
+ local h=Height[values.size]
+ if not s or not h then
+ init_spacing(model)
+ s=Spacing[values.size]
+ h=Height[values.size]
+ end
+ local bheight=measure_height(model,values.btext,values.size,width-2*s)
+ -- location
+ if not pos then
+ x1=fs.x/2-width/2
+ x2=fs.x/2+width/2
+ y2=fs.y/2
+ y1=y2-bheight-1.8*s
+ else
+ x1=pos.x
+ x2=x1+width
+ y2=pos.y
+ y1=y2-bheight-1.8*s
+ end
+ if fwidth>.99 then x1,x2=0,fs.x end
+ -- body text
+ pos=V(x1+s, y2-s)
+ local bt= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.btext, pos, width-2*s)
+ bt:set('textsize', values.size)
+ -- body box
+ local shape2
+ if values.rounded then
+ shape2 = { boxshape_round(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) }
+ else
+ shape2 = { boxshape_square(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) }
+ end
+ local bb = path(model, shape2,
+ {pathmode='filled', fill=values.bcolor, stroke="white"})
+ -- group object
+ local elements={bb,bt}
+ local obj=ipe.Group(elements)
+ -- obj:setMatrix(p[prim]:matrix()) -- currently not working
+ if values.pinned then obj:set('pinned', 'horizontal') end
+ if editmode then
+ local t={original=p[prim]:clone(),
+ label="edit boxed text",
+ pno=model.pno,
+ vno=model.vno,
+ primary=prim,
+ final=obj }
+ t.undo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original)
+ end
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final)
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+ else
+ model:creation("create boxed text", obj)
+ -- model.doc:runLatex() -- may crash the thing
+ end
+-- Create the requested object from values
+local function create_tabbed(model,values, pos, prim)
+ local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize
+ local p = model:page()
+ local editmode=(prim~=nil)
+ local width fwidth=tonumber(values.fwidth)
+ if not fwidth or fwidth<0 or fwidth>1 then
+ width=fs.x
+ fwidth=1
+ else
+ width=fwidth*fs.x
+ end
+ -- spacing
+ local s=Spacing[values.size]
+ local h=Height[values.size]
+ if not s or not h then
+ init_spacing(model)
+ s=Spacing[values.size]
+ h=Height[values.size]
+ end
+ local bheight=measure_height(model,values.btext,values.size,width-2*s)
+ -- location
+ if not pos then
+ x1=fs.x/2-width/2
+ x2=fs.x/2+width/2
+ y2=fs.y/2
+ y1=y2-h-bheight-3.8*s
+ else
+ x1=pos.x
+ x2=x1+width
+ y2=pos.y
+ y1=y2-h-bheight-3.8*s
+ end
+ if fwidth>.99 then x1,x2=0,fs.x end
+ -- header text
+ pos=V(x1+s, y2-s)
+ local ht= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.htext, pos, width-2*s)
+ ht:set('stroke', 'white')
+ ht:set('textsize', values.size)
+ -- body text
+ pos=V(x1+s, y2-s-h-2*s)
+ local bt= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.btext, pos, width-2*s)
+ bt:set('textsize', values.size)
+ -- header box
+ local shape1 = { boxshape_roundTR(V(x1,y2-h-2*s), V(x2,y2)) }
+ local hb = path(model, shape1,
+ {pathmode='filled', fill=values.hcolor, stroke="white"})
+ hb:set('pathmode', 'filled', "white", values.hcolor)
+ -- body box
+ local shape2 = { boxshape_roundLL(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2-h-2*s)) }
+ local bb = path(model, shape2,
+ {pathmode='filled', fill=values.bcolor, stroke="white"})
+ -- group object
+ local elements={hb,bb,ht,bt}
+ local obj=ipe.Group(elements)
+ if values.pinned then obj:set('pinned', 'horizontal') end
+ if editmode then
+ local t={original=p[prim]:clone(),
+ label="edit tabbed text",
+ pno=model.pno,
+ vno=model.vno,
+ primary=prim,
+ final=obj }
+ t.undo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original)
+ end
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final)
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+ else
+ model:creation("create tabbed text", obj)
+ -- model.doc:runLatex() -- may crash the thing
+ end
+-- create the dialog for editing box properties
+local function box_property_dialog(model)
+ local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color")
+ local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen")
+ local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"}
+ local d = ipeui.Dialog(mainWindow(model), "Edit box properties")
+ d:add("rounded", "checkbox", { label="Round Corner"}, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ d:add("pointer", "checkbox", { label="Pointer"}, 1, 2, 1, 1)
+ d:add("mlabel", "label", { label="Mode"}, 2, 1)
+ d:add("pathmode", "combo", pathmodes, 2, 2)
+ d:add("flabel", "label", { label="Fill Color" }, 3, 1)
+ d:add("fill", "combo", colors, 3, 2)
+ d:add("slabel", "label", { label="Stroke Color" }, 4, 1)
+ d:add("stroke", "combo", colors, 4, 2)
+ d:add("plabel", "label", { label="Line Width"}, 5, 1)
+ d:add("pen", "combo", pens, 5, 2)
+ d:add("cancel", "button", { label="&Cancel", action="reject" }, 6, 1)
+ d:add("ok", "button", { label="&Ok", action="accept" }, 6, 2)
+ d:setStretch("column", 2, 1)
+ return d
+-- edit a box object
+local function edit_box(model, prim)
+ local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color")
+ local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen")
+ local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"}
+ local p=model:page()
+ local elements=p[prim]:elements()
+ local bb=elements[1]
+ local bbs=bb:shape()[1]
+ local d=box_property_dialog(model)
+ -- default values
+ d:set("rounded", #bbs>=7)
+ d:set("pathmode", indexOf(bb:get('pathmode'),pathmodes))
+ d:set("pointer", #bbs==6 or #bbs==11)
+ if indexOf(bb:get('stroke'),colors) then
+ d:set("stroke", indexOf(bb:get('stroke'),colors) )
+ elseif not model.attributes.stroke then
+ d:set("stroke", indexOf(model.attributes.stroke,colors) )
+ end
+ if indexOf(bb:get('fill'),colors) then
+ d:set("fill", indexOf(bb:get('fill'),colors) )
+ elseif not model.attributes.fill then
+ d:set("fill", indexOf(model.attributes.fill,colors) )
+ end
+ if indexOf(bb:get('pen'),pens) then
+ d:set("pen", indexOf(bb:get('pen'),pens) )
+ elseif not model.attributes.pen then
+ d:set("pen", indexOf(model.attributes.pen,pens) )
+ end
+ local r = d:execute(BOX_DIALOG_SIZE)
+ if not r then return end
+ local pathmode=pathmodes[d:get("pathmode")]
+ local stroke=colors[d:get("stroke")]
+ local fill=colors[d:get("fill")]
+ local pen=pens[d:get("pen")]
+ local boxshape
+ if d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_round_pointer
+ elseif d:get('rounded') and not d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_round
+ elseif not d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_square_pointer
+ else
+ boxshape=boxshape_square
+ end
+ -- v1=BL, v2=TR, v3=P1, v4=P2, v5=P3. Pointer=(P1,P2,P3)
+ local v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,shape
+ if #bbs==3 then
+ v1=bbs[1][1];v2=bbs[2][2]
+ shape={ boxshape(v1,v2) }
+ elseif #bb:shape()[1]==6 then
+ v1=bbs[1][1];v3=bbs[2][2]; v4=bbs[3][2]; v5=bbs[4][2];
+ v2=bbs[5][2];
+ shape={ boxshape(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) }
+ elseif #bb:shape()[1]==8 then
+ v1=V(bbs[5][1].x,bbs[3][1].y)
+ v2=V(bbs[1][1].x,bbs[7][1].y)
+ shape={ boxshape(v1,v2) }
+ elseif #bb:shape()[1]==11 then
+ v1=V(bbs[5][1].x,bbs[3][1].y)
+ v2=V(bbs[1][1].x,bbs[7][1].y)
+ v3=bbs[7][2]; v4=bbs[8][2]; v5=bbs[9][2];
+ shape={ boxshape(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) }
+ end
+ local obj = path(model, shape,
+ {pen=pen, pathmode=pathmode, stroke=stroke, fill=fill})
+ elements[1]=obj
+ local final = ipe.Group(elements)
+ final:setMatrix(p[prim]:matrix())
+ local t = { label="edit box", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno,
+ layer=p:active(model.vno),
+ original=p[prim]:clone(),
+ primary=prim, final=final }
+ t.undo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original)
+ end
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final)
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+-- Edit a group object
+local function action_edit_group(model,prim,obj)
+ local otype,values,pos=parse_group_values(model,prim)
+ if otype==UNKNOWN then
+ model:warning("Cannot edit this object")
+ return
+ elseif otype==TABBED_TEXT then
+ local newvalues=edit_tabbed_values(model, values)
+ if not newvalues then return end
+ if newvalues.htext=="" then
+ newvalues.rounded=true
+ create_boxed(model,newvalues,pos,prim)
+ else
+ create_tabbed(model,newvalues,pos,prim)
+ end
+ elseif otype==BOXED_OTHER or otype==BOXED_TEXT then
+ edit_box(model,prim)
+ end
+-- saving the old function
+function _G.MODEL:presentation_backup_actinon_edit () end
+_G.MODEL.presentation_backup_action_edit = _G.MODEL.action_edit
+-- modify the global edit action
+function _G.MODEL:action_edit()
+ local p = self:page()
+ local prim = p:primarySelection()
+ if not prim then
+ self:presentation_backup_action_edit()
+ return
+ end
+ local obj = p[prim]
+ if obj:type() == "group" then
+ action_edit_group(self, prim, obj)
+ else
+ self:presentation_backup_action_edit()
+ end
+-- Run to create a new object
+function tabbedboxed(model)
+ local values=edit_tabbed_values(model)
+ if not values then return end
+ if values.htext=="" then
+ values.rounded=true
+ create_boxed(model,values)
+ else
+ create_tabbed(model,values)
+ end
+-- deselect all selected
+function deselectAll(model)
+ local doc = model.doc
+ for i,p in doc:pages() do
+ p:deselectAll()
+ end
+-- box the selected objects
+function boxit(model)
+ local p=model:page()
+ local box = ipe.Rect()
+ local elements={0}
+ for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do
+ if sel then
+ box:add(p:bbox(i))
+ elements[#elements+1]=obj:clone()
+ end
+ end
+ if #elements==1 then
+ model.ui:explain('No selection to box')
+ return
+ end
+ local s=8
+ local layout = model.doc:sheets():find("layout")
+-- local maxx=layout.framesize.x
+ local x1=box:bottomLeft().x-s
+-- if x1 < 0 then x1 = 0 end
+ local y1=box:bottomLeft().y-s
+ local x2=box:topRight().x+s
+-- if x2 > maxx then x2 = maxx end
+ local y2=box:topRight().y+s
+ local d=box_property_dialog(model)
+ local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color")
+ local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen")
+ local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"}
+ -- default values
+ d:set("rounded", true)
+ d:set("pathmode", indexOf(PREFERRED_BOX_MODE,pathmodes))
+ if indexOf("box_border",colors) then
+ d:set("stroke", indexOf("box_border",colors))
+ elseif model.attributes.stroke then
+ d:set("stroke", indexOf(model.attributes.stroke,colors) )
+ end
+ if indexOf("box_fill",colors) then
+ d:set("fill", indexOf("box_fill",colors))
+ elseif model.attributes.fill then
+ d:set("fill", indexOf(model.attributes.fill,colors) )
+ end
+ if indexOf("boxborder",pens) then
+ d:set("pen", indexOf("boxborder",pens))
+ elseif model.attributes.pen then
+ d:set("pen", indexOf(model.attributes.pen,pens) )
+ end
+ local r = d:execute(BOX_DIALOG_SIZE)
+ if not r then return end
+ local pathmode=pathmodes[d:get("pathmode")]
+ local stroke=colors[d:get("stroke")]
+ local fill=colors[d:get("fill")]
+ local pen=pens[d:get("pen")]
+ local boxshape
+ if d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_round_pointer
+ elseif d:get('rounded') and not d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_round
+ elseif not d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then
+ boxshape=boxshape_square_pointer
+ else
+ boxshape=boxshape_square
+ end
+ local shape = { boxshape(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) }
+ local obj = path(model, shape, {pen=pen, pathmode=pathmode, stroke=stroke, fill=fill})
+ elements[1]=obj
+ local final = ipe.Group(elements)
+ local t = { label="add box", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno,
+ layer=p:active(model.vno), object=obj,
+ selection=model:selection(),
+ undo=_G.revertOriginal,
+ original=p:clone(),
+ final=final }
+ t.redo = function (t, doc)
+ local p = doc[t.pno]
+ for i = #t.selection,1,-1 do p:remove(t.selection[i]) end
+ p:insert(nil, t.final, 1, t.layer)
+ end
+ model:register(t)
+methods = {
+ { label = "Box It", run=boxit},
+ { label = "Tabbed/Boxed Text", run=tabbedboxed},
+ { label = "Deselect All", run=deselectAll},