%% content.tex %% %% ============== \chapter{Content Chapters} \label{ch:Content1} %% ============== The content chapters of your thesis should of course be renamed. How many chapters you need to write depends on your thesis and cannot be said in general. \section{Section 1} \dots \subsection{Subsection 1} \dots \subsubsection{Subsubsection 1} \dots \paragraph{Paragraph 1} \dots \subparagraph{Subparagraph 1} Always reference figures, tables etc. To give a few simple examples, this section contains Algorithm \ref{theorem:doof}, Table \ref{tbl:randomnumbers}, Figure \ref{fig:somegraph}, and Theorem \ref{theorem:doof}. To give an example citation we recommend the book of Garey and Johnson \cite{gj-ci-79}. \begin{theorem} \label{theorem:doof} Wer das liest ist doof. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Weil ist so. \end{proof} \begin{algorithm}[bt] \caption{\textsc{Dijkstra}}\label{alg:dijkstra} % Some settings \DontPrintSemicolon %dontprintsemicolon \SetFuncSty{textsc} \SetKwFor{ForAll}{forall}{do} % Declaration of data containers and functions \SetKwData{Q}{Q} \SetKwData{dist}{d} \SetKwData{pred}{pred} \SetKwFunction{queueDeleteMin}{deleteMin} \SetKwFunction{queueInsert}{insert} \SetKwFunction{queueDecreaseKey}{decreaseKey} \SetKwFunction{queueContains}{contains} % Algorithm interface \KwIn{Graph $G = (V,E,\omega)$, source node $s$} \KwData{Priority queue \Q} \KwOut{Distances \dist{$v$} for all $v \in V$, shortest-path tree of $s$ given by \pred{$\cdot$}} % The algorithm \BlankLine \tcp{Initialization} \ForAll{$v \in V$}{$\dist{v} \leftarrow \infty$ \; $\pred{v} \leftarrow \texttt{null}$} \Q.\queueInsert{$s,0$}\; $\dist{s} \leftarrow 0$ \; \BlankLine \tcp{Main loop} \While{\Q is not empty} { $u \leftarrow$ \Q.\queueDeleteMin{} \; \ForAll{ $(u,v) \in E$ } { \If{$\dist{u} + \omega(u,v) < \dist{v}$} { $\dist{v} \leftarrow \dist{u} + \omega(u,v)$ \; $\pred{v} \leftarrow u$ \; \uIf{\Q.\queueContains{v}} { \Q.\queueDecreaseKey{$v, \dist{v}$} } \Else { \Q.\queueInsert{$v, \dist{v}$} } } } } \end{algorithm} \begin{table} [bt] \centering \caption{Some strange numbers.} \begin{tabular}{rr} \toprule First column & Second column \\ \midrule 3\,109\,218\,136 & 3\,208\,415\,108 \\ 2\,231\,385\,058 & 1\,959\,477\,358 \\ 1\,287\,719\,872 & 1\,317\,165\,206 \\ 2\,516\,844\,936 & 2\,630\,583\,944 \\ 1\,569\,466\,774 & 1\,636\,507\,220 \\ 1\,032\,627\,816 & 991\,322\,491 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tbl:randomnumbers} \end{table} \begin{figure} [bt] \centering \input{figures/somegraph} % for .pdf files etc use \includegraphics{test.pdf} \caption{A funny graph.} \label{fig:somegraph} \end{figure}