---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- graph ipelet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- label = "Graph" about = [[ Some features making it easier to work with graphs. ]] local deactivateGraphMode = false local moveInvisibleObjects = false function toggleGraphMode () if deactivateGraphMode then deactivateGraphMode = false else deactivateGraphMode = true end end function toggleMoveInvisible () if moveInvisibleObjects then moveInvisibleObjects = false else moveInvisibleObjects = true end end local editing = false local currMarkId = nil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- add an edit action for marks ------------------------------------------------ -- saving the old function function _G.MODEL:graph_backup_actinon_edit () end _G.MODEL.graph_backup_action_edit = _G.MODEL.action_edit -- adding support for objects of type reference function _G.MODEL:action_edit() if deactivateGraphMode then self:graph_backup_action_edit() return end local p = self:page() local prim = p:primarySelection() if not prim then self:graph_backup_action_edit() return end local obj = p[prim] if obj:type() == "reference" then action_edit_reference (self, prim, obj) else self:graph_backup_action_edit() end end -- starting to edit a mark function action_edit_reference(model, prim, obj) editing = true currMarkId = prim local p = model:page() local pos = obj:matrix() * obj:position() -- print(pos) -- creating a circle at the position of the mark local ellipse = {type="ellipse"} ellipse[1] = ipe.Matrix({10, 0, 0, 10, pos.x, pos.y}) -- print(ellipse[1]) local circ = ipe.Path(model.attributes, {ellipse}) p:insert(nil, circ, 0, p:layerOf(prim)) -- edit the circle instead of the mark itself model:action_edit_path(#p, circ) -- print("test") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pressing a key while editing the cycle -------------------------------------- -- saving old function function _G.EDITTOOL:graph_backup_key(code, modifiers, text) end _G.EDITTOOL.graph_backup_key = _G.EDITTOOL.key -- overwriting function _G.EDITTOOL:key(code, modifiers, text) self:graph_backup_key(code, modifiers, text) if deactivateGraphMode then return end -- react if and only if we are currently editing a mark and key ESC -- or SPACE is pressed if text ~= "\027" and code ~= 0x20 then return end if not editing then return end editing = false -- finding new and old position local p = self.model:page() local circ = p[#p] local mark = p[currMarkId] local oldPos = mark:matrix() * mark:position() local newPos = circ:shape()[1][1]:translation() -- remove the intermediate step of moving the cycle from the undo -- stack and remove the cycle itself local undoSt = self.model.undo p:remove(#p) table.remove(undoSt) -- new action for the undo stack moving the mark and all endpoints -- ending at the mark local t = { label = "edit reference", pno = self.model.pno, vno = self.model.vno, selection = self.model:selection(), original = self.model:page():clone(), matrix = matrix, undo = _G.revertOriginal,} t.redo = function (t, doc) p:transform(currMarkId, ipe.Translation(newPos-oldPos)) moveEndpoints(oldPos, newPos, p, self.model) end self.model:register(t) end -- function moving all endpoints and intermediate points in polylines -- to newPos, if the squared distance to oldPos is at most sqEps local sqEps = 1 function moveEndpoints(oldPos, newPos, p, model) -- print(model.vno) for i, obj, sel, layer in p:objects() do if not p:visible(model.vno, layer) and not moveInvisibleObjects then goto continue end if obj:type() == "path" then local shape = obj:shape() for _, subPath in ipairs(shape) do if (subPath["type"] == "curve") then for _,seg in ipairs(subPath) do if (seg["type"] == "segment") then for j, point in ipairs(seg) do -- print(j, point, oldPos) if (obj:matrix() * point - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then seg[j] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos -- print("test", seg[j]) end end elseif (seg["type"] == "spline") then if (obj:matrix() * seg[1] - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then seg[1] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos end if (obj:matrix() * seg[#seg] - oldPos):sqLen() < sqEps then seg[#seg] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newPos end end end end obj:setShape(shape) end end ::continue:: end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- working with groups --------------------------------------------------------- local function regroup(elem) local groupElem = {} for i, obj in ipairs(elem) do if obj[1] ~= nil then groupElem[#groupElem + 1] = regroup(obj) else groupElem[#groupElem + 1] = obj end end return ipe.Group(groupElem) end local function ungroup(group) local elem = group:elements() local plainElem = {} for i, obj in ipairs(elem) do if (obj:type() == "group") then local subElem, subPlainElem = ungroup(obj) elem[i] = subElem; for _, subObj in ipairs(subPlainElem) do table.insert(plainElem, subObj) end else table.insert(plainElem, obj) end end return elem, plainElem end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- shorten paths --------------------------------------------------------------- function shortenObj(obj, lenSource, lenTarget) if obj:type() == "path" then local shape = obj:shape() for _, subPath in ipairs(shape) do local first = subPath[1] local last = subPath[#subPath] local p1 = obj:matrix() * first[1] local p2 = obj:matrix() * first[2] local pDelta = p2 - p1 local pNorm = pDelta:normalized() local newP1 = p1 + pNorm*lenSource local q1 = obj:matrix() * last[#last] local q2 = obj:matrix() * last[#last - 1] local qDelta = q2 - q1 local qNorm = qDelta:normalized() local newQ1 = q1 + qNorm*lenTarget first[1] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newP1 last[#last] = obj:matrix():inverse() * newQ1 end obj:setShape(shape) end end function getString(model, string) if ipeui.getString ~= nil then return ipeui.getString(model.ui, "Enter length") else return model:getString("Enter length") end end function shorten(model, num) num = num - 2 local lenTarget = 0 local lenSource = 0 -- local str = ipeui.getString(model.ui, "Enter length") -- local str = model:getString("Enter length") local str = getString(model, "Enter length") if not str or str:match("^%s*$)") then return end if num == 1 then -- shorten target lenTarget = tonumber(str) elseif num == 2 then -- shorten source lenSource = tonumber(str) elseif num == 3 then -- shorten both lenTarget = tonumber(str) lenSource = tonumber(str) end -- start to edit the edges local t = { label = "shorten edges", pno = model.pno, vno = model.vno, selection = model:selection(), original = model:page():clone(), matrix = matrix, undo = _G.revertOriginal,} t.redo = function (t, doc) local p = doc[t.pno] for _, i in ipairs(t.selection) do p:setSelect(i, 2) end local p = doc[t.pno] for i, obj, sel, layer in p:objects() do if sel and obj:type() == "group" then local elem, plainElem = ungroup(obj) for _,subobj in pairs(plainElem) do shortenObj(subobj, lenSource, lenTarget) end p:replace(i, regroup(elem)) elseif sel then shortenObj(obj, lenSource, lenTarget) end end end model:register(t) end methods = { { label = "toggle graph mode", run=toggleGraphMode }, { label = "toggle move invisible", run=toggleMoveInvisible }, { label = "shorten target", run=shorten }, { label = "shorten source", run=shorten }, { label = "shorten both", run=shorten }, } ----------------------------------------------------------------------