---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- presentation goodies for Ipe --[[ SUMMARY This ipelet adds a few goodies for presentation, including 1. Ability to create beamer-like boxes with/without header 2. Add a framed box for the selected objects (including text) 3. A function to deselect all selected on all pages 4. The boxes can be edited as text/path objects (press E) 5. A few items can be added to the style sheet to add preferred symbolics for box colors etc. This has the benefit that this preferences can be changed to affect all boxes (see below). The design of these boxes is from Martin Nöllenburg's presentation example posted on the Ipe7 wiki page. STYLESHEET (CHANGING PREFERRED SETTINGS) Example style sheet to cascade with presentation.isy is as follows. ---- content of example.isy --- example removed, not possible to upload this file to the ipe-wiki otherwise ---- end content of example.isy --- where: tab_header= color of the tab header in a tabbed box tab_body = color of the tab body in a tabbed box box_fill = fill color a box box_border= color of the box border boxborder = linewidth of the box border The preferred box mode (stroked/filled/strokedfilled) can be changed by changing the hard-wired value (no stylesheet option) PREFERRED_BOX_MODE below With the above style sheet, one can start an empty presentation using ipe -sheet presentation -sheet /path/to/example.isy SHORTCUT Shortcuts to these functions can be changed as for other ipelets: shortcuts.ipelet_x_presentation = "Key" where x is the index (starting 1) of the sub-menu for the function FILE/AUTHOR HISTORY version 0. Initial Release. Zhengdao Wang 2010 version 1. add a line here if a change is made LICENSE This file can be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- label = "Presentation" about = [[ Presentation Goodies: Add boxes around objects, deselect all, add tabbed/boxed text. ]] V = ipe.Vector indexOf=_G.indexOf -- table storing the height of the first line box Height={} Spacing={} Has_Height=nil local c=10 -- corner size local UNKNOWN=0 local TABBED_TEXT=1 local BOXED_TEXT=2 local BOXED_OTHER=3 local PREFERRED_BOX_MODE="strokedfilled" -- or stroked or filled local BOX_DIALOG_SIZE={400,140} -- "spline" is recommended here, as it should work with most -- ipe-versions local SPLINE_TYPE_NAME="spline" -- local SPLINE_TYPE_NAME="oldspline" -- local SPLINE_TYPE_NAME="bezier" -- initialize the Height table local function init_spacing(model) local p=model:page() local xx=300 local iH={} local sizes = model.doc:sheets():allNames("textsize") for i,size in ipairs(sizes) do obj=ipe.Text({textsize=size, minipage=true}, "ABC\n\nDEF", V(xx,xx), xx) local layer=p:active(model.vno) p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer) obj=ipe.Text({textsize=size, minipage=true}, "ABC", V(xx,xx), xx) p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer) iH[#iH+1]=size end model.doc:runLatex() for i=#sizes,1,-1 do Height[iH[i]]=xx-p:bbox(#p):bottomLeft().y p:remove(#p) Spacing[iH[i]]=(xx-p:bbox(#p):bottomLeft().y)/2-Height[iH[i]] p:remove(#p) end Has_Height=1 end -- generate a path with given properties local function path(model, shape, props) local oldvalues={} for k,v in pairs(props) do oldvalues[k]=model.attributes[k] model.attributes[k]=v end local obj = ipe.Path(model.attributes, shape) -- print(obj) for k,v in pairs(props) do model.attributes[k]=oldvalues[k] end if props.pen then obj:set('pen', props.pen) end obj:set('pathmode', props.pathmode, props.stroke, props.fill) return obj end -- create a square box #shape=3 local function boxshape_square(v1, v2) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) }, -- L { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), v2 }, -- T { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) } } -- R end -- create a square box with a pointer #shape=6 local function boxshape_square_pointer(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) local dx=v2.x-v1.x local dy=v2.y-v1.y local v3=v3 or V(v1.x+.4*dx, v2.y) local v4=v4 or V(v1.x+.6*dx,v2.y+.3*dy) local v5=v5 or V(v1.x+.5*dx,v2.y) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) }, -- L { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), v3}, -- T { type="segment"; v3, v4}, -- P { type="segment"; v4, v5}, --P { type="segment"; v5, v2}, -- T { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) } } -- R end -- create a header box: round corner on topRight local function boxshape_roundTR(v1, v2) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; v1, V(v1.x, v2.y) }, { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v2.y), V(v2.x-c, v2.y) }, { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2, v2.y), V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) }, { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y) } } end -- create a body box: round corner on bottom Left local function boxshape_roundLL(v1, v2) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; v2, V(v2.x, v1.y) }, { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) }, { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y), V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) }, { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y) } } end -- create a body box: 4 round corners #shape=8 local function boxshape_round(v1, v2) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c) }, -- R { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v2.x,v1.y+c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v2.x-c/2,v1.y), V(v2.x-c,v1.y)}, -- BR { type="segment"; V(v2.x-c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) }, -- B { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y), V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) }, -- BL { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y-c) }, -- L { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v1.x, v2.y-c), V(v1.x,v2.y-c/2), V(v1.x+c/2, v2.y), V(v1.x+c, v2.y) }, -- TL { type="segment"; V(v1.x+c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c, v2.y) }, -- T { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2,v2.y), V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) }, -- TR } end -- create a body box: 4 round corners, with pointer #shape=11 local function boxshape_round_pointer(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) local dx=v2.x-v1.x local dy=v2.y-v1.y local v3=v3 or V(v1.x+.4*dx, v2.y) local v4=v4 or V(v1.x+.6*dx,v2.y+.3*dy) local v5=v5 or V(v1.x+.5*dx,v2.y) return { type="curve", closed=true; { type="segment"; V(v2.x, v2.y-c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c) }, -- R { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v2.x,v1.y+c), V(v2.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v2.x-c/2,v1.y), V(v2.x-c,v1.y)}, -- BR { type="segment"; V(v2.x-c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c, v1.y) }, -- B { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v1.x+c, v1.y), V(v1.x+c/2,v1.y), V(v1.x, v1.y+c/2), V(v1.x, v1.y+c) }, -- BL { type="segment"; V(v1.x, v1.y+c), V(v1.x, v2.y-c) }, -- L { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v1.x, v2.y-c), V(v1.x,v2.y-c/2), V(v1.x+c/2, v2.y), V(v1.x+c, v2.y) }, -- TL { type="segment"; V(v1.x+c, v2.y), v3}, -- T { type="segment"; v3, v4}, -- P { type="segment"; v4, v5}, --P { type="segment"; v5, V(v2.x-c, v2.y)}, -- T { type=SPLINE_TYPE_NAME; V(v2.x-c, v2.y), V(v2.x-c/2,v2.y), V(v2.x, v2.y-c/2), V(v2.x, v2.y-c) }, -- TR } end -- parse the values from a group obj local function parse_group_values(model,prim) local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize local p=model:page() local bbox=p:bbox(prim) local pos=V(bbox:bottomLeft().x, bbox:topRight().y) local elements=p[prim]:elements() if #elements==4 then local hb,bb,ht,bt=elements[1],elements[2],elements[3],elements[4] if hb:type()=="path" and bb:type()=="path" and ht:type()=="text" and bt:type()=="text" then local values={htext=ht:text(), btext=bt:text(), pinned=(p[prim]:get("pinned")=="horizontal"), fwidth=string.format('%.2f', (bbox:topRight().x-bbox:bottomLeft().x)/fs.x), hcolor=hb:get("fill"), bcolor=bb:get("fill"), size=ht:get("textsize")} return TABBED_TEXT,values,pos end else local bb,bt=elements[1],elements[2] if bb:type()=="path" and #bb:shape()==1 and bb:shape()[1].closed==true and (#bb:shape()[1]==3 or #bb:shape()[1]==8 or #bb:shape()[1]==6 or #bb:shape()[1]==11) then if bt:type()=="text" then local values={btext=bt:text(), pinned=(p[prim]:get("pinned")=="horizontal"), size=bt:get("textsize"), fwidth=string.format('%.2f', (bbox:topRight().x-bbox:bottomLeft().x)/fs.x), bcolor=bb:get("fill")} if #bb:shape()[1]==6 then pos=V(pos.x,bb:shape()[1][1][2].y) elseif #bb:shape()[1]==11 then pos=V(pos.x,bb:shape()[1][10][2].y) end return BOXED_TEXT,values,pos else return BOXED_OTHER end end end return UNKNOWN end function mainWindow(model) if model.ui.win == nil then return model.ui else return model.ui:win() end end -- Edit the values for the frame local function edit_tabbed_values(model,values) local d = ipeui.Dialog(mainWindow(model), "Create tabbed text") local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color") local sizes = model.doc:sheets():allNames("textsize") d:add("hlabel", "label", { label="Enter Header" }, 1, 1, 1, 1) d:add("hcolor", "combo", colors, 1, 4) d:add("htext", "input", { syntax="latex" }, 2, 1, 1, 4) d:add("blabel", "label", { label="Enter Body"}, 3, 1, 1, 3) d:add("bcolor", "combo", colors, 3, 4) d:add("btext", "text", { syntax="latex" }, 4, 1, 1, 4) d:add("size", "combo", sizes, 5, 1) d:add("wlabel", "label", { label="width [0-1]"}, 5, 2, 1, 2) d:add("fwidth", "input", {size=2}, 5, 3, 1, 1) d:add("pinned", "checkbox", { label="pinned"}, 5, 4) d:add("ok", "button", { label="&Ok", action="accept" }, 6, 4) d:add("cancel", "button", { label="&Cancel", action="reject" }, 6, 3) _G.addEditorField(d, "btext", 6, 2) d:setStretch("row", 2, 1) d:setStretch("column", 1, 1) d:set("fwidth", "0.8") d:set("pinned", 1) if indexOf("tab_header", colors) then d:set("hcolor", indexOf("tab_header", colors)) elseif indexOf("darkblue", colors) then d:set("hcolor", indexOf("darkblue", colors)) else d:set("hcolor", indexOf("black", colors)) end if indexOf("tab_body", colors) then d:set("bcolor", indexOf("tab_body", colors)) elseif indexOf("lightgray", colors) then d:set("bcolor", indexOf("lightgray", colors)) else d:set("bcolor", indexOf("white", colors)) end if values then for k,v in pairs(values) do if k=="hcolor" or k=="bcolor" then v=indexOf(v, colors) end if k=="size" then v=indexOf(v, sizes) end d:set(k, v) end end local r = d:execute(prefs.editor_size) if not r then return end local newvalues={} newvalues.htext=d:get("htext") newvalues.btext=d:get("btext") newvalues.pinned=d:get("pinned") newvalues.fwidth=d:get("fwidth") newvalues.size=sizes[d:get("size")] newvalues.hcolor=colors[d:get("hcolor")] newvalues.bcolor=colors[d:get("bcolor")] -- if newvalues.fwidth=="" or tonumber(newvalues.fwidth)>.99 then -- newvalues.pinned=true -- end return newvalues end -- measure the height a piece of given text local function measure_height(model,text,size,width) local p=model:page() local obj= ipe.Text(model.attributes, text, V(0,0), width) obj:set('textsize', size) local layer=p:active(model.vno) p:insert(nil, obj, nil, layer) if not model.doc:runLatex() then p:remove(#p) return 100 end local bbox=p:bbox(#p) p:remove(#p) return bbox:topRight().y-bbox:bottomLeft().y end -- Create boxed text local function create_boxed(model,values, pos, prim) local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize local p = model:page() local editmode=(prim~=nil) local width fwidth=tonumber(values.fwidth) if not fwidth or fwidth<0 or fwidth>1 then width=fs.x fwidth=1 else width=fwidth*fs.x end -- spacing local s=Spacing[values.size] local h=Height[values.size] if not s or not h then init_spacing(model) s=Spacing[values.size] h=Height[values.size] end local bheight=measure_height(model,values.btext,values.size,width-2*s) -- location if not pos then x1=fs.x/2-width/2 x2=fs.x/2+width/2 y2=fs.y/2 y1=y2-bheight-1.8*s else x1=pos.x x2=x1+width y2=pos.y y1=y2-bheight-1.8*s end if fwidth>.99 then x1,x2=0,fs.x end -- body text pos=V(x1+s, y2-s) local bt= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.btext, pos, width-2*s) bt:set('textsize', values.size) -- body box local shape2 if values.rounded then shape2 = { boxshape_round(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) } else shape2 = { boxshape_square(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) } end local bb = path(model, shape2, {pathmode='filled', fill=values.bcolor, stroke="white"}) -- group object local elements={bb,bt} local obj=ipe.Group(elements) -- obj:setMatrix(p[prim]:matrix()) -- currently not working if values.pinned then obj:set('pinned', 'horizontal') end if editmode then local t={original=p[prim]:clone(), label="edit boxed text", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno, primary=prim, final=obj } t.undo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original) end t.redo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final) end model:register(t) else model:creation("create boxed text", obj) -- model.doc:runLatex() -- may crash the thing end end -- Create the requested object from values local function create_tabbed(model,values, pos, prim) local fs = model.doc:sheets():find("layout").framesize local p = model:page() local editmode=(prim~=nil) local width fwidth=tonumber(values.fwidth) if not fwidth or fwidth<0 or fwidth>1 then width=fs.x fwidth=1 else width=fwidth*fs.x end -- spacing local s=Spacing[values.size] local h=Height[values.size] if not s or not h then init_spacing(model) s=Spacing[values.size] h=Height[values.size] end local bheight=measure_height(model,values.btext,values.size,width-2*s) -- location if not pos then x1=fs.x/2-width/2 x2=fs.x/2+width/2 y2=fs.y/2 y1=y2-h-bheight-3.8*s else x1=pos.x x2=x1+width y2=pos.y y1=y2-h-bheight-3.8*s end if fwidth>.99 then x1,x2=0,fs.x end -- header text pos=V(x1+s, y2-s) local ht= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.htext, pos, width-2*s) ht:set('stroke', 'white') ht:set('textsize', values.size) -- body text pos=V(x1+s, y2-s-h-2*s) local bt= ipe.Text(model.attributes, values.btext, pos, width-2*s) bt:set('textsize', values.size) -- header box local shape1 = { boxshape_roundTR(V(x1,y2-h-2*s), V(x2,y2)) } local hb = path(model, shape1, {pathmode='filled', fill=values.hcolor, stroke="white"}) hb:set('pathmode', 'filled', "white", values.hcolor) -- body box local shape2 = { boxshape_roundLL(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2-h-2*s)) } local bb = path(model, shape2, {pathmode='filled', fill=values.bcolor, stroke="white"}) -- group object local elements={hb,bb,ht,bt} local obj=ipe.Group(elements) if values.pinned then obj:set('pinned', 'horizontal') end if editmode then local t={original=p[prim]:clone(), label="edit tabbed text", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno, primary=prim, final=obj } t.undo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original) end t.redo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final) end model:register(t) else model:creation("create tabbed text", obj) -- model.doc:runLatex() -- may crash the thing end end -- create the dialog for editing box properties local function box_property_dialog(model) local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color") local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen") local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"} local d = ipeui.Dialog(mainWindow(model), "Edit box properties") d:add("rounded", "checkbox", { label="Round Corner"}, 1, 1, 1, 1) d:add("pointer", "checkbox", { label="Pointer"}, 1, 2, 1, 1) d:add("mlabel", "label", { label="Mode"}, 2, 1) d:add("pathmode", "combo", pathmodes, 2, 2) d:add("flabel", "label", { label="Fill Color" }, 3, 1) d:add("fill", "combo", colors, 3, 2) d:add("slabel", "label", { label="Stroke Color" }, 4, 1) d:add("stroke", "combo", colors, 4, 2) d:add("plabel", "label", { label="Line Width"}, 5, 1) d:add("pen", "combo", pens, 5, 2) d:add("cancel", "button", { label="&Cancel", action="reject" }, 6, 1) d:add("ok", "button", { label="&Ok", action="accept" }, 6, 2) d:setStretch("column", 2, 1) return d end -- edit a box object local function edit_box(model, prim) local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color") local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen") local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"} local p=model:page() local elements=p[prim]:elements() local bb=elements[1] local bbs=bb:shape()[1] local d=box_property_dialog(model) -- default values d:set("rounded", #bbs>=7) d:set("pathmode", indexOf(bb:get('pathmode'),pathmodes)) d:set("pointer", #bbs==6 or #bbs==11) if indexOf(bb:get('stroke'),colors) then d:set("stroke", indexOf(bb:get('stroke'),colors) ) elseif not model.attributes.stroke then d:set("stroke", indexOf(model.attributes.stroke,colors) ) end if indexOf(bb:get('fill'),colors) then d:set("fill", indexOf(bb:get('fill'),colors) ) elseif not model.attributes.fill then d:set("fill", indexOf(model.attributes.fill,colors) ) end if indexOf(bb:get('pen'),pens) then d:set("pen", indexOf(bb:get('pen'),pens) ) elseif not model.attributes.pen then d:set("pen", indexOf(model.attributes.pen,pens) ) end local r = d:execute(BOX_DIALOG_SIZE) if not r then return end local pathmode=pathmodes[d:get("pathmode")] local stroke=colors[d:get("stroke")] local fill=colors[d:get("fill")] local pen=pens[d:get("pen")] local boxshape if d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_round_pointer elseif d:get('rounded') and not d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_round elseif not d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_square_pointer else boxshape=boxshape_square end -- v1=BL, v2=TR, v3=P1, v4=P2, v5=P3. Pointer=(P1,P2,P3) local v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,shape if #bbs==3 then v1=bbs[1][1];v2=bbs[2][2] shape={ boxshape(v1,v2) } elseif #bb:shape()[1]==6 then v1=bbs[1][1];v3=bbs[2][2]; v4=bbs[3][2]; v5=bbs[4][2]; v2=bbs[5][2]; shape={ boxshape(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) } elseif #bb:shape()[1]==8 then v1=V(bbs[5][1].x,bbs[3][1].y) v2=V(bbs[1][1].x,bbs[7][1].y) shape={ boxshape(v1,v2) } elseif #bb:shape()[1]==11 then v1=V(bbs[5][1].x,bbs[3][1].y) v2=V(bbs[1][1].x,bbs[7][1].y) v3=bbs[7][2]; v4=bbs[8][2]; v5=bbs[9][2]; shape={ boxshape(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) } end local obj = path(model, shape, {pen=pen, pathmode=pathmode, stroke=stroke, fill=fill}) elements[1]=obj local final = ipe.Group(elements) final:setMatrix(p[prim]:matrix()) local t = { label="edit box", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno, layer=p:active(model.vno), original=p[prim]:clone(), primary=prim, final=final } t.undo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.original) end t.redo = function (t, doc) doc[t.pno]:replace(t.primary, t.final) end model:register(t) end -- Edit a group object local function action_edit_group(model,prim,obj) local otype,values,pos=parse_group_values(model,prim) if otype==UNKNOWN then model:warning("Cannot edit this object") return elseif otype==TABBED_TEXT then local newvalues=edit_tabbed_values(model, values) if not newvalues then return end if newvalues.htext=="" then newvalues.rounded=true create_boxed(model,newvalues,pos,prim) else create_tabbed(model,newvalues,pos,prim) end elseif otype==BOXED_OTHER or otype==BOXED_TEXT then edit_box(model,prim) end end -- saving the old function function _G.MODEL:presentation_backup_actinon_edit () end _G.MODEL.presentation_backup_action_edit = _G.MODEL.action_edit -- modify the global edit action function _G.MODEL:action_edit() local p = self:page() local prim = p:primarySelection() if not prim then self:presentation_backup_action_edit() return end local obj = p[prim] if obj:type() == "group" then action_edit_group(self, prim, obj) else self:presentation_backup_action_edit() end end -- Run to create a new object function tabbedboxed(model) local values=edit_tabbed_values(model) if not values then return end if values.htext=="" then values.rounded=true create_boxed(model,values) else create_tabbed(model,values) end end -- deselect all selected function deselectAll(model) local doc = model.doc for i,p in doc:pages() do p:deselectAll() end end -- box the selected objects function boxit(model) local p=model:page() local box = ipe.Rect() local elements={0} for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do if sel then box:add(p:bbox(i)) elements[#elements+1]=obj:clone() end end if #elements==1 then model.ui:explain('No selection to box') return end local s=8 local layout = model.doc:sheets():find("layout") -- local maxx=layout.framesize.x local x1=box:bottomLeft().x-s -- if x1 < 0 then x1 = 0 end local y1=box:bottomLeft().y-s local x2=box:topRight().x+s -- if x2 > maxx then x2 = maxx end local y2=box:topRight().y+s local d=box_property_dialog(model) local colors = model.doc:sheets():allNames("color") local pens= model.doc:sheets():allNames("pen") local pathmodes = {"stroked", "strokedfilled", "filled"} -- default values d:set("rounded", true) d:set("pathmode", indexOf(PREFERRED_BOX_MODE,pathmodes)) if indexOf("box_border",colors) then d:set("stroke", indexOf("box_border",colors)) elseif model.attributes.stroke then d:set("stroke", indexOf(model.attributes.stroke,colors) ) end if indexOf("box_fill",colors) then d:set("fill", indexOf("box_fill",colors)) elseif model.attributes.fill then d:set("fill", indexOf(model.attributes.fill,colors) ) end if indexOf("boxborder",pens) then d:set("pen", indexOf("boxborder",pens)) elseif model.attributes.pen then d:set("pen", indexOf(model.attributes.pen,pens) ) end local r = d:execute(BOX_DIALOG_SIZE) if not r then return end local pathmode=pathmodes[d:get("pathmode")] local stroke=colors[d:get("stroke")] local fill=colors[d:get("fill")] local pen=pens[d:get("pen")] local boxshape if d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_round_pointer elseif d:get('rounded') and not d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_round elseif not d:get('rounded') and d:get('pointer') then boxshape=boxshape_square_pointer else boxshape=boxshape_square end local shape = { boxshape(V(x1,y1), V(x2,y2)) } local obj = path(model, shape, {pen=pen, pathmode=pathmode, stroke=stroke, fill=fill}) elements[1]=obj local final = ipe.Group(elements) local t = { label="add box", pno=model.pno, vno=model.vno, layer=p:active(model.vno), object=obj, selection=model:selection(), undo=_G.revertOriginal, original=p:clone(), final=final } t.redo = function (t, doc) local p = doc[t.pno] for i = #t.selection,1,-1 do p:remove(t.selection[i]) end p:insert(nil, t.final, 1, t.layer) end model:register(t) end methods = { { label = "Box It", run=boxit}, { label = "Tabbed/Boxed Text", run=tabbedboxed}, { label = "Deselect All", run=deselectAll}, }