descriptionRust Basis Repo für Studenten
ownerTim Zeitz
last changeThu, 16 Dec 2021 09:47:11 +0000 (10:47 +0100)
2021-12-16 Tim "tim3z... updates, clippy, formatting master
2021-12-16 Tim "tim3z... make heap api more robust
2021-12-16 Tim "tim3z... remove time crate and use std lib
2021-07-06 Tim "S.D.Eagle... more refactoring
2021-07-06 Tim "S.D.Eagle... refactor
2020-11-04 Tim "S.D.Eagle... update crates
2019-12-03 Tim "S.D.Eagle... backport some nice things from routing engine and clean...
2019-10-14 Tim "S.D.Eagle... update readme
2019-10-14 Tim "S.D.Eagle... update deps
2018-12-07 Tim "S.D.Eagle... upgrade to rust 2018 and some other fixes
2018-11-15 Tim "S.D.Eagle... extend readme
2018-10-26 Tim "S.D.Eagle... put comparison output to stderr and easily machine...
2018-10-25 Tim "S.D.Eagle... fix bug in example
2018-10-17 Tim "S.D.Eagle... dont panic, rather return errors in main
2018-10-17 Tim "S.D.Eagle... add a lot of docs and a reference to them in the README
2018-10-17 Tim "S.D.Eagle... implement compare_vector util
2 years ago master